One That Came Back

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One That Came Back Page 13

by Lexy Timms

  “Means they have no support for this action.”

  “So should we start shooting our way out?”

  “I think,” said Pepper, Emily could her his voice, “their weakest defensive point is the back of the building. If we lay down cover fire, we can get out of here.”

  “And leave our bikes?”

  “Do you want to be alive to ride another day, or do you want to die for your bike?”

  “I think—”

  “Shut up, dumbass! I don’t care what you think.” Aces’ voice grew louder. “It doesn’t pay to have a twenty thousand-dollar bike if your family’s spending twenty thousand to put you in the ground.”

  Someone grunted. “Then what’s the plan, Aces?”

  “I like Pepper’s idea. We’ll shoot our way out the back. I’m not being held up in my own clubhouse. This is bull sh—”

  “We should get the women out of here first,” said Pepper.

  “Yeah, hoes before bros in this case. They won’t shoot the hoes.” Aces cleared his throat. “Listen up. When I give the word, Pepper go get the ladies and lead them out the back way. Tell them to run and keep running.”

  Emily heard footsteps and more muffled talking. A few moments later she heard the women in the hall and Pepper talking to them.

  “Look, it’s that or wait for them to hit,” said Pepper. “It’s better if you get out now. The situation isn’t going to improve.”

  Emily grabbed the door handle and moved to the hallway. She checked her watch. What felt like forever had only been about an hour. It was crazy. “I’ll go first,” she offered.

  “Come on, ladies.” Pepper pulled a gun from his waistband and released the safety. The ladies came out of the main clubhouse and lined up in the hall. They all looked terrified.

  “George, you lead the way.”

  “Sure, Pepper.”

  George walked into the murky depths of the hallway, and Pepper followed.

  “Why,” whispered Emily to Pepper as she fell in step beside him, “is George going first?”

  “Bullet proof vest,” Pepper whispered back. “I didn’t want Aces to see it and get suspicious.”

  Other women gathered in back of Emily, the scent of perfume, hairspray and fear permeating the air. Emily was pretty sure she smelled the same as them.

  “Back against the wall, ladies,” said Pepper, his voice taking on an authoritative tone, “until I tell you to move.”

  “On three,” whispered George. “One, two, three.”

  Both Pepper and George kicked the back door open, sending it flying, and simultaneously started shooting. Several gunshots flew, pinging the door and the back of the building.

  “Down, down, hit the ground,” yelled Pepper as he and George fell to the floor and through the opened door furiously returned fire.

  “It’s coming from all angles,” yelled George.

  “They’re shit at aiming.”

  “Yeah, but that many bullets are bound to hit something.”

  Emily crawled backward, terrified a stray bullet would fly inside the building. They weren’t safe where they were. “Get in here,” she screamed to the women as she opened the door to the room beside where she’d been hiding earlier. “Hide behind the counters and in the shower. Don’t open this door for anyone unless you recognize the voice.”

  She waved them inside, and the eight women moved, crawling on their hands and knees into the tiny apartment. The door shut.

  Emily scooted toward the door next to George and pushed it open, then turned around and scurried on her hands and knees towards Pepper’s apartment, who had the only light source she knew of in the now totally dark clubhouse.

  “She’s got an idea,” said Pepper. “You take that apartment and I’ll take this one and we’ll surprise them when they try to breach the clubhouse."

  Emily shuddered. This was more than serious. It was a juggernaut of violence that could only end in bodies. With her heart hammering in her chest, she desperately prayed she wasn’t one of them. She scurried into Pepper’s apartment just as the shooting stopped.

  When Pepper and George stopped shooting the Rojos stopped too. Now there was an ominous silence that hung over the Spawn’s clubhouse. In the background, police sirens grew louder and then stopped.

  The sound of wood breaking and shouting startled Emily.

  She heard Aces scream, “They’re in! They’re in!”

