Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn) Page 7

by K. L. Shandwick

  We sat on the floor and ate picnic style, and it was nice getting to know our new faces. Lexi explained she was a songwriter and had previously had some success with a couple of pop tunes, writing for a few female vocalists. She had also been credited in a couple of famous heavy metal band lead’s songs. I’d read about that on her résumé.

  She was really easy to talk to, and Lexi’s music knowledge was incredible. We liked the same bands and had similar visions of what direction the band should take. It wasn’t that she was demanding or pushy, she was just really enthusiastic and seemed like a genuinely nice girl. I couldn’t help but take in her appearance and thought that we’d have some issues with male groupies around her. She was hot-as-hell, but still nowhere near as hot as my Valerie.

  Lunch was just about over when the world felt like it fell on top of me. We were all rising to our feet when Lexi’s boot heel slipped on a grape, and she came crashing into me. My hands landed on her waist on one side and her forearm on the other just at the moment Valerie opened the gym door. I tried to push Lexi away, but she’d caught a hold of my t-shirt and pulled me back against her. Before I could say anything, Valerie turned and left again.

  “Sorry, did I do something wrong?” Lexi asked looking in the direction Valerie had gone.

  I stared at the door and wondered whether I should have gone after her, but I knew I wasn’t at fault, and if Valerie was pissed off because she’d misread the situation, I wasn’t going to be the one apologizing. I thought I’d leave her to stew because she had to learn that part of my job was to be surrounded by beautiful women. At that moment the one in question was a band member, and therefore, it was even more important that Valerie overcame her insecurities. I knew we’d talk again and again about it, but I shook it aside and pulled the band back to finish the rehearsal session.

  By the end of the day, we had three solid songs, and one maybe. Best of all we had a name RedA as in Ready, and we were all pretty happy with that because we felt that was perfect since we were getting ready to put ourselves out there.

  Eventually, we wound up the rehearsal, and I headed back toward the house. Lexi called out from behind and was doing that feminine jog thing towards me when I turned in response to my name. Initially, she smiled before her expression changed to a look of concern. Placing her hand on my forearm, she leaned a little too close for comfort.

  “Hey, Flynn… about earlier, Valerie seemed angry. That wasn’t anything to do with me was it?”

  Most definitely, “Why would it be? It was an accident, right?”

  Lexi gave me an insincere smile, “Of course it was. I mean I hadn’t planned on slipping now had I?”

  “See, nothing to worry about then. It may be best if you’re not so hands-on though, honey. Valerie’s young, I don’t want her to read something that’s just not there, you understand?”

  Lexi chewed on the side of her mouth, and her hand slowly slipped away from my bare arm to drop down by her side.

  “Hmm, is me being in the band going to be a problem for her?”

  Whatever I thought privately, I wasn’t prepared to share that with her, “Of course not. It’s just early days between Val and me. We’re kind of finding our feet as a couple, but she’s it for me. No other woman comes close. The girl owns my heart.”

  Lexi held my gaze until it became uncomfortable. I was about to look away, and she let out a wistful sigh, “Lucky girl.”

  “Nope. I’m the lucky one, Lexi. Anyone dares to try and come between Valerie and me, and there will be hell to pay. Now, if you’ll excuse me, she’s probably waiting to eat with me. Catch you tomorrow. Good job today by the way,” I said, changing tact. I just wanted to get the fuck away from her before Valerie thought there was more to our exchange than there was. I gave her a tight smile and turned to make my way the short distance to my door before she’d had the chance to respond.

  Chapter 7 ~ Valerie


  Once I’d established the ground rules before the first rehearsal, I’d gone and sat at the back of the gym to make my observations of how the new band was coming together. The first song Flynn had chosen was yet another outpouring of love from Flynn to me. There was some personal stuff in it, and although it was fast paced it was still romantic, in a rock and roll kind of way.

  Lexi was first to join in with Craig and Flynn, and I had to admit she did rock the outfit she was wearing as well as the arrangement she’d used for the bass. I thought it was clever of Flynn not to share the bass score he’d penned, with her. It had allowed him to see how her mind worked, and just how she connected personally with the song.

