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Haruki (Second Wave Book 5)

Page 20

by Mikayla Lane

  Haruki smiled down at Deanna, trying not to grimace at the death grip she had on his hand.

  “I don’t know about you, but since we’re already here, I’d like to take a look around,” he said.

  “Yeah! Of course,” Deanna whispered but remained rooted to the floor.

  “Are you OK?” Haruki whispered as he faced her and ran his hand gently over her hair before cupping her cheek.

  “I . . . yeah. I’m OK,” Deanna muttered before she stepped out of the chamber and looked back at Haruki. “I have to see if this is real.”

  “That makes two of us,” Haruki replied with a grin as he caught up to her.

  “I don’t want to lose them,” Deanna said as she looked over at him, smiled and took off running down the tunnel.

  Haruki laughed and chased after her. The pair easily caught up to the others who weren’t that far ahead.

  “So it’s an exact replica of the ones on Earth?” Dog asked, looking at Alderic with awe.

  “Yes. All of them were built in a similar way inside not only to maximize the energy of the Talunaha within but to create enough concentrated power to open the portals between the worlds,” Alderic patiently explained.

  Suddenly, they walked out into an early evening sky that was dominated by a giant planet and a much smaller one.

  “The big one is Dakken’ and the other Daetz’. You’re on Dranar, which is the Dranovian stronghold of the Tri-Worlds,” Alderic said with a smile as everyone gasped at the breathtaking view.

  “It looks like Tikal,” Deanna whispered, referring to the large ancient Mayan city in Guatemala.

  The pyramid they were standing on was at the very end of a long, wide street lined with smaller pyramids and plazas in front. In the distance, vast city lights could be seen while beneath them was a square lit by what looked like gas street lamps. Lush trees and colorful vegetation dotted everything as far as the eye could see.

  “Holy shit that’s coming right at us!” Harry yelled out and pointed to their left.

  “Ah! Come, I will show you the capital city where you can meet with the Council of Human Affairs,” Alderic said with a grin as he motioned toward the large oval-shaped craft that landed behind them.

  “That’s a real UFO,” Dog whispered as he looked excitedly at Harry.

  “We’re gonna ride in a UFO,” Harry whispered back as they took off after Alderic.

  “I could be wrong, but they look pretty happy to me,” Haruki said, earning a pinch in the side from Deanna.

  “That may be true, but I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, and I’m glad we came,” she shot back with a grin as she ran after Dog and Harry.

  Haruki smiled and began to follow her to the ship when he saw Luca pointing at something below. He moved to stand next to Mikal and looked down at the plaza in front of the pyramid they were on.

  Below were dozens of men and women all dressed in white tunics that bore the mark of Dranan. They appeared to be dueling one another in a display of both traditional and energy weapons to the delight of a large audience that clapped and exclaimed at the various feats.

  “Your brothers and sisters are training,” Alderic said, coming up behind them. “I will introduce you to some of your brethren once we get the humans to the Affairs building.”

  “No one hates you here?” Luca asked in shock.

  Alderic laughed and shook his head while he led them towards the waiting craft.

  “No, unlike other worlds, our beasts are not as strictly regulated. Here, there are few rules beyond the basics. No stealing, murder or rape among others. Somehow, we’ve become a hodgepodge of all the other beast worlds. If theirs is too restrictive, they come here. We have refugees from all but two of the beast worlds. Because of this, we tend to get a lot of problem people, and it’s our job to protect the innocent from them. My Helena compares us to the police or military on your world. A necessity,” Alderic explained.

  “Doesn’t your mere presence upset their beasts? I don’t understand why they’d willingly come near you,” Luca said, shaking his head at the differences between their worlds.

  “The energy is different here,” Alderic said. “After so many centuries of melding the different beast species, most don’t even feel us among them. We wear the traditional uniform so they know who to come to if they have a problem or need help.”