  Pepper scooted into the room and shut and locked the door. He stood with his gun pointing at the door with grim determination. He glanced at Emily. “A couple Rojos just rushed the door. They have guns on Aces and the men in the bar. Aces and his men have guns on them. It’s a stand-off.”

  Emily noticed the earpiece in Pepper’s ear. She had a feeling he knew more because someone was feeding him information. She couldn’t help it. All of a sudden her quickie dinner threatened to come up. She ran into the bathroom, running into the doorframe as she did so, and she fell on her knees in front of the toilet by the sink, heaving so hard her guts hurt. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she moaned.

  “Stay in that bathroom, Emily,” ordered Pepper.

  She would, though the smells coming from the toilet made her want to vomit more. Emily sat against the wall, the sour taste in her mouth and the roiling in her stomach made her want to lurch for the porcelain fixture once more. She stood shakily and washed her mouth out with water from the sink.

  More gunfire went off, sounding like it came from far away, not inside the clubhouse.

  There was a loud slamming noise, which Emily guessed was the back door being shut with force. “What the hell’s going on here?”

  Luke? Her heart sped up and she rushed out of the bathroom to the living room area.

  Pepper cracked open the door and Emily clearly heard his voice clearer now.

  “Drop your weapons!”

  Even in this ludicrous situation she went giddy knowing he was nearby. And safe. She wanted to burst through the door and into his arms.

  A gunshot going off stopped her from moving. It was followed by the sound of guns shooting everywhere, and scuffles. People outside rushed in, she heard shouts and screams of men as they fought. Horrified, Emily could only stare at the door, terrified Luke had been hurt, or worse, shot and left bleeding on the ground. Images of Gibs in Luke’s arms made Emily’s eyes fill. She shut them tight and buried her head in her hands, trying to make the sounds go away.

  More noises of things she couldn’t see, bumps against the walls, guns going off, and then shouts and more physical fighting followed by a loud groan as someone fell to the floor by the door.

  Then suddenly, as quickly as all the noise started, it ended abruptly. Silence followed for a moment. Emily stared horrified at the door, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Emily!” Luke shouted. “Where the fuck is she, Aces?”

  He was alive! Pissed off, but he was freakin’ alive!

  Pepper opened the door all the way. “Here, Luke! She’s in here with me.”

  Luke rushed into the room and grabbed her, holding her so close she couldn’t breathe. Then he pushed her away from him, as if her touch burned him. “What the hell are you doing here, Emily? Are you crazy?”



  Luke allowed himself a moment to hold Emily in his arms and to breathe in her scent. He was still jacked up from the entrance he made diving in through the back door of the clubhouse, dodging bullets while he shot off a few rounds towards his attackers. Holding her only added to his anticipation. He’d missed her so much in the past few months that he felt empty enough that he had nothing left to live for. Now she was in his arms again and his heart expanded as he held her close.

  “It’s over. We stopped the Rojos,” he whispered quietly in her ear, unsure if she even heard him.

  “I’ll,” said Pepper, “just go help Aces.” He left them alone, shutting the door behind him.

  Luke’s happiness at their reunion was short lived. This wa
s the worst possible moment for her to be here. He pushed her away, horrified at the situation in which they were both in. “What the hell are you doing here, Emily? Are you crazy?”

  Her eyes fluttered wide with shock and fresh tears, then her jaw set and her eyes narrowed. “I guess,” she said angrily, “I didn’t expect you’d have a shoot-out at a freakin’ pig roast.”

  “I told you—”

  “I remember what you told me, Luke Wade. You told me I was a good fuck. Very sweet of you!” She glared at him before huffing. “You are such a liar! Acting like you didn’t care about me at all. Pepper told me what you did. You made a deal with the DEA to make all my legal problems go away. You were no freakin’ help.”

  She was so angry, and as much as he hated to admit, the fire in her turned him on, even when he feared for her life. His pecker, which had been in hibernation, suddenly twitched. Not fuckin’ now! “I did help you!”

  “Not in the way that would help me the most. You pushed me away and acted like I was nothing to you.” The hurt in her voice could not be hidden by her anger.

