The Abduction of Kelsey

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The Abduction of Kelsey Page 6

by Claire Thompson

  Her face was turned toward the wall, but at least she had stopped crying. He patted her thigh and stood. “I’ll be right back.” He loped to the bathroom and opened his medicine cabinet, glad he still had some of the pain medication left over from his knee surgery. It was powerful stuff.

  He returned to the bedroom with a cup of water and two of the pills. “Here you go. Take these. They’ll help with the pain.” He pressed the small pills against her lips. At first she wouldn’t open, but then a spasm of pain moved over her face, and her lips parted. James placed the pills on her tongue and held the small paper cup to her mouth. Kelsey drank.

  “Will you let me go, James? Please?” She touched his arm.

  He shook his head. She still didn’t get it. “Rest, sweetheart. We’ll talk when you wake up.” She sighed, but she closed her eyes, again turning her head toward the wall. James sat quietly beside her, resisting the urge to stroke her hair, to cup her breast, to pull her close. Now was the time to be selfless. Later he would indulge his sensual desires. He would teach her to lust after him as he lusted after her. He forced himself to be contented with just looking at her, and marveling at the fact that he possessed her, and the realization they would be together forever.

  Eventually her breathing slowed and deepened. “Kelsey,” James said softly. She didn’t respond. He touched her shoulder. She didn’t move or react. James lifted himself carefully from the bed and went to the closet, retrieving the ties he’d used the night before, the ones he’d already designated in his mind as Kelsey’s ties.

  Reaching for Kelsey’s left arm, he carefully looped the tie around her wrist and then lifted her arm over her head, bringing it to rest on the pillow. She didn’t move. The dose of medicine he’d given her had knocked him out cold, and he was easily seventy-five pounds heavier than she was. She would probably be out for a while, which was all to the good. She needed her rest after the ordeal with the gun.

  James quickly and quietly wrapped the second wrist and then tied them together and knotted the ends of the tie to the headboard, just in case she did wake while he was gone and get any crazy ideas about escaping.

  He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While the water was heating, he mopped up the blood with the already-soiled bath towels and then piled the lot of them into a corner for later washing. He found the bullet and its casing and placed them carefully in the trash for later disposal. Finally, he retrieved the gun from the floor where it had fallen placed it carefully on the counter.

  After a quick shower, James returned to the bedroom. He put the gun on the bureau, next to his wallet. He watched Kelsey sleep as he pulled on jeans and a polo shirt.

  Naturally he knew where she lived. He couldn’t even count the times he’d sat in his car in her apartment complex parking lot, watching to see when she might come out, and who was with her. Now he was going to see inside the place! He would touch her things and examine her possessions. He would select the items he would instinctively know she wanted. She would be grateful and happy to have her things around her. It would help her acclimate more quickly to the situation.

  Moving toward the bed, he bent down and gently kissed the sleeping girl’s forehead. “I’ll be back soon, darling,” he whispered.

  Chapter 6

  “I got your favorite. Here, have a sip.”

  Groggily, Kelsey opened her eyes. Something was pushing at her lips and she realized it was a straw. James was sitting on the bed beside her, holding a bottle of sparkling apple cider that was in fact her favorite thing to drink, and which she hadn’t been able to find since she’d moved to the area.

  “How did you—” she started to ask, but then bit her lip. She didn’t want to know. She sipped at the bubbly drink as he held the bottle for her, avoiding his intense gaze. The dull throbbing in her calf bloomed into sharp pain as she came fully awake, and the traumatic and bizarre events of the last twenty-four hours unfolded in her mind like a horror movie. The straw fell from her lips as she gave a small cry.

  “What? What is it, Kelsey? Are you in pain?” James set the bottle on the night table and reached toward her face. Instinctively Kelsey raised her hands to ward him off and saw the neckties dangling from her wrists. What the hell? Had he tied her to the bed while she’d been sleeping?

  James smiled, his eyes glinting as he answered her unspoken question. “Just a precaution while I was gone,” he said. “You looked super hot tied down like that. Did you ever engage in bondage play with Adam?”

