Heartland Zombie Apocalypse (Vol. 1): Surviving The Dead

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Heartland Zombie Apocalypse (Vol. 1): Surviving The Dead Page 22

by Marty Brockschmidt

  In the morning the woman was looking nervously out the window at the weather vane. The house was isolated and built near a cliff so the dead could only come from one direction. When the wind was blowing towards the house the stench of any nearby dead ones would alert the woman and Roger. When it was blowing away from the house than they could come much closer before being spotted.

  The woman shrugged, “Bad news Roger the wind shifted over the night. We don't have a choice though, we have to finish picking the crops or we won't be able to put up enough food for the winter. We'll have to be extra careful today.”

  Normally a comic Roger heard the seriousness in her voice and took a serious attitude as well. “I understand, lead the way.”

  As the couple approached the garden Roger sprinted ahead to make sure it was clear. Then ran back to the woman to let her know he hadn't spotted anything. The pair entered the garden and the old woman busied herself with filling the baskets and Roger kept a vigilant watch. Roger spied a rabbit holding tight under the leaves of a zucchini plant. He remembered the day he met the woman, he had caught a rabbit by her garden that morning. After having nothing to eat for a couple of days he was ready to gobble it up whole. The woman stepped out of her cottage and he decided instead to make a new friend.

  This morning the rabbit was holding uncharacteristically still, with a quick lunge he could have the rabbit and be back to the woman's side. However, before he could move the woman screamed, “OWW, Roger It got me.”

  Roger turned and saw the dead thing lurking in the corn holding the woman's arm. Roger began yelling “Hey you let her go. You don't belong here. This is our place.”

  The woman scolded, “Roger stop your barking. You're just going to bring more of them down on us. I stuck him good he's finished. Lets get back to the house and get my arm bandaged up.”

  Once back to the house the woman cleaned and bandaged her wound. Roger feeling as if he let her down stayed to close and was constantly underfoot. Normally, the woman would scold him for being in the way, but as the reality of their situation came into focus for her. The petty annoyance of tripping over the dog seemed a small matter.

  After taking care of her arm as best she could the woman weary from blood loss sat down on the couch. In an uncharacteristic move she called Roger to come and sit next to her. Finally, overwhelmed by the pent up emotions from all she had lost and the worry for what will become of Roger, she began to cry. Roger wanting to comfort her moved closer and she hugged the lab close and cried into his shoulder.

  Ever pragmatic she didn't allow herself to give in to the emotions to long. There was little she was going to be able to do for Roger, but she would do what she could, “Roger I'm going to take a nap for a little bit and then I'm going to make you a nice roast chicken dinner.”

  The next morning the fever from the bite was raging within her and she knew she did not have long. She butchered another of her chickens and fed it to Roger. She no longer had a need for the chickens and at least Roger would start out with a full stomach.

  When Roger finished eating she called him out to the porch, “Roger Sit.”

  When Roger sat down she knelt down next to him and hugged him again. Roger could feel the heat of her fever, “Roger, I don't know if you understand, but you need to find someone else to take care of. I'm going to dig up Bob's old pistol and end things before I turn.”

  With that she turned and walked into the house closing the door on Roger. A confused Roger began whining and scratching at the door, “No let me in. I'm sorry. I can't lose another family. Please!”

  After what seemed like an eternity the woman opened the door, “Settle down now Roger. Bob's old pistol is to rusted up to fire.”

  An excited Roger jumped up and began excitedly licking her face, “Okay that's enough Roger. Let's sit for a while out here on the porch.”

  The woman sat down on the deck of the porch and the big, yellow lab laid his head in her lap. He nuzzled under hand and encouraged her to scratch his chest. He could not understand what was going to happen to her. Right now he was with his friend and he was happy.

  “Crystal this test isn't completely conclusive, but coupled with your physical symptoms, I have to agree with the test results.”, stated Doc Linderman.

  “Doc I'm captain of the militia. It can be a pretty rough and tumble job at times. How do I get through this?”, questioned Crystal.

  Doc replied, “I'm sure we can figure out some compromises.”

  Crystal nodded, “Doc can you keep a lid on this for now?”

  “Doctor patient privilege. I'll keep it under my hat.”, he answered.

  “I guess I should talk to some people and figure this out. Tobin should be done with lunch now. No time like the present.”, Crystal said as she headed out.

  Crystal made her way over to the community building for lunch. She was lost in thought as the reality of her situation began to take clarity in her mind. As she entered Crystal saw Hank's wife Mary with their son Henry. So many things would trigger his migraines that Crystal had only seen the two of them on rare occasions. With the medicines that Hank had sacrificed himself to get little Henry could have a more normal life, at least until the medicines ran out.

  Pastor Jim was speaking with Mary. Jim had fallen back into Pastor mode as his group joined the compound and had started holding regular services and offering spiritual support. Crystal pasted a smile on her face as Tobin came up to her.

  “Hey Babe you almost missed lunch.”, Tobin exclaimed.

