Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three) Page 21

by Skye,Marie

  “I know! I’m going out of my mind. No one will tell me anything.” Edith walked over to my dress where it hung in the window.

  “Well, it’s going to be amazing. Let’s get you in this bad boy.”

  Ten minutes until the wedding

  After Edith and Gwen left, I was left standing in the room by myself. I needed a minute to collect myself, to think, and to center myself. I was about to make the biggest move of my life. I shut my eyes, shutting out everything around me, thinking of everything in my life that had tried to stop me from getting to this day, and how I’d prevailed over it all.

  There was a light knock on my door. I picked up my train and headed to the door. I was surprised to see Noah standing in front of me. He gave me a goofy smile. “You look like a princess.”

  “Thank you, Noah.” He held up a huge wedding bouquet of white roses and pearls. “Thank you.”

  “This letter is also for you.” Before I could ask him who it was from, he ran off giggling. I carefully undid the ribbon that held the paper together.

  We met when you literally ran into me and spilled your drink all over me. Unbeknownst to you, I ran into you on purpose. I have no regrets. Head downstairs for your next note.


  I couldn’t get to the bottom of the stairs fast enough. At the bottom of the landing was another note. I plucked it from the table.

  It was almost an act of God to get you to go out with me. I’ve never met anyone that would fight me tooth and nail over every single thing, but I loved every bit of it, and I love you. Head outside for your next note.


  I practically ran outside, but didn’t have to go far. I saw the note that had my name on it, along with a heart, and grabbed it.

  Are you lost in me yet, baby? Because I’m so lost in you, I couldn’t find my way out if I tried. And trust me, I don’t want to. Keep going, you’re almost there.


  I felt the tears pricking in my eyes. I was almost there. I heard someone clear their throat, turned around, and immediately smiled upon seeing who it was. “Alistair.”

  “Well, I must say, fancy meeting you here, Ms. Ross.”

  “It’s so good to see you.” He leaned down, giving me a hug.

  “I’ve been instructed to give you a ride in this lovely cart here, and…” He fumbled in his pocket “To give you this note.” I took it from him as he helped me pick up my dress.

  “Will you marry me today?”


  We drove maybe half a mile on a gravel road, then we suddenly slowed to a stop. “This is as far as I go. The rest is up to you now.” He leaned over, kissing me on the cheek. “Good luck.” I thanked him. On a post not far away was one more sign that had my name on it. I walked slowly over to the post and picked up the letter, opening it slowly.

  What are you reading this note for? Let’s get married!


  I smiled as I set the note back down and took a deep breath. I started to take a step forward, but froze at the voice behind me.

  “You didn’t think I was letting you walk down that aisle alone did you?”

  I felt my heart beating, and tears welled in my eyes. I didn’t want to turn around, because if I did, I was going to lose it and ruin all the hard work that had been done to make the day perfect. I wasn’t going to turn around, even if he told me to. Do not turn around!

  “Turn around, baby.”

  Yeah…I turned around.

  Chapter Sixty-One


  Grayson stood in front of me, his eyes sparkling as his gaze raked over me slowly. His mouth slightly parted, taking me in. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more radiant than you are right now.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “You’re not supposed to see me before the wedding.”

  “Technically, our wedding has started, so I still followed protocol.” He smiled as he closed the distance between us.

  “Good, because I couldn’t handle not seeing you anymore.”

  He laced his fingers with mine before tucking my arm into his. “How about taking a little stroll with me?”

  “That sounds nice. Then what?”

  He looked to be pondering a thought. “Hmmm…marry me?”

  I grabbed my chin. “Well, the calendar on my phone only had one reminder on it today.”

  “Oh yeah? And what did it say?”

  “It said Become Mrs. Mandrake at 6 p.m.”

  He checked his watch. “Well, we better make that happen.”

  We walked up the short hill, and as soon as we came into view, “I Get To Love You” by Ruelle immediately started playing. Grayson looked down at me and smiled. All our family and friends stood in a semi-circle, and it was what they were standing around that took my breath away. I stopped as I clutched my chest then peered up at Grayson, fresh tears welling in my eyes.

  “You did this?” I whispered.

  “Even though he’s not here, he is. It always made you feel safe, and now you’re safe with me.” He laid a kiss gently on the top of my head as we walked together toward the beautifully adorned willow tree.

  As we reached the end of the aisle, I noticed there were no chairs. The crowd was mixed together, and each person held a white box. I was shocked to see that none other than Dr. Klein was our officiant. He smiled when we reached the top of the platform.

  “I know what you’re thinking—don’t you see me enough?” The crowd murmured in laughter. “But Grayson wanted someone that knew the both of you, and I figured there was no one better than me, right? I mean, let’s be honest, we’re all just happy he’s found someone that can put up with him, am I right everyone?”

  “Yes!” someone shouted out, and I giggled.

  Dr. Klein continued. “There are no two people better for each other than the two people standing before us. Your love is grace. Your love is infinite. May you both have that forever. I understand you both have written your own vows. Emmalin, you may go first.”