  I had to admit Lexi looked amazing, had stage presence, and sounded great. My only problem was she knew all of that. Leaning in, wiggling her breasts and shoulders at Flynn, she sure struck some pretty provocative poses around him, continually invading his body space, and jutting her hip to the point of touching his thigh.

  Jonah jumped up and sprinted for the drum kit, a few seconds later he’d counted the beats with his sticks and frantically pounded out his own beats to the tune. It sounded special. I’d only heard the song three times, and already I’d wanted to hear it again, the music was that catchy. Watching Flynn’s face I saw the pleasure he got from doing what he loved, and boy was he mesmerizing to watch.

  My cell vibrated in my pocket, and my dad’s phone number flashed on the screen. I stood, and quietly slipped out of the gym to see what he wanted.

  “Hey, Dad, what can I do for you?”

  “Hello, honey, I just wanted to let you know that the mixing boards arrived with all that other stuff you ordered for the studio. Ryan has the crew arriving tomorrow to set it up. The air conditioning went in this morning, and the sound booth is in place and has been tested out. He figures the studio will be ready by Monday.”

  “Thanks, Dad, I was going to check in with James and Ryan later to see where we are with everything. I’d been wondering about flying Flynn down on Monday to see it. Let me contact them and organize something then I’ll call you back.”

  We concluded the call, and I called Ryan Morten, the sound engineer I’d chosen for the album. Something about him made me warm to him immediately. He was so knowledgeable and confident in his ability. From the first time we spoke, I knew we were coming from the same place in our vision for the studio. James Smart was a famous producer, and had worked with several rock bands helping them to produce awesome albums. I was in awe of him, and from the moment I learned about him, no one else came close to his credentials.

  Eventually, we had a conference call that lasted over an hour, and when I glanced at my watch, I realized I had almost missed lunch with Flynn. I grabbed my tablet and notebook and made my way back to the gym. As I got closer to the building, I knew they were on a break because I couldn’t hear them playing.

  Opening the door, the first thing I saw was Lexi hanging on to Flynn’s arms as she leaned into him. Flynn had both hands on her. Their eyes both cut in my direction when I opened the door, and I noticed when Flynn tried to release her to step back, but the bitch had hung onto his shirt and pulled him closer again.

  Making eye contact with her, Flynn mumbled something I couldn’t hear and stepped away from her that time. When she caught me watching her, she smirked wickedly, and shrugged her shoulders. I knew he hadn’t seen that part because he’d been watching me at that moment.

  If I’d stayed there I’d have caused a scene and I’d never been one to jump the gun, so I turned and made a speedy exit. I muttered to myself what a bitch she was, and I vowed that I’d figure something out to put her in her place for trying to hit on my boyfriend.

  Part of me was upset that Flynn hadn’t come after me, but then again, I wasn’t sure he actually knew how manipulatively she’d behaved or how difficult my position as manager was going forward, with her acting that way. I headed straight back to the office and took my frustration out by punching some holes in paper and filing.

  By the time he came bac
k from band practice, I’d given myself a pep talk, and had made up my mind that I was not going to put him in the middle of any drama between Lexi and me. Whatever happened between us, I’d deal with it on my own. Being the manager of the band was a privilege, and with that came power. I figured Lexi was the type that had to learn her lessons the hard way.

  My back was to him as I sat at the breakfast bar, but I’d heard him come inside the house and make his way over to me. He slipped his warm arm around my waist, and a tingle ran down my spine just from having him near me. I’d missed having him around that day. I felt his callused fingertips smooth my hair to one side before he leisurely licked, sucked and peppered light, sensual kisses on the back of my neck.

  “Hey, babe, where have you been?” he asked seductively.

  Swiveling the stool around to face him I plastered on my brightest, warmest smile, “I’ve been right here, but I was busy. How did the rehearsal session go?” I enquired trying to sound like I hadn’t been chewing on a wasp over Lexi’s behavior.

