The Abduction of Kelsey

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The Abduction of Kelsey Page 14

by Claire Thompson

  At least she was out of the punishment closet. Kelsey wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he’d forced her to pee in the tub. At least a day and a night, she thought, most of it spent curled in an uncomfortable ball on the floor of the pitch dark punishment closet. After the first several hours, she’d dared to knock on the door, begging to be let out, but James had ignored her. Eventually she gave up, worried she might be adding time to the punishment by speaking out. Surely he would have to let her out eventually.

  She had slept fitfully off and on during the enforced captivity. At times she’d made herself stand up and move as much as she could in the small space to keep her muscles from cramping. After a while, though, she’d been too hungry and dizzy to bother.

  She was kneeling now on the throw rug in the bedroom, glad at least to be in the light, though she felt hollow inside, aching with hunger and so very thirsty. James had set up the folding TV tray beside her, a plate of sliced apples, cheese and crackers taunting her, along with a big glass of iced tea.

  She held out her hands as instructed. Her arms felt heavy, and she hoped this stupid lesson would be over quickly. Then she saw the birch switch in his hand. It was shorter than the one he sometimes used on her ass, but looked just as thin and whippy. James flicked it several times in the air, the whooshing sound a menacing promise. Kelsey’s palms tingled and it took all her will not to drop her arms and wrap them protectively around herself.

  Just answer correctly. You can do that. You know what he wants. Give it to him, and then you can eat and drink.

  James hit his own palm lightly with the switch as he stared down at her. “Question number one. What are you?”

  Okay, that was easy. He’d asked her that often enough. “An obedient wife.”

  The sudden cut of the switch across her left palm made Kelsey scream in both surprise and pain. Instinctively she brought her hand to her mouth, pressing it hard against her lips as she moaned.

  “I chastised you because you forgot how to address me properly. Who am I?”

  “Sir,” Kelsey replied as she blinked back her tears. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  Damn it. She knew that! It was Obedience Wife Training 101. How had she forgotten?

  James nodded. “I forgive you. I know you’re hungry and aching. We’ll start over. Back in position—palms up. Next time I chastise you, don’t move out of position or I’ll put you back in the closet. Now, what are you?”

  “An obedient wife, sir.” Kelsey looked down at her palms. The left one had an angry red line across it that throbbed and stung.

  “Much better.”

  Concentrate. You can do this. Just get through it.

  Kelsey’s eyes slid toward the waiting food. She swallowed, waiting for the next question.

  “When does an obedient wife speak?”

  “When she’s asked a direct question, sir.”

  “When your husband asks something of you that you find challenging, do you tell him you can’t or won’t do it?”

  “No, sir.”

  “What is the proper response?”

  “If it pleases you, sir, then it pleases me.”

  James nodded. “Very good.” He paused, tapping the switch lightly against his thigh.

  “Why do I keep you shaved?”

  Kelsey bit her lip, trying to think. He shaved her underarms, legs and pussy every other day. She had to lie down on the bathroom floor and hold very still while he did it. Once he’d nicked her, and then he’d spanked her for causing him to do it, claiming she’d moved, though she hadn’t. He was always rambling on about why he meted out this or that punishment, couching the abuse in terms of his obedient wife bullshit, but what was his specific rationale for the shaving?

  She realized she’d just assumed he’d done it because he could—it was just one more way of exerting his power over her, and making her feel vulnerable. Was that the answer he wanted?

  Think, think. What is it he’s after? Say what he wants.

  “Kelsey. Answer the question.”

  She blew out a breath. “Because it pleases you, sir?”

  The switch cut across her right palm. She hissed her pain, though somehow managed to maintain her position.

  “It does. But that’s not why I do it. I’ve told you before. You must not have been paying attention.” He struck her left palm again, the switch cutting across the initial welt. Kelsey howled in pain.

  “Please, sir,” she begged, “I can’t do this. I can’t think. I’m too hungry, too tired. The switch hurts too much.”

