“Thanks for your trust.”
Chapter 15
Harry drove along Hockley road searching for an empty house he could share with the owners. He had to find a place to stash Bobby Mercer. One kilometre down a side road he found a cabin with a for sale sign pinned to a tree. It was nestled amongst cedar and birch trees. He drove in and found there were no cars in the cramped lane. He knocked on the door and there was no answer. It was perfect but he’d have to return a couple of times especially in the evening and at night to confirm it was deserted.
There were no neighbours across the road, only a cedar forest. The folks next door on either side were almost a kilometre apart so if he had to shoot Mercer the sound would probably not be heard. The close proximity of trees would muffle the blast. The idea of shooting Mercer was first and foremost on his mind but he would let Karma attempt to retrieve information from him that might prove useful in discovering the person who killed Jarrod. Harry had killed terrorists for merely planning an attack. Shooting a man, like Bobby, who had ruined the lives of others did not register a single digit on his self contempt scale.
When Harry arrived at his house Karma was sitting at the dining room table, her eyes shut, and the feather she wore in her hair held in her hand. Her lips were moving but he heard nothing but whispers. He opened his mouth to say hello but stayed silent when he saw Sandy with a forefinger held over her mouth. The picture was, to say the least, intriguing. There was some kind of magic at work: he felt as though he were being drawn into a vortex of some kind.
Something was drawing him closer and closer to the feather then his mind went blank. He opened his eyes and he was soaring over forests. He glanced left then right and saw the wings of a hawk. He was part of a dream fighting not to panic and lose control.
Then he saw Joe Sharky’s lot from the height of about a thousand feet. Without thinking he dove low skimming the tree tops behind the buildings. He made another pass over a huge tent. He could fly but didn’t have any idea how he had accomplished the feat. He saw John Dean and Lenea as they came from under the tent, shading their eyes, to stare at him. A plain hawk would not have attracted their attention so they knew it was something out of the ordinary.
Lenea dropped to one knee, held her necklace, and bent her head low. She was probably chanting. Harry was being drawn closer to her but he fought, trying to gain height. He beat his wings furiously but was unable to gain altitude. Closer and closer to Lenea he came. He felt a dark evil pulling him in as though she was the eye of a tornado.
He felt a thump as though he’d fallen off a chair then stared at the ceiling of his dining room. He heard Karma gasp. She was sweating and breathing like a locomotive. He rose to his shaky feet and stared at her.
“You okay, Karma?”
“Give me a minute.”
Harry sat across from her.
Sandy asked,
“What happened?”
“Ask Karma. I have no idea.”
“Give me a minute, Sandy.”
Sandy sat and they both waited for Karma to explain.
She finally spoke,
“I used a spell and concentrated my thoughts on a hawk flying over fields near Joe Sharky’s place. I saw through the hawk’s eyes. Then you took over, Harry, and I was merely a spectator. I had to keep you flying which was not an easy chore. You tried to control the hawk which one must never do. Lenea felt someone in the bird and tried to bring it to her. I was able to break free but you were still in her clutches. I used another spell to break her concentration and she let you go.”
Harry heard the explanation yet had problems believing it was anything but a dream. He was curious however; The pull toward Lenea was so strong he couldn’t imagine the force it would take break it.
“How did you break her spell?”
“I used the woman’s vanity. I cut her cheek.”
“With the satanic emblem on her necklace. I directed it to for a couple of seconds before she caught on.”
Harry still couldn’t make his mind accept what he had seen.
“How did I get caught up in all of that?”
Karma looked unsettled then shook her head.
“I have no idea. It’s never happened before.”
Sandy used the F-Bomb.
It suited the situation. She had a way with words.
Karma looked worried.
“They’ll know I’m here. It won’t take long to realise it was me. After they talk to Joe they’ll know my family name. Lenea will know who and what I am. We’ve lost an edge.”
Harry asked,
“So who are you? What’s your full name?”
“Karma Bastille. My mother is Marie Bastille.”
“Lenea’s last name is Bastille.”
“Fuck,” said Sandy.
“Your sister?”
“No my cousin. And my sister I guess. After my father died my mother married his brother Ramone and they had Lenea. I was already grown by then and left the house a couple of years after she was born. I was sixteen when I hit the streets of New Orleans.”
Sandy nodded.
“And whispered sweet nothings in men’s ears.”
Karma laughed.
“Yah, I started young.”
Harry said,
“Hell of a coincidence, isn’t it? I mean you and Lenea being sisters and all. Winding up in the same place.”
“Not really. Like I said Joe Sharky’s stomping grounds are here and in New Orleans. There are few with a real gift in the city. In all they belong to one of four families. My mother’s side and my father’s are two. That makes it a fifty percent chance of running into Lenea.”
Harry asked,
“How does John Dean fit in? Her lover?”
“I have no idea. He was always there with my uncle Ramone. He’s about my age I guess. Maybe the fruits of one of Ramone’s conquests? My uncle was quite a lady’s man.”
