by Gordon Brown
Cope, Wendy, 19
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 337–8, 375
Copenhagen, Denmark, 283
Corbyn, Jeremy, 66, 369, 406, 411–12
corporation tax, 134, 153, 440
corporatism, 24, 27, 28
Corus, 15
Council of Economic Advisers, US, 336
council-house sales, 81
Counter-Terrorism Bill, 207
County Durham, 85
Courage (Brown), 161
Court of Session, 52
Cousins, Frank, 203
Coventry, West Midlands, 66, 106, 409
Cowdenbeath F.C., 21
Cowdenbeath, Fife, 70, 72, 73, 399
Cowen, Brian, 16, 367
Cox, Helen Joanne ‘Jo’, 413
Craig, Robert, 53
Crathie Kirk, Aberdeenshire, 217
Crawford, Texas, 251
Crieff Hydro, Perthshire, 40–41
crime, 89, 239–41, 367, 368–9, 371
Cripps, Stafford, 21
Crocker, Ryan, 221
Cromer, Lord, see Baring, Rowland
Cromwell, Oliver, 223
Crosland, Anthony, 65
Crossgates, Fife, 71
Crossman, Richard, 197, 208
Crossrail, 222
Cuban missile crisis (1962), 247
Cuddihy, Bob, 59
Cunliffe, Jon, 118, 332
Currie, Colin, 159, 232, 427
‘Curveball’, 256
Curzon, George, 203
Customs and Excise Department, 18
Cyber-Security Strategy, 204
cyst, 231
cystic fibrosis, 393
D-Day anniversary (2009), 11
Dacre, Paul, 160, 368
Dad’s Army, 295
Daily Express, 43, 290, 368, 369
Daily Mail, 160, 167, 237, 290, 326, 368, 369
Daily Mirror, 160
Daily Record, 40, 157, 235, 403
Daily Telegraph, 12–14, 218, 237, 290, 368, 369
Dalai Lama, 245, 334
Dalton, Hugh, 119
Daly, Lawrence, 62
Dalyell, Thomas ‘Tam’, 208
Dannatt, Richard, 287
Daoud, Mohammad, 273
Darfur, 214
Darling, Alistair, 202, 216
Bank of England independence (1997), 120
bankers’ bonuses tax, 340
Budget (2008), 150, 346
Cabinet reshuffle (2009), 352
deficit reduction plan, 352
financial crisis (2008–2009), 302, 305–6, 312, 313, 316, 319
Northern Rock collapse (2007), 295
Scottish independence referendum (2014), 400, 402, 406
Darling, Margaret, 216
Darzi, Ara, 203, 222, 230–31
Davidson, Ian, 53
Davidson, Neil, 53
Davies, Gavyn, 91, 116, 304
Davies, Howard, 121
Davies, Mervyn, 224
Davies, Quentin, 224
Davies, Ronald, 66
Davos, Switzerland, 300
De Beers, 48
Dearing Committee (1996–1997), 236
Dearlove, Richard, 250
debt, 19, 131, 345–63, 365, 366, 379
debt relief, 8, 124, 137–8, 190–91, 367, 390, 393, 442
declinology, 27
Defence and Overseas Secretariat, 251
deficit, 19, 131, 345–63, 365, 366, 379, 385
Delors, Jacques, 175
dementia tax, 142
democracy, 206
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 16–17, 201, 368
Demos, 91
Denmark, 276, 283, 314, 321, 324
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 337–8, 375
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, 204, 298
Department for Economic Affairs, 133
Department for Education, 235, 236, 237
Department for Employment, 60
Department for International Development (DfID), 136–8, 272, 274, 278, 298
Department for Trade and Industry, 74, 78, 80, 105, 165, 188
Department of Defense, US, 259
Derby, Melanie, 245
deregulation, 188–9, 440
Desert Island Discs, 99
devaluation of pound, 21, 90–91
development aid, 112, 136, 200, 244–5, 323
devolution, 55, 56, 206, 212, 399, 415–17
Dewar, Donald, 55, 68, 71, 96, 99, 397–8
Dexia, 314
Dickens, Charles, 20
Dimbleby, David, 248
disability, 219, 367, 391
Disraeli, Benjamin, 20, 69, 216, 217
diversity, 455
Dobson, Frank, 162–3
Dodds, Nigel, 17
Doha Round, 325
Donald, Christine, 55
Donald, David, 55
Donaldson, Jeffrey, 17
