The Debutante's Wager (The Curse of True Love Book 4)

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The Debutante's Wager (The Curse of True Love Book 4) Page 8

by Donna Cummings

  "Of course." Her eyes began to twinkle with mischief. "Perhaps you should demonstrate."

  He leaned in for a kiss, but she shook her head.

  "Oh, you mean the coming undone? It is intended to be at the end." He grinned. "If it were to occur now, I will have failed in my husbandly duties."

  She pressed a kiss to his lips. "It is my understanding it can be accomplished more than once."

  "Yes, it can, and it should be." Tony fought off a shiver at the thought of bringing his wife to completion many times. He murmured against her mouth, "I promise it will be."

  Tess shuddered in his arms, and her eyes shone with anticipation. Tony traced her bare skin with his hands, relishing her curves beneath his fingers, as well as the way she wriggled closer to him.

  He reluctantly halted the caresses, but only so he could lead her toward the bed. After a few paces he turned, to assure himself that she was not frightened, or to calm her nerves, if needed. Her expression was a mixture of pure bliss and excitement, putting his own concerns to rest.

  Still, Tony nearly faltered at the unabashed trust in Tess's eyes. He had never had such faith bestowed on him before. For a moment he wondered if it had been misplaced.

  In the next instant he was intent on proving to Tess—his wife—that he was worth the gamble she was taking.

  He always would be.

  Tony gathered her into his arms once more. He had no more patience with words. He was going to show her what he had promised earlier: how he cherished her, and wanted her to experience the utmost of pleasure.

  He was ready to demonstrate to Tess everything he held for her in his heart.


  Tess pressed several kisses against Tony's chest, intending to reassure him, for she sensed he needed it. His heart thudded beneath her lips. It proved reassuring for her, since, as much as her husband liked to take risks, he was not willing to do so with her wellbeing.

  He took her mouth with his once more, stealing her breath, wrapping her tightly in his embrace. He slowly walked backwards, towards the bed, never breaking their kiss. When the mattress hit the back of his knees, he tumbled them both onto the bed, with Tess atop him.

  She began to laugh, her heart overflowing with joy at being with him like this. He grinned and then held her head so he could seduce her mouth once more. Her heart began racing at an unbearable speed while it seemed fire poured through her veins. He continued to hold her with one hand, but the other one slowly found its way down her back, over her hips, caressing her and gently pressing her against his hardened body.

  "Oh!" A spike of sensation nearly lifted her off him while making her want to close the distance between them. "I think I like this coming undone bit."

  He chuckled and then nipped her bottom lip. "It is still quite some time away. Of course, that is assuming you have the requisite stamina."

  She gave him a mock glare but it merely made him grin, at least until he recommenced the delightful caressing, and then his expression became intent once more. She closed her eyes, reveling in the sensations he created, unable to keep from moaning with each new touch.

  It sent her into the same dreamlike existence she had discovered during their first kiss. She welcomed it, floated effortlessly in it, unwilling to retreat from the bliss enveloping her. She completely gave herself over to Tony and his masterful command of her body.

  He shifted her until she was on her back. She stretched her arms above her, delighting in the feel of the cool sheets beneath her, and his mouth—


  He looked up at her but did not move his lips from her breast. He halted, though, for a brief moment, until she smoothed his hair from his forehead, silently insisting he continue. She was rewarded with a quick smile and then another delicious sensation that tightened her nipples. It made her inexplicably want to touch herself, and her fingers inched lower, until she stopped, slightly shocked at her unexpected wantonness.

  "Do not cease," Tony murmured.

  "It seems so wicked."

  He lifted himself slightly so he could gaze directly into her eyes. "You can be as wicked as you like, Tess." He pressed his mouth against hers for a hot kiss. "I promise you can never be too wicked with me."

  Tess felt her heart flutter until she feared she might swoon. Tony eased himself lower, kissing her everywhere, her throat, her shoulders. He lavished his attention on her taut nipples. She expected him to stay in that spot, but he began to slide even further, leaving a trail of tender kisses across her stomach.

  She reveled in it all, yet there was a rising sense of impatience. Her body seemed to crave more. It made her move restlessly against the bed, grasping at Tony, but he continued to move away from her.

  She began to protest, but then his mouth was on the very spot her fingers had sought out earlier. She stiffened at the same time her eyes shot open. Tony did not halt. She would have cried out if he had, for it was a shocking sort of perfection, something she could not bear even as she desired more of it.

  He gripped her waist, as if he knew she wanted to move away. How could he sense her intentions mere moments before she did? His magical abilities did not stop there, for he also knew what her body needed without her asking anything of him.

  The sensations continued to grow until they could not be contained. "Tony," she moaned. "I cannot—"

  His mouth became even more insistent. Just when she thought she was about to come undone, he slid his fingers inside her. She cried out at the sheer pleasure of it. Surely there could not be anything better than this—

  In the next instant she came completely apart.


  Tony dotted kisses over Tess's skin, doing his best to soothe her as she returned to her normal state. Her skin was delightfully flushed. Her ragged breathing made her breasts rise and fall so enticingly. Her unbridled excitement had caused his to spike unmercifully. He forced his thoughts away from making her come apart again, this time while inside her…

  She exhaled again and then began to thread her fingers through his hair. He looked up and saw her smiling.

