The Green-Eyed Doll

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The Green-Eyed Doll Page 13

by Jerrie Alexander

  “I don’t know that he knew her personally, but I need to ask him.” Matt ate a cookie and moaned his sincere approval. Dotty rewarded him with a radiant smile.

  “He’s a loner, doesn’t talk much. Never has. Goes to work every day over at Millwood’s Garage. I’ll give him that much, he’s a worker.”

  “He’s a quiet neighbor?”

  “Most of the time. Had what I thought was a Superbowl party that got too loud. I marched right over there and asked him to tone it down. But from what I could see, he was alone.” She broke a cookie in half and nibbled on the edge.

  “Did he?” Matt pushed his empty plate away.

  “Did he what?” She dabbed at the corners of her mouth.

  “Tone down the noise?”

  “Yes. And right away, too.” She leaned across and patted Matt on the shoulder. “He’s usually out on Saturday night. Maybe he’s on a date. Shouldn’t you be?”

  Matt chuckled with her and finished off his milk. “As a matter of fact, I should be going. Thanks for the cookies. They were delicious.”

  Dotty escorted him to the door. “Good luck, son. My money’s on you to catch that killer.”

  “Count on it.” He shook her hand. She reminded him of Sue, a sweetheart, and alone. Too bad.

  “You watch your back, you hear?” she called out to him as he hurried down the stairs.

  Chapter Twelve

  Monday, August 21st, 6:00 p.m.

  Christ, how could he have fallen for that bitch’s phony come on? She’d pretended to want him. It had all been a lie. Nothing he hated worse than a liar. He refused to put up with them. They lied...they died. It was as fuckin’ simple as that.

  Mama had lied every time she put him in the closet. Her “little while” always turned into hours. Hours in the dark. Hours alone while she partied. Hours trying to hold his water. Water his ass. Mama and her guest drank and fucked until his bladder couldn’t hold out any longer. He’d invariably pissed his pants. Was she sorry? Hell, no. She’d lied and said it was his fault. Then she’d whipped him with the wire hanger.

  Replacing a doll wasn’t a problem. The execution of taking her had been perfect. The doll was flawed. But that wasn’t his fault. Anger burned his guts. The buzzing inside his head started when he lost his temper. A few calming breaths, and he was under control. That control was the key to remaining unnoticed. Tonight when he stopped by the trailer to feed her, he’d fuck her one last time, and then he’d kill the bitch.

  He’d already spotted a good replacement out at the Saddleback. This one was a real beauty. She'd looked him right in the eyes when she'd brought his beer. He recognized that expression. She wanted him bad.


  Monday, August 21st, 11:00 p.m.

  “I should head home soon.”

  “Yeah, you probably should,” Catherine agreed but didn’t move. They’d said the same words twice already, but neither seemed to be in a hurry to end the evening. Matt shifted down on the couch, pulling her further on top of him.

  “I’m getting possessive about our Monday nights. With our work schedules, this is the only time I have you all to myself. It’s a shame. I’d like to take you out somewhere nice.” His lips brushed the tip of her nose. “Show off my pretty woman.”

  “I like it right here.” At the moment, she happily rested on his chest, which rose and fell slightly with each breath. The faint scent of aftershave drew her to his chiseled jaw, so she lifted her head and rubbed her cheek against his five o’clock shadow.

  “So do I. But San Antonio’s less than two hours away. We’d have a nice meal on the River Walk and listen to mariachi bands. I’d ply you with a few margaritas. Maybe then you’d tell me who hurt you.”

  “Listening to mariachi music might hurt me worse.” She squirmed, ready to withdraw, but he held fast.

  “You act as if you’re not in pain, but it’s there—between us.”

  “It’s old news.” Her heartbeat picked up, pounding in her ears. Could he feel the thunder in her chest?

  “Not to me.”

  “What about you?” Catherine shifted the subject to him. “How come I know nothing about your past?”

  “I told you what brought me to Crest County.” He arched one eyebrow, his way of telling her he knew she’d changed the subject. “I was looking for the same peace I think you’re hunting.”

