In Times of Trouble

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In Times of Trouble Page 19

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  Olivia’s words hit Lisa like a two-ton truck. “A mother will do anything to protect her child.” That’s the same line Olivia had spoon-fed Lisa when she talked her into confronting Stacie. Lisa thought it was good advice back then; now it seemed devilish.

  “The good thing about all of this is that Justin is a junior. If he’s suspended because of Chanelle’s absurdities, he’ll still have a chance to play his senior year. Honestly, he doesn’t need this shadow hanging over his head. It will be much easier on us all if she drops these ridiculous allegations.”

  “The only thing that’s being dropped is this conversation. We’re through!” Lisa started to the door once again when suddenly she began to itch very badly. It was as if a swarm of invisible mosquitoes had attacked her.

  At first Lisa thought it was her nerves until Olivia said, “Are you feeling okay? I hope you’re not having an allergic reaction to anything around here. . .say, like the brownies.”

  Lisa halted dead in her tracks and stared in disbelief at her former friend. “You put peanuts in those, didn’t you?”

  “Only a cup or two. . .I ground them really fine so that they couldn’t be detected, then I added M&M’s to mask the taste. I had a feeling that you’d be too righteous to accept my offer, so I wanted to know that I mean business. . .I will not allow my son to go down without a fight.”

  “How could you? You know I’m allergic to peanuts.”

  “Do I?” She pretended to be shocked, placing her hand over her chest as if hearing this for the first time.

  “Liv, we’ve been friends for years. You, of all people, know that I can’t have any products with peanuts in it! You did this on purpose!”

  “Prove it. Hypothetically speaking, say I did know and I purposely put peanuts in the brownies. You would claim that during our numerous conversations, you told me of your allergy. The problem is that in a court of law there would be no evidence to support this theory. You have to remember, my husband makes his living as a defense attorney. If you can’t prove it, I didn’t do it. The wonderful thing about the justice system is that the burden of proof lies with the accuser. You say I knew, I say I didn’t. It’s your word against mine, just like it’s Justin’s word against Chanelle’s.”

  Lisa took a few steps closer to Olivia who was now standing again and glared straight into her eyes. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you? You thought you could hide Justin’s crime by taking Chanelle to the clinic to have an abortion.”

  “Did I?”

  Lisa was doubly agitated by the smug grin on Olivia’s face. “There is proof that Justin raped Chanelle. DNA doesn’t lie. I’m sure you know that, which is why Justin won’t voluntarily give a sample. That’s okay, though. Eventually the police will get what they need, especially since Chanelle is still carrying his baby; I know a paternity test will discredit anything Justin has said.” Lisa would have given money for an instant replay of Olivia’s prideful grin turning sour. She had never seen her sweat under pressure and quite frankly, Lisa got a sense of satisfaction about having one up on her. “Now who do you think the jury will believe?” As the look of horror rested over Olivia, Lisa gave her own wicked smile and left.


  Malicious Intent

  Lisa managed to hold it together like a lioness while in front of Olivia, but as soon as she made it to the rehabilitation center where RJ worked, she broke down. Inside RJ’s closed office she cried hysterically as she told him about what had happened with Olivia.

  “I messed up everything,” she sobbed into his chest.

  “Shh! It’s okay. I’m going to see if I can find you some allergy medication and then we need to call and let Detective Evans know what happened.”

  RJ left the room and Lisa lay there, thinking about her daughter and how strong Chanelle had been during the weeks she had been away from home. Chanelle had even continued planning to attend college when classes started in a few weeks. The only difference is that Chanelle would stay at home instead of living on campus now. Lisa was so proud of her daughter for persevering, despite the circumstances. Lisa had promised Chanelle that justice would be served. How could she tell her that she had obstructed it?

