Her Northern Warlord: Norman Lords: Book Three

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Her Northern Warlord: Norman Lords: Book Three Page 1

by Hannah West

  Her Northern Warlord

  Norman Lords:

  Book Three

  By Hannah West

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015

  Cover Art by WCD

  Chapter One

  Western England, Norfolk lands 1068

  ‘Have you heard the news yet, my lady?’ asked Mags.

  Evelyn of Norfolk shook her head and smiled at Mags. ‘What is it that I have yet to hear?’

  Mags was like a mother to Evelyn as she had lost her mother young and had since lived with the nuns at Braedon Abby. Mags had once been a noble lady, but had turned to god after the death of her husband rather than marry again.

  ‘The castle at Norfolk has been completed and the new Lord shall come to roust there! You may be able to visit your home again,’ she said with a soft smile.

  Evelyn felt her smile turn cold and she turned away. ‘No, I shall not return. I sent my request to the new king more than two years ago and received naught in return. Norfolk is no longer my home, Mags. It almost never was. This is my home and you are my family.’

  ‘But that is where you were destined to be,’ Mags said softly coming around to take Evelyn's hand. ‘I feel in my bones that is where you shall be. God have a plan for you and you must follow his will.’

  Evelyn shook her head. ‘I wish to stay here with you.’

  ‘Do you wish away the pleasures you could have? Children to love and a home that will ever be yours?’

  Evelyn felt the sorrow in her heart when she thought of those things but may happen they were not meant for her.

  ‘I am unsure, but that is not a road open to me now that the king has laid claim to Norfolk lands. I have been left with nothing other then what I have built here.’ She squeezed Mags hands. ‘I am fine with that.’

  ‘May happen your father willed something to you or your mother. You were so young when you were brought here you would have no knowledge of it.’

  ‘William laid claim to all that was my sires and I am glad to be rid of it. He was a cruel man. He was the one who killed my mother. He is not my father, Mags. He was merely my sire.’

  Evelyn sighed out her anger for the foul man and shook her head clear.

  ‘I would like to have children, but with nothing but a name that no longer holds any meaning or power, I have nothing in which a potential husband would find of interest.’

  Evelyn stood and patted Mags hand once more. ‘Now can we get to the work? The list is long and the day waning.’

  Mags smiled sadly at Evelyn. She was a beautiful young girl with a good heart; as much as Mags loved her Lord she knew that this was not the place for Evelyn. That the girl was meant for much, much more.

  Chapter Two

  Norfolk Castle 1068

  Cesare de Von was finally overlooking the lands granted to, him by his King and fair cousin. The lands were vast and healthy, the turn of spring was lighting the land with green and his castle had been completed only months before.

  Cesare had fought battles in the name of William and won the very footholds that had brought them to England where William ruled as King. He had grown tired of the long hard years warring, missed having a home to come back to and a family see. But that had ended years ago when he had been a small lad of seven summers.

  He could still remember arriving to his father’s lands, seeing the castle burning and hearing the screams from inside. He had lost both his mother and two sisters in the fire and he father had passed away nigh four years later after coming home.

  But finally he would have a home again, a place to call his own. It was his right after all; he had worked for this and done everything asked of him.

  Cesare patted the pocket of his dark heavy cloak which held a piece of parchment written with his final orders from William, and of course a letter from William’s wife. He would settle in first and get things ready, and then he would complete his orders and hopefully start the new adventure for a life at home.

  Home was indeed such a sweet word.

  He signalled his men and started forward, there was a lot to do and in such a short amount of time.


  A fortnight passed before he and his men were completely established within Norfolk Castle's new wall and now was the time to finish his orders. He knew what must be done and he had not expected this of his King and cousin, but his will would be done.

  He would be married within six months’ time before William came to visit. Now was the task of finding a noble bride.

  Invitations were to be issued and within the months he would be the host of serval noble families with daughters of marrying age who wish to wed them off to the new Earl of Norfolk.

  Chapter Three

  Evelyn sucked in a deep breath of early spring air and laughed breathlessly with joy. Such a simple thing air was but without it one could not live. A small miracle and a small joy.

  Mags smiled at her and she waved a hand becoming her to come look.

  Evelyn came to the hill top next to Mags. ‘What is it?’

  ‘See the towers of the new castle?’ Mags asked pointing into the distance were you could see the castle within its wall.

  ‘It looks small from here,’ Evelyn said with a shrug.

  ‘Oh nay, it's huge! Bigger than any this side of the kingdom. Built on orders of the King. Is it no something?’

  ‘I heard they used the stone from what was left of my sire’s manor. Finally it was put to some good use. I had been an ancient stone trap, always wet and cold inside,’ Evelyn said harshly.

  Mags took her hand and led her back down the hill. ‘You said that you had sent a letter to the King? I believe you should send another.’