  “Stop it. You’re acting like a child. Stop sniveling and whining. An obedient wife is honored to suffer at the hands of her husband. It teaches her she is cherished. Now, pay attention, because you’re going to have to recite this rule until you get it right.” He paused, and Kelsey struggled to control her whimpering so she could focus on his words.

  “Are you listening?” James demanded.

  “Yes, sir,” she managed, her palms on fire with pain.

  “The answer is twofold. You are shaved because an obedient wife must be completely accessible to her husband at all times. Female pubic hair is a direct affront to our lifestyle. I am the one to do the shaving because I exercise full but loving control over your body. My grooming you is a testament to my love for you. I care for you in all things. I support you, I feed you, I wash you, I claim your body, your heart and your soul. You belong to me. Now,” James said ponderously, “why do I shave you?”

  Fuck. How the hell am I supposed to remember all that? I’m hungry. I’m so hungry. Just get through it. The food is there. He means for you to have it. Just say what he said.

  “Um, you shave me because an obedient wife must be accessible to her husband, sir.” What else? Shit, what else? James raised the switch. “Your grooming is proof of your l-love.” The word stuck in her throat. How could he call this love? She stumbled on, the apple and cheese waiting for her. “You care for me in all things. I belong to you, sir.”

  James pressed his lips together disapprovingly, but at least he didn’t hit her again. “Better,” he said grudgingly. “It’s clear we still have work to do. I’ve been too easy on you, Kelsey. This is a new phase of training.” He set down the switch and reached for his fly. Kelsey knew what was coming next. Her mouth was parched. She would do anything for a long drink of that iced tea.

  “Thank me for the lesson, wife.” James pulled out his cock, stroking it quickly to full erection.

  “Thank you, sir,” Kelsey managed. She opened her mouth to receive his cock, swaying on her knees as a sudden wave of dizziness rolled over her. The quicker she jerked him off, the sooner he would let her eat. He pushed his cock into her mouth and gripped her head between his hands. As usual after a punishment session, he came quickly, his cock lodged so far back in her throat that she didn’t even need to swallow.

  He held her that way for several long seconds before finally letting her go. He tucked himself back into his shorts and bent down, lifting her into his arms.

  “Hungry, sweetheart?” he murmured as he laid her gently on the bed.

  “Yes, sir,” she breathed. She’d made it through the ordeal. Now he would be kind to her, at least for a while.

  The bed was so soft, the sheets cool against her skin. She waited as James moved the food tray closer. The first bite of apple was like heaven against her tongue. It was followed by a long drink of the tea and then a cube of sharp, tangy cheese. He let her eat everything on the plate, and she found herself almost grateful, even though all that food at once made her tummy hurt.

  She lay back against the pillows, nearly content. She longed to close her eyes and slip into dreams, but James said, “I want to show you something.”

  He brought the laptop to the bed. Kelsey again found herself grateful—he was allowing her to rest on the soft, comfortable bed, instead of making her kneel or stand beside his computer desk as he usually did. He tapped the keyboard and then turned the laptop so she could see the screen.<
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  “My posting made quite a stir on the Control Your Wife site. Your punishment in the bathtub was a good lesson for other errant wives, apparently. I got lots of positive feedback.”

  Kelsey shrank back against the pillows and closed her eyes. The experience in the tub had been at once humiliating and terrifying. She didn’t want to relive it by being forced to watch, but then, he wasn’t asking her what she wanted.

  If it pleases you, sir, then it pleases me.

  If only she could actually believe that. As James had told her so often, if only she could get to a place of acceptance, this would all be so much easier.

  To accept is to give up. Never give up!

  The voice that had once been a rallying cry inside her head was now barely a whisper. It was so hard to keep on fighting. And to what purpose? All it got her was punishment and pain.

