The Enforcer

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The Enforcer Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  He frowned though when he noticed the pinched look on her face. He knew she hadn’t slept last night. He had heard her crying, his hearing superb. It took everything he had to stay planted on the couch and not go into her bedroom and pull her into his arms. But he’d known that would lead to other things that would only make it harder on them both when he left.

  During the morning breakfast crowd, he was alert to everyone who entered. Admittedly, he was more alert of the men who checked out Becky’s ass as she walked away or her breasts when she bent over to refill their coffee.

  His attention snapped to Becky, who headed his way with a plate of food. “I know you have to be hungry.” She set the plate of two eggs over easy, sausage and toast in front of him. “Eat,” she ordered and then she was off again.

  It wasn’t until after the lunch rush that Becky made her way back over to him. Sandra had picked up his dirty dishes and refilled his coffee.

  “You have to be bored, Maverick.” Becky stared down at him. “I’m sure I’ll be fine if you want to take off for a while.”

  “Not happening.” Maverick leaned back to look up at her.

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She turned to walk away, but stopped and sighed. “Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m fine.” He grinned at her back. He knew she was trying her best to be a bitch, but she could never pull it off. Becky was a people person and was always trying to take care of someone.

  With the customers slowing down, Maverick glanced at his phone to check his e-mail and messages. He knew he had a lot from all the buzzing his phone was doing, but he had been too vigilant watching for problems.

  He finished answering the messages, which weren’t many, and decided to wait for the e-mails. Setting his phone down, he settled back. Sandra was running around cleaning and checking on customers. After a few minutes of not seeing Becky, he leaned forward looking toward the kitchen but didn’t see her. He knew she wasn’t in the restroom because she would have had to pass him. Feeling a spark of unease, he stood.

  “Sandra, where’s Becky?” he asked loudly, his eyes still searching as he started walking toward the middle of the restaurant.

  “She’s taking the garbage to the dumpster,” Sandra called out, her hands full of dirty dishes.

  “Goddammit!” Maverick leaped over tables void of customers as he ran toward the back through the kitchen.


  Becky scraped plates into a full garbage can. Setting the plates down, she started to pull the bag out.

  “I’ll get that as soon as I finish this order,” Earl called out over his shoulder.

  Becky glanced over at Earl seeing all the work he still had to do. It would only take her a minute to take the garbage to the dumpster. Maverick wouldn’t even know.

  “I’ve got it.” Becky dragged the heavy bag toward the back door hoping she didn’t rip the bag open on a rock as she pulled and tugged it to the dumpster. Thinking of the movies she had watched where the actor always did stupid shit, and she would yell at the television calling them a dumbass, a sudden case of paranoia rushed over her. With a huff, she pushed open the top of the dumpster, then heaved the bag up and over.

  Closing the top, she turned to find three men blocking her way to the restaurant. “The entrance is in the front.” She gave them a shaky smile and tried to move past them. Seeing fangs and angry glares directed at her, she knew she had made a deadly mistake. Who was the dumbass now?

  “That her?” the largest one in the middle asked, but his eye stayed on her.

  “Yeah, it’s her,” the other replied.

  “Where’s my money.” The large one stared down at her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Becky glanced at the back door praying for Maverick to come outside.

  “Listen, I don’t know or care what James had going with you, but somebody has my money, bitch, and you were the last one seen with him.” He took a menacing step toward her. “Now, you are going to take us to his place, now.”

  Becky was sick to her stomach terrified. She didn’t know what to do or say. So she just shook her head, which didn’t go over too well. The largest guy grabbed her by the hair fast, pulling her to him. She cried out from the pain.

  “This is not a game, bitch.” The man’s face was so close to hers that spittle shot on her face making her flinch. “I want my fucking money now, and I know, being James’s little whore, you know exactly where it is. He liked to brag to his bitches, show off.”

  She wondered if Maverick would hear her if she screamed loud enough, but the scream seemed to be stuck in her throat.

  “Come on, man, before somebody comes looking for her,” one of the men said, but Becky didn’t know which one since her neck was bent at an odd angle. Before she could react, she was turned and pushed toward a car parked at the entrance to the back employee parking lot. Fear like she had never known almost paralyzed her, but she fought it. She had to think and fast. Her eyes searched for escape, but nothing was coming to her. She knew in her heart if she left in that car, she would never be back. Anger mixed with fear sent a bolt of energy through her body. She couldn’t run toward the car, but she could try to take them by surprise and slip past them if the element of surprise was on her side.

  Taking a step, she threw herself back while turning. She managed to slip through two of them, her eyes on the back door. “Maverick!” She screamed louder than she had ever screamed in her life. With a sudden wrench back, a large hand had grabbed her shirt. Undeterred, she fought. Becky knew she didn’t have a chance against three vampires, but she had to buy some time. She heard her shirt rip and fell forward. Hitting the ground hard, she turned to protect herself, but the men were no longer looking at her.

  An inhuman roar sounded behind her and before she could turn to look, Maverick jumped over her, attacking the larger of the three men. She backpedaled out of the way and then screamed when hands gripped her arms.

  Earl and Sandra tugged her out of the way. “Oh, my God.” Sandra’s voice shook.

