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Colun's Passion (Alien Mates Book Four 4)

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by Serena Simpson

  Table of Contents

  Colun’s Passion



  Other books by the author

  Reviews and where to find me

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Back Matter

  Connect with me

  Colun’s Passion


  Serena Simpson

  Alien Mates, Book Four


  I want to thank my daughter for hanging in there with me and all the encouragement and love she gives to me. I love you dear.

  I also want to thanks my fans who snatch up another book when it comes out. I wasn’t to thank all my readers old and new. Remember you can always reach out to me and tell me what you think about the book. Look forward to hearing from you.


  Colun’s Passion – Alien Mates, Book 4 - Copyright © August 2016, Serena Simpson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  Cover Art by OriginalSyn

  Edited by Keriann Mckenna

  Published by Serena Simpson

  Other books by the author

  Love Me Harder Series

  Aran Book 1

  Niko Book 2

  Sergey Book 3

  Nicolas Book 4

  Hale Book 5

  Alexei Book 6

  Ash Book 7

  Alien Mates Series

  Soul-Bonded to the alien Book 1

  Rylan’s Heart Book 2

  Gabe’s Destiny Book 3

  Dragon Mates Series

  Alexa’s Dragon Book 1

  Shifters on the run

  Tane’s Mate Book 1

  Reviews and where to find me

  Once you’ve read Colun’s passion, I hope you will take a few minutes to leave me a review. Amazon love’s reviews so the more you leave, the more they eat it up.

  You can find me on my website.

  I’m also available on Twitter @serena789books

  You can also find me on Facebook

  Look for me I’m happy to connect with all.

  Chapter One

  Sara threw her phone on the bed and sighed, the romance she was reading made her heart ache. She stood up to stretch even though the book was calling to her. ‘Pick me up,’ it whispered, making her breath come a little faster as she thought of love that would last a lifetime.

  With greedy fingers, she picked her phone up again going to the App to read the last few lines of the book.


  “No more worries for tonight, mate. I wish to know what the King meant when he talked about being bossed around by his mate.”

  “I can help you with that.” She flipped him on his back and crawled on top of him.

  A soft smile tugged at her lips at the images she had of what happened next. With a well-worn sigh, she went to stand in front of the mirror taking a look at herself. Forgetting she had a body for the moment, she took a look at her hair. The silver highlighting the darkness of it. The word ‘old’ hovered in the air before she knocked it down with her cane and stepped on it.

  Laughter floated around her as she looked at the image in her mind. There was no cane for her even if some her age used them. The sigh she was a little too familiar with came back. Running her hands through her hair, she examined the silver in it again. She liked the way it looked, the way the silver sparkled in the light. It was a natural highlight; she knew some people would pay hundreds of dollars to get what mother nature had given her for free.

  How many times had she wanted to tell them just live long enough and they would get where she was? She had lived a long, long time. The laughter was back making her belly shake just a little. Who said sixty was old? Her gram had lived to be well over a hundred and so had her gram’s mother as well as her gram’s sister.

  Sixty wasn’t old, it was just a mental thing and darn it she was tired of giving in to it.

  You just need a big, thick, long c…

  Sara cut off the she-devil that lived within her. Her mind refused to remember that they were ‘Senior citizen age.’ That freaking AARP card she carried in her wallet should have been enough of a reminder but of course, it wasn’t, she still thought of herself as young. The only thing she didn’t have in her life was a big, thick, long…argh, she was making herself crazy.

  She changed her clothes, threw on a pair of shoes, and decided she was all about the shopping. It didn’t take long to reach the outskirts of Newburg where all the malls were.

  Newburg was such a small town not much happened there, but for some reason the citizens always made her freak meter light up. That’s why, after all these years, she only stepped into the actual town a handful of times. The area between her shoulder blades always tingled and the palms of her hands felt like they were on fire. With a shudder, she turned her mind to the shopping she was going to accomplish today.

  True, she was alone and had been that way for some time. Things didn’t work out between her and her husband, and after the divorce she raised the most beautiful baby girl. Of course, she wasn’t a baby now, but as far as she was concerned Annie would always be her baby.

  The phone rang. “Answer.” Annie had gone crazy at the thought of her mother talking and driving so she gave her an earpiece for Christmas.

  “Mom, where are you?” Annie’s voice came over the line making Sara smile.

  “I’m on my way to the mall, Dear.”

  “Please tell me you’re going to buy some new clothes.”

  Sara looked down at what she was wearing and winced. For reasons she couldn’t explain, she had fallen into the I should look my age mentality. But to be honest, she didn’t think people a hundred years old looked the age she did when she was wearing these clothes. A new wardrobe was needed pronto.