  Lisa itched uncontrollably while waiting for RJ to return. Her eyes roamed his office. This was her first time being inside there. His walls were decorated with biblical scriptures and pictures of Chanelle and her. It wasn’t creepy like Eric’s office has been. Lisa felt flattered and got the sense that both she and Chanelle were important to him. Lisa was surprised by the newspaper clipping that hung among the family photographs. It was a photo from the night they had gotten arrested. The clipping showed RJ being escorted out of the drug house in handcuffs and his boxers. RJ had framed the picture and wrote Genesis 50:20 across it. Lisa couldn’t think of the scripture off hand, but she made a mental note to look it up later.

  “I found some medicine for you.” RJ walked in, carrying the medicine and a cup of water. “I also spoke with Detective Evans. He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry to come barging in like this. I know you have a lot of stuff to do. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “It’s okay.” He was gentle in assisting her as she swallowed the pills. “I have a great staff that, honestly, does the bulk of the work. I’m just the overseer.”

  “You’re not just the overseer. You run the place, Mr. Director.”

  RJ shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “The title itself isn’t important to me. I’m at a point where I realize that the only ones impressed with titles are people. When I get to Heaven, if anything, the only title Jesus will have for me is servant. I used to be caught up in doing and being what everyone else expected me to be, but now my top priorities are fulfilling my God-given purpose and being there for my family.”

  Lisa recalled how excited she had been back in the day about RJ taking over his father’s ministry. She wondered if he had included her in the “everyone,” but she didn’t have the courage to ask. Instead she inquired about the unusual picture. “How does Genesis 50:20 relate to that newspaper clipping?”

  RJ smiled proudly. “Remember when Joseph’s brothers worried that he would seek revenge on them after Jacob died for selling him into slavery, but Joseph said to them, ‘You thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good?’ That article reminds me that the things meant to destroy me are now being used to God’s glory. Being a pastor caught up in a drug scandal could have and should have been the end of me, but God placed me in a position to help others, despite everything that I went through. As crazy as it sounds, I’m proud to be able to relate with the people who come through here. Only God can do something like that. I keep the article up because it’s a testimony to everyone who walks through this door that God is capable of doing the impossible.”

  Lisa was rendered speechless. She had once accused RJ of being a charlatan and now he had spoken a Word so powerful that it gave her goose bumps.

  “Excuse me. . .” Detective Evans knocked on the door, walking in and closing it behind him. “I take it that your visit with Olivia Scott didn’t go well.”

  He was a lot cuter when he wasn’t being sarcastic. Lisa held RJ’s hand for strength as she recounted that afternoon’s events.

  He looked tense and drew in several heavy breaths before speaking. “I knew talking to her would not be a good idea. It doesn’t surprise me that she tried to pay you off. Had she given you a check, we could have used that as proof, but she’s way too smart for that.”

  “But, what about her intentionally flaring up my wife’s allergies?”

  Detective Evans looked as surprised as Lisa was by RJ’s reference to her as his wife. “I hate to say this, but Olivia’s right. There’s no way to prove that she had malicious intent when serving you the brownies. From now on, stay away from her. Don’t answer any of her phone calls. I doubt she’ll be stupid enough to leave you voice messages, but if she does, save them. You should seek a restraining orde
r against her.”

  “So how strong is Chanelle’s case now? Did I mess things up really bad?”

  He sighed heavily. “I won’t say ‘really bad,’ but you’ve definitely made things more difficult for us.”

  Lisa was ashamed and hung her head low. RJ gave her a reassuring pat on the back.

  “Justin has wasted no time changing his story. On my way here I got a call that he is now saying that he and Chanelle had consensual sex and she started bleeding because she was a virgin. No one is going to be surprised now if his DNA is found on her clothing and he’s confirmed as the baby’s father.”

  “Doesn’t the fact that he changed his story show that he’s guilty?”

  “To us, yeah. . .but Isaac Scott is one heck of a defense attorney. If this goes to court, I’m sure he’s going to file a motion to try and keep the jury from finding about Justin’s conflicting statements. Let’s hope the judge will see things our way. The only concrete evidence we have of forced sexual activity is Chanelle’s torn clothing. Most people don’t rip their clothes before having consensual sex, so that’s a clear sign of an attack. I just wish there was some way to prove she was wearing that outfit the day Justin raped her.”