double-shift schools, 392
Doughty, Nigel, 222
Douglas-Home, Alec, 41, 217
Douglas, Richard ‘Dick’, 61
Dowie, Helen, 61, 76
Downing Street, 419–22
No. 10: 9, 35, 173, 198, 199–200, 227, 376, 419, 421–2
No. 11: 9, 127, 173, 174, 235, 421, 425
No. 12: 9
Drayson, Paul, 204
Dresdner Bank, 314
drones, 283
Drucker, Henry, 57
drugs, 206, 207
Drummond, Allan, 52
Dudley, West Midlands, 103
Duffy, Carol Ann 422
Duffy, Gillian, 371–2
Dugdale, Kezia, 406
Dulwich, London, 372
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, 373
Dundee United F.C., 60
Dunfermline, Fife, 61–2, 71, 75
Dunn, Tom, 43
Dyce, Jimmy, 61
Dynamic Market Economy, The’, 104
‘E stream’, 42
East Timor, 392
echo chambers, 7
Economist, The, 114
Eddie Stobart, 373
Eden, Clarissa, 11
Edgbaston, Birmingham, 373
Edinburgh, Scotland
City Council Housing Committee, 53
Cluny Parish Church, 99
Festival, 2, 58
Merchiston, 97
National Museum of Scotland, 235
Queensferry, 97, 158, 282
Royal Bank of Scotland HQ, 308
Royal Infirmary, 45–7, 48, 159, 160
University, 43–8, 51–4, 161, 402
Edmonds, John, 87, 95
education, 233–9, 391–3, 452–3
academy schools, 15, 48
apprenticeships, 235–6
Dearing Committee (1996–1997), 236
exam system reform, 219
girls’ education, 391, 392
global, 390–93
Gove’s reforms, 396
Leitch Review (2004–2006), 206
nursery education, 367
personalisation, 230, 233–5
tuition fees, 206, 236–9, 365, 440
universal education, 391
Education Cannot Wait, 392
Education for All, 245
Education Maintenance Allowances, 235
Edward II, King of England, 405
Egypt, 11, 244
Eichmann, Adolf, 40
ElBaradei, Mohamed, 257
Elder, Murray, 38, 87, 93–4, 397
elections, 446–7
1945 general election, 40, 68, 197, 201, 414
1955 general election, 68
1959 general election, 40
1963 Kinross and West Perthshire by-election, 41
1964 general election, 41
1966 general election, 41
1967 Hamilton by-election, 56
1970 general election, 53
1974 general elections, 31, 53–4
77 local elections, 55
1978 Glasgow Garscadden by-election, 55–6; Hamilton by-election, 56
1979 general election, 57–8, 406
1983 general election, 61–3, 65, 67–8, 75
1987 general election, 75
1988 Govan by-election, 77
1992 general election, 82–4, 103
1994 European elections, 94, 96, 100, 101
1997 general election, 29, 58, 61, 108–11, 113, 114–15, 149, 162, 176; Uxbridge by-election, 177; Paisley South by-election, 111
2001 general election, 144, 164–5, 181, 440
2005 general election, 186, 187, 193, 222, 366, 376
2007 Scottish Parliament election, 374, 398
2010 general election, 144, 153, 187, 232, 342, 365–87, 399, 409, 446
2011 Scottish Parliament election, 374, 399, 400; Welsh Assembly election, 374
2012 local elections, 399
2014 Cowdenbeath by-election, 399
2015 general election, 365, 399, 406, 407, 409
2017 general election, 31, 58, 365, 368, 369, 399, 401, 406, 447
electricity, 102
Eliasch, Johan, 224
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 22, 394
Balmoral Castle, 217
corgis, 59
coronation (1953), 34
G20 London summit (2009), 328, 330
general elections, 197–8, 200, 219, 381, 383, 384
Diamond Jubilee (2012), 26
and Macmillan, 196
RSB headquarters opening (2005), 308
swearing in and parliamentary oath, 197–8, 200
Elizabeth, Queen Mother, 158
Ellam, Michael, 200, 314
Eltham, London, 372
emission permits, 152
emotion, public display of, 5–6, 161