  “Yes Dear, I am planning on buying some new clothes.”

  “Mom. I’m begging you, please don’t buy anything that makes you look like you’re a thousand-years-old.”

  A smile tugged at Sara’s mouth. That was her Annie; she believed her mom was still sexy and should show it. She didn’t understand that with every year of raising her without a male in her life she had curled up into herself and forgotten she was a woman. She spent so much time as a mother, it was hard for her to entertain any other kind of label.

  “All right, Annie, I am going to buy some new clothes and they are going to be so scandalous you’ll wish for my old wardrobe.”

  “Maybe…or maybe I will come get you, bring you to New York, and take you to all the parties to show you off.”

  “That sounds nice, Baby. Kiss your husband and my grandson for me.”

  “I will, M
om. When are you coming to visit?”

  “Soon, Baby, soon.”

  “Love you Mom, talk to you later.”

  “You too, Dear.”

  The click on the phone was a little depressing, but she was used to living away from Annie now even though it felt like she didn’t have anything to live for some days.

  A car full of young people sped past her making her grip the wheel tighter to stay on the road. A small smile hovered on her lips as her heartbeat raced. Youth, she thought with a shake of her head. They had no idea what a blessing it was to be young and how fast youth could slip through your fingers. She found a space and parked quickly. The first store was calling her name.

  Walking in, she gave the sales lady a smile and began pulling things off the hangers. Yeah, she didn’t wear the same size as when she was younger, but she refused to dwell on that.

  With a pair of jeans on and a nice pullover, she went to look in the large mirror they had right outside the dressing room. A sad shake of her was all she could give. Yeah, jeans are nice, but something about the way they looked on her was discouraging.

  Dropping onto the bench in her changing room, her head fell into her hands as she blinked back the sorrow that threatened to overflow from her eyes.

  A picture of her ex swam before her. How she thought he was the finest thing she had ever seen when he walked up to her holding a flower. His sexy smile made her heart beat faster. She could still remember his voice as he said his name was Jim. His name was doodled all over the house, and her mom had teased her about falling in love, all she could do was blush.

  Fast forward ten years. Sara was thirty years old with a two-year-old daughter. Jim walked into the house not looking near as fine anymore. With a grin, the one that said he hated her, he informed her that he was leaving; he found someone who loved him. Someone who would do the things she wouldn’t do. Just like that, it was all over except for the divorce and the fight about child support which he never paid.

  She always wanted to do those things, dreamed about doing those things, but he never kept himself clean enough for her to want to try them with him.

  Standing, she stripped off the clothes. Who was she fooling?

  It just wasn’t in her nature to please a man. Standing in front of the mirror, she took a brutal inventory of her body. Her face had laugh lines and a few wrinkles that told everyone she was older than thirty, but it wasn’t a bad looking face. Her mouth was still sensual, and her eyes were still a pretty green.

  Her body wasn’t thin like it used to be; she packed on twenty pounds, really thirty but who was counting. Her rear was larger, but it was still shaped like a C, just a larger one. Her breasts were no longer petite B’s; no they had ballooned up to C’s, but they looked good and were still mostly firm. The upper body exercises helped with that. Dropping her eyes to her belly, shaking her head was all she could do. There were no bikinis in her future. Although she should be upset, if she was honest she felt like her fairy godmother had taken her wand and made her more feminine. Now if only said godmother could give her a male with a thick, long, hard…back to reality.

  Jim had never been a good lover. She wondered if saying that in the privacy of her head made her seem bitter. In the end, he was the one who remarried, not her. So maybe she was the one who wasn’t good with intimacy. Lord knows she tried.

  Enough of that. She grabbed a pair of gray pinstripe pants with a cuff and paired it with a pink shirt before hitting the mirror again. This time, she saw a modern woman with a flair for fashion. Taking a deep breath, she slipped on the cute sandals she brought in with her and looked again. The pants made her rear look like it was a promise to mankind. The blouse made her stomach look a little flatter, and the sandals showed off her recently polished toes. Yep, she was going to wear this outfit out of the store.

  More confident, she tried on the rest of the clothes in her dressing room and then grabbed some extras to try on. What else did she have to do with her money besides change her wardrobe and pretend it would change her life?

  With a smile, she plunked all of her purchases on the counter and told the sales lady she wanted to wear the one outfit out the door. After closing her eyes and sliding her credit card, she changed and walked out the door pretending she was a new woman.

