Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1) Page 15

by Finian Blake

  The man mumbled through a fog of pain, “They are in my pocket.” She quickly took the handcuffs off of Suki and applied them to the villain.

  Suki was up like a shot. She had a look of malevolent hate in her eyes that left no room for mistaking her intentions. Noah had to keep the situation under control until he was sure that there were no more targets.

  “You and Susan see to Terri. I will get Milo.”

  Terri was spread eagled on the bed. Her blouse was torn open and her panties were torn off. Otherwise, they had removed nothing else. The assholes wanted to make sure she could not block anything they did. Her breasts along with the front of her thighs had taken a heavy beating. Terri curled up in a ball as soon as Susan cut the ropes away. Susan removed the tape so that she could breathe easier and Terri spit out the panties that they had stuffed in her mouth letting lose a fountain of curses while Susan comforted her.

  Milo was bound to the chair with duct tape. Noah took the tape off his mouth first.

  “Those assholes I thought that they were my mates! They jumped me and did this to Terri.”

  Noah was shocked, “These are the other guys that were working security with you?”

  “That’s right. Somebody paid them a lot of money to betray me. They wanted to get Susan, Lynn, Suki and Sis!” When he was free Milo started for the two hand cuffed men on the floor. Noah backed out of the combat mode stopping Milo.

  “We need to get some immediate information out of these two. What we must know is who is doing the hiring and who else was hired.” Noah turned to Suki, “Can you get this scumbag to tell us who wants you dead?” Suki jumped up moving into the bathroom returning with Terri’s manicure kit.

  “Got a cigarette?” She flashed a wicked smile while she started pulling his pants down.

  Terri swung herself off the bed. She stood over the inert figure on the floor. A smirk came over her face. Without hesitation Terri let loose with a full force kick to the man’s genitals. The body jerked. She followed that kick with six more full force kicks in rapid succession to the same area, as Terri fell over she continued to kick with the spiked heels of her red ankle boots. Noah grabbed Milo by the arm leading him out of the room.

  As they walked past Suki, she was holding the manicure scissors inches from the naked man’s genitals.

  “Milo, I have a mission for you. Can you drive?” Noah said as the two men went down the stairs. They heard a cry from the man Suki was interrogating.

  “I’ll tell you what you need to know,” the man cried.

  “I haven’t asked you anything yet,” Suki’s voice was honey sweet. “But you will tell me when I ask like a good boy that wants to keep everything in place.”

  “Suki is fully pissed.” Susan came down the stairs visibly shaken.

  “If they got their hands on you, you would be outraged too.” Noah could feel her knees buckle slightly.

  “I don’t know who would do this?” Susan was more shaken than he realized.

  “Suki will find out.” Noah looked up the stairs. “Milo is on the way down to Brit World Wide. Call and have them release two empty C containers to him.”

  “What,” the tandem scream could be heard clearly from both Suki and Terri. Noah bounded up the stairs seeing that Suki was sitting on the handcuffed man, her face showing total disbelief.

  “It was Frank, Angie’s husband! The bastard wants revenge because we are corrupting Angie. Frank hired these bastards to kill and torture us. The bastard actually specified torture. There was to be no payment unless they tortured us!” Suki looked up at Noah holding up a cigarette, “Give me a light.” She held out the manicure scissors. “I promised that I would not use these on this bastard if he talked and I always keep my promises.” She threw the scissors to the side taking several long puffs on the cigarette as Noah held out his lighter. Suki looked down at the cuffed assailant on the floor. “I promised that you will regret the day you were born.” She placed the piece of tape that was covering her mouth over the mouth of her assailant. “We don’t want to disturb the neighbors. Do we? That is what you said to me wasn’t it?”

  Noah stopped her, “We still need to know who actually sent them.” Suki was coldly efficient at interrogation and she had as much as she needed in a few minutes. She tucked a pair of cuticle scissors back in the manicure kit.