  The brothers sifted the energy after he mentioned it and were surprised that it was drastically different from what they were used to but somehow the same underneath. It was as if a thread of it were the same through both worlds and only the outer layers were changed by the uniqueness of the planets.

  They reached the craft and Haruki moved to sit beside an excited Deanna.

  “Have you see this?” she asked, pointing out the window.

  Haruki leaned closer to her so he could see and couldn’t believe the landscape. Lights twinkled through a dense forest, and brief glimpses of stone paths and buildings could be seen as gentle winds blew through the thick foliage.

  “Ah, that’s Phanai, one of our forest cities,” Alderic said as he got inside the craft and the door closed behind him. “Connecting transport platform for the Council of Human Affairs Building.”

  “Your estimated time of arrival is four minutes and thirty-seven seconds,” a voice echoed around the ship.

  “Is that artificial intelligence?” Harry asked with wide eyes as he pointed towards the front of the ship.

  “Yes, all of the inner world vehicles are automated for the convenience of our people. Only the craft that travel to the other continents or planets are controlled by physical staff,” Alderic answered.

  “What is this Council of Human Affairs?” Deanna asked, never taking her eyes from the passing landscape.

  “It was formed long ago when the first humans that came revolted against our treatment of them,” Alderic admitted.

  Deanna gasped and looked at him in horror.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry that was more than a thousand years ago. My own mate would skin me in my sleep if I treated her as anything less than my equal. We’ve evolved a lot since those days,” Alderic said with a chuckle.

  The ship landed at another giant pyramid and everyone got out and looked around. There were only subtle differences between this one and the one they had left.

  “Why do they all look the same? Why didn’t we see any homes or other buildings on the way here? Where do people live?” Deanna asked as she looked out at a similar broad thoroughfare leading from a main pyramid and twinkling lights through the trees.

  “Come, I will show you on the way to the Council,” Alderic said as he gestured to a smaller, monorail-type vehicle that was waiting at the bottom of the pyramid.

  “Well now,” Dog huffed with a grin. “I think these old knees can manage it.”

  “Damn straight, old man,” Harry guffawed and slapped Dog on the back.

  “That will be something we can fix while you’re here. Until then, let me help,” Alderic said as he knelt before Dog.

  He rubbed his hands together, generating a small ball of energy that he split into two as his hands separated. He then placed both of his hands on Dog’s knees. Seconds later he stood, and Dog moved his legs before whooping with delight.

  “What did you do? I feel like I could run a mile!” Dog exclaimed as he danced around Harry.

  “I wouldn’t recommend that since I have only fixed it temporarily until our medical staff can do it permanently. Are you OK?” Alderic explained, directing the last to Harry.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you,” Harry said as he started down the pyramid steps.

  Dog jogged along beside him, a huge grin on his face while Mikal and the others followed. Haruki held his arm out to Deanna and waited until she took it before leading them down the stairs.

  “What do you think of the place?” she whispered.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Haruki admitted. “I don’t believe that we've seen enough
or know enough right now to have a clue what we’re dealing with. What is your impression?”

  Deanna shook her head as she looked at the people that were milling around the plazas and street.

  “They look happy and healthy. I can’t figure out where the hell they all live or how their society functions. And the people! Have you looked at some of them? They aren’t fully human,” Deanna whispered, nodding towards a massively built man near the pyramid to their left. She swore he looked more like a bear wearing a human costume.

  Haruki had already noted the man and his unusual features as well as those of at least a dozen other people as they got closer to the street.

  “Alderic wasn’t kidding when he said they had a melding of many worlds here,” Haruki whispered back.

  They were all silent as they got into the monorail-type vehicle and moments later they were speeding along the side of the thoroughfare and entering a thick forest.

  Deanna gasped in surprise and pressed her face against the glass as she got a better look at the twinkling lights she’d seen through the trees from the pyramid.

  “Stop for exit and viewing,” Alderic ordered, and the vehicle slowed to a stop. “You can get a better look from here.”

