Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three) Page 17

by Skye,Marie

  She tilted her head at the painting I had framed behind me. "Where'd you get it?"

  "When I was in London." Her gaze met mine, and I surveyed her expression. "It was a gift...from Lydia." Her eyes darkened at the mention of Lydia's name. I hadn't exactly painted the best picture of Lydia for her.

  "You have a gift from your sister-in-law—your wife's sister—hanging in your office. That's…lovely." Before I could respond, she got up and headed for the door.

  "Emmalin! Do not walk away from me!" I growled.

  She slammed the door.

  I chuckled as I stood up and went for the door. Oh, how I was going to enjoy reddening that ass—although I couldn't deny that her jealousy was making me hard as fuck.

  She didn't get far before I grabbed her arm. "Come on, we're long overdue for a conversation." I led her into our bedroom and began taking her clothes off. She jerked away.

  “Why do I have to be naked for a conversation?”

  “Because.” I lifted her arms up, taking off her shirt. “Then there’s less chance of you running.” She covered herself with her arms and gazed up at me. “I’m not going to run, Grayson.”

  I sighed. “I want to believe that, and I do, but I also said I’d do anything to keep you. If I think you have any kind of inkling of running, even if just for a few minutes, then I need to do this. I know how this sounds, believe me, I do, but I am not losing you, Emmalin. I’m not.” We stood facing off, and after a few seconds, she unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid them off.

  "On the bed, on your back."

  She tentatively crawled to the middle as I took out the leather cuffs, and her eyes grew wide. "I have to be tied down for this?"

  I laid her back down. "Yes. This is mostly for my benefit Emmalin.” I finished cuffing her, then took a step back to admire my work. She was clearly pissed. I sat in the chair at the end of the bed and waited until I had her full attention.

  I took a deep breath. “Once I found out about Carmen, I immediately went to London.”

  “Yeah. I bet you couldn’t wait to rekindle your romance with your wife.”

  “You. Left. Me, Emmalin,” I said through gritted teeth. Her gaze broke from mine. It was quiet for a beat as we both took a minute to calm ourselves. There was no point in starting this conversation by going down each other’s throats.

  “I observed both Carmen and Lydia at the facility they were being treated at for two weeks before I made contact with either of them. I talked with the nurses and the physicians. Lydia had recently been moved there by Dale, but Carmen has been there the entire time. She came in with brain damage from the car crash and suffered some sort of severe amnesia. Over time, she’s improved, but for the most part, her memory isn’t the best.” I stood up, needing to pace, and went to the window. “Lydia has done the best, though. She’s made the best progress. Carmen actually frightens her…always has.”

  “What happened in London, Grayson?” Emmalin whispered.

  I started to laugh as I turned around to face her. “A lot happened in London, things I probably shouldn’t even tell you, things I don’t want to tell you, because I don’t want you to look at me differently—but I want you to know this.” I got close to her, until we were almost nose to nose. “I would do it again, if it meant protecting you. I need you to believe me on that.” I brushed away the tear that had fallen on her cheek. “Carmen and I were never married. It wasn’t a real wedding. That part I found out is true. Carmen and Dale spent months plotting against me, and ultimately tried to have me killed. After tonight, you’ll never hear her name again. Understand?”

  Emmalin slowly nodded, and I kissed her forehead. “Lydia didn’t have anything to do with everything that happened.”

  “You believe her?! You actually believe she didn’t have anything to do with them trying to kill you?”

  I grasped her face firmly with both of my hands and looked directly into her eyes to calm her down. With a firm voice, I said one word. “Yes.”

  Emmalin went lax in my arms as she looked away. Tears were evident in her eyes. How could I get her to have the same trust in Lydia that I did? This was why I had to tie her up, because I had no doubt she would run. All of this sounded absurdly crazy.

  “Emmalin,” I quietly whispered, willing her to look at me. I scattered the story, yes, but it was only for her protection. She didn’t need to hear the gruesome details. She didn’t need to hear how I had walked into Dale’s flat, heard all the details from him, put a gun to his chest, and pulled the trigger. She didn’t need to hear how I had thoughts of turning that gun onto myself. I glanced up at her wrist, hidden by the cuff. She had tried. She had attempted. That in itself killed me.

  “Untie me please.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Please, untie me. I’m not going to run. I promise. Just untie me.”

  I felt my heart beating rapidly. Just because she said it didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. I nodded reluctantly. I reached above her and slowly undid each cuff before sitting back down, bracing myself for her take off, or whatever was to come. She took a deep breath. Suddenly she threw her arms around my neck. I was momentarily stunned, but I held her firmly against me. “The painting was a gift to you actually.” I sighed. “Lydia told me to give it to you, because she knew how much I was hurting without you. She said that hearts can be fixed, too. She cared.”

  After a few minutes, Emmalin finally spoke. “I want to be alone.”

  I sighed and cupped her face, kissing her one last time before getting up. “What are you doing?” she shouted after me. I stopped and turned around. “You said you wanted to be alone.”

  She stood up, hands on her hips. “Yeah, but I want to be alone with you.” I slowly smiled and got back in bed, then pulled her toward me. “Then let’s be alone.”

