Honeymoon For One

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Honeymoon For One Page 6

by Lily Zante

  Yet Nico feared it wasn’t enough for his father. His father had become a broken man after the death of his wife and felt that now was the time to sell up and live his twilight years in peace. But things had changed. Nico had changed; he would prove to his father just how capable he was of taking the helm. He wouldn’t do it alone. He wouldn’t let his father just give up and leave everything that he had built to someone else to buy and then ruin.

  No way. He would show his father that it was time to take the Cazale empire to another level.

  But first, he had to show his father that he was capable of running the business at all.

  Chapter 12

  Ava lay on the bed on her side with her laptop in front of her as she flicked through the emails quickly responding to them all in turn. These were things that Kim had forwarded on to her and which required her attention. Though thankfully, they were only minor things. Kim seemed to be handling everything pretty well by herself.

  Unfortunately, the same could not be said of her mother. Elsa Ramirez was worried sick about her daughter and had resorted to emailing her frequently especially when Ava didn’t respond to answering her phone calls or her messages.

  In her latest email, Elsa had spent the better part of two pages lamenting over lost loves and telling Ava that Connor had made a bad mistake, a mistake he would regret for the rest of his life.

  “You’ll find someone new to love, someone who is worthy of you,” was the last email she had received from her mom. Ava read it and then typed in her reply.

  “Don’t worry mom. I’m having the time of my life over here. I’ve met a tall, dark and spectacularly handsome hotel driver. He is fast helping me to get over Connor.”

  She grinned to herself wickedly and almost hit the SEND button, before deleting the last two sentences.

  She shut her laptop and lay on her back, feeling the cool satin comforter against her hands as she spread her arms out on the bed. She stared at the painted ceilings adorned with beautiful Frescoes. She could stare at them forever. This hotel and everything about it was becoming uniquely special.

  And then of course there was Nico.

  Her heart started beating a little faster at the thought of his dark, seductive eyes. Was it only yesterday that they had met at the airport? How rude and arrogant he had been then. Yet today he had been the opposite; there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. Why the sudden change in character?

  She wondered which Nico she would see tomorrow; the cool, arrogant one or the nice friendly one. Whichever one it was, she found herself looking forward to seeing him nonetheless.


  The next morning Ava got up, got dressed and was sitting downstairs having breakfast.

  Nico hadn’t told her what time they would be leaving to go to this place he called Montova. He thought it would be a good place to go to for sourcing products. If he felt sure she would find products uniquely Italian to sell in her store at this place called Montova, she was more than excited about going there.

  She couldn’t put her finger on it but she sensed that he didn’t quite believe her reason for being here. For one thing, he kept on asking her why she was here, as if there was another motive for her visiting Verona.

  Of course, he had no idea why she was here. Why would he?

  Ava had just finished her morning coffee when Gina walked up to her, looking slightly awkward and embarrassed at the idea of interrupting her.

  “Excuse me Ms. Ramirez but Nico has asked me to tell you that he was summoned away on another urgent task this morning and unfortunately he will not be able to take you to Montova today. He asked me to give you his sincere apologies as he has already left for the day.”

  “That’s a shame,” said Ava, with disappointment setting in. “I was looking forward to it, but it can wait.” She smiled warmly at Gina, who stood patiently by. “I think I’ll do some more sightseeing. Is there anything you would recommend?” she asked, getting out her sunglasses and pushing them to sit snugly on the top of her head.

  “You might like to visit the Giardino Giusti gardens. They are beautiful and so is the Duomo. And of course there is also Juliet’s balcony.” Ava winced at the last place of interest. Gina backtracked immediately, realizing this was one place that a young widow might not want to visit.

  “Though I highly recommend the gardens and the cathedral. The balcony is a waste of time,” she said quickly.

  “Been there done that,” muttered Ava to herself as she got up, towering over Gina’s tiny frame. She smiled cheerfully at the friendly hotel receptionist. “I’ll be fine. I’m more than happy to explore on my own for today anyway.”

  “Have a good day, Madam,” Gina said politely before slipping away discreetly.

  So Ava spent a luxuriously indulgent day by herself, first visiting the beautifully sculpted gardens and its mansion in the morning, before stopping for lunch at a seafood restaurant. In the afternoon she whiled away the hours at the striking 12th century Duomo.

  When she returned back to the hotel in the early evening, she was more than pleasantly surprised to see Nico standing over by the reception desk, looking at something on the computer screen. He looked up and saw her, then smiled and she could see that he was just as pleasantly surprised to see her.

  Gina had finished her shift and in her place was another woman, much younger, who was cheerfully registering in a new couple who had just arrived.

  “Good evening, Ms Ramirez.” He nodded his head as a way of saying hello.

  “Good evening, Nico.” Ava let out a smile and tried not to make it too obvious that she was pleased he was there.

  “You had a good day today?” he asked, cordially enough. It struck her that he had such a strong presence, as he stood before her, in his dark suit and white shirt, that he looked out of place driving her everywhere.

  “I certainly did. I went to the gardens and the cathedral. Magnificent, both of them. And then I had the most wonderful lunch. Again.”