  “You guys and your dicks! I threatened to cook him with this cigarette and the blighter would not shut up. He told me everything I wanted to know and a lot that I did not want to know,” Suki took a deep drag on the smoke and blew a cloud of smoke at his crotch. “It seems Frank hired a gang that does snuff films. The bastard actually sold us to them for some serious money. These assholes were supposed to deliver us and pick up the cash. They are not actually part of the ring Frank hired them.”

  Terri was sitting on the edge of the bed with one of her booted feet on the now conscious man’s head.

  “Do we need this one?” He was gagged with duct tape.

  “No, Suki did a good job. Suki had her fun so you can have this one.”

  “Can you hear me?” Terri looked down at her former torturer rubbing the painful welts on her breasts considering what she would do. She moved her spiked heel over his ear shoving her boot down so that the spike went through his eardrum. “Can you hear me now?” He tried to scream but the tape prevented him and he threw up with the vomit coming out of his nose causing him to thrash around for a few minutes finally going slack. She walked over to Noah. “I wondered how you could do that last night. Now I know. After being handled by this scumbag I need a shower.” She stood up and placed a spiked heel on the other scumbag’s ear. She looked at Noah closely.

  “Do you have plans for this one?” Noah shook his head no. “Oh well, I do not want to dirty my boots,” Terri said as she walked to the shower. Suki followed Terri into the shower.

  After their shower Noah gathered the three women in the sitting room.

  “I know it’s going to be tough. Do not mention any of this to anyone especially Angie. I do not want Frank to put another hit man on the job and he will not as long as we do not report anything. The revenge that you have exacted will have to do.” He waved a hand at the two offenders. “These scumbags will be leaving town in the Ark.” Noah said as he folded them into the cardboard C containers that Milo picked up at Brit World Wide. There was just enough room in each container to hold one man. He and Milo loaded the containers in the van. They drove out to Brit World Wide and were cleared out to the Ark. Milo waited in the van while Noah dropped the loading ramp. They hoisted the containers into the aircraft after which Noah closed the ramp they drove back to the building. Noah was about to get out when he turned to Milo.

  “I know you were betrayed, and I know you wanted to tear their ass up, but if the girls did not do what they did, they would never comeback. That last asshole is going out the back of the Ark alive. I hope that is enough revenge.”

  “It will have to do. I will go tie one on and get over it.” Milo said after Noah got out of the van. Milo drove off not wanting to talk to anyone. He wanted to get drunk and finish cleaning up before Terri went back to the house. Milo needed time to sulk anyway. He would need some whiskey for this event since ale would clearly not do the job. Milo pointed the van in the direction of the nearest liquor shop.

  Dianne knocked on the door of Terri’s house. Frank’s two henchmen had called her to pick up Suki and Terri, but there was no answer. Dianne tried the door and it was unlocked so she went inside and looked around. When Dianne went upstairs she found torn blouses panties and ruined hose. She picked up the phone and called the boss.

  “Those two idiots blew it. Somebody rescued tonight’s entertainment.”

  “I have a big poker game tonight. You need to come up with two victims or you will be doing the entertaining.” A shiver went down Dianne’s spine. She knew that they were filming a snuff movie and she was scheduled to be a poker player. The winner of each hand could brutally entertain the victi
m until the winner of the next hand took his or her place. Dianne looked out the window and saw the 20 old neighbor hanging clothes on the line. She was a blonde-haired woman with a short frizzy perm wearing a stained pink and blue checked housecoat with well-worn yellow fuzzy slippers. When she reached up for the clothesline Dianne noticed that she did have an interesting body.

  Dianne looked around the bedroom. She found several boxes of new hose and several new satin undergarments. As an afterthought, she took a few long silk scarves too. She gathered them up and put them in her transport bag which contained a small bottle of knock out drops, chloroform, gags, silk cord, handcuffs and some sex toys. It also contained some flame red lingerie to dress up the victims for the big night. She straightened out her clothes and buttoned the two top buttons of her maroon suit jacket easing her maroon skirt down so that it came to a point just above her knees. Her maroon shoes were plain with only a modest two-inch spiked heel. She combed her red hair out away from her head so that it did not look so severe. Dianne put her sunglasses on and was ready to go looking like a proper secretary. She walked out the front door and down the side of the house to the neighbor’s house. Dianne looked at the laundry on the line when she reached the back yard. There were several men’s shirts on the line and this could be a killer for her plan. Ruby was just hanging the last shirt on the line.

