by Rene Roy
in the sub millimeter, 168
Lassell, William, 44, 66, 71
making images, 159
Le Gentil, Jean-Baptiste, 42
means of reproduction, 14
Leavitt, Henrietta, 117–120
not self-evident, 10
Leclerc, Georges-François (Comte de Buffon),
photographic, 7, 11
resolution, 159
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 109
role and function, x, 1–3, 7, 19
Leiden Observatory, 166
sampling, 97, 163
Leighton, Robert, 135
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Jean-René Roy
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Lemaître, Georges, 126–127
distribution of stars in, 64
Big Bang theory, 127
magnetic ield, 139, 158
Leo III, emperor, 2
mapping neutral hydrogen in, 166
Les Liliacées,35
position of the Sun in, 139
Lick Observatory, 72, 73, 82, 93, 141, 217
Reber’s radio maps, 155
light-year, deinition, 6
rotation curve, 168
Linnaeus, Carl, 35
size and number of stars, ix
binomial classiication, 197, 215
sketched by William Herschel, 95
Lo specchio ustorio, ovvero trattato delle sezioni
source of radio emission, 153
coniche, 170
“super Milky Way”, 108, 114, 116
Local Group of galaxies, 133, 248
MKK system, 201
low-surface-brightness objects, 98
molecules, interstellar, 168
Lowell Observatory, 105, 116, 206
Lundmark, Knut, 5, 121, 232
colour of lunar surface, 61
classiication of galaxies, 194
drawing of, 39–40
inding “novae” in galaxies, 116
Morgan, William Wilson, 133, 201, 253
Magellanic class of galaxies, 196
spectral classiication of galaxies, 201–203
on irregulars, 190, 197
Mouchez, Ernest-Barthélémy, 70
Lyell, Charles, 35, 38
Mount Stromlo Observatory, 199
Principles of Geology,35
Mount Wilson Observatory, 76, 77, 85, 86, 120, 131,
173, 206
Maanen, Adriaan van, 124
Mundus Jovialis,21
Mackie, Glenn, 256
Myers Lexikon,37
Magellanic Clouds, 21, 119, 146, 206, 217,
Nair, Preethi, 239
magnetograms, solar, 94
NASA Photolab, 227
Malin, David, 146
Nasmyth, James Hall, 40
Malmquist bias, 98
National Academy of Sciences, 107
Malmquist, Gunnar, 98
National Geographic Society, 65, 213
Mandelbrot sets, 14
Marconi, Guglielmo, 153
anagalactic, xii
Marius, Simon, 21, 109
classiication of, 42, 98–100
Marseille Observatory, 77
concept of, xi
Martens, Conrad, 35
diffuse, xi
Martin, Pierre, 238
extragalactic, xi, 124
Martinet, Louis, 237
resolvability, 112
Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von, 36
variability, 112
Maskelyne, Nevil (Astronomer Royal), 17
nebulae, drawings of
Mason, Ebenezer, 44, 92, 99
Alexander’s sketches, 56
mass–luminosity relation (for stars), 175
Herschel’s sketches, 42
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis, 110
nebulae, individual
Maxwell, James Clerk, 153
Orion Nebula, 19, 22, 32, 60, 112
Mayall, Nicholas Ulrich, 203
claims of resolvability, 112
McDonald Observatory, 207, 210, 224
early photography, 63
Méchain, Pierre, 23
irst drawing of, 42
Meissa, λ Orionis, 20, 22
Nebular Hypothesis, 28, 44, 53, 70, 105, 110–111,
Mendeleev, Dmitrii, 93
Mercator, Gerardus, 189
nebulous stars, 20, 22
Merton, Robert K., 109
neutral hydrogen, 172
Messier 31. See galaxies, individual: Andromeda
21-cm radio emission from, 166
Messier objects, 23
kinematics and dynamics, 166
Messier, Charles, 4, 23, 42
observations in Andromeda, 180
Mikulski Archive of Space Telescopes, 255
New General Catalogue, 32
Mikulski, Barbara Ann, 255
Newton, Isaac, 109, 110
Milky Way, 19, 95, 137, 248
Newton’s law of gravitation, 176, 178
as a barred galaxy, 146
non-homomorphic representations, 93, 101, 102, 139,
as a spiral galaxy, 141
247. See also images for the mind
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978-1-108-41701-3 — Unveiling Galaxies
Jean-René Roy
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novae, 81, 121, 158, 224
use for astrometry and photometry, 63
in Andromeda, 114
versus drawing, 61
in Messier 31 (Andromeda), 81
physics of splashes, 60
Pickering, Edward Charles, 99, 117
objectivity shock, 59
Pigott, Edward, 117
observing, process of, 7, 19, 20, 106, 192
planetary nebulae, 29, 113
Odewahn, Stephen, 229
plasma, 169
Okamura, Sadanori, 221, 225
Plate H335H (by Hubble), showing V1, 122
Oort, Jan, 166, 176
Plato’s allegory, xi
on “missing mass”, 175
polarimetry, 139
open clusters, 20, 23
Populations I and II, 133
distribution of, 141
Portrait of a Crater (Second Effort),61
h& χ Perseus (Messier 34), 20
Potsdam Observatory, 115
Messier, xi, 20
Principles of Geology,39
Pleiades, 248
Proctor, Richard A., 61, 69, 114
Praesepe (Messier 44), 20
Ptolemy, Claudius, 20
Pulkovo Observatory, 97, 112
distance to Andromeda, 117
pulsations, stellar, 117
optical aberrations, 84
Purcell, Edward, 166
ornithology, illustrating, 36
quasars, 165
Palomar Observatory, 86, 176
Palomar Sky Survey, 65, 213, 254
radian, deinition, 159
parallax, 24, 31
radio astronomy, 151, 166