  "How would you feel about taking a family vacation?" I threaded her fingers with mine as she looked at me skeptically.

  "Can you even do that?"

  I scowled. "I can do whatever I want." She looked to be actually pondering it.

  "Well, I suppose I could move a few things around." I smacked her ass and she yelped.

  "Good. We leave tomorrow. My family is already there. I've also invited Chace and Isabella, and extended the invite to Hawkins and Gwen."

  She scrambled off the bed. "I need to pack. Where are we going?" I grabbed her before she reached the closet.

  "No need. That's already been done for you. In fact, your luggage is already there. You'll just need to bring your medical supplies." She looked at me wearily and I laughed. "Isabella packed. Then I made her unpack any of the outfits that were like what you wore to the club, but knowing her, I'm sure she snuck a few items in."

  "I wouldn't doubt it." Emmalin looked around the room, and appeared to be fidgeting. "So, there's really nothing for me to do?" She crinkled her nose. "Are you at least going to tell me where we're going?" I kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Nope. We need this vacation to decompress, be surrounded by the ones we love. It'll be good for us, I promise. It's just a few days."

  Chapter Forty-Six


  A little over sixteen hours later we landed on an island, and I still didn’t know where we were, but it was friggin gorgeous. I was so excited, I could barely sit still. Oddly enough, Grayson looked nervous the entire plane ride over.

  “Is it because we’re flying over water?”

  He looked up from his phone. “Hmm? What?”

  “You seem really…apprehensive. Is it the flying? I don’t know any useless trivia right now to help you through it.”

  He smiled. “No, I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” I sighed as I went and sat by him, leaning my head against his chest. “This was a great idea. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Thank you for loving me.”

  Our plane started landing, and soon our flight attendant came out. Grayson handed our passports up to be checked out. After a few minutes they were handed back, and the doors
to the plane opened.

  “On behalf of myself and the captain, we’d like to welcome you to Anguilla. Please enjoy your stay!”

  I beamed, looking at Grayson. “We’re in Anguilla!” I was practically running off the plane. I wanted to do everything.

  “Slow down, speedy.”

  I ran to Grayson and jumped on him with tears in my eyes. “This was on my bucket list. How did you know?”

  “Because I listen, that’s why. Now let’s go. People are waiting for us.”

  After thirty minutes and a short boat ride, we pulled up to a beachfront villa that had my mouth dropping to the floor. “Is this where we’re staying?”

  He flashed me an amused grin. “It is. I actually bought it, and it’ll be your job to furnish it later. All ten bedrooms and nine point five bathrooms. Actually, it’ll be Isabella’s job to furnish it.”

  I stared back at the house. “You have a house in Anguilla.”

  He leaned in toward my ear. “We have a house in Anguilla, and right now it’s filled with our friends and family. Let’s go say hello.”

  There was laughter as we entered the foyer that grew louder as we approached what I assumed was the kitchen.

  “You made it!” We were immediately engulfed by hugs from Isabella. From the looks of it, she was having a grand time with the cocktails. “How was your flight? I can’t wait to go shopping. Meredith told me all about this market in town, and we have to check it out. Want a drink?” I watched as she walked over to the pitcher of what I assumed was margarita and began pouring a glass.

  Grayson held up his hand. “Food first, Isabella, then drinks.” She raised the glass and started sipping from it. Grayson shook hands with his father, who also started whispering in his ear, and Grayson nodded tersely. All of a sudden they both looked my way, and they froze, then smiled. I felt like I had been caught eavesdropping, only I wasn’t. Damn weirdos. I needed to get away from them so I grabbed Isabella’s arm.

  “Show me around! Where’s Gwen?”

  She started giggling. “She and Hawkins went into town. How come you didn’t tell me those two were a thing?”

  “It’s pretty new.” I jumped at the voice behind me. Grayson had followed us.

  “Geeze, Grayson, stalker much!” I held my hand over my chest. He held up a plate of cold cuts and fruit. “You need to eat. I don’t want the time difference to screw up your blood sugars.” I took the plate from him and kissed him on the cheek.


  He finally turned and left, but not before shouting to Isabella, “Make sure she eats!”

  “Yes, sir!” she called after him. “Man, he really is protective.”

  I shook my head as we walked out onto a balcony. “You have no idea, though I imagine Chace is the same way. I’m sure they’ve picked up each other’s habits.”

  Isabella smiled as she sat next to me. “Yeah. It’s taking some getting used to, and we’ve butted heads over it…” She suddenly stopped and faced me, narrowing her eyes. “How did you…”

  I pointed a finger at her. “Ha! You’re the one that needs to talk. How long have you and Chace been seeing each other? And more importantly…” I leaned forward and whispered, “How big is it?”

  We both leaned over, laughing. “We’re being casual—you know, just casually fucking, if you will.”

  “Who’s casually fucking?”

  We both turned at the sound of Grayson’s mother, Lorraine, coming out on the balcony. Isabella and I both keeled over in laughter.

  “Mom, please. Do you really have to say things like that?” Grayson followed her out and sat down behind me. Lorraine came over and gave me a kiss on top of the head in greeting.