  Walking to her car to stow everything away, she heard a loud wolf whistle. Her head turned to see who was whistling at some lucky woman. No one was around except a young man who was grinning at her. Her? Shock rippled through her body when the little boy gave her a wink and a suggestive smile. Why he was young enough to be her daughter's husband! She smiled despite herself. Back in the mall, she assured herself that when she got home, she was going to pretend that she was the woman in Rylan’s story, and maybe that young man could be Rylan.

  A blush made her cheeks hot; he was way too young. She needed someone older.

  Maybe it could be…her eyes flew across the room to see who was looking at her with such blatant lust. Him…dear, Lord, I want to dream about him.

  Chapter Two

  Colun groaned again and wondered how he ended up at the mall. He planned to make his escape early this morning. Gabe was good and soul-bonded, Joaquin wasn’t his responsibility although he would be keeping an eye on him. There was no reason for him to stick around. His solitary life was calling him. Too much time with the happy soul-bonded made both his Arbin and Matra side want to kill something.

  “Grandpa Colun, do you want to go to the toy store with us? My mom said we could go if you came with us,” Mckayla asked. She batted those gorgeous brown eyes at him and flashed that little girl smile, the one she knew melted his heart.

  His hand came down on her head, a momentary pang in his heart for the child he never had and the female who never loved him.

  Tucking his loneliness far away, he gave her a teasing smile. “What’s in it for me?”

  “They have the coolest dolls and electronics.”

  “Dolls!” Vick’s voice was outraged. “They have this truck that has a remote control, but you can almost operate it on pure thought. Uncle Hale made it, and I want to see it sooo bad. Dad said he might buy it for me.” Vick’s smile combined with Kayla’s was enough to melt him.

  “If you’re nice, Grandpa Colun might buy it.”

  Colun looked at Victor knowing he had been set up. He drew back his lips just enough for Victor to see and snarled at him. What did that young shifter do? Laugh, he laughed, and Colun couldn’t help but laugh with him.

  “Ten-hut!” Kayla and Vick stiffened their backs giving Colun a salute and stood like good little laughing soldiers.

  “Anyone coming with me will need to stay in front so I can see them. Is that clear?”

  “Sir, yes Sir.”

  “Excellent, march.” They took off with peals of laughter as Colun used his eyes promising retribution to the whole group.


  What was that smell? It hit him the minute he walked into the toy store, but it didn’t originate from there. It was like it was lazily drifting through the mall calling to him.

  Eyeing the children, he knew he would have to resist following the scent.

  “Grandpa Colun, look here’s the truck.”

  He refused to flinch when some young mother looked at him. Victor thought it was funny to have Vick call him Grandpa and of course Kayla didn’t want to be left out. The years he lived were sitting on his shoulders, and he was old enough to be their grandfather. After all, he did raise Victor, Cal, Rylan, and Gabe.

  Ignoring how old he suddenly felt, he bent down to get a better look at the truck. “You like this?”

  Vick’s head swung up and down faster than a bobble head. Walking over to the display model, Colun picked it up. It was Hale Dare’s work. He made it so that anyone in the know could modify the truck so it would run off of mental commands easily.

  “Pick your favorite color, Son.” A pang of intense longing cut him deep. There would be no children for him.

They walked over to Kayla who was not looking at the dolls. She was in the electronics aisle looking at a virtual reality game. It only took a glance for him to know Hale built this one also. The game would give Kayla a safe place to explore her budding powers. He took a quick look at the price tag and winced.

  All it would take was a phone call and he could have one at her house tonight. Squatting down, he looked at the game with her. Daughter, the word echoed around in his head. The only children he would ever have.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Her eyes turned to look at him. She was so much wiser than her years.

  “I was looking at this VR game.”

  “Do you want it?”

  “No.” She turned on her heels and went to the doll aisle with him trailing behind her. “I want the doll.”

  Huh? There was nothing special about that doll. He wondered why it was here. If he were a betting male, he’d say they never sold any of them.

  “Tell me why you want the doll.”

  Her head lowered and when it rose there were tears trapped in her gaze. His heart was breaking, but he had to ignore it to get to the bottom of what was happening.

  “Normal girls ask their mom’s for dolls, not advanced VR games.” She spoke as if someone had read her a passage out of the Bible and told her she had to believe because God said it.

  “Who told you about normal little girls?”

  “The girls at school. They don’t want to play with me because I don’t have any dolls.” Her hand was plucking at her fingers on the other hand.

  “So you want to play with them?”

  Her eyes flew to his, her little mouth opening on a no.

  “I don’t like them!” she shook her head to reinforce her words.


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