  "You were quite right," she said. "The kissing has been completely eclipsed."

  He grinned as he lifted himself up for a kiss. "There is still more, if you wish."

  She answered him with a soul-stealing kiss. He had intended to hold back, not wanting his passion to make her skittish, but Tess was too insistent. Her mouth and her body demanded everything from him. He would not let her desires go unsatisfied.

  He circled his arms about her, drawing her close, letting her feel how much he wanted her. She writhed against him, as if she could not get enough of him. Her responses set him ablaze. They likely always would.

  Yet he hesitated. There was no turning back once he finally made her his. He had made no promises, but would she want them anyway? Would it drive her away if he was unable to give them? He shuddered at that possibility. It had been dreadful losing her before, but it would be well nigh unbearable after tonight…

  "Tony," she murmured. "Please."

  He could certainly do that. He could please her, in innumerable ways. He would devote every day and night to her pleasure.

  He kissed her once more, stoking her passion until they were both panting for relief. His fingers teased her, too, and then he began to ease himself inside. Her eyes flew open and he halted. He pressed the softest of kisses on her temple, and her forehead.

  She moved underneath him, slowly at first, and then her hands gripped his waist, urging him forward. He retreated slightly, just to see if she would protest. She grabbed his backside.

  "You are a wicked man, teasing me like that."

  He lifted himself up on his arms, so that he could see her beautiful face while she admonished him. He rocked into her a little farther. Tess arched into him, her head tipped back. He nipped at her throat, pushing himself even deeper, until he was completely inside her.

  He had never felt anything so exquisite. Her heat surrounded him, arousing him
more than he thought possible. He tried to slow his movements so he could prolong the moment. Tess had other ideas, however. She rocked against him in an instinctive rhythm, pulling him along with her.

  He could not resist her siren call. He tugged her leg around his waist, and then stroked harder, ensuring Tess would come apart once more. The first of many times that evening.

  She matched his strokes, and soon he could feel her pulsing around him, her body trembling with the need for release. He continued relentlessly until the wave of passion overcame her. She cried out his name, over and over, and he lost any hope of withstanding those sweet sounds.

  He pressed his open mouth against hers and felt himself shatter into innumerable shimmering pieces, knowing Tess would be there to collect every one of them.

  Chapter 12

  Tony set his coffee cup down with an unsteady hand. He was restless, unusually so. He jumped up from his chair and paced the breakfast parlor.

  After a week of having Tess in his bed, he thought he would be able to turn his mind to other pursuits, yet each waking moment was consumed with her.

  She was adventurous, more than he had ever anticipated. Every wicked suggestion of his was met with an enthusiastic assent. Their last escapade was nearly caught by the servants, but thanks to Tess's quick thinking, no one was the wiser. Or so she claimed.

  She had also continued her teasing, which had been another unexpected delight. Yesterday at breakfast, she had read to him from a letter she insisted had been sent by Signor Baratelli, offering his tutoring services. Tony grinned at how she had recited the details, in an Italian accent, of the maestro's wedding gift, her lips twitching the entire time.

  And then there was the afternoon he had found her at her writing desk, penning a draft of an ode, one she had supposedly labored over for hours. He had been unable to persuade Tess to let him see her efforts, until they had made a small wager involving her garter. She had delivered the intimate item as if he were a knight and she the fair lady bestowing her favors for a tournament.

  What an enthusiastic reaction that memory elicited. Tony seated himself quickly before anyone could enter the room and discover how much his absent wife affected him. He laughed. And after that delightful interlude, he had discovered the minx had not written a single word on the parchment.

  He glanced impatiently at the door. Where was she? He had let her sleep but he could not seem to distract his thoughts from the sight of her tangled in the bedsheets. His body was insistent about wanting Tess, sooner rather than later. He needed her kisses, and her smiles, and her wicked teasing words…

  A little commotion at the entrance made his heart speed up. He grinned, ready to deliver a playful remark, only to discover it was his friend, Hugh.

  "So crestfallen?" Hugh asked with a hearty laugh. "And here I am, trying to determine why we have not seen you at breakfast recently. Felicia sent me round to determine whether your new chef has not proven up to the task. I fully expected to see your emaciated carcass propped up in one of these chairs."

  Tony laughed. "And you are much too gleeful by that last thought. No, my bride's chef is excellent. In truth, I may have to work harder to ensure my physique does not disappear."

  Hugh pulled out a chair and made himself comfortable. "I shall report that wedded life appears to suit you."

  "Yes, of course. I am just a mite distracted this morning."

  Hugh began to rise from his chair. "I shall not keep you then—"

  "What? Oh. No, you are welcome to stay."

  Hugh sat back down, his expression a puzzled one. "There are no troubles, are there? Not that I am certain I can give any advice."

  Tony glared at him. "No, there are no troubles. Not any longer. I am merely trying to woo my wife, and I am not certain it is proceeding properly."

  "You will have to be more specific, since I cannot imagine what is causing you distress."