  “The law is your career, not who you are. Tell me something personal.”

  “Did I tell you I was married once before?” His fingers smoothed up and down her back, shooting fire to every nerve in her body.

  “No. As a matter of fact, you didn’t. Why’d you get divorced?” She faked a scowl.

  “By mutual agreement.”

  “One morning you two woke up and decided to put an end to your marriage. Sounds civilized.”

  “Okay, it was more complicated than that.” He idly rolled her hair around one finger while he talked. “Work ate up all of my time, and I left her alone too much. She had an affair and got pregnant. She’s happily married and the mother of a baby boy.”

  “Did you love her?” A blunt question, but Catherine needed to know. The fact he blanched didn’t escape her.

  “Yeah. In the beginning, we were in love. But I was young, hungry, and determined to make homicide detective. No doubt, I was an insensitive bastard. The fact that I left her sitting at home alone never crossed my mind nor bothered my conscience. The marriage falling apart was my fault.”

  “It hurt you.”

  “I’d call it a mixture between anger, hurt, and relief. I threw myself into a new job working undercover. Concentrated on slowing down the flow of drugs coming in through the gulf port.”

  “And then?” She pushed for more answers. His eyes grew dark, clouded with buried pain. What happened to him during his time undercover? He slid his hand beneath her hair and cradled the back of her neck. He pulled her to him until her mouth was a fraction of an inch from his. She felt his breath on her lips.

  “And then—there you were. And you took my breath away. You still do.”

  Their lips touched, and Catherine’s heart melted. Her feelings for him shifted. Lying on top of him gave her a sense of control. A surge of desire flooded her, the blood in her veins burned. She covered his mouth with hers and searched out his tongue. Rising up on her elbows, she greedily devoured his mouth. He responded by matching her fervor. When she pulled away, he gasped out a breath.

  “I can’t do this friend stuff, Catherine. I want you.” His eye color had shifted to midnight blue, his need for her pressed against her skin. “You need to let me up. And let me leave.”

  She sighed and nodded. “I bagged the leftovers for Benedict Arnold.” She hurried to the kitchen on trembling legs and leaned against the counter, her hands pressed against the cool surface. Her insides quaked with desire. The need to make love with Matt was overpowering. An ache like she’d never experienced racked her body and mind. She wanted him to touch places long bereft of tender hands—wanted him to fill the ravenous vacuum in her soul. In his arms, she’d satisfy the hunger. Could she yield this much power to him? Could she take a chance?

  She steadied herself and turned. Matt filled the doorway behind her. Raw passion washed across his chiseled features. He was tall, broad shouldered, narrow hipped, and leaving. If she wanted him to stay, she’d have to be the aggressor. She moved a step toward him. He moved one step back.

  “I’ll call tomorrow.” His voice was hoarse, raspy, and thick with desire.

  “Stop,” she whispered when he started to turn. His determination to honor his promise propelled her into his arms. Her hands dug into his hair, pulling him down to her. She put her heart into the kiss, but Matt’s hands remained at his sides, not touching her. Catherine looked him in the eyes.

  “Make love to me.”

  When he leaned down into his usual stance with his forehead touching hers, Catherine knew she’d made the right choice.

  “Think about what you’re saying
. Don’t let me pressure...”

  “Matt.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “Do me a favor?”

  He straightened, his eyes clouded with desire. “Just ask.”

  “Shut up. Make love to me.”

  His mouth curled up sort of crooked and made her insides go liquid. “Well. Since you asked nicely.” He leaned down and gently covered her lips with his. A soft, warm, easy kiss. The beginning of a long sensual journey.


  Matt’s mind whirled. The barriers were coming down. His heart thundered against his rib cage. She trusted him. Trusted him with a part of herself she’d closely guarded. Tonight would be all about her.

  Greedy. Hungry. His mouth crushed hers, his tongue slid inside then across her teeth, teasing her. Fisting the back of her shirt in his hands, he pulled her tight against his chest, imagining how her breasts would feel without the thin layers of material separating his flesh from hers. With one quick glance behind, he backed to her bedroom.

