Evil in Hockley

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Evil in Hockley Page 3

by William Buckel

  “I don’t. That’s why I’m still alive, with my looks intact.”

  “Shelley still work here?”

  There was silence as she stared into his eyes.

  “Yes she does. Now buy me a drink Harry.”

  Harry signalled the waiter and Karma ordered a whiskey on ice. After her drink arrived Tony Moore, his old friend came out of a back room, dressed like a Mississippi gambler. He smiled then joined them.

  “Well Tony, I hear you’ve moved up in the world.”

  “Man’s got to eat. Sorry about Jarrod. You going to be here long?”

  Harry had the feeling Tony could care less about Jarrod only digging for info so he could inform his boss, Joe.

  “I have some business to take care of then I’ll be on my way.”

  A Harlow gold blonde came out of the backroom and glanced at their table then approached. Karma locked eyes with Harry then said,

  “That’s Shelley.”

  She certainly was beautiful and he could see why many a man would fall for her on looks alone.

  She sat then said,

  “Hello Karma, Tony, and…”

  Karma filled in the name.

  “Shelley, meet Harry Tanner.”

  Shelley lost her smile.

  “I’ll see you later, Karma. I have some work to do.”

  Harry wasn’t going to let her off that easy.

  “No please, stay seated. I heard you knew Jarrod. Can you tell me anything about him? I haven’t seen him in three years.”

  She was definitely uncomfortable.

  “I knew him personally. I still feel his loss and can’t talk about him. I have to go.”

  If that were true she would have been at the service but she wasn’t. Harry got the distinct impression she knew something she wasn’t willing to share. As Shelley walked past a table a customer grabbed her arm. She smiled, gave him a kiss on the cheek, then pulled free. Harry thought she bounced back fast for someone stricken with grief.

  Someone had once called Karma a foxy whore. He couldn’t remember who’d said it but those words played in his memory when he saw her smile and looked into her eyes.

  “She doesn’t know you Harry. She thought you were requesting information. I know you were demanding it. Want me to let her know she should talk to you?”

  “No, let her think about it for now.”

  Joe came out of his back office looking from table to table until his eyes rested on theirs. His brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed. The man was in his forties yet still in appeared to be excellent shape.

  Karma glanced at him then said,

  “Duty calls.”

  She and Tony left. Joe liked to be greeted by his staff a the beginning of the night. Harry knew he really only wanted to look over his merchandise. He was critical of everyone, questioning their appearance, pointing out the tiniest flaw. He shot a glance at Harry after talking to Karma and Tony. Harry nodded and smiled. It irked the shit out of Joe.

  Harry knew what was coming next. Joe gestured to his two bouncers and they gathered around him. After a brief discussion with their boss they approached Harry from two sides.

  “You’re out of here pal,” said one.

  He grabbed for Harry and got a whiskey glass in the face. The open end fit over his nose as Harry slapped it home with his palm. He wouldn’t be able to see for awhile. The other tried to use momentum as a he rushed in but received a broken nose for his trouble compliments of Harry’s elbow.

  Harry moved through the bar as a bar tender neared with a baseball bat. Harry picked up a chair and using the feet pushed the man over a table. Harry left and on his way out passed Joe Sharky.

  “See you soon Joe.”

  He wanted to speak to Shelley but never gave her a glance. Harry believed she was the one with information but he put the emphasis on Joe. If he didn’t Shelley might wind up dead.

  Chapter 7

  The drive home was not a straight one. Harry took detours down side roads and searched for a tail. There wasn’t one but he took precautions in any case. They probably knew where he lived but not when he’d be there or where he would sleep.

  When he returned home he heated some leftovers Sandy had made the day before. He ate as he tried to assimilate any information he may have picked up tonight. He went over everything in his mind in triplicate. Shelley was the only one who stood out. She had to be the clue.

  Harry was tired after a long day’s activity so hit the sack. He took blankets and a pillow to the shed out back. If someone entered the house gunning for him he’d hear it from there.

  Good plan but it didn’t work.

  He was awakened when a canister exploded and gas filled the shed. He had no choice but to race for the entrance. He made it out the door but the blunt end of something hit him in the back of the skull.

  Harry woke, his hands and feet tied, a rope around his waist. He only peeked out of one eye not wanting to give away the fact he was awake. It was dark and a half moon hung in the sky above the tree line.

  He thought at first that he was in the back of a pickup truck then heard a sound like a paddle moving through water. He was in a boat nestled into the bow. Two men at the stern rowed the boat as it gently bobbed up and down in the mellow water.

  He gazed over the side and saw the night lights of buildings along shore and the traffic lights at the corner of Highway 10 and Broadway. He was in the Orangeville Reservoir moving away from the north shore. His eyes followed the rope around his waist along the bottom of the boat to a large metal weight, the kind used to verify the accuracy of a weigh scale. He was beginning to get the drift, literally.

  He was destined to spend eternity at the bottom of the reservoir.

  What had he missed? They were on him as though they’d followed but he knew that was not the case. If they’d put a bug on his car it would have taken a while to get in position and find out where he was. Only one option remained: they were there all the time watching his house. Joe Sharky had arranged this before he set foot in his bar.