Paraskevopoulos, John S., 197
cosmic microwave background, 101
Paris Observatory, 70
evolution of, 159
Parsons, Lawrence. See Rosse, Fourth Earl of
submillimeter domain, 168
(Lawrence Parsons)
radio emission
Parsons, William. See Rosse, Third Earl of (William
21-cm emission line, 166
br /> physics of, 159–163
Pascal, Blaise, 6
radio sources
Pease, Francis Gladheim, 77, 84, 228
Cygnus A, 151, 165, 256
Penzias, Arno, 101, 154
radio telescopes, 166
periodic table, 93
ALMA, 168, 250
Perrine, Charles Dillon, 73, 217
angular resolution of, 160
Pfenniger, Daniel, 237
how they work, 159
photograph, 7, 11
National Radio Astronomy Observatory 300-ft,
photodensitometer (PDS), 225
photoelectric effect, 135, 152
Reber’s parabolic antenna, 155
photographic emulsions, 62, 66, 86, 98, 250
set-up for interferometry, 160
dry plates, 63
Very Large Array, 163
Kodak IIIa-J plates, 88
Reber, Grote, 150, 165
Photographic Investigations of Faint Nebulae,
pioneering work in radio astronomy, 155–157
Redoute, Joseph, 35
photography, 135, 250
Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (RC1), 224
advantages of photographic plates, 230
Reinmuth, Karl, 198
demise of the photographic plate, 230
Rembrandt van Rijn, 38
irst known astronomical photograph, 62
Reynolds, John Henry, 198, 203, 217, 232
limitations of, 62
on galaxy classiication, 194
of the Moon, 62
Ritchey, George Willis, 73, 77–85, 120, 227, 228
of splashing liquid drops, 61
inding “novae” in galaxies, 81, 116
of the Sun, 62
photographic work, 81
replaced by CCDs, 229
Roberts, Isaac, 66–67, 69–71, 72, 73, 83, 114, 193
Ritchey’s photographs of the Moon, 81
Rosse Project, 52–53
stacking of exposures, 86
Rosse, Fourth Earl of (Lawrence Parsons), 53, 111
true colours, 224
Rosse, Third Earl of (William Parsons), 4, 44–48, 61,
unsharp masking, 86
66, 69, 71, 72, 83, 99, 190, 193
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Jean-René Roy
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Royal Astronomical Society, 194
spectroscopy, 113
RSA. See atlases of galaxies: A Revised Shapley–Ames
of stars, 63
Catalog of Bright Galaxies
Rubin, Vera, 181
of Andromeda, 115
Rudaux, Lucien, 205
of cosmic microwave background, 101
Rudwick, Martin J. S., 3
of nebulae, 108, 113, 115
Russell, Henry Norris, 124
of spirals, 108
Ryle, Martin, 161, 164
of synchrotron radiation, 158
of the Sun, 152
Sandage, Allan Rex, xi, 18, 105, 122, 127, 131, 164,
visible domain, 151
174, 190, 208, 211, 213, 237, 247–248
spiral structure, 193, 222
“Sandage project”, 227
as an illusion, 56
A Revised Shapley–Ames Catalog of Bright
conirmed by photography, 69
Galaxies, 218
discovery of, 4, 50–55
Atlas of Galaxies Useful for Measuring the
spiral addiction, 53
Cosmological Distance Scale, 222
spiral skeptics, 61, 69
interaction with the de Vaucouleurs, 206
spirality in “nebulae”, 53, 111
on factors determining galaxy appearances, 232
Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey, 256
on Hubble classiication scheme, 198
Spitzer Space Observatory, 146, 229, 231, 255
on Hubble–Lundmark controversy, 195
splashing liquid drops 60, 68, 228
on The Color Atlas of Galaxies, 225
standard candles, 119
The Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies, 227–228
deinition, 116
The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies, 208–211
distance indicators, 224
Scheiner, Christopher, 13, 40
star catalogues, 63, 65
Scheiner, Julius, 115
starlight polarization, 139
Schmidt, Bernhard W., 87, 134
Stigler’s law of eponymy, 108, 130, 196
Schweizer, François, 239
Stoney, George Johnstone, 47, 68
Secchi, Angelo, 136
Størmer, Carl, 191
seeing, 68, 81
stratum, 26, 176
Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio,40
Struve, Georg Wilhelm, 97
Sérsic, José Luis, 208, 211, 221, 246, 255
Struve, Otto Wilhelm, 112, 155
Atlas de galaxias australes, 217–218
Sérsic proile, 238
drawing of, 40–42
Seyfert, Carl Keenan, 164
magnetic ield of, 173
Shapley, Harlow, 5, 107–108, 114, 116, 117, 123, 139,
radio waves from (irst detection), 153
176, 187, 197, 198, 204, 230
sunspots, 12
Shapley–Ames catalogue, 187, 198, 199, 210, 218,
nature of, 40
227, 246
photographs of, 62
Shida, Raquel Y., 255
supernovae, 129, 143, 158, 224
Shklovsky, Iosif, 158, 166
S Andromeda, 114
Sidereus Nuncius,39
supernovae observed by Curtis in NGC 4321, 122
sinc( x) function, 163
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 28
Skelton, Brooke P., 255
synchrotron radiation, 158, 165, 166, 169
Slipher, Earl C., 106
Synoptic charts and maps, 93
Slipher, Vesto, 5, 105, 117, 125, 126
Systema Saturnium,40
radial velocities of galaxies, 116
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), 227, 231, 239
Takase, Bunshiro, 221
Small Magellanic Cloud, 197
Talbot, Henry Fox, 55
Smith, Sinclair, 177
Tammann, Gustav A.