  His words hit her like a smack in the face, though she shouldn’t have been surprised. She didn’t reply. Seemingly unperturbed, James said, “Want to see the pictures?” He held up his cell phone, his tongue moving over his top lip like a cat licking its cream.

  Kelsey shook her head, sliding her eyes away from the cell phone. She reached for the knotted silk on either wrist, fumbling to untie it. James slapped at her hands. “Stop that. I didn’t tell you to take those off.” He picked up a prescription bottle from the night table and shook a pill into his palm. “Take this. Just one this time, so you don’t crash again.”

  He touched her lips with the pill and Kelsey opened her mouth, accepting it. When he placed the straw at her lips she reached for the bottle, but he pulled it away. “No, no. I’ll do it.” He held the straw again to her mouth and Kelsey sipped, hating him.

  “When can I go home?” she said, trying to keep her voice calm and rational, as if that might somehow rub off on him. Surely he couldn’t keep her there much longer. The whole thing was nuts.

  “This is your home now, Kelsey. We can never go back to what was before. I’m sorry I took you by force, darling, but now that it’s done…” He shrugged, letting the words hang.

  Panic rose like bile in Kelsey’s throat. “Listen to me, James,” she said earnestly. She grabbed at the sheets to cover herself and tried to pull herself more upright. A white hot poker of pain shot through her calf. She winced and blew out a breath, but pushed on. “You can’t do this. Just let me go. I promise I won’t report you. I swear to god. I’ll resign from the bank and—”

  “Not necessary,” James interrupted. “You already quit.”

  “What? I—”

  “All taken care of,” James rolled over her words with his. “I gave Reynolds the news early this morning. He was a little disappointed that you left so abruptly, but young people today…” Again James shrugged, adding a grin. The grin fell away as he reached for the sheet, ripping it away from Kelsey’s naked body. “No one will miss you, Kelsey. You’re mine now, don’t you see? All mine.”

  The blood in Kelsey’s veins turned to ice. “No!” she shouted. She shoved as hard as she could at James’ chest and tried to swing her legs around him with a vague idea of leaping from the bed. The burst of blinding pain in her calf reminded her of just how disabled she was at the moment. Even if she managed to get up, how could she possibly hope to get away? A wave of dizziness made her sway, the walls swimming before her eyes.

  James was like a rock against her efforts to shove him aside. Languidly he stood and reached for her wrists, catching both in one hand. He jerked her arms over her head and tied the neckties to the headboard, ignoring her struggles. “You’re not behaving, Kelsey,” he said with a shake of his head as he stared down at her. “And after all I’ve done for you.”

  “All you’ve done for me? What the fuck…?” Fury rendered her speechless, reddening her face and making her heart pound. She jerked hard against her restraints.

  James nodded calmly. “Yes, all I’ve done for you. You don’t know it yet, but you’ve found the love of your life.” Kelsey gritted her teeth, rattling the headboard in her impotent rage. “I went to your apartment while you were resting. I watered your plants and collected your mail. I brought back some things I thought you might need.”

  He turned from her and bent down, pulling what she recognized as her red duffel bag from the floor. He set it on the bed and unzipped it. Reaching inside, he pulled out a round,
flat plastic case she realized was her birth control pills. “You better take today’s dose,” he said, pushing a pill through the foil. “As much as I’d love to make a baby with you, we aren’t ready yet to start our family.”

  The man was certifiably insane. Kelsey shuddered at the thought of having his child. She opened her mouth as he held out the small pill. He placed it on her tongue and she swallowed. Apparently satisfied, James settled next to her and began to pull things from the bag, placing them on the bed at her feet. He brought out bras and panties, clothing from her bureau and closet, several pairs of shoes and sandals, her makeup bag, blow dryer and her jewelry box.

  “Now this looks like fun.” James lifted of his eyebrows as he reached again into her bag. He regarded her with a sly smile as he held up the vibrator she kept in her night table drawer. Embarrassment and fury rose in equal proportions, heating her face and neck. If looks could have killed, James would have collapsed in a lifeless heap on the floor.