Harry checked out the cabin in Hockley again and found it was still empty. He went home and found Karma and Sandy in an engrossing conversation. It was the first time Sandy had let down her guard near Karma. It was getting late and he was hungry.
“Let’s go to Orangeville and we’ll grab a meal. I’m buying.”
“Of course you are. You’re the only one with money,” said Sandy.
They took Sandy’s Chrysler 300. It was the most comfortable with air to cool a hot summer night.
They went to Kelsey’s and Harry couldn’t help but order their salmon steak, his favourite. The women both ordered a pasta dish of some kind. Definitely not food for a man. Harry considered it pre-menstrual food for women.
While they waited the women had a rum mix and Harry had a whiskey.
The guy sitting alone at the next table kept eyeing Karma. He finally came to their table and said,
“Looks like you got one too many women. Mind if I join you to equal the odds.”
He was looking at Karma when he said it so she replied,
“We’re just friends out for a meal after a really hard day.”
The man was drunk. He must have had his fill before he came here. They didn’t serve anyone the amount of alcohol needed to get anyone inebriated in this particular establishment.
“All the more reason for company. I’m entertaining, fun, and friendly.”
Harry had enough.
“Take a hike pal.”
“No need to get riled buddy. I’m trying to be friendly.”
Harry saw a wet spot form on the guy’s trousers. It grew and urine dripped on the floor. The stranger eyed the stain then ran to the washroom.
Sandy laughed.
“Your doing, Karma?”
She had a naughty set to her eyes then laughed. Harry couldn’t hold back a chuckle or two even though he knew how embarrassed the man must have felt. He would rather have punched the guy in the face rather than have him p
iss himself. It was a guy thing: one man against another. There were rules.
They ate then returned home and chatted the rest of the evening.
That night Harry waited for Sandy to come to his bed. She didn’t so he got up and looked for her: In the washroom, downstairs, and outside. He finally went to Karma’s room where he knocked on her door.
“Come in.”
Harry asked,
“Have you seen…”
There were two beds in the spare bedroom, one on either side of the space. Karma was in one and Sandy in the other. Sandy had the look of orgasmic torture all over her face while her body heaved to a rhythm only she could hear. Karma winced then smiled. Harry knew she’d put one of her sex spells on Sandy probably at her request. Why else would she be lying in Karma’s room? Harry backed out and shut the door.
“What the hell,” he whispered to himself.
Had Karma just stolen his girl?
He stood a moment wondering if possibly she could hex him as well.
He went to bed but it was some time before he fell asleep.
Chapter 16
The following morning Harry rose early. Sandy came to the dining room, a smile pasted all over her face.
Harry couldn’t help it.
“Talk about cheating. You and Karma last night.”
Sandy shot back.
“I wasn’t cheating. We never touched. Just a couple of girls having a pyjama party. You’re jealous. Admit it.”
“Pyjama party? You should have seen your face.”
“Harry, shut the fuck up about it okay.”
He laughed because she was embarrassed he saw her that way.
Harry drove to Toronto in his Hemi Cuda and Karma with Sandy in her Chrysler sedan. They were on their way to a bar on Lakeshore Avenue where motorcycle types hung out. It was also a place where drug deals went down.
There was no chance of nabbing Bobby Mercer on the way into the bar due to the fact they wouldn’t know when he was to arrive. Traffic might detain him or he could make a detour along the way. Basically the bar was frequented by wary gangsters who would spot anything unusual and a two unknown occupied cars in the parking lot would appear suspicious.
Nabbing him inside would be akin to suicide. Bobby would be in his domain surrounded by business associates, his back watched by his right hand man, Danny.
That left his exit, the point in time at which he would be about to get into his car, and was at his farthest point away from the club. That was the plan in any case. Karma would run interference and deal with Danny. Harry was not opposed to danger but kidnapping was new to him: Having to take a live captive with him during flight. In the past he left his prey in a horizontal position and escaped on his own. One man could lose himself in almost any environment.
They passed the bar twice and on the third run noticed Mercer’s vehicle. According to Karma there were times when Bobby would be in the place less than a half hour so they’d have to set up immediately.
Harry parked in the lot. Bobby would be tied and tossed into the back seat then secured so he couldn’t move. The reason for using his car was simple: Once on the road no one would catch him. His Hemi was the old kind: The 426 cubic inch version with tree stump pulling power and 7,000 RPM.
Sandy parked in the lot next door, her sedan idling, ready to run interference. Karma stood near the sidewalk leaned against a tree acting as though she was engaged in a conversation on her cell phone, less than fifty feet away from Harry.
Harry did the same as Karma acting as though he was making a call on his cell phone as he sat in his car in the parking lot. After fifteen minutes he had to make a move or risk being obvious to the ingoing bikers. He entered the club, head bent low, then approached the bar and ordered a beer. Bobby or Danny would recognize him if they saw him in a brightly lit section of the bar.
Bobby finally left with Danny a few feet behind. Harry’s heart sank when he saw that a couple of big bikers left with the pair. They followed Bobby to his car where he opened the trunk and gave them a satchel. One biker opened it, leafed through it, and after a minute nodded his head. Danny was already in the driver’s seat then Bobby climbed into the passenger’s side. The two bikers stood watching then waved goodbye.