  James clicked on the video and it began to play. Kelsey realized she hadn’t really looked at herself since James had abducted her. Even when in front of the bathroom mirror she had averted her eyes, not wanting to see what she had become. Now she stared at the too-thin naked girl with a pillowcase over her head and welts clearly visible on her breasts and thighs.

  “Wife,” boomed a voice from the computer’s speaker—James’ voice, but deeper somehow, more resonant. “This is your punishment, and then all will be forgiven, as long as you promise to be a good girl from now on.”

  A good girl? Was that all he wanted? She tried to be a good girl, but she never got it right. Did the other so-called obedient wives get it right? Were they constantly punished for the slightest infraction? Were they beaten, starved and humiliated as she was, all in the name of love?

  It was too much to handle—too much to bear. She was exhausted, she was weak, she couldn’t fight any longer. She felt as if she were standing on the edge of a cliff, her toes curled around crumbling stone and dirt as she struggled to hang on to what was left of her sanity and her will.

  Kelsey watched the girl in the video reach with shaking hands to spread her denuded sex, and then the gush of urine splashing down between her legs. She felt a hot burn of humiliation spreading over her chest, throat and cheeks but she didn’t dare to look away from the screen. As the tortured girl sank to her knees in the video, tears blurred Kelsey’s vision.

  I can’t do this. Not anymore.

  I’m done.

  The unfolding horror on the computer screen was like a shove against her bare back, and she found herself tumbling into the abyss, her mind folding in upon itself. She heard a low, anguished cry and realized it was her own voice she was hearing. She felt the sobs surge up through her body, deep, wracking sobs that shook her frame and forced her mouth into an open howl.

  Strong arms enfolded her, wrapping her in a tight, warm embrace. “That’s it, sweetheart,” James crooned softly in her ear. “Let it all out. With your tears, you’re releasing all the evil, willful toxins that keep you from truly submitting. Cry, baby. Cry it all out. Give yourself over to the tears.”

  She let go of the last vestige of control, releasing a rush of tears, a torrent of sorrow, a flood of surrender. She cried until her throat was raw, her mind empty, her body spent. She cried until her heart melted beneath the barrage of tears. She cried until there was nothing left.

  The darkness that moved over her soul was a kind of welcome oblivion, a sort of exhausted peace. As she lay drifting, she felt herself being rocked and the steady, rhythmic movement was soothing. She was cocooned and warm in strong, supportive arms.

  “Sleep, darling. You’re safe now.”

  She was safe. Safe in his arms. Why had she resisted for so long? She had moved through fire and darkness, and emerged at last in a peaceful place, as vast as the ocean. It was such a relief to let go at last and she felt herself sink like a stone into the silence.


  Earl: Hey there, James. Got another video for me?

  James: Actually, I wanted to get your advice.

  Earl: Sure, what’s up?

  James: Is it possible to go too far with obedience training?

  Earl: How do you mean?

  James: Well, I know the video was well-received, but when I had my wife watch it, she got kind of weird. I mean, it was almost like she went into a kind of shock. It’s been nearly a week and she still doesn’t seem to have really recovered from it.

  Earl: You’re probably overreacting. Is she still behaving?

  James: Yes.

  Earl: Then I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

  James: I don’t know. I’m wondering if maybe I was too hard on her.

  Earl: Don’t be ridiculous. That video was gold. The hits on the site have gone through the roof since you posted it. Several very lucrative monetizing opportunities are coming my way as a result. And I have you to thank, James. In fact, I was thinking of approaching you about a weekly, or even a daily video. Your wife was made for the camera.

  James: I’m confused. I thought this was a member’s only site for people committed to the lifestyle?

  Earl: Sure, sure, it is, of course. But it doesn’t run itself, you know. You don’t begrudge me trying to make some money to keep the site going, do you? We all do our part in the community, after all. I’m thinking you could record your daily training sessions, and we could follow your wife’s development as she blossoms into a fully submissive obedient wife. You could take us deeper—show us all aspects of training and service, including the sexual, if you get my drift. Depending on your comfort level, of course. I mean, no pressure or anything, but we might be talking some serious cash here, my friend. I’m willing to do a fifty-fifty split.