national identity, 23, 29, 30, 395, 397, 407
regional ministers, 204
English Constitution, The (Bagehot), 208
‘English votes for English laws’, 406
Enterprise Act (2002), 134, 440
Enterprise and Growth Unit, 133
environmental taxes, 152
Equal Pay Act (1970), 237
Equality Act (2010), 232, 442
Estadio Benito Villamarin stadium, Seville, 59
ethics, 423–33
Ethiopia, 324, 326, 392
ethnicity, 29–30
euro, 4, 122, 173–84, 314, 379
Eurogroup, 314, 318
European Central Bank, 177, 318
European Commission, 94, 175, 199, 242, 324
European Council, 341
European Court of Justice, 107
European Economic Community (EEC), 22, 74
European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), 31, 90–91, 115, 123, 176, 178
European Social Chapter, 174
European Union, 23, 80, 106, 188, 375, 377, 381, 407–17
and banking levy, 342
eurozone, 4, 173–84, 314, 379
and financial crisis (2008), 314
fiscal stimulus, 348
fuel protests (2000), 143
Greek debt crisis (2009–), 379
health spending, 164, 168, 170–71
Lisbon Treaty (2007), 224, 368
Parliament, 18, 61, 68, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 327, 411
poverty reduction strategy, 148
regulatory system, 188
savings tax, 174
social and employment legislation, 375
Sun referendum campaign (2007), 220
UK membership referendum (2016), 7, 23, 27, 30, 248, 366, 407–17
and value-added tax (VAT), 153, 174
Evening Standard, 95
ExCel Exhibition Centre, London, 332–3
Exeter, Devon, 204, 373
Fabian Society, 410
Facebook, 153, 361, 409
Fair is Efficient, 92
fair play, 29, 395, 425, 455–6
‘fairness agenda’, 97
Faith in the Public Square (Williams), 423
fake news, 378
Falconer, Alex, 61
Falconer, Charlie, 201
Falklands War (1982), 26, 249, 250, 264, 268
family credit, 145
Fannie Mae, 303, 306
Farage, Nigel, 327
Farah, Afghanistan, 287
Fashion for Relief, 331
‘fat cats’, 105
FDR (Smith), 354
FDR: The First Hundred Days (Badger), 354
Federal Reserve, US, 121, 123, 220, 297, 300, 302, 306, 319, 353
Ferguson, Sir Alex, 396, 421
Festival of Remembrance, 289
FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), 396
Fife, Scotland, 4, 23, 33–43, 158, 308, 384
Adam Smith College, 390
coal industry, 36–7, 61, 72
Cowdenbeath, 70, 72, 73
Crossgates, 71
Dunfermline, 61–2, 71, 75
Inverkeithing, 157
Kirkcaldy, see under Kirkcaldy
regional development status, 71
Rosyth, 60, 61, 73, 136, 235, 308
Society for the Blind, 390
St Andrews, 340
trade unions, 60
unemployment, 36–7, 50, 74, 129
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), 317
financial crisis (2007–2009), 3, 18–19, 123, 126, 295–344, 423–5, 450–51
Financial Services Authority (FSA), 120–21, 188, 296, 299, 301, 309, 310–11
Financial Stability Forum, 125
Financial Times, 91, 178, 300, 351
Firth of Forth, 43–4, 308
fiscal stimulus (2009), 4, 18–19
five economic tests, 174, 176, 177, 179, 182, 184
Fletcher, Tom, 12, 16, 200, 312
floods, 211, 218
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, 229
foot-and-mouth disease, 164, 211, 215, 218, 221
Foot, Michael, 60–61, 65, 67, 75, 91
football, 21, 35–6, 39, 59–60, 332, 396–7
Foote, Murray, 403
Foreign Office, 136, 200, 201, 203, 208, 241, 250, 274, 329
Forrester, Andrew, 41
Forth Park, Kirkcaldy, 158
Forth Rail Bridge, Scotland, 127
Fortis, 314
Foulkes, George, 53
Fowler, Norman, 105
France, 182, 199, 242, 257, 258, 456
and banking levy, 341, 342