  Flynn studied my face, and I knew he was waiting for me to say something about Lexi. When I didn’t I saw his shoulders slump as he visibly relaxed.

  “Great! Better than great actually. They’re all really talented, and it’s like we’ve been playing with each other a lot longer.” Yeah, it looked that way from how Lexi was getting so cozy.

  “I’m going to need you on Monday, Flynn, so can you keep it free please?”

  “Damn, you’re not making me wait until Monday. I need you right now,” he said, playfully and dropped his face to nuzzle into the side of my neck again, it felt amazing. His palms slid under my t-shirt to palm by breasts over my bra. Goose bumps crimped my smooth skin with the currents he sent through my body at his sensual touch. He inhaled deeply and sighed when his thumbs grazed over my taut nipples. I shivered again and felt his lips flatten in a smile at my shoulder, “You are so addictive, babe. I missed you earlier.”

  Grinning I drew my head away and tilted it to the side just enough to make eye contact with him, “I’m serious, this is business, Flynn. Can you keep Monday free? Actually, make that Tuesday as well.”

  He dropped his hands and glanced guiltily at me like a scolded child.

  “Okay, can I ask why?”


  Searching my face for the answer, he snickered, “Just… no?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Haven’t I so far?”

  “Yes, so hold that thought,” I said, and smirked as I slid off the stool to stand between his open legs. “Now that business is out of the way, I need my boyfriend.”

  Big strong hands circled my waist and slid down over my butt as he shifted us to sit on a stool. When he pulled me firmly against him I could feel how hard and horny he was. He rubbed his bulge roughly against my belly and instantly I wanted more. My cheek skimmed his chin, and I mimicked his action as I explored the tight muscled lines of his abs underneath his t-shirt. I inhaled his woodsy smell, and bit down gently on his neck. He groaned longingly, “You smell amazing, I think I could eat you,” I whispered, honestly.

  Tilting my head back I glanced up and met his gaze. His pupils were blown, and the white part of his eyes, were almost completely tinged pink with lust. “Are you hungry?” I whispered again.

  “For you, always,” he said gruffly and cleared his throat as he stood. He dipped down and lifted me clean off the floor, holding me high up onto his chest. He strode purposefully toward the stairs like I was weightless, and didn’t stop walking until we reached our bed. Gently, Flynn laid me down on the bed, and hurriedly began to unbuckle his belt like if he stopped, I’d change my mind. Once he’d undone it, he extended his arm over his head, taking a fistful of t-shirt from the back. Grabbing it, he pulled the cotton top over his head, and discarded it behind him.

  Flynn’s beautifully, toned, hard and golden-skinned body was all mine. I was enthralled as I licked my lips slowly, smiled in appreciation, and eventually I glanced up to meet his gaze, “So is this where you whip your cock out and fuck me like you did this morning?” I asked without a hint of shame.

  “Ohh, that filthy mouth of yours raises its head again,” he groaned huskily as his eyes widened in mock-surprize. He continued to peruse my body with a small smile on his face and his eyes darkened with lust.

  “And your head isn’t raised?” I said waggling my eyebrows while I stared openly at the hard bulge that had formed at the opening of his jeans.

  “Damn, Valerie. It turns me on when you talk dirty, I might have to teach you a lesson.

  “Promises, promises, I’m a very willing student,” I said, in a playful, naughty tone.

  Goading him brought a reaction in seconds as Flynn yanked his jeans down and kicked them off. He lifted and repositioned me up the bed. I was still fully clothed while he was buck naked by then. He straddled me, took his cock in his right hand, and began to tug it in long deliberate strokes. His raw need thrilled me. Watching him do that was such a turn on, but how he’d positioned himself across me made it impossible for me to touch him anywhere.

  He began walking up the sides of my body on his knees, stopped at my waist and leaned over kissing me, hard. I was vaguely aware he was still stroking his hard length as I moaned deeply into his mouth. The raw passion behind his sexy kiss was almost overwhelming. I could feel the urgency in his need as he continued to ease himself up my trembling body until his knees were level with my upper arms.