  Nico nodded his head appreciatively. Ava carried on and he listened with interest.

  “It was a seafood restaurant called Gioberti’s.”

  “Gioberti’s?” asked Nico and his face hardened and the twitch in his jaw resurfaced.

  “I know the owner, Gioberti,” he said slowly.

  “Oh, yes, Gioberti,” said Ava rolling her eyes. She had found the man to be overly attentive to her, to the point of being sickeningly so. Yet she thought she saw a flicker of jealousy on Nico’s face just now.

  “The food was spectacular though,” recalled Ava, her mouth starting to water again as she remembered the gamberoni.

  In a lower tone, Nico leant forward, “I’m so sorry about earlier today.”


  “I’m sorry about this morning,” he said quietly, not wanting the other hotel clerk to hear.

  “Gina told me first thing in the morning. It’s fine. Maybe we could see Montova some other time?” she tried not to sound too imposing, though for some reason she found herself looking forward to going out with him for the day.

  “Perhaps the day after tomorrow?”

  “After tomorrow?” said Ava, trying not to sound too disappointed at having to wait another day. Then, “After tomorrow, of course. That’s good. It works for me.”

  Nico nodded again and his eyes acknowledged her.

  Ava hesitated again. “But the day after tomorrow I was thinking of going to Pisa.”

  A look of disgust crossed Nico’s face. “Pisa?” he said incredulously, frowning so hard that his forehead broke out into lines. “There’s nothing of interest there. One tower at an angle. Don’t bother with it. Save yourself the time and effort of going there and it will certainly save you the disappointment that will definitely await you.” He seemed so serious that Ava burst out laughing at him. He didn’t think he had said anything remotely funny. He eyed her with suspicion. “You’re laughing. Why?”

  She cupped her hand to her mouth and her long, shiny n
ails glinted underneath the light of the chandelier just above.

  “It’s just that you,” she burst out laughing again, “seem to have blown apart a popular tourist attraction with your cynicism.”

  Nico looked askance then shrugged his wide shoulders. “That’s my opinion of it and I’ve been to see it. You are free to make up your own mind.”

  “Alright then. I’ll give Pisa a miss. On this occasion.”

  “Totally up to you,” replied Nico. “I will leave it to you to decide whether you go to Pisa or to Montova, though you did say you were on a working holiday.”

  Ava stopped laughing. “Montova then. Let me see what’s so special about this factory village of yours.”

  Nico nodded. “Enjoy your day tomorrow.”

  “I will,” said Ava, fumbling around in her bag as soon as her cell went off. She glanced at it then frowned. It was the sixth call from her mother today.

  “Is everything alright?” asked Nico. Ava nodded before answering her cell and walking away, making her way up the stairs slowly.

  Why did her mother never stop worrying about her? “Hi mom. What’s up? I have like five missed calls from you.”

  “You have five missed calls from me and you’re wondering what’s up?” Ava could hear the worry in her mother’s voice and she was suddenly worried that something was wrong. She clutched the cell to her ear. “Are you alright mom?” She walked into her hotel room, slipped off her jacket and lay down on the bed.

  “’I’m worried about you Ava! Five calls to you and no answer,” her mother cried. “What’s a mother supposed to think?”

  Ava groaned and let herself breathe again. Of course, everything was fine. Her mother was fine. She mother was just being her mother.

  “Mom I’m fine. In fact, I’m having a wonderful time.”

  “Now that I know you’re safe and well, I’m having a wonderful time knowing that you’re having a wonderful time.” Ava could hear the relief in her mother’s voice and imagined her sitting down in her favorite reading chair which was her favorite place for making calls and reading.

  “It’s so beautiful here mom, I wish you could see how beautiful it is here.”

  “A few days in Italy and you sound like a new person Ava. I’m so glad you went. I knew it would be the right thing for you.”

  “Rona doesn’t think so.”

  “Rona can’t see beyond diapers and poop at the moment. And she’s not getting much sleep either. I bet she wishes she was out there with you. But she’s glad you got away. She returned the ring by the way.”

  The ring. Connor. She hadn’t thought of him at all lately.

  “Was everything alright….giving the ring back and all?”

  “Must have been. She didn’t say much about it.”

  The final thing had been done. Now Ava felt that the final connection, that last link to Connor was severed forever. She took a deep breath and watched her stomach rise and fall as she breathed in and out.

  “I’m real glad that’s done mom.”

  “I know Ava, I know.”

  “Mom?” Ava ran her hand over her stomach, and wondered if she should mention the handsome driver she had met. Though it was silly because what was there to say?


  She decided against it and settled for “I miss you mom.” What would her mother make of it anyway? After all, there was nothing going on except a wisp of attraction on her part. She couldn’t gauge Nico’s interest in her. She flushed as she remembered him teasing her. You don’t think I’m doing all this for you do you? He had said. He was probably doing nothing more than his working duties required of him.

  “I miss you too honey. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I love you.”

  “Bye mom, love you.”

  Ava lay on the bed, thinking of Nico’s jet colored eyes and tried to wonder what had changed in only two days.