  “I may be able to help you with that,” Lisa said confidently.


  Section 105.13A

  RJ was concerned about Lisa driving because the allergy medication she had taken was known to cause drowsiness. Even though she declared she was “fine,” he left his car at the center and drove Lisa home in hers. Also concerned about Olivia’s threats, RJ first stopped by his place to get some clothes for the remainder of the week. He didn’t ask, but rather told Lisa that he would stay with her and Chanelle until the whole thing blew over.

  When they got to the house, Chanelle was sitting in the living room watching television. Kyle was no longer there, but evidence remained of his presence. There were no dishes in the sink when Lisa went to work this morning, but now there were two of everything waiting to be washed. She didn’t like to come home to dirty dishes, but she wouldn’t dare make that an issue in light of the more serious matters at hand. Lisa felt obligated to tell Chanelle that she had told Olivia about the baby and gave her daughter a very abridged version of what happened earlier, eliminating Olivia’s deliberate attempt to flare up her allergies. She didn’t think her daughter needed to be concerned with that. She apologized profusely to Chanelle who replied that she wasn’t going to “sweat it” and then retired to her room for a nap. As RJ worked to change the locks on the door and the security code on the alarm, Lisa busied herself emailing Detective Evans the pictures from the day of the engagement party that Olivia had sent to her. Among the bunch were images of Chanelle wearing the exact same outfit she had turned in to Detective Evans.

  Just as Lisa had hit “send” the phone rang and Callie’s home number showed up on the display. “Tell me Chanelle is not the one Justin Scott is accused of raping!” her mother wailed. Lisa could hear her father and sister in the background trying to calm her down. “Dear Lord, he raped my baby!” Lisa’s heart tumbled as she heard her mother drop the phone and cry out in pain.

  “Daddy, get her some water,” Callie ordered before picking it up. “Lisa, what’s going on? Mama’s having a fit. We heard on the news that Justin Scott has been questioned about rape allegations.”

  Lisa was at a loss for words.

  “Oh no, it was Chanelle, wasn’t it?” Callie seemed heartbroken.

  “Yes. . .” Lisa wasn’t surprised that Justin being questioned made the news in California. Justin was only the key running back for a Big Ten college, and his parents were famous. She just hadn’t expected it to reach her family so soon.

  “Is Chanelle at home? How is she doing?”

  “Yes, she’s here.” Lisa told her sister about the call from Gericka that led to this revelation. “Please don’t tell Mama about the pregnancy. This is already a lot on her. I’ll tell her when she gets home.”

  “I won’t. I’m so sorry this happened to her. I know exactly how she feels.”

  “She’s doing better than I thought.”

  “Look, we’ve debated this topic before, but I really think she should be in counseling. Chanelle has gone through a lot in her young life. I know you said she appears to be fine, but honestly, Lisa, that’s an inherited defense mechanism that our family tends to have. Mama does it, you do it and I do it as well. I hope Chanelle knows that she can talk to us any time, but it’ll be good for her to talk with someone professionally trained to deal with these types of issues.”

  “I agree. The police gave her some information to a rape crisis center, but I want to get her someone she can talk to about everything. You were right, Cal. I should have listened.”

  “This is not about me being right. I want to make sure Chanelle gets the help that she needs.”

  “I’m going to talk to her and see if it’s something she wants to do. It’s not something I can make her do, but I’ll look into it just in case. I don’t know where to start. I’ll see if I can get some recommendations from the church.”

  “I have someone I can refer you to. You know how I was gone every Tuesday running errands? I was actually going to counseling. My therapist here recommended a wonderful psychiatrist; I can give you the name and number if you’d like.”

  Lisa got the information from her sister and then Callie said she needed to go to check on their mother who could still be heard crying as though she was having a nervous breakdown. Before hanging up, Callie said a prayer for her and Chanelle with more “oomph” than Lisa had heard from her sister in quite some time.