  The boat stopped and a man moved forward and slapped him in the face.

  “Wakey, Wakey, Harry.”

  It was his old buddy, Tony.

  Harry didn’t move or react.

  Tony was at the bar so how did he wind up here? They must have had another team at his house and that team handed him over to Tony.

  “I know you’re awake, saw your head move as you looked around shore. Say good bye to an old buddy. I’ll miss you.”

  “Why are you doing this Tony?”

  “I told you before, a man needs to work. I don’t have a lot of talent and little education. Not like the Tanner brothers, my pals. You know I hated you two all those years. Everything came easy to you two: school grades, money, women.”

  So that’s why Tony took over: he wanted the honour.

  “Is that why you killed Jarrod?”

  “No buddy, I didn’t do the deed. The day he was killed I was stoned on cocaine. I could hardly walk. I was so high I could almost fly though. You ever had that feeling? Of course not. The Tanner boys were never that weak.”

  “So who killed him? Joe Sharky?”

  “Got no idea pal. Joe doesn’t confide in me. Hell, I’m really only a customer. Keeps me around for part time work cause I know the area.”

  “You’re a snake, Moore.”

  “I maybe one but I’ll be the last man standing after you go down. Who’d a thought I’d not only outlast Harry Tanner but I’d do him in?”

  “I’m not dead yet.”

  Moore pulled a semi-automatic pistol from his jacket and attached a silencer. He pointed it then said,

  “You’re mine but I’d rather watch you squirm under water. I’ll get a kick out of watching the air bubbles rise to the surface. It’ll turn me on so much, get me so high, I’ll go home and fuck Karma.”

  He set the gun on the boat deck then gestured for the other man, the bouncer to help toss Harry overboard. The guy had a smile on his fac
e under his bandaged nose. Harry didn’t fight as they hoisted him over the side, wanting to save his energy to free himself. The weight splashed in dragging him down.

  Harry fought to move his hands downward to one of the blades tucked in his boots. That is if they were still there. If they hadn’t been found and removed. His hands were tied behind his back making it almost impossible.

  Chapter 8

  Sandy three hours earlier:

  Sandy drove her old Cavalier toward Harry’s house, her mind obsessing over him. She’d loved him since they were kids. He gave her the first kiss she’d had from a boy and was her first love. She remembered losing her innocence to him, the joyous pain. He was amazed at the amount of blood on the back seat of his old Ford. They both tried in vain to clean it from the old fibres but only darkened it. He put a seat cover over it then asked if she was all right. He cared. She wondered if he’d ever bragged and showed that spot to his friends.

  No way, not Harry Tanner.

  He was too much of a gentleman, sometimes too caring for his own good. Not that he was without fault; his biggest flaw, the way she saw it at any rate, was his disregard for others whenever he changed his life.

  The most shocking was when he enlisted in the armed forces and asked for duty with the coalition in Afghanistan. He hadn’t considered her in the least. He’d told her he was going and said good bye. That was it.

  A fucking good bye.

  When she saw him again three years later staring at her in the donut shop her heart almost shattered. She knew he’d be home to attend his brother’s service but… Actually seeing him was another matter.


  Sandy knew he was going to do something real stupid so she decided to keep an eye on him, help if he needed it. He fought for Queen and country so the least she could do was show him support if he needed it. She was armed with hairspray and a Swiss army knife. The hairspray stung the eyes and the army knife had a four inch blade, almost deadly.

  She passed his house but his car was nowhere to be seen. She parked on the side of the road barely within sight of his house. Shortly after she parked he came home. What was she going to do? Sit here all night? She’d watch for a couple of hours then go home.

  An hour later a sedan pulled into his laneway and minutes after that Harry was carried between two men as though he was drunk. They tossed him into the back of the car and left. Sandy followed at a respectable distance hoping they didn’t go too fast. Her old car wouldn’t do over ninety clicks.

  The sedan pulled into the road west of the Toyota dealership, toward the Headwater Conservation area. She had to give them space or they’d know she was following. She gave them a minute then followed with her lights out, the driving lights still on. In the distance she saw the sedan parked by a boat so she cut the engine on her car.

  Sandy stalked toward them with her purse over her shoulder loaded with hairspray and the Swiss army knife. As she walked she tossed out everything else so nothing could interfere with her weapons. They loaded Harry into a boat and tied him up. They were going to dump him into the reservoir. The boat pushed off from shore and two men rowed it into the icy black water.

  “Shit, Shit, Shit,” she swore.

  They were taking her Harry out to drown him.

  Her man.

  Not without a fight.

  She clasped the top of her purse and kicked off her shoes. She was only wearing a light summer dress which would not weigh her down. She was an excellent swimmer thanks to Uncle Gordon who used to be a life guard. She went through every positive thought she could come up with as she entered the cold waters.

  “I’m a fucking long distance swimming champion,” she said to herself.

  She’d won a twenty length swimming contest when she was twelve.