  “Get inside,” Earl ordered them, but there was no way Becky was leaving Maverick.

  “No, he needs help,” Becky said, but as she watched, it became clear that Maverick needed no help at all. Two of the men were already knocked out cold, and Maverick stood over the larger man, his foot on his chest. When he turned to look at her, his eyes were black as midnight, his fangs dipping over his bottom lip.

  “Do not fucking leave my sight,” he ordered before putting his phone to his ear.

  All Becky could do was stare and nod at Maverick, who she realized was a total stranger to her. She didn’t know the man who’d taken out three huge vampires in the span of a few minutes.

  “Maverick turned into one serious badass,” Sandra whispered, putting into words what Becky was having a hard time doing.

  Chapter 9

  Maverick’s rage was to the point if Dusty and Dale didn’t arrive soon, he was going to kill the son of a bitch and his thugs. He had Becky sitting where he could see her. A misty rain had started to fall, and she just sat staring at him. He had the old cook, Earl, aiming a gun he had given him at the other two.

  “I just want my damn money.” The man spat blood but remained sitting against the building where Maverick had thrown him.

  Maverick ignored him. It wasn’t the time or place. Dusty and Dale would take him back to headquarters and question the asshole. His eyes once again checked on Becky, who looked increasingly lost and afraid, pissing him off. Her safety was his concern, his responsibility.

  “You okay, Earl?” Maverick asked, his eyes fixed on Becky.

  “Never better,” Earl responded, his voice full of excitement. “Can’t say stuff like this happens much around this dead town. Kind of exciting.”

  Maverick chuckled. “If they flinch, shoot.” He looked at the two men, who finally come around after being knocked out. They sat perfectly still staring at the gun in Earl’s shaking hands.

�Man, I’ve got nothing against her.” The man Maverick stood over nodded toward Becky. “If she’d just tell me where my money is—”

  Reaching down, Maverick picked him up by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. “She doesn’t know where the fuck your money is. It’s in your best interest to never even think about her again, motherfucker.” Maverick slammed him against the wall once, then again for good measure. When the man’s eyes started to go toward Becky, Maverick growled. “Look at her again and die.”

  “Holy shit, Mav,” Dusty said, walking toward him. “Leave you alone for a couple of days and—”

  “Shut up and take the gun from Earl before he kills something,” Maverick ordered, his eyes still glaring at the man he held against the wall. Before giving the man over to Dale, he pulled the man’s face close to his. “If you ever come near her again, I will hunt you down. Remember my face because it will be your worst nightmare.”

  Maverick pushed the man toward Dale. “Let me know what you find out from these assholes.”

  “She okay?” Dale nodded toward Becky.

  Maverick nodded but didn’t say anything. “I’ll come by tomorrow, but let me know what you find out tonight.”

  “You know I will.” Dale walked away with the man while Dusty took the other two, giving them shit all the way to the van. “Good job, man.”

  Turning, Maverick went straight toward Becky, who sat on a wooden crate. His protective instincts were already in overdrive, but with this woman, they were off the charts. When he had run out the back door and seen her falling helplessly to the ground with Devin DeMarco and his thugs ready to pounce on her, he knew then and there that walking away from her again was something he wasn’t going to be able to do.


  Becky didn’t care that it was raining. She wasn’t about to move from this spot. Honestly, she didn’t think her legs would hold her. Never in her life had she been so scared until she saw Maverick. Then her fear turned to concern for him. She didn’t know what she would do if something happened to him in front of her very eyes.

  Sandra stumbled out. “I closed the restaurant.” She put her arm around Becky as she knelt down. “Are you okay?” With her apron, she cleaned off Becky’s chin where it had hit the concrete.

  Becky nodded numbly, her voice stuck in her throat.

  “He’s not the same Maverick we used to know, is he?” Sandra whispered.

  “No, he’s not,” Becky finally responded, a tear slipping down her cheek.

  Sandra kissed her cheek. “But what hasn’t changed is the love that man has for you.” With that, she stood and moved away when Maverick moved toward them.

  Becky’s gaze locked on his as lightning flashed across the sky behind him. She jumped slightly when thunder boomed. The closer he came, the more she could see the rage in his eyes, the tenseness of his body.

  “Becky?” Maverick’s voice washed over her and terror slammed into her, making her shake. Tears leaked from her eyes. She stood so fast she stumbled into him, her arms wrapping around him as tightly as they could. The rain came down hard soaking them both. His arms held her just as tightly, and she swore he was shaking also. “I’ve got you.”

  He picked her up and walked through the rain to her apartment, then cursed.

  “There’s a key in the light cover,” Becky said into his chest. She felt Maverick reach up while still holding her.

  “That won’t be happening again.” Maverick opened her door, closing it behind them and carefully set her down. He put the key on the counter. “Do not leave a key outside anywhere again. You understand?”

  Becky nodded, wrapping her arms around her wet and shaking body. Her eyes roamed over him freely, thinking how sexy he looked wet.

  Maverick slowly touched her chin, his frown reaching his eyes. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “I don’t think so.” Becky shook her head. “Are you hurt?”