  James frowned at the screen. What the fuck was Earl going on about? Here he’d come to trust the man as a kind of mentor and advisor in the lifestyle, and he was coming across as some kind of opportunistic creep looking for amateur porn. What the hell?

  James: I’ll get back to you on that. Gotta go. TTYL.

  He logged off the site, angry with both Earl and himself. That’s what came of opening up to others. He should have known better. He did know better. He didn’t need Earl’s advice or permission. He’d learned all he needed from others. He and Kelsey were happiest when it was just the two of them. They didn’t need anyone else.

  If he’d gone too far with Kelsey, it had been for her own good. He’d had to break her down in order to rebuild her into an obedient wife. It was the price they both had to pay.

  He closed the laptop with resolve and strode from the bedroom. He found Kelsey in the kitchen on her hands and knees, scrub brush in hand. He watched her from the doorway as she washed the floor. He liked her to do it that way, instead of using a mop. He especially liked to stand behind her while she was doing it, so he could watch her ass sway as she worked. It always got him hard, and this time was no exception.

  “Get up and bend over the sink,” he ordered. Kelsey turned toward him with a small gasp, a startled look on her face. She often seemed lost in her own world lately.

  “Go on,” he snapped impatiently. “You heard me. That hesitation will cost you. You’ll have to be punished for that.” James’ cock throbbed at the thought. She’d been giving him less and less cause to punish her lately, and he sometimes found himself creating obstacles for her just so she would fail. He knew that wasn’t really fair, but hey, he made the rules, right? His word was law.

  Kelsey dropped the scrub brush into the bucket of soapy water and scrambled to her feet. She moved quickly to the sink and bent over it. James let his shorts fall to the linoleum as he moved toward her. He kicked her legs wider apart and gripped her hips, his cock tingling as it nudged along the cleft of her ass.

  He grabbed one of the many tubes of lubricant he now kept around the cabin so he’d have them whenever he needed them. He’d found himself increasingly drawn to anal sex. There was something so powerful about taking her that way, and he loved the way she cried out when he rammed himself inside her tight passage.

  He squirted a blob of lube onto the head of his cock and stroked the pucker between her ass cheeks with his fingertips. He felt her tense. “You resist me,” he told her. “You’ve become such an obedient girl, but in this one area you still resist. I’ll have to punish you for that too, you know that, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He pushed the head of his cock into her tight little ass. Kelsey squealed.

  “Why do I punish you, Kelsey?” He gripped her hips and pushed deeper.

  “Because you love and cherish me, sir,” Kelsey gasped prettily.

  James rammed his cock deep inside her. Kelsey was panting. He reached around her and shoved a finger into her cunt. “Go on,” he urged. “Why do you need to be punished?”

  “Punishment purifies me, sir. It teaches me. It helps make me worthy to be your wife, sir.”

  “That’s right.” He began to thrust inside her tiny hole. Christ, it felt so fucking good. When he was done, he’d suspend her from the beam and whip her until he drew blood. Not only because she needed it, but because he wanted it.

  The realization at once thrilled and frightened him. Sometimes he woke at night in a cold sweat, wondering what the hell he had become. What had happened to his innocent dreams of wedded bliss? When had he slipped into this bizarre role of lord and master over another human being?

  It’s only to teach her, he reassured himself as he moved in her tight grip. She needs to be controlled. She is happy and at peace. You had to break her to build her up again. It was the only way. It is the only way.

  He closed his eyes, imagining his beloved suspended by rope from the ceiling beam, her naked, bare body crisscrossed with welts, both the new ones he would paint on her with the whip and the switch, and the fading ones from her daily lessons and punishments. His balls tightened as a powerful orgasm coiled inside him, making his body rigid in the seconds before it exploded through his shaft.


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