  “No need to blush, sweetheart.” James licked his lips again in what Kelsey assumed was supposed to be a sexy manner. “We’re both adults. I like it that you, uh, pleasure yourself when you’re alone. But that’s all over now, my darling. Now I’ll be the one to pleasure you. In fact”—his face brightened—“I think a good orgasm is probably just what you need right now. And if you please me, I’ll let you up to use the bathroom, and I’ll bring you something to eat and drink.” He waved the purple phallus toward her. “But first, some fun.”

  “No, James,” Kelsey blurted desperately. “Listen to me, damn it! I refuse—” James’ hand was suddenly on her neck. He squeezed, his fingers tight just beneath her jaw and Kelsey’s words strangled in her throat.

  His voice was like a whip, each word a stroke. “You will not refuse anything I choose to give you, Kelsey. You belong to me now. The sooner you get that through your pretty but thick head, the better.” He squeezed harder and Kelsey began to cough and choke. Tears sprang to her eyes as viselike pressure built behind her face. Oh god, was she going to die like this, naked and tied down in this madman’s bed?

  James let go abruptly and Kelsey sucked in a gasping breath of air. He stared down at her, his eyes glittering. “Don’t make me hurt you, Kelsey. I want you to be a good girl, but if you continue to be bad, you’ll leave me no choice but to punish you.” He continued to stare at her with a hard, impenetrable gaze for several more long seconds. Kelsey stared back, speechless.

  Finally James set the phallus upright on the night table and stood. He swept the rest of her things back into the duffel bag and dropped it on the floor next to the bed. He moved toward his closet, returning a moment later with a spare pillow, which he forced beneath Kelsey’s ass.

  “Spread your legs wide,” he instructed. “Careful with the bullet wound,” he added unnecessarily.

  When Kelsey didn’t react at once, he reached again for her throat. She spread her legs quickly, relieved when he dropped his hand. The pillow forced her hips and pelvis upward, as no doubt was his intention. James stood at the end of the bed, his eyes glued to her body as he pulled off his clothing. His cock sprang toward her, fully erect. Kelsey clutched her hands into fists above the ties, her body tensing with fearful anticipation.

  He positioned himself between her spread legs and brought his face so close to her pussy she could feel his hot breath against it. Instinctively she tried to close her legs but he stopped her with a hand on either thigh.

  Lowering his face, he touched her sex with the tip of his tongue. “Kelsey,” he breathed. “You’re so beautiful.” He licked at her folds, moving his tongue in a circle around her clit. Kelsey tensed beneath his touch, trying again to close her legs as she jerked at the wrist restraints.

  “Don’t fight me, baby,” James crooned. “I just want to make you feel good. Give in to it.” Again he dipped his head and licked along the length of her pussy, his fingers digging into her thighs. Kelsey closed her eyes, trying to drift away in her mind, but it didn’t work.

  Finally he lifted his head. She could feel his gaze on her face, but she kept her eyes closed. She felt the lift of the mattress, and then the give as he sat beside her. She turned and opened her eyes to see what he was doing.

  James was reaching again into the duffel bag. This time he pulled out her tube of personal lubricant. He reached for the vibrator and squirted the clear gel over its shiny rubber head. Scooting again between her legs, he touched the gooey head of the vibrator to her entrance and began to press it inside her. Kelsey tensed against the invasion, but he was persistent, pushing it until she was filled with the hard rubber phallus. He switched it on and it began pulse inside her with a steady hum.

  “Christ, you look so fucking hot like that, Kelsey. You have no idea.” James lifted himself from the bed and reached for his discarded jeans. Pulling his cell phone from a pocket, he aimed it in her direction and snapped several pictures. Setting the phone on the night table, he resumed his position between her legs.

  James licked two fingertips and placed them against her clit. His touch was surprisingly light, his fingers moving delicately in a perfect counterpoint to the vibrator thrumming away inside her. In spite of herself, in spite of the fear, the pain in her leg, and her exhaustion, Kelsey felt herself succumbing to the barrage of stimulation. It was easier to give in than to fight, and she surrendered to the sensations.

  “That’s it, baby. Oh, yeah. Do it. Do it for me,” James urged, his fingers moving in a flurry over her throbbing clit.