  She moaned, pressed against him, sparking a firestorm in his blood. Nothing existed but her. He eased her onto the bed. Lying beside her, he ravaged her lips again and again until her hands tore at his clothes. Quickly, they undressed, stopping occasionally to nip or taste a new and previously unseen body part.

  “My God, you’re a beautiful woman.” He ran his hands over her soft skin, touched, kissed, stroked, until she quivered with need. He paused when she stiffened. Go slow. “Talk to me. What’s going through your mind?”

  “If I’m not good at this...” She lowered her eyelids. “Don’t tell me.”

  “Don’t worry.” He drew his fingers down her jaw line. Lifted her chin. “We’re in this together. You’re gonna be great.”

  She’d shared another small, private part of herself, a fear Matt was determined to dispel. The bond of trust strengthened. The hesitation in her voice had him itching to kick the crap out of the bastard who’d made her question her sexuality.

  She laughed a low, lush sound. “I think so, too.”

  “I know so.”

  Matt cupped her soft breast in his hand, circled her nipple with his thumb, smiling when it pebbled at his touch. He bent his head, swept across with his tongue, sucked her flesh into his mouth, and feasted on the taste of pure honey. Her back bowed. She cried out with pleasure, sending shock waves through his body. He rose up and crushed her mouth under his. Hard. Demanding. Wanting. They clung to each other, feeding and fueling their mutual need. His hand slid down across her velvety skin and sought out her most private, vulnerable part. This was where she’d learn her sexual power.

  She gasped when he slipped a finger inside and then two, pushed and withdrew. When her movements became frantic, and his name rolled off her tongue, he found her center and pressed.

  “Matt.” Her eyes clenched shut.

  “I’m right here,” he whispered into her lips. “Come for me.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip. Her body shook, bucked into his hand. Her lips curled into a smile. She opened her eyes and captured his heart as sure as the warrior takes his prisoner.

  “Oh, my God. That was intense.” She laughed, the sound filling the room.

  Her green eyes shone like emeralds. Matt had only thought his fingers tingled when he touched her. Giving her pleasure sent them into hyperdrive.

  “And there’s an unlimited supply where that came from.” He smoothed her hair away from her face, brought his lips to hers, and reveled in her enjoyment. “You were spectacular.”


  She stretched like a kitten. Arms over her head, her breasts thrust forward, toes pointed. He lost all train of thought, because her seductive, languid movements were the most sensual action he’d ever witnessed. “Hmm?”

  “I’m glad we’re not friends anymore.”

  “Me, too.” He ran his hands over the creamy flesh of her breasts. Leaned over and flicked his tongue across her still swollen, erect nipples. She gripped his hair and held him in place while he lavished attention on her. Her slender body was sleek, firm, and he tested and tasted every inch of her.

  She clawed at him. “More,” she gasped. “More.”

  “Soon.” He brushed across her dampness with his thumb, teasing her, before plunging his fingers back inside. Driving her to the edge of surrender, he battled his passion as the pressure built. He fought his need for release until she shivered and trembled with desire. Reason abandoned him and turned to burning hunger. The blood drained from his head. He’d explode soon. “I need you. All of you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

  He fumbled with his wallet, retrieved protection, and covered himself. She opened her legs wider, reached down, grasped him, and guided him. She put him at her entrance, offering herself to him.

  “Take what you want.”

  “I want inside you,” he murmured. “Look at me.” He pushed. She opened and expanded around him. “Feel me buried deep in your body. God, you’re wonderful.”

  Slowly, smoldering green eyes looked down to where their bodies joined. Her gaze slid back up, and locked onto his. A weird skip of his heart was pushed from his thoughts.

  “No," she said on a gasp. "We're wonderful.”

  He thrust deeper inside her clutching body. Her mouth formed a silent oh, and they began to move in sync. Harder and faster, together, they sped toward ecstasy. Catherine’s red hair fell wildly across the bed, and her legs came up to lock around his waist. She met his thrusts with her own.