  Deanna jumped out the moment the door opened, and she ran closer to the lights until she stood staring up in wonder.

  “Watch out!” Alderic warned as he put a blue shield around them.

  Seconds later a herd of tiny, pink furry creatures skittered in front of them and disappeared into the undergrowth.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want you to step on them,” ALderic said with a grin as the shield disappeared and he pointed up. “That is where we live and work in this particular area.”

  “The power for the lights come from the pyramids?” Dog asked.

  “Of course,” Alderic said with a nod. “The pyramids power all of our technology including our ships and vehicles.”

  “So the pyramids are the only things not built off the ground and among the trees?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as he took in the forest city.

  “For the most part, we live with nature as you see here. The dwellings and buildings are built far enough from the ground that the indigenous animals can still roam their habitats, but it’s all dependent on the native area,” Alderic explained before turning back to the ship.

  Everyone else remained mesmerized by the spiraling homes and buildings that wrapped around and through the trees like elaborate tree houses but without touching the trees. Large, fat leaves provided natural awnings over balconies, windows, and doorways.

  “That is the most incredible stilt home system I’ve ever seen,” Luca whispered.

  He noted the only thing keeping the homes aloft were a series of stone pillars that took up very little space on the ground.

  “I understand your curiosity, but we must hurry. Sitari was told by Tarona that human aircraft are within a hundred miles of the Talunaha. We need to get them to the Affairs building and return," Alderic warned.

  “Maybe we should go back with you,” Dog said worriedly.

  Harry nodded his head, unsure if he wanted to be on this strange world by themselves.

  “We must hurry,” Alderic said as he gestured to the vehicle.

  Deanna looked up at Haruki to see what his thoughts were on the issue, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “I think they’d be safer staying here, but I’d want to know they can come back if they need to. At least until the decision is made regarding whether or not they want to remain,” Haruki said.

  “A great idea! Let’s go,” Alderic said, trying to push everyone along.

  “Declan says they're four choppers heading their way. They’ve reinforced the outer doors and are prepared to engage. If we’re going to make Mike’s people think the place is destroyed, this is the perfect opportunity,” Mikal suggested.

  “How so?” Deanna asked.

  “Let’s speak of his thoughts on the way to the Affairs Building,” Alderic growled out as he pointed towards the vehicle.

  Mikal nodded and began walking back. Everyone else followed along until they were back in the vehicle and speeding through the forest again.

  “We can use some of the others to make it look like Mike told them he was going to kill them and they’re fighting back. They can warn Mike’s men that they’ll blow the place, then boom,” Mikal suggested.

  “There won’t be any of the expected debris associated with a collapse of a structure like that. They’ll know it’s a ruse,” Deanna said, unsure why Mikal would think it would work.

  “We have two transports cloaked above the location. We could blow a few chunks out of the nearby mountains to bury the entrance. Then use Trick’s gift to make it look collapsed,” Luca said.

  “If we cover the only opening how do we get in and out? Duh,” Shane muttered.

  “We aren’t leaving til they’re gone anyway you idiot,” Luca snapped back. “The transports can just as easily blow the damn rocks out of the way once Mike’s crew have left.”

  “Council of Human Affairs,” the automated voice called out as the vehicle stopped in front of a thick stand of trees.

  A tall blond woman stepped out of the forest with a man beside her. Both were heavily armed and dressed in white tunics with a red triangle emblazoned across the front.

  “This is Meeka and Strafe,” Alderic said. “They will take you inside where my mate Helena is waiting for you.”

  Harry and Dog looked nervously at the others, neither wanting to get out and be stranded on this strange world. Finally, Deanna scooted out of her seat, slapping at Haruki’s hands as he tried to stop her.

  “If they’re coming back for you, then they’ll be back for me too,” Deanna said as she hopped out of the vehicle and held her hand out to the female Dranovian. “I’m Deanna Bostik, and these are my friends Harry and Marquis.”