  RJ also thought Chanelle attending counseling would be a good idea and Lisa wasted no time calling Dr. Lancer who stated that she still had Callie’s slot open the next afternoon if Chanelle wanted to accept it. RJ and Lisa pitched the idea to their daughter who wasn’t enthusiastic, but didn’t refuse.

  Tuesday morning, Lisa dropped RJ off at work since he had left his car and driven her home the day before and then drove to her office. As usual, she spoke to her assistant who peered up at her with a horrid look. Megan always looked sad and never wore a joyous expression, but the look she had today was eerie.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Megan struggled to speak and then Lisa saw Neil Criton, Brentson’s CEO, walking out of her office with a couple of security men carrying her computer and other items.

  “What’s this all about, Neil?”

  “Hello, Lisa. I wish I was here under better circumstances. . . Um, let’s step inside here so we can talk.” He motioned toward the doorway of her office.

  Lisa’s wobbling knees made her too weak to move. She leaned on Megan’s desk for support. “Just tell me what’s going on?”

  “Very well then.” He took a few steps closer to her. “You’re being placed on administrative leave without pay, pending an investigation into pornography allegations.”


  “We’ve received an anonymous tip that you have been downloading porn onto your computer at work.”

  “That’s absurd! Where did this tip come from?”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you that. It was anonymous.”

  “C’mon, Neil, think about how ridiculous this sounds. If I wanted to look at naked people on the Internet, why wouldn’t I do it on my own personal computer? Why would I do it at work?”

  “Why do thieves rob banks in broad daylight? It doesn’t make sense, I know, but we have to investigate it. I’m just following orders.”

  Lisa knew somehow Olivia had set her up. The only person who had access to her login information was Olivia; and Megan did mention that Olivia had done some work in her office last week.

  “Pornography isn’t the only allegation against you, Lisa. It’s also been reported that you’ve been taking time off of work without submitting leave slips.”

  “But, Neil—”

  “You were off all last week and yet, your absence has not bee
n officially documented.”

  “You want me to fill out a leave slip for last week? Fine. . .I have no problem doing that.”

  “I’m sorry, but at this point filling out a slip won’t do you any good. Last week isn’t the only time you’ve left without submitting leave. You did it yesterday and numerous times before. And then there’s an issue about your taking extended lunch breaks.”

  “Who doesn’t have extended lunch breaks around here? You and every other company executive have taken time off without it officially showing up on the books. I apparently had the board’s approval to do those things. Most of the time I was with Olivia. I distinctly remember several occasions accompanying her to business lunches with you knowing full well I was on company time and now you want to hold that against me!” Lisa was outraged that all of a sudden this was a problem when she’d definitely had Neil’s unwritten approval.

  “According to section 105.13A of the Brentson Employee Handbook, all employees are required to submit the appropriate leave form when taking time off of work, including additional time during lunch. Any employee found violating the rule is subject to disciplinary action.”

  Lisa was sickened by his politically correct jargon. “Neil, why are you doing this to me?”

  “Please don’t take it personal. I’m simply following the established rules of Brentson Technologies.”

  “I know Olivia’s behind this whole thing.” Anger corroded her insides. “Her son raped my daughter and now you’re doing her dirty work!”

  Megan gasped. “Oh my goodness, Lisa. . .I didn’t know. . .”

  “I wasn’t aware of any personal issues that you and Mrs. Scott have. I’m strictly following company policy.”

  “This is bull! You’ve become her spineless puppet.” From the corner of her eye, Lisa observed Megan turn bright red, ready to cry as if she had been the one reprimanded. Technically, Megan’s job could also be in danger because she, like Lisa, had enjoyed the extra “perks” of having a connection with Olivia Scott. Lisa wouldn’t dare bring Megan into it and she was glad that her assistant’s job hadn’t been affected, but she did have some advice for her. “Watch your back around here. As you see, no one can be trusted.” She gave Megan a stern word of warning before angrily stomping away.


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