  A small smile replaced his frown. “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry,” Becky said and really meant it. “I didn’t think—”

  “No, you didn’t.” Maverick cocked an eyebrow.

  A loud boom of thunder made her jump. “Are there more people like them looking for me?”

  “We don’t think so, but we’re still working to make sure.” Maverick tilted her trembling chin up. “Listen to me. I will not let anyone hurt you.”

  Becky bobbed her head, her teeth chattering. “I know.” She looked deep into his eyes, wanting so much but afraid to take it. Instead, she stood slowly. “Thank you.” Not knowing what else to say, she went to turn away to get dried off and changed. Her mind told her to do just that, but her heart begged her to do something else.

  With her back to him, her mind and heart warred with each other. Turning her head, she looked at him from over her shoulder and in a split second, she saw him, the Maverick of old staring at her with the desire she would never forget in her lifetime. It was quickly masked with the Maverick she no longer knew.

  Unfazed, her heart won the war. She spun and rushed into his arms, pulling his face to her and kissing him with all the anger, want, and love that had filled her for a year. She would have been devastated if he had pushed her away, but his passion matched her own.

  Chapter 10

  Maverick had to loosen his grip on Becky, afraid he would hurt her. Her kiss was familiar except there was an urgency to it. He was more than happy to meet that urgency with each thrust of his tongue.

  He had no idea where this was leading other than him being inside her, and at that moment, he didn’t care about anything else. Grabbing her ass, he pulled her up his body and groaned when she wrapped her legs around him tightly.

  It had always been like that between them. Hot and passionate, but this was a little different. It was as if they were trying to crawl inside each other. As if they were making up for a lost year. Damn, he had missed her more than he’d even imagined and didn’t realize it until that very second.

  He worked her shirt off, his mouth exploring a body he remembered well. She responded to him like a starved woman. His hands, along with hers, removed her jeans. He tore her panties, ripping them off her body. Reaching down, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before touching her, making sure she was ready for him. Feeling her wetness, he growled as one finger slipped inside her. She was so fucking tight, and his male pride surged. If she had been with another man since him, it hadn’t been recent. The thought of her being with someone else made him want to kill something, but he tapped it down. Using a second finger, he prepped her and then hissed when her hand found his length and began pumping him.

  He hated taking her this way. Okay, that was a fucking lie. He loved this urgency but would also love to give her what she deserved, which was a slow love-making session on her bed, but fuck that. He couldn’t wait, wouldn’t wait.

  “Please, Maverick.” Her breathless plea hit him hard.

  Turning, he pressed her against the wall, fit himself into her and slowly sank her down on his rock-hard cock. “Look at me.” When she did, her eyes filled with so much desire, he almost doubled over. He kissed her hard. “I want you to see who is inside you.”

  “I know who is inside me.” Becky’s eyes never left his. “The only man who has ever been inside me.”

  Those words from her lips released something inside Maverick that scared even him. He had to hold himself back. He was stronger now and knew he could break her so easily. He took her mouth again as he pumped inside her, the wall helping keep her stable as he used both hands on her hips to control the motions. He knew she was close, and so was he, but he didn’t want this to end. Slowing his pace, he grinned when she groaned in protest and tried to go against him by bucking her hips.

  “Damn you, Maverick.” Her husky voice breathed against his neck where she had dropped her head against his shoulder. “Please don’t make me beg.”

  Dropping his head, he caught her mouth with his. “Never,” he said against her lips and then
smiled. “That’s for another time.”

  A tear escaped her eye, sliding down her cheek; he watched its path as he brought her to completion. Her scream of release sent him over the edge while his growl of possessiveness echoed in the room. He held her against him, both of them breathing hard holding on to each other.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” Becky’s eyes were lowered, but she slowly looked up with uncertainty shadowed in their depths.

  Not sure what to say, Maverick dipped his head and kissed her before setting her down. Her body was freezing, goose bumps covering her skin. Tucking himself in and zipping his jeans, Becky stood watching him, fully naked and standing proud as if waiting for something. He knew what that something was, but he wasn’t sure if he could promise her anything… yet.


  When Maverick remained silent after her telling him she had missed him, she turned and walked away. Standing in her bedroom, confusion settled in her chest. She felt lost. What they’d shared, she would do again with or without any promise from him; there were no regrets. But grief threatened to tear her apart. She knew she wasn’t losing him again; she never really had him again.

  A laugh mixed with a cry escaped her mouth. She was thinking crazy-ass thoughts that made no sense. Maverick Wilder always had that effect on her. With a sigh and a shake of her head, she grabbed dry clothes and dressed. She needed to get back to work. The dinner crowd would be starting soon. If she was to own the restaurant one day, she had to be responsible no matter what life threw at her. This time life threw a cruel curveball called Maverick.

  Once done, she reached for the doorknob, but stopped and dropped her hand. How was she going to do this again? Would she survive? This time, she knew by his actions he was going to walk away. What they’d shared was no promise that he would stay, and she would never think that or hold it over his head. No, it was something that had to happen because she wanted it and obviously so had he.

  “Shit!” She leaned her head against the door. “Shit. Shit. Shit.”


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