  “Hello, are you Terri’s neighbor?” Diane said hopefully.

  “Yes, my name is Ruby,” she said as she finished pinning the last shirt to the line picking up her laundry basket. “Come in I have something cooking on the stove and my husband will beat me if it burns.” Dianne could not believe that this young woman would invite her in the house without even asking her name. They both went in the back door. Ruby was a small woman five feet four and one hundred ten pounds at best with her long torso out of proportion to her short legs.

  Ruby pulled a pan of custard off the burner setting it next to a pan of sponge cake strips.

  “My husband has his poker night, tonight. He likes a sweet when he gets home late. Tim does not even come home for dinner on poker night. He just has a few drinks with the boys after work.” Dianne could not believe that Ruby was giving her life story to a total stranger. She knew that her plan would work now knowing that they would not be disturbed.

  “My name is Dianne. I am just dropping off some lingerie for Terri, but she does not seem to be in.”

  Ruby exclaimed, “She gets her undies delivered! I knew she was fancy, but that’s unbelievable. I wonder what she wears.” Ruby always admired the elegant way that Terri dressed.

  “Would you like to see?” Dianne pulled out a few bras and panties. “She is kind of snooty and I would get a kick out of seeing you wear them first.” Dianne looked at the selection and picked out a matching flame red bra and panty. Ruby ran to the bedroom slipping them on. She came out wearing her housecoat holding it close to her chest in a modest gesture.

  “Come on dearie. Let me see. I am taking a big chance for you,” Ruby held the housecoat closed. “Open up that damn rag and let me see! I am risking my job for you, and you will damn well show me.” Ruby, shrunk back at the outburst opening the garment slowly exposing the bra and panty. They were not a perfect fit because Terri was a different cup size. The bra was very loose which left the cup half full.

  Dianne grabbed one of her bra straps and started adjusting the cup. “Here let me help you with that.” Dianne adjusted the bra so that it was an acceptable fit, but it still produced some cleavage. Dianne took red satin suspenders out of the bag fastening them around Ruby’s waist. She caressed Ruby’s pale alabaster skin noting that Ruby did not shrink from her touch, and as she did so Diane detected several well-healed welts both front and back. Ruby actually seemed to move in closer as she adjusted the suspenders, and it was time for the final trick.

  Dianne pulled a box of nylons out of the bag. They were not stretch hose wrapped in plastic on a piece of cardboard, but real nylon hose boxed and wrapped in tissue.

  “Hold out your hands. You have to feel these first.” Ruby extended her hands palms up. Dianne drew the stocking across her hands letting the stocking drift around Ruby’s wrists. Ruby closed her eyes to absorb the sensation.

  “That feels so good. It just slides across my skin.” Dianne twirled the stocking around her wrists pulling it tight. Ruby was hers. Ruby looked with her large pale green eyes, “Those are supposed to go on my legs.” Dianne was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

  “Wait here and we will correct that.” She pushed Ruby into a chair removing a pair of handcuffs from her bag.

  As she approached the door, the bell rang several more times in rapid succession. A young woman in tight black stretch slacks and an emerald green blouse was standing alone on the front step looking very impatient.

  “I know that you are in there. I saw you hanging laundry out in the back yard.” Ruby’s neighbor would not be put off. If she saw Ruby, she could have seen Dianne. There was no choice Dianne had to act, so she opened the door.

  “I have to see Ruby now. My pipes are clogged and I need Tim to come over and snake them out.” The middle age woman in her business suit did not look at all intimidating to Lola.

  “Ruby is tied up right now. Why don’t you come back a little later?” Lola reached out to push Dianne aside. Dianne slapped one cuff on Lola’s arm as it extended, twisting it painfully behind her back and quickly applying the other cuff to her wrist making Lola her prisoner.

  Dianne kicked the door shut grabbing a handful of the helpless woman’s hair lifting the cuffs painfully forcing the captive woman to stumble down the hall and into the kitchen seating her roughly into a chair so that her arms were behind the back of it.