  Crashing waves swamped him, tossing him into the rushing, pulsing darkness. His breath caught. He didn’t breathe. Couldn’t breathe. She cried out his name, and with one final surge, her body clutched and spasmed around him. The sensation was too great, and with a groan of satisfaction, he convulsed inside her.

  Doing his best not to crush her under his weight, he collapsed and rested for a moment to catch his breath before rolling to the side, disposing of the condom. He turned back, sated and happy as she snuggled into his open arms. Her chest vibrated against him. She giggled?

  “Are you laughing?”

  “Like I won the lottery, you were wonderful.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “We were wonderful. You’re a giving, sensuous, sexual woman. Never doubt yourself again.”

  His muscles tightened and instantly blood rushed south when she nuzzled his neck then ran her cheek across the scratchy stubble on his chin. That she had this much power over him surprised him.

  “You feel good.” She stroked her hand over his hip, leaving a trail of fire.

  “You feel better.”

  Matt rolled over on his back and rubbed the fingers and thumb of his right hand together. That tingling sensation seemed to have spread throughout his body. She propped up on one elbow and studied his growing erection. Wrapping her fingers around him, she slid her hand up and down. He expanded with her touch. With eyes full of adventure, she gazed up at him.

  “Mind if I explore?”

  “Hardly. There are no rules. What we do together, Cat, is up to you. Hold nothing back.”

  “Tell me why you do this.” She mimicked his fingers and thumb movements.

  “Happened the first time my hands touched you. A shock or tingle started at my fingertips and worked up my arm. It’s a hell-of-a-lot stronger now.”

  “I like that reason.”

  His heart rate shot through the roof when she pushed his arms up over his head, kissed his cheeks, and then worked her way downward. Her lips roved, her tongue tasted with small flicks, traveling across his muscles and tendons as if she were discovering the different textures of his body. What she was really doing was driving him insane with desire.

  “You’ve already broken one rule,” she whispered.

  “Which one is that?” He slid up on the pillows, clasped his hands behind his head, and studied her while she circled his nipple with her finger. Smiled as it rose to a small hard bud. It was like she was on a mission of discovery, a kitten with a new ball of twine. H
e wasn’t about to stop her.

  “No one has ever been allowed to call me Cat.”

  “Then I’ll only use the nickname in our most private moments. Agreed?” His back went rigid when she licked his nipple. The more she teased and explored the harder he got. Her adventures were killing him, and the tauter his muscles got, the bolder she became. He had to pull his mind back, or he’d lose control.

  She straddled him. At last, his aching erection lay beneath her. Slowly, she rocked back and forth against him until Matt hissed through his teeth. “The heat coming off you...”

  He fumbled in search of a new condom then handed it to her, silently asking her to slide the protection over him. Her trembling hands touched a place deep inside his heart. The dark, hungry expression on her face when she handed the empty foil package back was pure passion. He gripped her hips and lifted. Filled her, stretched her, impaled her. Then he lay still, wanting her to feel the sensation of fullness, wanting her to take charge, to feel the power of her own sexuality.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Her words were heavy, a thick, creamy syrup. His fingers gripped her backside. “You’re in complete control. Try your rocking motion again.”

  She moved forward, eyes widened, her gaze locked on his.

  “Now slide back,” he whispered, mesmerized by her beautiful face. “Yes. Just like that.”

  He used his hands and hips to guide her while she rode him, hard and fast. The friction and pressure were instant and blinding. Her head tilted back, red hair swirled in abandonment. She arched into him, tipping her hips to take him deeper, gripping, pulling him closer to the edge. He battled for control.

  “So good,” she groaned, a sexy, tortured moan.

  Her enjoyment propelled him on. He’d take everything she could give, and he’d give everything she could take. He tightened his grip, and with powerful thrusts drove in and out, taking her to the outer edge with him. Warmth spread throughout him. Inside her body, he’d fallen into a fire of molten lava. The pressure built until he thought he’d shatter into a million pieces.


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