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Colun's Passion (Alien Mates Book Four 4)

Page 11

by Serena Simpson

  Her fingers came up to play as she dragged them over his sensitive skin making him shiver in pleasure.

  “Do you like that, Baby?” Her voice rasped over his skin as her mouth nipped on his chest. She sucked on him making him more sensitive before she finally took a flat nipple in her mouth.

  “You do like this. I love it when your hips are punching up in the air, and your hands are shaking as they hold me.

  “Sara, you’re a tease.”

  “But I’m your tease.”

  He groaned, and she kissed down to his belly button loving the feel of the muscles in his abs tightening. She flicked her tongue over his belly button just grazing it. He hissed as he tried to pull her up his body.

  “Oh, no, Baby. This is my time.” She scooted down his body allowing her hot core to scorch him.

  “Lift up.” Her hands were on the waistband of his swim trunks, and she pulled them down when his bottom came up.

  Nirvana. His thick cock was standing tall, long and hard, begging her to put her lips on it. Taste me, it whispered and she replied allowing her tongue to circle the head.

  Colun threw his head back and roared. His hand went to her hair gripping it before he made himself let go and settle back into the sand to see what she would do next.

  Her head lowered, and she pressed herself against the base of his shaft allowing his scent to fill her. She opened her mouth and sucked one of his balls in while playing with the other.

  Colun began to speak rapidly in a language she never heard before. She moved licking her way up from the bottom of his cock to the head. Then she decided it was so good that she did it again. Finally, she leaned over him and took his cock into her mouth. She hummed around it allowing the vibrations to help her as she sucked on him. Her legs clenched together, the more she sucked on him, the hotter she got.

  Taking her hand, she worked his shaft up and down. His mouth was open now. He was panting, begging her not to stop while he called out her name.

  “Mine,” she said as her hand worked faster and her mouth sucked harder. This one is mine, and I’m not letting him go.

  “Sara, I’m going to…” His voice hitched, and his hips moved faster of their own volition.

  She held on tight and sucked on him until his body shook and he let out a roar. Ropes of the cream jetted into her mouth, and she sucked them down with a happy look on her face. She didn’t stop until his body finally stopped moving. He lay in the sand, panting.

  “Sara, that was amazing.”

  She climbed his body until she was lying on him. There was a twinkle in her eyes.

  “I thought it was amazing, too.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Colun and Sara walked back to the bungalow along the beach with lazy smiles on their faces.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you would ever make it back here.” Voyager was lounging in one of the chairs sitting in the backyard.

  “How long have you been here?” Colun asked, taking a look back at the beach to see where they had been lying.

  “Not long.” Voyager gave him a smile before standing.

  “Have you come to tell us what the decision of the trial is?” Sara asked, holding Colun’s hand tighter.

  “No, I have come to ask you what decision you think the trial should come to.”

  Sara stared at him like he lost his mind before she started to ponder the question. When she first came here, she believed death was inevitable, and everything surrounding her seemed to agree. Time changes everything; now she felt like she earned the right to live. She couldn’t change her past, but she could make her present one of joy, and she could strive daily to never become the woman she used to be.

  “I think the trial should come down on the side of life. Colun and I were meant to be together. We love each other and with or without the trial I’m going to be with him.” Her voice was defiant as she threw her shoulders back and pushed her chest out. She was tired of everybody and everything trying to run her life. How dare they think they knew her better than she knew herself? From now on she was making her own decisions.


  “Sara is the woman for me. I desire to be soul-bonded with her. To spend the rest of my life making our union a happy one.”

  “All right, you passed. You can leave.” Voyager turned around.

  “Wait…what?” Sara looked at him like she didn’t believe him.

  “How is it that simple?” Colun asked.

  “Each trial is different. Here you faced your past because you both were running from it but that was not the trial. Call it a bonus. The trial was to see if you could put away your superiority and humble yourselves enough to love. Hurt makes you build a wall around yourself and destroying that wall is one of the hardest things to do. Today you did that. You were willing to be bare before the other. Today the two of you soul-bonded.”

  The door appeared before them swinging open silently.

  “Enjoy the life you have, together.” Voyager disappeared leaving them with no other option than to walk through the door.

  “Colun?” A voice called out sounding like it was down a long tunnel.

  He tried to get his bearings as he fell and fell until finally, he ended up in the one place he knew well—his head. It took a great effort before he was able to open his eyes.

  “Where am I?” He looked around to see smiling faces looking down at him.

  “We were beginning to think you weren’t coming back to us,” Victor said, his voice was gruff.

  “I knew you were too stubborn not to make it,” Gabe added. He looked like he fought a war between giving Colun a hug or a stern lecture.

  Colun felt his lips lift because he knew he’d receive both when they were alone.

  Joaquin was staring at him from across the room. “I was hanging around until I knew you made it. I’m off now.” He walked out the room not saying goodbye to any of them.