  “Why shouldn’t I know who’s casually fucking? I have to stay up to speed on everything, right?” Grayson groaned behind me, pulling me closer to him as he popped a piece of fruit in his mouth.

  “Your parents are so cool,” I whispered to him. He rolled his eyes in response.

  “Cool pains in my ass. Let’s get some rest before dinner.” Grayson helped me up. I wanted to argue that I wasn’t tired, but when a muffled yawn overtook me as I waved goodbye to everyone, I realized how truly exhausted I was. “We’re a little farther down from everyone else, to give us a bit more privacy.”

  I marveled around the bedroom, taking it all in—the huge four-poster bed that couldn’t be missed, the Grecian artwork that adorned the walls. “This is absolutely stunning. Your homes just get more and more impressive.” I got in bed, already ready to pass out.

  “Thank you. They’ll be your homes, too, soon.” Grayson kissed me softly on the lips, and it was the last thing I remembered.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  “Well if you keep following her around and acting all you, she’ll probably figure it out.” Chace tipped his beer back before pointing his finger at me. “Now that I think about it, she will figure it out. Try something else. Maybe I should do it.”

  “I agree with Chace. I mean, I’ve only met her once, and she seems like she’s onto you already.”

  I sighed, looking at the both of them. “Fuck you both. Everything is going fine. Just stick with the plan by keeping your damn mouths shut.” David laughed. All of a sudden, Emmalin walked into the kitchen, and all three of us froze as if we had just gotten caught looking at porn or some shit. She slowly walked farther in, and not one of us moved.

  She narrowed her eyes and looked at the three of us as if she was looking into each of our souls. Shit. Did she know? Her gaze landed on mine and her hands went to her hips. Fuck. “You’re weird today.” Then her eyes shot to Chace’s. “I’ll be having words with you later for lying to me.” His smile quickly went away and he straightened. Then her eyes shot to David and she smiled. “It’s really good seeing you again. David, right?” David quickly smiled and nodded. “Noah looks just like you. He’s adorable.”

  She grabbed the bowl of chips and left the room, but not before shooting both Chace and me pointed looks. I didn’t think I had ever seen her do that many looks within five seconds. David turned to us. “You’re right, she’s wonderful!” I smiled in agreement. I was also agreeing to the fact that I’d be fucking that sass out of her later, and enjoying every bit of it.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  “We needed this.”

  I lifted my head up from the hole in the massage table. “What?”

  “I said we needed this!” Gwen shouted. She had mud on her face, cucumbers on her eyes, and a manicurist buffing her nails. My head was gently pushed back down, and I had no problems complying.

  “Your pineapple foot scrub is ready Ms. Ross.” I was helped up and led over to the chair next to Gwen. I shut my eyes as the mud was being prepared.

  “So, I want to hear about you and Hawkins.” She instantly smiled.

  “He’s nice. Very direct, which I guess he has to be considering his job. I’m a bit fearful to lie to the man. He’s practically trained to know if you’re lying or not.”

  “But that’s a good thing right? Starting off having an honest and open relationship.”

  “Absolutely. So we’re just taking it slow, seeing if anything happens. If it does, great, and if not, then that’s fine, too.”

  I leaned my head back and smiled. Yeah, something was going to happen all right.

  “I can’t believe you guys convinced me to get a Brazilian wax!” We both turned to the sound of Meredith wobbling in. “I can’t believe people do these.”

  “I said her husband would love it.” Isabella sat down next to her.

  “Well he better love it—in fact, he better worship it.” We all laughed. I sat back and enjoyed my mud mask a little while longer while I got my mani-pedi. We had about an hour left before we had to meet up with everyone else for dinner.

  “So, how have things been with Grayson, now that you two are back together? Sorry, but I’m the nosy sister, I can’t help it.” I glanced over at Meredith.
  “Good, really good—although lately he’s been acting weird. Well, weird for him. I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into it.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  I took a deep breath. So many thoughts swam in my head. I thought it was most likely about us not having kids. He said he was totally cool with it, but I was sure it had to have some kind of an effect on him. No matter what he said, I still thought a part of him had to resent me for it. Even though my past was basically gone and buried, that was the problem—that part of me was gone and buried. The one person I’d had in my life was gone, because of me. “I’m sure it’s nothing. It’s fine.” Meredith gave me a warm smile.

  “Well, let’s finish up here and get back to the house. You know how those men get when they’re famished. Emmalin you should wear that new Free People printed maxi dress you just bought. The weather is just perfect for it.”

  I shrugged. “Sure.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  Emmalin and the rest of the girls walked in, and I immediately pulled her to me. Being without her even for a few hours had me on edge. “That is one hell of a dress. I love it,” I murmured against her.

  “They’re out of lemons!”

  We both looked up as my mom came running into the kitchen. “The market is out of lemons. We’re going to have to go to the next town over.” She turned to my dad. “Chad, can you go?” He groaned.

  “Lorraine, do we need the lemons?”

  She looked at him as if he had just said the most absurd thing she’d ever heard. “We can’t have lemon cake without lemons, Chadwick Eli Mandrake!”


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