  The oars on the boat made more noise than she did. She almost caught them when they threw Harry overboard. She inhaled then dove deep. She swam along the bottom unable to see. The half moon didn’t light the water much way down here. She could see the outline of the boat above so followed to its bow. Once there she spotted movement in the water. It had to be Harry.

  She swan toward him and breathed into his mouth. That finished her air supply so she rose to the surface for a breath. She inhaled deep and heard a man on the boat.

  “What the fuck?”

  They spotted her.

  A flashlight came on.

  Pop. Splash.

  She knew it was a silenced pistol. She seen them in movies.

  “Cut the fucking light idiot. Someone will see it and call the cops.”

  She heard that before she dove down to Harry again. She pulled out her knife and cut his bonds. He was free and they both went up for air.

  Pop. Splash.

  They went under and after Harry kicked off his boots, swam south. They rose to the surface for another breath.

  Pop. Splash.

  The boat had followed. She pointed to the east shore of the reservoir and they both swam underwater for a minute. They rose but this time were not seen. The boaters were still rowing south.

  They finally climbed out on the southeast shore near the traffic lights on Highway 10 and Broadway.

  Pop. Splash.

  It was a long distance shot but they were seen leaving the water. They ran toward the lights in their bare feet, keeping low.

  “Thanks Sandy.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. We’re still in deep shit.”

  Pop. Twang. A bullet ricocheted off the pavement. The boat was moving closer.

  They raced across the lights on red, greeted by the sound of car horns. Sandy laughed thinking they must have looked a sight: drenched and in sock and stocking feet, bent low like thieves on the run. She was beginning to think there was hope for them after they passed the McDonalds restaurant. They stopped at the twenty four hour service station to call for a taxi.

  “We’ll go to my place,” said Sandy.

  “No way. I don’t want to lead them to your house.”

  Harry still had his wallet loaded with soaked money. It was reluctantly accepted by the cab driver when Harry gave him twice the estimated fare.

  “How did you get wet? Is not raining?” asked the cabby.

  “We went for a midnight swim.”

  “Where’s your car?”

  “Broken down.”

  The cabby was asking too many questions no doubt trying to find a story to share with his friends. He complained about having to hair dry a wet back seat. Harry gave him another bill and he shut up.

  They were home in fifteen minutes. The first thing Harry did was slide under his car and retrieve his Beretta. He locked the doors and drew the curtains then they both showered and hopped into bed.

  “Think they’ll come after us?”

  “No Sandy, They’ll know I’m ready. Tony knows he can’t compete on equal terms. He had his chance, now it’s my turn. Thanks to you.”

  He kissed her and she kissed him with all the passion she could gather. She climbed on top of him using her vagina and breasts to make him hard. She kissed and rubbed as though trying to push herself into his skin. Then she mounted him and stroked until he groaned in release.

  “You saved my life then made love to me. The best sex I ever had.”

  “Why do you think I saved you? I needed that more than you did. This danger stuff is a turn on.”

  “It is if you live through it.”

  “We did. What now?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  She knew he had his next move planned but he wasn’t about to share.

  “I’m in.”


  “I’m in Harry. Whatever is next I’m part of it.”

  “No way. I’m not dragging you into this.”

  “I’m in Harry.”

  “No way.”

  “I’m in Harry.”

  Chapter 9

  The following morning Harry drove Sandy to pick up her car. It wouldn’t start so he drove her to the C
hrysler dealership on Highway 9.

  “Take your pick,” he said.

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No, go ahead and pick one but if you’re with me then make it inconspicuous, not a red sports car. Got me?”

  “I don’t have the money to buy the runt of the litter on this lot.”

  “It’s on me. If you’re going to come to my rescue you’d better have something that won’t stall along the way.”

  “Where did you get the dough?”

  “I never spent dime one of my pay for the last three years. Where I was the only thing for sale were goats and booze. A coalition soldier doesn’t last long drunk in Afghanistan and I didn’t have any use for a goat.”

  “I can’t decide, Harry.”

  “Like this Chrysler 300? It’s got a Hemi in it.”

  “Yah, but look at the price tag on the side window. More money than I’ll ever have.”

  A salesman approached with the usual phoney grin acting as though he was about to become a best friend. He sat them in his cubicle and pulled the paperwork on the black sedan. He added some figures which seemed asinine to Harry as the full list price was on the paperwork. After ten minutes of juggling figures he said,

  “I can get it for you at two thousand under list.”

  He smiled as though he’d just sold them a winning lottery ticket.

  “We can put in an offer but I need five percent down. A cheque will do.”

  Harry always lost patience at that point.

  “When I go to Wal-Mart to buy a pair of jeans they don’t give me any bullshit. They have the price listed on the item. I pay for it and I’m on my way in seconds. Maybe that’s why they’re so successful.”

  “You’re not buying a pair of jeans. You’re making an investment.”

  “Look, go see the sales manager and get me a price or I’ll go somewhere else. I don’t have time for this. I have to find a man and shoot him.”

  The salesman’s eyes went wide: he grabbed the paperwork and left. Sandy laughed.

  “I like your style Harry.”

  The salesman returned and asked them come to the manager’s office. He looked up at Harry.


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