  I suddenly felt shy, but knew I wasn’t going to be bothered that we had an audience. I knew that what I had to say was spoken from my heart.

  “Loving you wasn’t easy. In fact, I remember thinking I’d rather chew off my own arm than go out with you.” We both laughed. “But you were a persistent ass that I couldn’t get away from, and I didn’t want to get away from.” I took a shaky deep breath. “You’re my life, Grayson. With everything we’ve been through, you’ve always been there. I don’t know what our future holds, but I do know that no matter what happens, I want to wake up with you by my side every morning. You are the love of my life, forever.”

  He pulled me to him, searing me with a kiss that had me blushing immediately, and the crowd whistled and clapped. “Not yet, not yet.” Dr. Klein laughed as he pulled us apart. I laughed when Grayson let out a low growl. “We all know Grayson isn’t one to be told what to do, but the sooner you say your vows and we get to the I dos, the sooner you can do that again. Grayson, your turn.”

  “I didn’t believe in love at first sight until you. I always thought it was complete bull—” He paused and looked out into the crowd at Abby and Noah. “Bull hockey.” he rolled his eyes before becoming somber and pulling me closer, just as “Can’t Help Falling in Love” started playing softly in the background. “There are a lot of things in life that we’re honored to have—whether it’s a car, or a new house, or other material things—and no matter what I have in my life, there’s nothing I have that I’m more honored to have than you. You are my most priceless gem. You’ve given me your love. You’ve given me yourself, and that, to me, is priceless. I love you more and more every day, and I will continue to love you more every day. When I look at you Emmalin, you are what the rest of my life looks like. You are infinitely mine.”

  My tears were flowing, and he reached up and brushed them away.

  “May we have the rings?”

  I turned behind me to Isabella. I was nervous about Gra
yson seeing his ring. He’d gotten a description, but that was it. We handed them both to Dr. Klein.

  “Grayson, do you take Emmalin Peyton Ross to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forth?”

  He smiled at me. “I do.”

  “You may place this band upon her finger.”

  He gently took the band and glided it on top of my engagement ring.

  “Emmalin, do you take Grayson Ethan Mandrake to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forth?”

  I nodded. “I do.”

  “You may place this band upon his finger.”

  I nervously took his ring, that I had specifically designed for him, in a unique infinity tungsten design, that matched my band and held it up first so he could see the inscription I’d had engraved: Forever. His eyes widened upon seeing what it said, and he smiled before I put it on him.

  “Well, with nothing else to say other than it’s about damn time, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  As Grayson kissed me for the first time as his wife, I realized my life was complete. He pulled me closer to him, and as we faced the crowd, they all began to open their little white boxes. To my surprise, little black butterflies flew out of each one.

  “Are you ready to dance with me, Mrs. Mandrake?”

  I looked to my husband. “I am, Mr. Mandrake.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two


  “Welcome to your own private island of Laucala, Fiji. We’d also like to give you our congratulations! We wish you a blessed marriage.”

  Emmalin turned to me in shock. “You have your own island?”

  I silently laughed. “Just renting, but if you want, we can get one.” She rolled her eyes.

  “We just need a signature from you both. The receptionist handed us each a card and we both signed each of them. As Emmalin slid hers toward me, I rolled my eyes and balled hers up, looking back at the receptionist.

  “Could we get another card please?” Then I looked back to Emmalin. “For Mrs. Mandrake.” Emmalin blushed, realizing her mistake.

  Of course, she wanted the last word. “Well if your name wasn’t so damn long, I wouldn’t forget it—and really, Grayson, it’s been two days.”

  I smiled as she carried on. “Anything else you wanted to add before I take you to our room and fuck that attitude out of you so you’ll remember what name to use next time?”

  She looked up at me in shock before turning to the receptionist, who looked just as embarrassed. Yeah, I had no shame.

  “If there’s anything you need, please let us know. Otherwise, enjoy your stay.”

  We thanked the lady and headed to our villa. “I’m sorry, we’re only here a short time.”

  “Are you crazy? We could be here an hour and I would love it.” She stood on the tips of her toes to kiss me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

  “I don’t know about you, but as beautiful as Fiji is, I have no inclination to leave our villa, unless it’s to fuck you on the beach.”

  She laughed, opening her suitcase. “We should at least go snorkeling.” She suddenly frowned. “I have no swimsuit.” She dug through the rest of the stuff, which wasn’t much. “I have only one outfit in here.” She looked at me in confusion.

  “Oh yeah, there’s a no clothes policy here.”

  She looked around the room. “Why?”

  “Because I said so.” I slowly walked toward her. “Now, remove your clothes, Mrs. Mandrake.”

  Emmalin let out a loud moan, and I silently laughed. “Enjoying yourself, love?”

  She sighed. “God, yes. This is heaven.” I watched as the masseuse moved to her other calf. She was working on her front now. Her damn moans were making me hard as fuck. I signaled to the masseuse that was working on her arms to leave, and she gently laid Emmalin’s arm down.

  “It’s good to be relaxed, isn’t it Mrs. Mandrake?”

  “Mmmhmm,” Emmalin agreed. “Although, I’m not sure why I had to be blindfolded.”