debt, 355
and debt relief, 138
financial crisis (2008–2009), 300, 301, 314, 316, 318, 321, 325
fiscal stimulus, 348
G20 London summit (2009), 329–30, 331, 332, 334
health spending, 171
and Iraq invasion (2003), 182, 242
and Israel–Palestine conflict, 244
and tax havens, 330, 334–5
Fraud Act (2006), 343
Freddie Mac, 303, 306
Freedom from Hunger, 39, 40, 136
Freedom of Information Act (2000), 12
Freeman, Richard, 103
FRES (future rapid effects system), 276
Frost, David, 27, 41, 257–8
Frost, Robert, 3
Frostrup, Mariella, 219
FTSE 100 stock index, 303
fuel tax, 142–3, 152
Fulton, Ross, 401
G7 group, 124, 138, 161–2, 301, 302, 319, 393, 410
G8 group, 19, 154, 190, 212, 241, 242, 301
G20 group
Buenos Aires summit (2018), 393
establishment of (1999), 8, 125, 242
Hamburg summit (2017), 393
London summit (2009), 3, 18–19, 280, 323–36, 344, 424
Pittsburgh summit (2009), 19, 336
St Andrews meeting (2009), 340
Washington summit (2008), 319
Gaddafi, Muammar, 326
Gaitskell, Hugh, 40, 1
Galbraith, J. K., 437
Galbraith, Russell, 59
Gallagher, James, 399, 402
Galloway, George, 61
gambling, 206, 207
‘Garden Room Girls’, 199–200
Garrett, Lesley, 420
Garscadden, Glasgow, 55–6
gas, 102, 212
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, 217
Gates Foundation, 392
gay and lesbian rights, 30, 391, 426–7
Gazette, 40
Geddes, Jenny, 44
Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 373
Geithner, Tim, 312, 319, 320, 341
General Theory (Keynes), 119, 345
Gent, Christopher, 153
George, Edward ‘Eddie’, 115, 118, 120–22, 124, 352
Georgia, 284
Gereshk, Helmand, 10, 273, 275
Germany, 5–6, 199, 216, 242, 293
and banking levy, 341, 342
Berlin Wall, 247
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference (2009), 337
debt, 355, 379
and debt relief, 138, 191
euro, adoption of (1999), 177
financial crisis (2008–2009), 18, 300, 301, 314, 316, 321, 324, 329–30
Financial Stability Forum, creation of (1999), 125
fiscal stimulus, 348
football, 216, 332
G20 Hamburg summit (2017), 393
G20 London summit (2009), 329–30, 332–3
health spending, 171
hyperinflation (1921–1924), 332
and Iraq invasion (2003), 182, 242
Russia, relations with, 212
welfare system, 166
Gershon, Peter, 185
Gestetner machine, 39
Gibbons, Stanley, 34–5
Gift Aid, 152
Gilbert, Esther, 243
Gilbert, Martin, 243, 329
Giordano, Joseph, 452
Girl Guides, 394
Gladstone, William, 20, 51, 196, 208, 216, 235
Glasgow, Scotland, 33, 204
College of Technology, 55
Commonwealth Games (2014), 405
Fruitmarket, 402
Garscadden by-election (1978), 55–6
Govan, 33, 77
Maryhill, 404
terrorist attack (2007), 205, 214
University, 36
Gleneagles G8 summit (2005), 190, 191, 393
Glenn, John, 40
Global AIDS and Health Fund, 390
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, 390
Global Fund, 392
Global Health Partnership, 244
Global Network University, 245
Global Stability Forum, 344
globalisation, 23–6, 29, 79, 390, 415, 443, 445–6, 449, 452–3, 455–6, 457
and EU membership referendum (2016), 407
and financial crisis (2007–2009), 298, 302, 319, 323, 330
Gloucestershire, England, 211
GMB (General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied), 95
‘Gnomes of Zurich’, 352
golden rule, 131
Goldman Sachs, 311
Goldsmith, Peter Henry, 257
Goldstein, Gordon, 280
golf, 59
Good Friday Agreement (1998), 16, 17, 368
Goodwin, Fred, 308–9, 316, 343