  Chapter 13

  It had been an early morning appointment for Nico. But he was relieved that it was over and done with. He left the steps of the private hospital and rushed to his car, slamming the door shut behind him.

  He turned and waved to Alessa as she got into her mother’s car. He hadn’t wanted Alessa to experience any pain and luckily for her, it had been a painless experience. Luckily for him, it had been a quick experience and she had asked no awkward questions. Unluckily for him, Silvia had been in a foul mood the whole time and hadn’t been the easiest of people to get on with.

  At least it was over and done with. His shoulders relaxed for the first time that whole morning. This was what he had given up his day at Montova with Ava for. His nostrils flared at the thought of it. Soon, it wouldn’t matter. He was sure of the outcome.

  His thoughts turned to tomorrow and the trip to Montova with Ava. His face brightened and the tightness that had made his eyes heavy and fixed that grouchy look on his face, soon melted away.

  Despite his earlier resolve, he was finding it difficult to stop thinking about her.

  She wasn’t the least bit charmed by him, he could see that. But for him it was such a breath of fresh air to meet a woman who knew nothing about him at all. Yet he couldn’t escape the fact that her visit to Verona was mired by the most tragic of circumstances. He was trying to do his best to make everything good for her. But the fact that he was looking forward to tomorrow and spending a whole day with her, made him feel guilty for having these feelings at all.

  He reasoned that it would be better to spend a day being her friend, than wishing things could be any different.

  By the time his car pulled into the driveway at the Casa Adriana, his mood had changed completely and he was eager to get on with the meetings he had lined up for the day. Getting out of the car and walking towards the hotel entrance, he quickly checked his daily schedule on the Blackberry to make sure he wouldn’t miss anything important today.

  As he bounded up the two stone steps leading to the double glass doors, Ava was making her way out. She slipped her cell phone into her bag without looking where she was going and went crashing straight into Nico, sending his Blackberry flying out of his hands. It went scuttling across the ground. He heard a small groan escape her lips and in an instant she was on the ground, reaching out for it. He bent down at the same time, so close to her that he could almost taste the scented body lotion she had used. For the briefest of seconds, the image of a bare backed Ava, slathering body lotion over herself burst into his mind.

  “Did I break it?” she asked apologetically, her face contorted with horror as she picked up his Blackberry and examined it in her hand.

  “Uhhh,” was all Nico could manage as he struggled to shake the image away. “Here let me see,” he said, reaching over to take it from her. His fingers grazed the warm skin of her palms and sent a tingling feeling in his chest. He pretended to look the Blackberry over.

  “It’s fine I’m sure, don’t worry about it,” he said, managing to display a degree of calmness which he didn’t really feel.

  He stared at her, his heart beating wildly now that he was so close to her. Her eyes had changed color again and were now a lighter shade of blue in the morning sun.

  “I’m so sorry Nico,” Ava said worriedly, slowly standing up. “I seem to have a knack for bumping into you all the time.”

  “You do, don’t you,” he managed to say, with a slight smile, though he didn’t care at all whether his Blackberry was broken or not. He couldn’t get the scent of her out of his senses. All he could see was the clear gray-blue of her eyes and his insides melted. He felt like a hot blooded clumsy teenager once more. Which was a crazy thought, because it had been well over a decade since he had left his teen years.

  Ava was having an odd effect on him and he couldn’t find the right words to say to her. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what to say. It was that he knew what he couldn’t say. He knew what path he could not venture down.

  He straightened up, but the calm smile on his face belied the tumultuous feelings stirring inside h
im. He wanted this woman. But she was not his to have.

  “It’s fine, please don’t worry about it,” he said, resisting the urge to touch her face and tell her that it was alright. Instead, he gripped the Blackberry tightly, fighting to keep these feelings that she had stirred up, under control.

  “Are you sure?” asked Ava again, staring up at his face searchingly. He wished she would either leave or let him through because he couldn’t stand this close to her any longer without doing something he would later regret.

  Mistaking his silence for anger about the Blackberry she said, “I’ll get you another one if it’s damaged.” She stared up at him for the longest time.

  “It’s fine Ava, really. I must get going.”

  “Busy day today?” she seemed eager to strike up a conversation.

  Then he remembered he had told her he would be tied up for the day. “Yes. Hectic. Where are you off to today?” He asked, to lighten his tone.

  “Gina told me to try the Roman Theatre and the Arena but I’m thinking about going to Milan for the day.”

  “Milan?” he asked in surprise. “That’s over an hour away, by train.”

  “I like trains,” retorted Ava defensively.

  “Ahhh. You like shopping too? If you like shopping, you will love Milan. Most of the women do.” He didn’t have Ava down for someone who was so interested in shopping. She and Silvia were such opposites. .

  “I thought I might check out Milan ahead of our trip to Montova.”

  Nico’s eyes glittered with curiosity, “If you want to shop for yourself, then by all means go to Milan. But if you’re looking for products for your store, you won’t get them in Milan. Montova is much better. But, I don’t want to keep putting you off visiting these places. It seems that’s all I am doing at the moment.” His eyes displayed a touch of playfulness. He tried not to stare too intently at her face as she thought about it.


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