solar activity cycle, 95
A Revised Shapley–Ames Catalog of Bright
solar lares, 41, 152
Galaxies, 218
solar magnetic ields, mapping of, 95
telescopes, 93, 249
Southern Sky Atlas, 65
1.54-m Bosque Alegre, 217
Southern Sky Survey, 254
2.5-m Irénée du Pont, 174, 218, 237, 247
Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility,
2-inch Ross–Tessar, 198
2-inch Zeiss–Tessar, 198
Space Telescope Science Institute, 65, 227, 251, 255
Andrew Common 3-ft telescope, 63
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978-1-108-41701-3 — Unveiling Galaxies
Jean-René Roy
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telescopes ( cont. )
University of California, 72
Bosque Alegre 1.54-m, 218
Uraniborg, 39
Bruce 24-inch, 119
Canada–France–Hawaii 3.6-m, 254
Common’s 36-inch relector, 7
discovery of, 24
Crossley, 72, 73, 93, 97, 116, 194, 217
Ebenezer Mason’s 30-cm relector, 92
van den Bergh, Sydney
equatorial mount, 66
commenting on Arp’s atlas, 214
Hamburg Zeiss 40-inch, 131
Galaxy Morphology and Classiication, 253
Harvard 15-inch refractor, 33, 63, 112
luminosity classes, 218
Isaac Roberts’ 20-inch relector, 67
on lenticulars, 240
Kiso 105-cm Schmidt, 221, 225
variable stars, 10, 139
Lassell’s 48-inch relector, 71
Cepheids, 117–123, 222
Lowell 24-inch refractor, 105, 116
for distance determinations, 115
LSST, 65, 91
Vatican Observatory, 64
Mount Wilson 60-inch, 77, 116, 120, 210
video cameras, 62
Mount Wilson 100-inch, 77, 86, 88, 120, 131, 176,
vidicons, 135
View of the Moon,63
Okayama 188-cm, 221
Vinci, Leonardo da, 38
Palomar 200-inch, 132, 210, 213
virial theorem, 117, 178
Palomar Schmidt, 87, 134, 176
Virtual Observatory, 251
PanSTARRS, 65, 91
Vorontsov-Velyaminov, Boris, 211, 218, 254
piggyback guide scope, 67, 71
catalog, 213
Ritchey’s 24-inch, 77, 120
Ritchey–Chrétien optical design, 84, 87
Watson, James, 11
Roberts’ 7-inch Cooke refractor, 67
Weinberg, Steve, 174
Schmidt design, 87
Wheeler, John Archibald, 125
stray light in, 88
whiggish historiography, 71, 196
the Leviathan, 4, 46, 60, 66, 83, 111
Whipple, John Adams, 63
manipulation of, 47
Whirlpool Galaxy, 51, 69
using gravitational lensing, 183
white dwarf, 69, 129
viewing through early telescopes, 21
Wilkins, Maurice, 11
William Herschel’s 20-ft, 31
Wilson, Edward O., 19, 33
with glass mirror, 56, 77
on scientiic methodology, 19
with speculum mirror, 46
Wilson, Robert, 101, 154
X-ray telescopes, 169
Wolf, Max, 99, 136, 190, 193, 198
Yerkes 40-inch refractor, 72
Woltjer, Hans, 169
Tempel, Wilhelm, 41, 44, 53, 61, 68
working objects, 7–8, 215, 217, 244
The Book of Palms,36
atlases as, 191
The Butterlies of North America,36
Worthington, Arthur Mason, 60, 61, 68, 69, 88,
The Butterlies of North America, Titian Peale’s Lost
Wray, James D.
The Realm of Nebulae, 196, 207
The Color Atlas of Galaxies, 224
The System of the World,29
Wright, Thomas, 109, 110
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC3),
Wright, William Hammond, 75
tidal effects, 147
X-ray astronomy, 169
time-domain astronomy, 82–83