  “I needed to keep you safe.”

  Her cheeks blushed red, and her lower lip trembled. “Yeah, by breaking my heart. Nice play, Mr. Tough Guy.” She turned away and covered her face in her hands.

  He put his hand on her shoulder and urged her to face him. “Emily, I didn’t want to hurt you. But it wasn’t safe for you to stay. Look what happened to Gibs! These men are all nasty criminals and killers. There’s no telling what harm you’d have to face because of me. Look what happened here today!” This was exactly why he didn’t want her around here. How she hadn’t been shot or injured… He didn’t want to even consider the possibilities.

  “I don’t care!”

  “Emily,” he pleaded.

  “No, Luke Wade! You had no business making that decision for me. You were deliberately cruel! You made me feel worthless because you didn’t want me. You treated me like trash. And I felt even worse because you’re the only man I could ever want.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” What else could he say? He’d only done it to protect her. They weren’t out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot. He thought about the Red Bull and a shudder ran down his spine.

  “Sorry don’t mean shit! Nothing means anything if you don’t love me.” She faced him, tears streaming down her face as her hands covered her stomach.

  “Emily, please.”

  “We’re not in high school anymore, Luke. This is life, our life. Real life!”

  He threw his hands up in the air. What the hell? “Don’t you think I know that?” his voice raised in frustration.

  “I’m pregnant! With your child.”

  Now that threw him. Fear, and possibly a morsel of hope, raced through his blood. “H-How,” stuttered Luke. “Pregnant?”

  “I believe it happens the usual way. It’s called sex.”

  His prick signaled it understood. “Pregnant?” he repeated. He stood there dumbfounded. “I was careful.” He knew it wouldn’t be someone else’s. His gut told him that and instinct made him believe. “Aw shit,” said Luke, remembering the last two times they were together. One was because Luke thought he might not see her again and the next was when he was sure he’d never see her again. “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, you should be sorry. So should I.”

  “Emily, that’s not what I mean. You can’t stay with me.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “What I’m involved in, Emily, you wouldn’t be safe.”

  “I told you, I don’t care.”

  “But a child? Oh, man, I screwed things up good.”

  “Don’t you think for one moment this is all on you!” She was mad and he couldn’t blame her. Except… was she angry for a different reason? “You didn’t do this all by yourself. We’re both adults! I fucked you as much as you did me.” She lowered her eyes, as if embarrassed by her crass words. “I always want you.”

  He couldn’t bear the torment on her face. It ripped his soul to shreds. How could he turn her away? He didn’t want to, not ever again. If there was one truth in his life, it was that he loved Emily Rose Dougherty, now and until the end of his days.

  He raised her chin with his fingers so she had to look him in the eye. Even at this worst possible time he felt pride that she carried his child. At that second he understood what it meant for a woman and a man to be joined, their lives woven around each other so that what happens to one happens just as forcefully to the other. Whether it was happiness, joy, sorrow, or triumph, there would never be a moment when he didn’t think about her, what she wanted, or what she thought. She was inalterably his today and for the rest of his life.

  “Emily, the truth is, from the first day I saw you in high school, you were the only woman I wanted, truly wanted, in my life. Yes, I was wrong to push you away. I thought I was protecting you, that you would forget me.”

  “I’ve never forgotten you.”

  “And I’ve never forgotten you. I think I understand now. We were never meant to be apart.” Circumstances had tried to prove otherwise but Fate knew it was in their destiny.

  She stared at him for a long moment. Whatever was going on in the hut beyond this room didn’t matter. Whatever Emily had to tell him would either save him, or kill him. “I paid a price for turning my back on you all those years ago. I’ll never do that again.” Tears rolled down her face. “I’ve always loved you.”

  He looked into her beautiful blue eyes and became lost in them. Luke could see the love she had for him, burning fiercely. She was just inches from him and despite everything, or maybe because of it, he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her. All the months of being without her piled on to this one moment. The only thing he could think of was claiming that small, pouty mouth of hers.