  I finally signaled to the other masseuse to leave, because I needed to fuck my wife. I slowly removed the sheet that was covering her, and she tensed. “It’s just me.” She relaxed instantly. “Who do you belong to?” I whispered against her lips.

  “You, only you.” She panted.

  I trailed my tongue against her lips.

  “And who do you come for?”

  She smiled. “Just you.”

  I pulled a nipple into my mouth. “Fuckin’ right you do.” I sat her up as I straddled the table and wrapped her legs around me. I finally pulled her blindfold off and she smiled.

  “Good afternoon,” she whispered.

  I lifted her slightly as I slowly slid into her, and we both groaned. “Good afternoon, indeed.” Her legs tightened around my body, making her unbelievably tighter as I pulled her closer to me.

  “Tell me,” I whispered harshly in her ear.

  Her body tensed around me. “I love you forever,” she said between pants.

  My lips crashed against hers. This is my wife.

  Chapter Sixty-Three


  “Do we have to?”

  I laughed, putting in my earrings. “It’ll be fun! Now come on, get your ass up. It’s our last night.”

  “Exactly—it’s our last night, so shouldn’t we be here with me buried deep inside your sweet, hot pussy instead of out visiting with the locals?”

  “Just for a few hours, then we can come back, I promise. Dinner and drinks.”

  Grayson sighed, crossing his arms, and mumbled as he selected a shirt. “We can do dinner and drinks here.”

  Grayson didn’t want to admit it, but he was having fun. It was good to be out among other people, and I was glad to see he had packed me a few extra clothes in his own suitcase. “I’ll be back, I’m getting us more drinks.” Before I could walk away, he pulled me back and kissed me hard, as if me being gone even for a few minutes was agony for him. When I Ieaned back, he gave me a smile.

  “Hurry back, Mrs. Mandrake.”

  I bit my bottom lip as he gave my hand another squeeze before I went to the bar. I was Mrs. Mandrake—that alone made me giddy.

  I was moving along to the music while I waited for our drinks to be made. People all around me were having a great time, dancing and singing as more people crowded up to the bar. The bartender handed me one drink. As I waited for the other, someone bumped into me.

  I turned to look and was greeted by a random guy smiling at me. I gave him a small smile before turning back to the bartender as he placed the second drink down. The guy next to me bumped into me again. I looked back at him, and he was still smiling. I grabbed a few napkins, and was bumped again. Now I was getting annoyed. I finally faced the guy next to me.

  “Did you need something?”

  He nodded, looking me up and down, which made me feel icky. “That’s a nice dress!” He leaned in a little closer, and I stepped back.

  I smiled, inching closer to the bar. “Thanks.”

  He must have thought that because he had complimented my dress, the next words out of his mouth could be bolder. He licked his lips as he stepped closer to me. “You have a nice ass too!”

  I noticed he slurred a little. Great, I was being hit on by some drunken idiot. I rolled my eyes, and before I could say anything, Grayson did.

  “Yes she does. My ring on her finger is also spectacular.” Grayson’s arm wrapped around me in a protective hold as Grayson stared him down. The guy held up his arm in surrender before walking way.

  I turned to Grayson. “I had it under control.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “As did I—I controlled myself from not beating the shit out of him for touching you.” He shook his head, looking around at the nightlife, nostrils still flaring as he tried controlling his temper. He abruptly turned to me. “Are we done here? Did you get enough of the locals? Because now that your little make-your-husband-jealous stunt has ended, I suddenly feel the need to fuck my
wife, hard.”

  I inwardly smiled, because there was nothing I loved more than a Grayson-staking-his-claim fuck. “Okay, maybe you were right about going out. Let’s go back and I’ll make it up to you.” He took my hand.

  “Oh, I know you will.”

  Chapter Sixty-Four


  Two Months Later

  “Glenda, can you send Mrs. Mandrake a reminder please?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Emmalin and I hadn’t done a proper honeymoon like I’d wanted, so at some point I was going to rectify that. I had made her head of the Mandrake charity organization; since she was so good with the children and got along great with the board members, it only made sense. The only problem I hadn’t seen coming was how busy she’d been. Just my luck, they fucking loved her. I’d had to practically pencil myself in just to see her.

  But, as of late, I’d noticed she’d appeared tired more often than not. I asked her about it, but she brushed it off. She’d lost weight, and didn’t really want to eat much of anything. That, of course, was pissing me off, because she wasn’t taking care of herself and I had to send reminders for her to eat.

  Marriage had been amazing. It had taken Emmalin some time to remember her new last name when filling out paperwork; I let it slide the first few times, but then after she signed ten documents as ‘Emmalin Ross’ and sent them to me for approval, I rejected every single one of them. When she came to ask me why, she thought it was because figures were wrong. I made her do them again. When I again rejected them, I finally told her the figures were right but her fucking name was wrong. The look on her face at the fact that I’d had her redo everything over her name was priceless. Since then, she’d written Mandrake. Good girl.

  “Mr. Mandrake, I was told that Mrs. Mandrake went home today. She was ill.”


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