  "I am not distressed," Tony protested. "But perhaps you could answer a question for me."

  Hugh grinned. "I can assume you will not wish me repeating anything to Felicia."

  "That is my most fervent desire."

  "Truly? Your most fervent desire? I would have expected—"

  "Cease! Or I shall ask Henri to poison your food and inform my cousin she can find your carcass here."

  Hugh held his hands up in surrender. "You know how ferocious Felicia can be where I am concerned, so you might think twice before threatening bodily harm."

  Tony shuddered. "Thank you for the reminder. As to the other matter…I wonder if you had any words of wisdom on what it is like to fall in love. And you can cease your grinning this instant."

  Hugh struggled to keep a smile at bay, but without success. "Cannot I be overjoyed that you are feeling the effects of love? And for something other than a winning hand, or speeding racehorse?"

  "I am not certain I am falling in love," Tony confessed. "I wonder if it is merely a more intense form of physical attraction."

  "You mean lust."

  Tony wrinkled his nose. "I cannot in good conscience describe my feelings for my bride with that word. It seems distasteful to reduce it to a lascivious emotion."

  "But you described it as a physical attraction," Hugh said. "Is there something in addition?"

  "There is a constant sense of anticipation, and longing, a restless impatience when she is not nearby. I look forward to her teasing, and the banter we constantly engage in." He paused while he sought to put the unusual swirl of emotions into words. "I cannot contemplate the rest of my days without her at my side, but it is coupled with an unnerving fear that our forced marriage will be the only reason she stays."

  Hugh sat back in his chair, grinning broadly. "Yes, that is what falling in love entails."

  "You experienced the same?"

  "I did. I do. On a daily basis."

  "Yet you resisted Felicia for so long. What changed your mind?"

  "Besides the fact that Felicia is the ultimate in persistence?" His eyes twinkled with merriment before he grew serious again. "I finally realized her love gave me a strength I did not possess without her. She showed me my flaws—"

  Tony snorted.

  "But she loved me in spite of them. She was also not afraid to risk everything for us, even when it seemed pure folly to everyone else."

  "Myself included," Tony admitted.

  In the past, he had been willing to risk nearly everything on the turn of a card, trusting his instincts to guide him in high-stakes situations. Yet when it came to the ultimate gamble, following his heart, he had always refused to go along.

  Then Tess had bounded into his life. Her wicked teasing and joyous laughter, her unending passion—everything about Tess had captivated his previously reluctant heart. Their playful wager had led to a passionate kiss which had led to their unexpected marriage.

  And now he had fallen in love, with his wife.

  Tony grinned. What a romantic tale Tess would have to tell their rambunctious grandchildren one day…

  He stood abruptly, his heart pounding with excitement. At Hugh's questioning look, Tony said, "I should give you fair warning. I will be professing my love for Tess, which requires me to sing her praises, quite literally, in Hyde Park."

  Hugh tried not to wince. "I would be happy to provide cotton wool to protect the innocent ears."

  "It would be the merciful thing to do, for the sake of the hordes of witnesses." Tony laughed. "But then everyone would miss me making a cake of myself."

  "We will not be blindfolded!"

  Tony slapped his friend on the shoulder. "Come, let us ponder a way to make this work, without deafening the entirety of London."


  "I am so glad you agreed to come out for a drive," Felicia said. "Though I wish we could have taken the high-perch phaeton. Hugh was set against it for some reason."

  Tess grinned. "Perhaps he is afraid you tooling about town in such a rig will give Lucinda unmanageable ideas."

  "I suspect you
are correct." Her laugh was a delightful one. "The poor man struggles to tell her no each time she pleads for her own pony. I fear he is weakening."

  It was a perfect day for a ride through London. They were seated across from each other in the barouche-landau, the top folded back so they could see and be seen. And there were plenty of people waving to them as they went by.

  "You are nearly as notorious as I was," Felicia said cheerfully. "Perhaps we should devise a nickname for you."

  Tess instantly thought of how often Tony called her "Wicked Tess", his voice filled with admiration. She felt her face heat. Even more often those words were used in the most seductive fashion, making it impossible for her to resist his devilish suggestions…


  She started, and then began apologizing for her thoughts meandering out of control, but Felicia dismissed it. "Tess, I can see you have fallen in love with Tony. Have you told him yet?"

  Tess shook her head.

  "Why not?"

  Tess laughed nervously. "It is a gamble I am not yet willing to take. Which is completely silly, since I find myself in this position because of a wager."

  She was certain of Tony's affections. They got along famously, in bed and out of it. Yet admitting to Tony that he had won her heart, offering it to him when he merely felt attraction for her, nothing more…

  Tess could not bear the possibility it would destroy the wonderful moments they shared now. It had been dreadful right after they had wed, when all had seemed lost, but at present everything was perfection. There was no need to rush her declaration. She would be ready soon. Hopefully before they were both in their dotage.

  "Everything would be much simpler if one of you had fallen instantly in love."

  "Yet it did not prove simple for you," Tess said. "It must have been a similar gamble, falling in love with someone you did not know would ever feel the same."

  "It was. Yet not one I will ever regret."


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