  ‘Are you trying to get rid of me,’ Evelyn asked with a laugh.

  She thought Mags to be jesting but the older woman didn't laugh.

  ‘This is not the place for you, my girl. Should be living in a fine castle like that one, she be married and have babes to care for. I must insist that you write the King once more. I will not let you take your vows to be a nun. I have talked to the abbess and she has agreed with me. She herself sent a letter to the royal court not a sennights past on your behalf.’

  Evelyn ripped her hand away from Mags as if burned.

  ‘Why would you do such a thing? I am happy here!’

  Mags face turned to one of pity. ‘You are content, but you are not happy. You have never been truly happy at the abbey my child. I want this for you and so does our Lord. You must understand.’

  Tears burned in Evelyn's eyes and she dashed them away with a slender hand.

  She couldn't understand why the sisters and Mags wanted her to be taken away, why they wished her happiness when she already had that here with them.

  Feeling frustrated and confused she did the only thing she could. She turned away from Mags and the Abby and ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and she even ran after her lungs burned with fire.

  ‘Evelyn! Evelyn come back!’ cried Mags in the distance, but soon even she could not see Evelyn after the girl disappeared into the nearby woods.

  Chapter Four

  The ache in his head had plagued him for most of the day as he had gone about doing his lordly duties making sure all posts were filled, the walls secured and the village beyond was being productive. It had started at dawn and had only grown worse as he listen to his men and the serfs about the current problems and th
eir demands about fixing them, so he took some time to himself and drank to drawn out the noise. But now it was mid-day and he felt the itch to get out of the castle, out of the reach of his men to find so peace outside.

  Rolling hills and a forest was not too far beyond the end of the village and a ride could afford him the fresh air he craved.

  Lately he felt the rope of his impending marriage conquest tightening around his neck like a noose. He knew he would have to marry but it was sitting ill with him. Why could a man not rot in peace within his own castle and do as he pleased. He was not kind nor was he a gentle man a woman would want. He did not have the courtly manners of William or the refined speech Matilda preferred of her nobles. He was course and rough around the edges which suited him well. He would rather plan a siege then a wedding.

  Cesare shook his head free of those thoughts and rose from his perch on the only wood bench in his solar. He opened his door and stood for the main hall, he had to make it to the stables before he was asked about another bloody row over who owned the chicken before he went mad.

  Surprisingly his path was clear before he drew up to the stables. Standing knowingly be the entrance two of his personal guards men stood looking grim.

  ‘What do you want,’ he asked them in passing. They followed him inside.

  ‘Word has come from a few of the neighbouring lords. Ruffians have been giving them trouble as of late. Things have turned up missing, stolen and a few peasants have been killed. They are believed to have been heading toward your lands. As their new liege lord they are under your command if you need help,’ Radulf his oldest and most trusted guard said.

  Irritated for no other reason than wanting to be left in silence he glared at the slightly older man. ‘I am aware if you had not heard about the issues addressed today. All I wish for now is to be left in peaceful quite!’

  Not surprised by the rude outburst both guardsmen nodded and moved aside as their Lord went to his horse.

  Without turning around he started to saddle his horse. ‘I will be back by nightfall until then keep things here together. Do not side anyone after me or you will feel the steel of my blade up your arses.’

  Smiling and shaking their heads they said, ‘As you will, my lord,’ before going about their duties.

  Before anyone else could stall him Cesare was mounted and riding out his gates as if the hounds of hell were running after him.

  Chapter Five

  Evelyn ran until her breath caught in her lungs and she stumbled to the base of a tree clutching her hand in the fabric over her chest. She looked up at the dower sky trying to catch her breath.

  She noted the buds of leaves were forming on tree limbs, underbrush was growing green once more and she could hear serval small animals moving about. Small bird chirped as nests were built or settled in and she smiled as she watched them peacefully.

  Without noticing she slipped into a light sleep with a slight smile on her face.

  The events of the last few months finally catching up with her.


  As he drew near the forest he slowed the pace of his horse and entered the thick wood. He knew as well as any of his men what kind of creatures could be lurking in the woods, but he doubted any would come loose enough to do any harm.

  Cesare found himself wondering at the direction his life had taken and what it could have been like if he had been born a serf.

  He shuddered to think if that really had happened. While he wasn’t used to the finest things this world had to offer he would be the first to admit he would never willingly give up a bed that sported a goose down mattress.

  Suddenly a few dark shapes close to the ground in the forest under brush could be noticed from the back of his horse. Cesare placed a hand on his sword hilt, on high alert.

  He could swear his saw brown and grey hair on one of the shadow beasts.

  A high pitched scream came from the near distance startling him and his horse at the same time a growl echoed from the trees just beyond his left arm.