Zero chances to nab Bobby.
Harry was on his way to his Cuda when his cell rang. It was Karma.
“Get in and catch them. The first traffic light you come to will be red. Grab him then. I’ll handle Danny.”
“How do you know the light will be red?”
“Harry, the light will be red.”
Harry walked as he spoke and was already in his car when she hung up. He roared out of the lot then passed a few cars until he was on Danny’s bumper. They came to a red light where Harry’s Cuda kissed the bumper of Danny’s sedan. Harry got out as did Danny. Harry moved in on the passenger side, opened the door, and punched an unsuspecting Bobby in the side of the head. He dragged Bobby out of the car and cuffed him.
Danny drew a weapon and moved to intercept. He suddenly bent low and dropped the gun as though it was red hot. Harry suspected Karma was screwing with Danny’s mind. Harry slammed Bobby into the door frame then into the back seat of his car. He tied him securely with rope which was fixed to the rear seat belts. Then he tied Bobby’s feet and secured them to the floor with another rope.
Soon as Harry jumped into his car the light turned green. Horns sounded as he backed up and moved around Danny’s sedan. Sandy was on his tail. He looked out the rear view and saw Danny jump into his sedan. It appeared as though he was having trouble getting mobile. It was Karma with another of her tricks. Horns sounded in the distance as angry motorists sat behind Danny’s stalled car.
Plans don’t always work out the way they’re supposed to and this one had its share of quirks. To add to the crap they’d already encountered the two bikers had seen Harry grab Bobby and were now in pursuit on their Harleys. It didn’t take them long to weave around obstacles and one was soon at his side. Harry had anticipated a bike chase, who wouldn’t at a biker’s bar? It was one scenario where he couldn’t win especially in traffic. In the empty passenger seat lay a chain. He grabbed it and tossed it out the window into the front spokes of the Harley beside him. The bike went ass over tea kettle across three lanes. The other biker stopped to help his comrade.
They slowed so as not to attract the law. They were soon north on Airport Road through Malton. Bobby was not only stirring he was fighting the ropes trying to break free.
“Bobby, you tear a hole in the seat and I’ll go back there and kick the shit out of you.”
He stopped fighting his bonds.
It was an hour later when they arrived at the cabin and took Bobby in. Sandy had dropped behind in case they were being tailed. She called an all clear on Harry’s cell then drove into the lot. Bobby was already tied to a stout chair in the cabin’s living room.
It seemed a strange thing for Karma to do. She slapped Bobby hard a couple of times, hate in her eyes. She could have hexed him in a dozen ways. Rage contorted her face and physical action seemed to appease her.
She hissed,
“Tony called you his friend.”
Bobby sat staring at the floor.
Harry would never want to get this witch mad.
Harry couldn’t wait and got straight to the point.
“You’re going to tell me what you know about Jarrod’s death or I’ll take you out and shoot you.”
Bobby raised his head and said,
“Shoot me now then cause I don’t know squat. You want me to make up something?”
Karma approached with a candle chanting words foreign to Harry as she sprinkled a powder on Bobby. Bobby appeared to freeze and his eyes stopped blinking. Karma lifted the candle under Bobby’s chin. Harry smelled burning flesh but the man didn’t move. She removed the candle then asked,
“Tell us about Jarrod, what you know of his death.”
Bobby mumbled,
“I know he died. Drove his bike in a ditch.”
Karma asked more questions but the conversation still went nowhere.
Finally she said,
“I don’t think he knows anything.”
Harry was frustrated. It all led nowhere.
“What about Shelley?”
Bobby answered,
“She’s half dead. Can she answer questions? I have no idea how far along she is.”
Harry hissed,
“This is going nowhere. We can exchange Bobby for Shelley but will it get us anywhere?”
Karma said,
“I can try but know I can’t bring her back. Like Tony all I can do is send her to the spirit world.”
Harry paced then said,
“Let’s do it. At least it’s a chance.”
He’d taken Mercer’s cell and removed the battery so it couldn’t be tracked. He plugged the battery in and called Joe Sharky’s number. He didn’t answer but recognized the voice. It was John Dean.
“Hello Harry. How are you this fine day?”
“No bullshit Dean. I want to trade Mercer for Shelley if she’s still alive.”
“She is but what if we don’t want Bobby back?”
“Then say so and you’ll hear the shot that ended his days before you can take another breath.”
“All right. As much as I hate to do business with kidnappers Joe wants Bobby returned. Where do we do the exchange?”
“Oh no. We do this my way. We make the exchange at midnight. You get underway and head south at half past eleven. I’ll give you directions.”
“So you can kill us?”
“Don’t be stupid. You’re the one who wants me dead. All I want is Shelley and the name of the man who killed Jarrod. The rest of you mean shit. You can live die or do whatever you want. Just give me Shelley and you get Bobby.”
“All right Harry. See you at midnight.”
Evil in Hockley Page 6