  “Just wrapping up some details. You know how it goes.”, replied Crystal.

  After lunch Crystal encouraged Tobin to go back to their apartment. She still hadn't figured out how she was going to break the news from her doctor visit to him. Their relationship had been on the fast track since they came to this compound. Not that Crystal was complaining about that, but she wasn't sure yet how Tobin would take the news, it just wasn't one of those things they had gotten around to discussing yet.

  “Tobin you know I saw Doc today?”, Crystal questioned as they entered the apartment.

  Her tone made him answer cautiously, “Yeah, you said it was routine. He didn't find a problem did he?”

  Crystal chuckled nervously, “I guess that is all a matter of perspective.”

  “So there is a problem?”, the concern showing in Tobin's voice.

  Crystal shook her head emphatically, “Calm down it is nothing like that. Tobin we … you and I, are going to have a baby.”

  Tobin broke into laughter than scooped Crystal into his arms, “You had me scared for a minute. Hold on lets make this official.”

  Tobin left Crystal and went to their bedroom. He returned in a moment and knelt on one knee and took Crystal's hand, “I've practiced this in my mind so many times, but right now I can't remember any of the speeches I came up with. Crystal you know I love you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife.”

  Crystal pulled him to his feet and with tears in her eyes, “Yes.” Then as Tobin slipped the ring he had been holding on her finger, “Where did you get the ring?”

  Tobin replied a bit sheepishly, “When I was on the first run to Lexington, I was hoping there would be a time to give it to you.”

  “Tobin we really need to talk about the baby. What if something goes wrong and it turns into one of those things inside me?”, Crystal asked.

  Tobin laughed taking her hands in his, “Darlin you think about things to much, she is going to be a beautiful baby.”

  Crystal smiled at his reassurance, “OK maybe that is a bit dramatic, but what about poor Henry, he's growing up without his dad, I don't want our son to have to go through that.”

  Tobin was to elated to worry, “We are into it now. There is no going back sweetheart. We'll just have to figure it out.”

  Zephram Nordstrom had become a deplorable creature over the past few weeks. His hair and beard were dirty, matted and full of grass and leaves. His clothes were in no better shape they were covered i
n mud and blood and the seams were starting to give from the constant wear.

  Gone were the meager supplies, left by the bastards that had abandoned him here. He feared to start a fire to cook the small animal and fish he was able to catch, choosing instead to eat them raw with whatever berries and roots he could forage. Daily he slipped closer and closer to madness from the isolation and lack of sleep due to the constant fear of chompers.

  The only thing that gave him a grip on reality was his hatred for the woman that left him here. He would spend hours each day plotting his revenge and thinking of delightful ways of getting his payback for his mistreatment. Zephram had always enjoyed the sound of his voice and had begun a habit of having long conversations with himself.

  “Zeph old boy we got to get our act together and find our way out of here.”

  “Its not that easy friend. We got no map, no compass, ain't got no idea where we're at and none of these two tracks is marked.”

  “Zeph quit your belly achin. Sounds to me like you don't want our Jilly back.”

  “Oh son we gonna get Jilly back, we gonna get Joy back and we gonna have that little blonde bitch that Captain.”

  In his wanderings Zephram had come across a large lake. The lake was water and food. He only had a single canteen and could only carry enough water to last him two or three days. The past several days, he had no idea how many, he had kept up a process of trekking away from the lake and returning once his water was half gone. Each trip moved him farther around the lake. Each trip was a chance to find a cabin, a car, or another person.

  Today his luck changed, today he found the camper, “Zeph looks like our ship has come in. You gotta clean your ass up first or that pair will shoot your for a chomper before you get close.”

  Okay Crystal what do you have on your mind?”, Mac inquired.

  “This isn't an easy situation for me, but Tobin and I agree it is for the best. I need to step down as captain of our militia.”, Crystal replied.

  “Whoa, that there is a big announcement. I think we should talk this over a bit.”, Bob Ryker exclaimed.

  “Bob, there isn't really a lot to discuss. Despite all my precautions I'm pregnant. The dangers of the militia puts my child at too much risk.”, Crystal retorted.

  “Crystal let me be the first to congratulate you.”, said Mac.

  Crystal smiled, “Thanks Mac, but your not exactly the first. I've been talking to various individuals to figure out what to do.”

  “Go ahead Crystal just put what your proposing out there.”, Hester encouraged.

  “Okay. First, I would like to retain my seat on the council. Second I've spoken with Hester, Carol and Hazel and I would like to organize an education program for our kids. I'm thinking of not only the basics, but also survival training, first aid, and self defense.”

  “So did you also think about a replacement?”, asked Joe.

  Crystal nodded, “Of course. In my mind the best candidates are Bill, Amy, and Blade. Bill really prefers being our chief of security and Amy agrees with me that Blade is the best choice. I haven't spoken to him yet. I didn't know if we would be putting it to a public vote again or leave it as a council decision.”