  “Ruby and I are having a little party and since you won’t take no for an answer, you simply must join us for some naughty fun.” Ruby was surprised to see Lola being so roughly treated by this stranger. Lola looked furiously at Ruby who was calmly sitting with her loosely bound hands in front of her on the table. “Christ, but you are a stupid cow. You could have gotten away.” Dianne quickly wound a length of cord through the handcuffs and around Lola’s waist securing her to the chair while Ruby remained seated watching wide eyed as events unfolded. Lola screeched at Ruby

  “You have got to be the dumbest bitch in all of England. No wonder I could screw your husband for six months without you catching on to anything. Did you really think my pipes broke that often? I screwed him six ways from Sunday while you were ironing his shirts. He even put a chair in the closet letting me watch while he beat you.”

  “I knew, but there was nothing I could do about it.” Ruby was crying while a look of rage formed on her face. She looked at Dianne with tears running down her cheeks. “Can’t you shut her up?” Dianne reached in the bag producing a ball gag placing it on the table in front of Ruby.

  “You will have to do that yourself.” Dianne said pointing at the bright red ball gag. “Make it nice and tight. I want to see the pain in her eyes.”

  Ruby snatched the ball gag off the table forcefully pushing it deep in Lola’s mouth pulling the straps extra tight so that the pain registered on Lola’s face.

  “Make it nice and tight.” Dianne had only a few minutes of exposure and she hated Lola already. Ruby examined her work with satisfaction smiling as Lola displayed her discomfort.

  Dianne commented, “This bitch needs to be taught a lesson. Do you have any ideas?” Ruby jumped up and ran to the pantry with the move taking Dianne totally by surprise. She was a true passive personality because Tim had beaten it into her. Ruby retrieved the thin braided belt that Tim always used so liberally on her. “He screws her and beats me. This one leaves nasty welts and really hurts.”

  “Things will go easier with you if you help me with Lola.” Diane stroked her cheek gently smiling at her hungry eyes. “Go ahead and have some fun. Don’t use scissors to remove her clothing. You can remove anything that you can tear off her body.” Dianne laughed her ap
proval as Ruby started to tear away Lola’s clothing using as much force as she could generate applying the belt liberally to Lola’s most sensitive areas as they became exposed.

  “This is what Tim gives me. You might as well have some too.” Dianne wanted to see how far Ruby would take things. She stepped up behind Ruby and started to fondle her kissing Ruby on the neck and Ruby spun around returning the kiss with passion. This was the last thing that Dianne expected.

  “Tim wanted me to have sex with another woman. He would tell me how he screwed her in detail and I could not do anything about it because I have no place to go. I hate Lola she ruined my life. Can I help you?” When Lola pushed her way in the house Dianne expected to have to deal with two women. Ruby’s hatred for Lola made her an enthusiastic participant obeying Dianne’s every order. Soon Lola was standing naked on a pile of her shredded clothing.

  “This will be easier if we put her out.” Dianne took the plastic bag with the chloroformed rag waving it under Lola’s nose handing it to Ruby. Ruby moved in slowly so that she could enjoy the struggle watching Lola try to avoid the foul smelling rag. She reveled as Lola thrashed around until she finally went limp.

  Ruby gave her breasts a vicious twist, but Dianne stopped her. She did not want to do too much damage to Lola before the game tonight. Ruby helped to put the flame red lingerie that Dianne brought with her on Lola while she was unconscious. Except for the shoes, she was ready for the party. Ruby found a pair of red high heel platform shoes in the bag. There were several straps to hold them securely in place, but they were a full size too small and Ruby took great pleasure cramming Lola’s feet into the shoes. She pulled the straps as tight as she could to be sure when Lola awoke, her feet would be in pain. When Lola came around Ruby made her stand and walk around the kitchen encouraging her with the belt.

  “Do you have a full length mirror?” Dianne continued to encourage Ruby.

  “Yes in the bedroom.” Dianne pushed the two women ahead of her into the bedroom. She stood Ruby in front of the mirror. “What do you think of the undies? Which do you like better?”


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