  Cesare kicked his horse into action to see what had caused the scream. Surely no girl or woman was stupid enough to be in the forest with and escort.

  He gritted his teeth, of course one would. He spotted a faint outline in the fog of someone backed up against a rather large tree with a beast snarling at them.

  Upon the person spotting him with his sword in hand, they screamed again this time loud and more filled with fear.

  He inched his horse as close as he dared and noticed the wolf had startled her, but meant her no immediate harm, she was wary of the wolf, but scared of him.


  Seeing the wolf upon waking from her sleep against the tree had startled her, but she knew it meant her no harm. However when she saw the man seated upon a tall chestnut warhorse raising a board sword, she had screamed in fear. If the blasted wolf had not been blocking her way she would have taken her chances with trying to outrun him.

  The wolf turned from her toward the man and bared its fangs giving a hair raising snarl.

  The man barely spared her a glance before he narrowed his eyes, a scar across one eyebrow pulling taunt, and commanded her to stay.

  Like a stray dog.

  “Whatever you do, do not move. Hold still,” he said through clenched teeth as he raised that huge sword.

  Her first blood chilling thought was that he was going to use his sword on her, but she followed his eyes as they moved back to the wolf. In that moment she realized that he was going to kill the wolf.

  Without thinking she lunged at the wolf, wrapping her arms its neck to pull it back at the same time the brute of a man swung his bloody huge sword. Cold icy pains flared up her left arm and sticky warmth pooled on her skin, dripping to the ground. But even in her pain she kept hold of the wolf.

  Tears pooled in her eyes as blinding pain and fury filled her. “You monster,” she hissing on her voice breaking on the last word.

  An eerie feeling washed over her as the wolf turned and gazed at her with intelligent golf eyes, then looked down at her deep wound before licking it clean of the welling blood once before dizziness struck her. It nearly blackened her vision


  Cesare’s heart plummeted to his gut when he saw the girl lung for the wolf and he was too late to stop the swing of his sword. He was horrified when the girl’s arms wrapped around the rabid wolf’s neck to pull it back from the death swing of his broad sword and he watched as cold steel sliced into her pale arm.

  He could swear he went into shock as he watched to wolf turn in her arms to gently lick the bloody wound, tending to it.

  He watched as the girl swayed slightly and whispered something to the wolf before she passed out slipping sideways to the forest floor.

  Frozen in place at what he was seeing he watched as the wolf gently nudged the girl’s face with a low pitched whine before it look at him and snarled. It looked to the girl once more before it sent a bone chilling howl to the air and looped off back into the deep of the forest.

  Taking quick action he unfroze and ran over to the girl after resheathing his sword. Cesare ripped off a sleeve of his tunic wrapping and tying it tightly around her wounded arm to stop the bleeding, but he knew the wound was too deep. If he did not hurry she was perish and he would be a murder yet again.

  She would need stitches and they were nowhere near anywhere to get that done. The castle it would have to be.

  He gently put on his horse a swung up behind her wrapping an arm around her to keep her on his blasted horse. Her limp form pressed a heavy weight again his chest, her head lolling to the side.

  “Foolish girl,” he said between gritted teeth as he made his decision about her.

  If she was going to live he had to make like the hounds of hell were chasing him.

  His horse flew across the ground carrying then both back toward his keep.

  Cesare glanced down at the girl’s pale face and was struck with two things. How fair she was and a knot of dread in h
is stomach when he thought about her as she taking her final breath in his arms.

  She is too young, he thought.

  Chapter Six

  The ride back to the keep seemed to long, he kept looking down to make sure she was breathing, once he panicked when he didn’t see her chest move, but then she moaned in pain and he sighed in relief. But time he made the gates of the keep he was a madman. He bellowed for the gates to be opened and rushed to the front steps.

  His sleeve on her arm was soaked through and she had turned white as a sheet.

  Another round of nerve biting panic set in.

  “Bring the healer at once,” he barked at his men who gathered around and without waiting rushed her up to his chambers. Refusing to be stopped to talk with anyone or take requests of help, he kicked open the door to his own chamber.

  “Stoke a fire,” he ordered someone who had followed him in.

  He gently laid her out on his bed and watched as she shivered from cold and blood loss.

  “Where is the healer,” he bellowed again.

  “I am here, milord,” answered an angry colored little bald man who pushed his way to the bed. Taking a look at the girls arm he rushed everyone out of the room.

  Cesare protested and the healer snapped at him. “If she is going to live then you most, leave me to do my work!”

  Cesare once shoved out of his own chambers, he took up a spot on the far wall waiting to hear news.

  He waited for what seemed like days as the healer called for a few men and then locked themselves in with the girl.

  Her first screams had set him pounding on the door until the healer told him he was doing the only thing he could to save her. If he couldn’t handle her screams, then to leave.


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