  “Crystal unless someone has a different thought, I see no problem with you keeping your council seat. I also think you should talk with Blade and see if he is open to the job.”, Mac concluded.

  At the end of the week a day of festivities was planned. With the garden bounty coming in dinner that night included a variety of grilled and fresh vegetables. In addition with the flour and sugar salvaged from Lexington, they were able to have a variety of baked goods and pastries.

  At the conclusion of the meal Mac stood up to address the group, “To start with how about a big thank you to Tobin, Nana, and everyone that pitched in on this fantastic meal.”

  As the applause quieted down Mac continued, “I also ask we take a moment of silence to thank Hank Cross whose sacrifice helped bring us this bounty and whose efforts kept us safe behind these gates.”

  After a respectful period Mac proceeded, “Thank you. It also saddens me to inform you that Miss Innes, for personal reasons, is stepping down as our captain of the militia. She will be replaced by Corporal Byrnes. I'm sure you kids will be excited by this, Crystal has volunteered to organize an education program for you.”

  Crystal briefly took the floor, “I have some ideas that will make this a fun program for you guys. Tomorrow after breakfast if all the parents or anyone with teaching experience will join me at daycare we'll start to figure this out.”

  As Crystal took her seat Tobin stood up, “I finally wore Crystal down and she has consented to be my bride. We don't have an exact date set, but it will be soon. When we get it all sorted out your all invited.”

  Tobin blushing sat down and Mac led the community in a round of applause and well wishes for the couple. Mac then turned to Blade and asked him to say a few words.

  “I can't hope to replace Crystal as captain. That is a title that will always be hers, but I will do my best to follow her lead. I am pleased to announce that Juan Garcia is our newest patrol leader and since these two seemed to be joined at the hip his co-leader is Lup Pittman.” Blade turned towards Percy, “Gunny we have five new recruits for you as well.”

  “Alright folks enjoy the evening. I know it is mid-august, but tomorrow we are back to business as usual. Winter is coming and we got to get ready.”, Mac concluded.

  Fort Irwin the Mojave Dessert

  Lieutenant Colonel Mathias Mayhue was meeting with Major General Norman Armstrong. Fort Irwin housed so many non-combatant families that in the early days of the outbreak, creepers flowed through them like water and a lot of good men were lost saving the few that they could and controlling the threat. Colonel Mayhue resented the General's resistance to just fire bombing the houses. He saw no sense in wasting the lives of good soldiers to rescue worthless civilians.

  “Colonel we've received word from Camp Pendleton they are about down to their last. It is time that we join forces and bug out.”, General Armstrong stated.

  “Do we have a destination sir?”, Mayhue asked.

  “Its been awhile, but my last report from Colonel Osgoode was he was establishing a survivor stronghold in southern Nebraska.”, the General responded.

  “Southern Nebraska is a bit vague can you narrow it down a bit?”, Mayhue questioned.

  The General was irritated at his orders being questioned, “That is all I have soldier. We'll have to hope they got comms up and can guide us in. In any regard Nebraska has no where near the population we got here and worst case there are some world war II bunkers we could hunker down in.”

  Colonel Mayhue stood behind his commander and studied the map. Slowly he pulled his knife and sunk it too the hilt in the General's lower back severing the spinal cord, “A little thing I picked up in Cambodia, called a head on a stick. I need you to look like your turning makes selling my story a little easier. I have no interest in wasting my men going after a bunch of jarheads, they can save their own bacon. You can bet your ass I am not going to chase halfway across the country dragging a bunch of civilians along either.”

  Colonel Mayhue quickly pocketed the General's insignia and called out, “Sergeant Major.”

  As SGM Stuart Redding entered the Colonel continued, “Sergeant the General is infected and is starting to turn. He got it from the civilians. Get our men loaded up we leave in fifteen.”

  “The civilians sir, what do we do about them?”, Sergeant Redding asked.

  Mayhue scoffed, “Burn em before they turn, same goes for anyone outside of our unit. Their all lost anyhow.”

  Stu had been with his commandeer for so many years that he had long past given up questioning his orders, though his actions of late were a little over the top even for the Colonel. As he and the Colonel pulled out of the blazing compound, with nearly a hundred men, screams of the burning people they left behind followed them. Stu looked inquisitively at Colonel Mayhue
as he affixed the General's insignia to his uniform.

  “Field promotion.”, Mayhue responded to the unasked question.

  “Where are we headed sir?”, Sergeant Redding queried.

  Mayhue answered curtly, “Nebraska.”

  “Mister Gant you have one hour to complete, your not going to let me down are you?”, Cynthia warned.

  Joe Gant struggled to contain his irritation, “Don't get your ….. yes we will be all cleared out of here in plenty of time. I wouldn't dream of throwing your schedule off.”

  Cynthia clutched her clipboard and dashed off to deal with the next crisis. She had volunteered to be Tobin and Crystal's coordinator, but this has grown into so much more. The whole community seems to be rejuvenated over the thought of this wedding. Everyone wanted this to be a special affair and for a little while pretend the world was back to normal.


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