  “That might be the last of him,” Rylan said, eyeing the door Joaquin walked out.

  “He’ll be back soon,” Selma said, and they didn’t argue with her.

  Colun turned over; he was waiting patiently for Sara to open her eyes. Now he was concerned because she was still out.

  “Sara?” he placed his hand on her shoulder and shook her. “Sara, love wake up.”

  Her eyes snapped open, and there was fear in them. “It’s coming for me, Colun. It’s coming for me.”

  “You have to wake up. The Sudir wants you to sleep; we can’t give him what he wants.” He shook her a little harder as his heart raced in his chest. He refused to lose her like this. “Wake up, love, you have to stay with me.”

  When she didn’t respond, he pulled her into his arms, laid down and closed his eyes blocking out all the people in the room looking at them with worried faces.

  “Sara, where are you?” His voice echoed, but he waited patiently for a response.

  “I’m over here,” she replied.

  He followed the sound of her voice until he left the cavernous space he was in and walked into a narrow corridor. It got tighter the further he walked until he had to turn sideways to squeeze himself through. In the blink of an eye, he was in a spacious room.

  The room was a bright green reminding him somewhat of the water they left behind.

  “Did I ever tell you my favorite color was green?”

  He shook his head no and came to sit next to her. She was on a day bed, one that may have belonged to a ten-year-old. There were large windows in the room with a pond standing in the middle of a grassy area outside the windows. Inside there wasn’t anything to look at.

  “How’d you get in here, Colun?”

  “We’re soul-bonded, Sara. We can be in each other’s mind.”

  “You have to leave, or he will kill you.” She was pushing on his arm trying to make him stand up.

  “How do you do that?’

  “Do what?”

  “Become unmovable like a rock.”

  “My Matra has tha
t ability. No one moves him unless he wants to be moved. Why are you hiding out here?”

  “I was following you, happy to be soul-bonded but then I ran into it.”

  “The Sudir we saw at the mall?”

  “Yeah. It told me that it didn’t matter, it was going to kill me and if I were with you, it would kill you. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “Sara, where did this room came from?”

  “It’s my room as a child. When I was on punishment, my mom would take everything except the bed, the table, and chair. Because I needed someplace to sleep and someplace to do homework.

  “Did your mom love you?”

  “She did, but she didn’t know how to handle me.”

  “Sara, when we were in the trials did you happen to figure out what your gift was?”

  “It was a star, a baby star. It said that I starved it so much that’s why it was so little. I still loved it although I was seriously thinking about putting on top of my Christmas tree.” She smiled thinking of her star.

  “That’s a powerful gift.”

  “It is?”

  Colun nodded. “The more time you spend outside, the stronger it will get until one day you won’t need to be outside because you’ll be able to pull power through buildings and windows. Your gift can be as powerful as mine. If I were a Sudir, I would do whatever it took to keep you away from me. Two powerful beings soul-bonded, he knows that together we will kill him. Come back with me Sara, don’t retreat into old habits.”

  “That’s what I was doing, acting like the old Sara even after I said I wouldn’t.”

  “It’s easy to fall into old habits; it’s harder to snap out of them.”

  “Let’s go.” She looked at him and stood.

  “Just like that?”

  “Uhuh.” He stood and took her hand. Together they left the room behind.

  Colun opened his eyes looking over at Sara. Her eyes opened, and she looked around at a room full of his family looking down at her.

  “I wasn’t expecting such a big welcome,” she smiled, her voice was raspy but she was awake, and that’s all that mattered.

  Selma came over and gave her a hug. “I knew you would make it,” she whispered in Sara’s ear.

  Colun leaned over and kissed Sara after Selma let her go. There was a cheer in the room as everyone congratulated them.

  “Shall we go take care of your Sudir problem?”

  She stood saying yes.

  “We’ll be back for dinner; we’re both starved. Gabe, I need your Jeep.” Colun caught the keys Gabe tossed to him.

  He took Sara’s hand, and they walked out of the room.

  “My room is pretty far up; I can move to a lower floor if you want.” They walked the flights of steps in silence. Outside, he took them over to Gabe’s Jeep. It was dark purple and black.

  “Gabe’s jeep is a thing of beauty,” Sara said, running her hands over it.

  “It is, but don’t tell him. I don’t want that boy getting too boastful.” Colun’s eyes twinkled letting her know he was playing.

  “Where are we going?” Colun opened the door and helped her up.

  “To your house where the Sudir will be waiting for you.”

  “Are you going to kill him?”

  “Maybe.” His answer was evasive.

  The ride through town was quiet. It seemed strange for her to be in Newburg after so many years of avoiding this place. There was a new hotel going up. The sign in the window said it would be open in a month. She looked at the small diner closer to the Greyhound bus stop as well as the small stores. She’d been a fool, but she could still make up for it and enjoy her life, after all, sixty wasn’t that old.