  The blond smiled broadly and shook Deanna’s hand.

  “I’m Meeka. If you’ll follow me, the Sotier’s mate, Helena is expecting you,” the young Dranovian female said.

  Mikal took one look at Haruki’s face and nodded at his brother.

  “You know I’ll be back for you,” he assured Haruki.

  “I’m counting on it,” Haruki said as he got out of the vehicle to Deanna’s delight and Harry and Dog’s relief.

  “Yes, yes, love for everyone and now we’re leaving,” Alderic muttered before the door slid shut and the vehicle took off again.

  Harry, Dog, and Deanna all looked to Haruki for direction, and he nodded at the two Dranovians.

  “I guess we’re going to meet Helena?” he said.

  “Yes! Follow us, please,” Meeka said and led them through a narrow path in the trees.

  Haruki put his arm around Deanna and followed Harry and Dog a short distance through the trees before they came to a stone building that was built on a natural clearing. The white rock gleamed and sparkled as lights illuminated the exterior. At the top of the steps stood a beautiful brunette who started down the stairs the moment she saw them.

  “Welcome! I’m Helena and let me apologize for my hubby’s pissy attitude. I don’t even need to know what he did or said to know he was an overbearing ass,” Helena said as she extended her hand to Harry and Dog first.

  “Wow . . . sucked the fun right out of all the smart ass things I was going to say about your choice of mates,” Deanna joked.

  “Please, after a decade with the man, I invented all those smart ass comments,” Helena replied with a snort.

  “You really are human,” Deanna muttered.

  “Damn straight I am, and the first thing we’re going to do now that we have two-way travel to Earth is set up a trade deal. All I want is coffee, you can have anything you want,” Helena told them. She wasn’t joking either.

  “I think we should see if these gentlemen even want to be here before we start speaking of trade deals,” Haruki suggested, seeing how nervous Harry and Dog appeared to be.

Of course!” Helena said and blushed deeply. “I’m so sorry. You have no idea how tempted I was to throw myself through the portal with Big Rick and see what home looked like now while buying up tons of coffee.”

  “Big Rick?” Deanna mouthed at Haruki.

  Helena turned her hazel eyes to Harry and Dog and threaded her arms through theirs.

  “Come on, let me show you how awesome this place is. Now Rick said something about there being at least a dozen of you. Is that right?” she asked as she walked them up the stairs and into the building.

  Haruki followed behind with Deanna and led her inside the building. He was surprised by the large group of humans who greeted them once they got inside. Before Haruki knew what was happening, Deanna, Dog, and Harry were swarmed by the other humans, and he was pushed towards the back wall.

  “You’d think they would stop getting so excited every time another one comes, but they greet all newcomers like this,” a thickly accented voice said from Haruki’s left.

  Haruki turned to see who had spoken and had to look up at the very tall man wearing a tunic with the mark of Dranan. He didn’t need to see the symbol to know the man was a Dranovian and very powerful. Like Alderic, the man’s power radiated from him.

  “I am Tryne, second in command to the Sotier. He asked that I stand in his place while he assists on your world,” the man said, his strange golden eyes glowing oddly.

  “I’m Haruki. That’s my mate Deanna,” Haruki pointed at the middle of the crowd of people. “Somewhere in there.”

  Tryne laughed heartily.

  “Come, there is refreshment on the other side of the chamber, and it should give you a better view of her,” Tryne offered as he gestured across the room.

  Haruki had studied the room before he strode towards a large table covered in delicious smelling items and huge pitchers. Tryne followed along beside him.

  “I sense you have many questions. I may be able to help with the answers you seek,” Tryne offered as they reached the table.

  Haruki was pleased to note the man had been correct and he had a clear view of an excited Deanna chatting happily to half a dozen humans. Dog and Harry looked stunned as they listened to several older men who were gesticulating and grinning broadly.


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