  Fuck the danger outside. He needed her right now. Whatever was going on in the clubhouse could be handled by those there.

  He crushed his lips against hers, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, exploding with the taste, want and need of her. Everything about her was perfect. As her pert breasts pressed against his chest, he reached and cupped the round globes of her ass in his hands. She groaned and wrapped one leg around his leg. Emily pushed herself against his leg, her hips moving as she gasped and whimpered. Her breathing sped up as she found his bulge beneath his pants. Emily pressed against it, moaning and calling his name.

  He was on fire, every cell of his flesh calling for her skin to be flush to his. His shaft pressed impossibly hard against his jeans and his one thought was to delve into her wet heat. Luke tore at the button at her waistband and pushed down her zipper. He slipped his fingers inside, reaching her mound to the treasure between her legs. She was so wet she coated his fingers thoroughly.

  Luke put his fingers on either side of her clit, rubbing the tender folds of her flesh that cradled that sensitive spot. She tensed, her breathing ragged, and whimpered.

  “Come for me, baby,” he said. With rapid breaths she shuddered, her back arching and her head falling back. He held her tight around her waist with one arm while she trembled and moaned. Luke thought he’d never seen or heard anything sexier.

  “Fuck, baby,” he whispered. “It’s so hot to see you come on my fingers.”

  He drew his hand up and sucked his little and ring fingers in his mouth, savoring her sweet taste. Luke put his other two fingers to her mouth.

  “Taste that baby. See how delicious you are.”

  She lapped his fingers with her tongue and sucked hard on them. Now it was Luke’s turn to moan as he imagined his cock in her mouth as she lashed it with her warm, soft tongue.

  As if she could read his mind she dropped to her knees, and worked his jeans until they fell around his ankles. Tugging on his waistband she pulled down his boxers as well, freeing his cock. Luke was so rigidly hard, his cock slapped against his stomach.

  The light from the camp lantern struck her glittering eyes as she took his shaft in her hand and wrapped her fingers around
it. Her small pale hands almost seemed overpowered by his girth, but she smiled wickedly as she stroked him with her gentle fingers sending shocks of electricity up his spine. Emily palmed the head of his cock, spreading his precum around his shaft.

  “Oh fuck, Emily.”

  “Baby,” she murmured. In one swift move she engulfed the head of his cock in her mouth. Her tongue sought the sensitive spot beneath his head and involuntarily he jerked, seeking more of that heat down his cock. Emily took him in further, her soft tongue dancing on his flesh, teasing him, and making him wild for more. He gripped her hair between his fingers, and she tightened both hands around his shaft. She was only going to allow him to go so far, but she sucked in what she could, lightly running her teeth on his shaft. He never felt anything this good, and he knew if it kept on like this he’d come in her mouth.

  Luke couldn’t stand it anymore. He wanted to be inside her. Gently he backed away, and after pulling her to her feet, backed her up to the bed. With great tenderness he lowered her to the mattress. With a quick pull he yanked her jeans off, revealing her creamy hips in the soft light of the camp lantern. Another pull tugged her panties off and the full scent of her arousal hit him.

  “Luke,” she whimpered. “I need you.”

  He fucking needed her. He knelt between her legs, pulling her t-shirt over her head, but leaving Emily’s arms encased in the fabric. With one hand he held them above her head, while he pushed her lacy bra above her breasts, attacking her nipples with swipes of his tongue, the taste of her skin driving him beyond reason.

  “Luke, please,” she pleaded, bucking her hips toward him.

  Luke grabbed his shaft and slid the tip up and down between her legs and sunk into her heat. Slickness and softness encased him, assailing his senses, driving him beyond reason. He pushed in and she gasped. That one sound sent his thoughts reeling. This was his. She was his.

  Emily meowed, a sexy sound that called to the primal parts of his brain. “More,” she gasped.

  He pulled back and then took her again, filling her with every inch of him. Every nerve tingled and his skin heated like a flash fire.


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