  Colun pulled in front of her house. She opened the door not waiting for him and slid out the jeep. It was high because of the tires Gabe had on his ride.

  They went around the side of the house with Sara leading the way. The Sudir was relaxing on her back porch rocking himself.

  “I thought I told you not to bring him?” The Sudir stood.

  Sara watched in rapt attention as the Sudir got out of the rocking chair. The Sudir never touched the ground. It bent its knees and sort of flung itself off the chair into a hovering position. Why didn’t he touch the ground, she wondered?

  “I was going to let you live as long as she left you at home. But the more, the merrier.”

  The Sudir threw a black goo at them that went around their legs, thickening, keeping them in place.

  “Like I told you, Sara, I will have your power one way or the other.” He smiled at her coming close.

  When he was close enough, Sara pulled a lightning bolt from her chest and pierced the Sudir with it.

  “Why you…” He stumbled backward and got far away from her.

  She lowered her eyes and looked at the goo that was trying to climb her body. The more she stared at it, the more her body produced a low rumbling sound that cracked the goo into a thousand pieces. It fell from her body. She looked over at Colun to see he was free.

  Sara reached into her arsenal and threw balls of electricity at the Sudir.

  “That was a lucky shot, Sara, but you’re not strong enough to defeat me.”

  She could feel herself charging up as her body reached far into the sky over her head. Space, another place she always wanted to go.

  “I won’t let you kill me or my soul-bond.”

  When the Sudir threw a lightning bolt of his own, she blocked it with her shield. They traded fire back and forth, both gaining ground and losing ground.

  “I can do this all day long, Sara. And if I lose today I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  Colun watched her; he knew she had what it took to defeat the Sudir. Every time she came close to annihilating the Sudir she backed off. Then the Sudir would gain the upper hand and force her to go on the defensive once again. The battle raged back and forth, and Colun knew there wouldn’t be a victor today.

  He didn’t want to interfere. Sara needed to know she could do this, but she wasn’t ready for the fact that sometimes you had to kill the enemy to keep the family safe. This Sudir wouldn’t stop with Sara, after her he would go after the children. He started with Sara because he thought she was the weakest link.

  Colun stepped in front of Sara.

  “Colun?” her voice shook because she knew what he was going to do and she worried about him.

  “If he lives, Sara, he will eventually come after the children.”

  The Sudir smiled and rubbed his body making sucking noises. “I can taste them already. What do you think you’re going to do?” He asked as Colun approached him with steady steps.

  “I wanted to give you a chance. I tried, but you refused to go away. Now all I want is for you to die.”

  The Sudir laughed and threw everything he had at Colun, who simply walked through it.

  When he was close enough, Colun leaned over and whispered his name into the Sudir’s ear. The Sudir blanched and tried to retreat.

  “It’s too late for that now.” Colun shoved his power into the Sudirs heart until his body swelled up and burst. He threw a shield over Sara and himself, protecting them.

  He used a controlled fire for cleanup. When he finished, he turned to look at Sara dreading the fear he would see in her eyes.

  She looked up at him with wonder. “You saved me, again.” She threw herself into his arms and held on tight.


  Sara was sitting on the steps of the B&B after dinner. Colun was sitting on the step above her, she was between his legs resting her head on him. His whole family minus Joaquin was there when her phone rang.


  “Mom, where have you been? I’ve been going crazy with worry for you.”

  “Sorry hun, I went on an unexpected trip with a friend and I forgot my phone.”

  “You went on a trip? You left the house?” Her daughter didn’t believe her.

  “I did, and I’m selling the house.”

  “Mom! What ab
out tradition and knowing where we came from?”

  “We’ll start new traditions.”

  “This friend must be something.”

  “He is. I’m going to marry him, Annie.” They had decided not to tell Annie about the soul-bonding but to have a ceremony she could witness.

  “Steve,” Annie called out to her husband. “Something’s wrong with my mom, I have to get to her now.

  “Calm down, dear; I’m truly fine. We are coming to see you in a couple of months. Colun needs to do some work, and then we will be free to come up there.

  “You’re coming to New York? Promise?”

  “I promise.”

  Colun reached for the phone and introduced himself to Annie. They talked for close to an hour amazing Sara before he came to sit next to her taking a picture. She sent it to her daughter.

  He leaned over and whispered, “I love you.”

  She kissed him putting her heart and soul into it. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring and didn’t care as long as she met the next day with Colun at her side.

  Back Matter

  I hope you loved reading Colun’s Passion as much as I enjoyed writing it. I got lost in their romance and their struggles but loved how they kept turning to each other even in the midst of not understanding what was happening around them.

  Sara was a joy as she reminded me it’s about your age when it comes to falling in love. Colun reminded me that even when you were sure it wouldn’t happen for you, it could.

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