  Kelsey tried to shut out his voice. She tried to forget that her hands were bound to the headboard, or that she was held captive in a madman’s clutches. She focused on the pleasure radiating from her groin and let a moan pass her lips as the tremor of a climax spiraled out from her core. She felt the vibrator’s speed and pulsation intensify and James began to move it in and out of her in a thrusting motion. In spite of her hatred of the man doing this to her, another climax moved through her body, this one more powerful than the last.

  He kept at it, never giving her a moment to recover. “Enough,” she finally moaned. “Please.” She tried to close her legs, but the way James was positioned between them made it impossible.

  “More,” James insisted. “Give me everything you’ve got. I want it all.”

  On and on it went, James’ fingers coupled with the pulsing phallus inside her pulling orgasm after orgasm from her exhausted body until Kelsey, sweating and panting, began to tremble uncontrollably.

  “Please,” she managed to gasp, “too much. It’s too much. No more.” Her moans edged up into a wail and she felt like she was going to pass out.

  Finally, finally, he relented, withdrawing his fingers. He flicked off the vibrator and pulled it from her soaked cunt, though she continued to feel the echo of its pulse inside her.

  James moved to sit beside her, his cock erect along his thigh. He reached for the cider bottle and held the straw to her lips. Kelsey drank gratefully and realized she was starving. James let her finish the cider and then set the bottle down.

  “Please untie me, James,” she begged. “I need to use the bathroom and I’m really hungry. My leg hurts.”

  “Soon,” James said. “First there’s this to take care of.” He lifted himself over her and straddled her chest, gripping his large, fully erect cock and pointing it at her mouth. The head was purple, a drop of pre-come hanging from the tip.

  “Open wide,” he ordered, leaning forward as he guided his shaft toward her face.

  Kelsey turned her head aside, pressing her lips together. She could taste the bile at the back of her throat.

  “Hey!” James shouted. “You got yours. Now I get mine. Don’t make me hurt you, Kelsey. Do what I say.”

  He gripped her jaw with hard fingers. “Open your mouth. Do it, girl.” His voice was hoarse as he tugged at his cock, his stroke hard and quick. His body was heavy on her ribs, his balls settling between her breasts as he jerked at his shaft.

  With a sudden movement, h
e reached out and slapped her across the face. When Kelsey gasped in pain and surprise, he shoved his penis into her mouth, pushing it deep until she gagged.

  “Yeah,” he moaned, “that’s what I’m talking about.” He began to thrust, each time going deep and making her choke. His balls hit her chin with each stroke, his thick, hard member filling her mouth.

  At that moment Kelsey actually welcomed the throb of pain in her calf. She focused on it, letting it distract her from what was happening. This couldn’t go on forever. He had to come soon. Please, come. Come, come, come, you fucking asshole, you bastard, you prick.

  He gripped her face in his hands as he shuddered against her. Spurts of warm ejaculate filled her mouth, his shaft still resting against her tongue. She started to choke and, mercifully, the bastard pulled out. Kelsey turned her head and spit the salty goo onto the sheets.

  “Hey, what the hell?” James grabbed her face again, forcing her to look at him. He was frowning, his brows furrowed. “You don’t spit out my seed! You swallow every drop and then you thank me for coming in your mouth.”

  The edge of steel had returned to his voice. This see-sawing switch between creepy Mr. Lovey-dovey and Maniacal Abusive Man was worse than if he was just one or the other. Without knowing she was going to do it, Kelsey burst into tears. “Get off me! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!” she yelled, choking on her tears as she cried.

  He metamorphosed again, his face softening, his voice suddenly gentle. “Sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m sorry. You’re overwrought. I shouldn’t have pushed you so fast, what with the bullet wound.” Finally he climbed off her.

  “My arms,” she pleaded. “Untie me from the headboard.”

  He did, though the neckties remained tightly knotted at her wrists and he made no effort to undo them. Kelsey began to pick at them and he didn’t stop her. Instead he held out another pill. “Take this. You need to rest some more,” he said, still in lovey-dovey mode.

  She let him put the pill on her tongue. There was no cider left, so she swallowed it without it. The salty, bitter taste of his jism coated her mouth. “I need to pee,” she said. She managed to unknot the ties from her wrists and she flung them to the bed. “I need to brush my teeth. I haven’t had anything to eat in hours.”


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