  When I glanced up at him, his jaw was locked tight in frustration while his eyes were a few shades darker than normal. They were fixed on my face and wild with lust. I smiled, and his cute, studious face immediately softened in response. Tracing his thumb across my lips, he pushed it inside my mouth.

  “Suck,” he demanded, in a stern voice. It heightened my own need when I heard it.

  Lathing my tongue around the pad, I waited a few seconds before the timing of my powerful suck took him by surprise. A long guttural groan escaped from his lungs as he pulled it free of my mouth, and traced it over the shiny head of his cock. Leaning forward he placed the tip of his length to my lips. “Lick me slowly,” he ordered.

  I fluttered my tongue around his crown and dragged it lightly across the satiny head like I was eating the best ice cream. Flynn hissed loudly and flexed his hips toward my face, breaching my lips, and pushed his thick straining dick into my mouth. I sucked him further inside, immediately hollowing my cheeks, and he grunted and muttered, “Fuck. FUUUCK. That feels sooo good, babe.”

  Thrusting himself deeper, his hard length hit the back of my throat. I gagged and almost choked. “Shit, sorry,” he said and began to withdraw. It was then I decided I wanted all of him and sucked harder. I couldn’t move my hands because I’d been restrained by his legs and body, but I was so turned on by the urgency of what he’d done I’d wanted to taste him.

  Emotions had run high prior to the auditions because so much had been riding on them, and I’d seen him visibly relax once his decisions about the band had been made. I’d also felt that it was truly the first time Flynn hadn’t been afraid to do what he wanted with me in bed.

  “Dear God,” was instantly followed by, “Jeez, shiiit, baby,” while his hand slid under my head to keep me in place. His balls suddenly tightened and he began to draw back, but I sucked harder in my effort to keep him inside my mouth.

  Just as he came, he managed to pull out and came all over my neck. “Grrr, fuck,” he grunted and muttered in a strained tone as his hand continued to fist at his length.

  I was mesmerized while I watched him jerk his way through several aftershocks. After he was done, he lifted his leg to one side to join his other and collapsed in a heap on his side facing me.

  Lying with his eyes closed he took a minute for his body to calm before he cracked an eye open and turned his head to look at me, “Damn. Sorry.”

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “Being selfish.”

  “Don’t worry, it just means you�
��re in my debt now,” I said chuckling at how quickly he’d lost control. He lay silently and slipped his hand into mine then brought it up to rest on his chest. After another minute, he rolled off the bed and wandered into the bathroom.

  I heard him relieve himself, and the sound of running water before he returned with a warm wet washcloth and a towel. Flynn studied my neck carefully as he gently cleaned me. As soon as he’d finished, he leaned in and kissed me hungrily. When he broke the kiss, his warm lips showered my neck with kisses as he murmured, “Thank you, babe. How did I get so lucky?”

  “I think that happened when you put your cock in my mouth,” I answered, sounding cock-sure of myself, even though I’d been surprised by my response myself.

  Chuckling heartily he settled himself down beside me again on his side while his hand skimmed lazily up and down my body. It stopped briefly at the waistband of my jeans, and suddenly he flicked the button undone, before sliding his hand down and into my panties. My breath hitched, and my eyes connected with his when his fingers skimmed the seam of my pussy before settling on the sensitive bud of my clit as he made small circular movements around it.

  I swallowed and stared seriously into his beautiful dark green eyes.

  “What? I always pay back my debts as soon as possible,” he teased, smiling wickedly at me. His eyes dropped to where his hand was, and his expression turned serious. His eyes were already heavy with lust by the time they met my gaze again.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” he said, in a strained voice while his touch had made my body fizz with anticipation of his next move.

  An hour later, I was drenched in sweat after he’d teased and pleasured me until I thought I’d lose my mind. He lay panting and turned until we were lying face to face. “Hey, you. Damn that was a workout, are you okay?” he asked with a soft chuckle.

  “I’ll live.” I groaned, and stretched my arms above my head feeling completely sated, but sore between my legs. Pushing himself up, he rested his head on one elbow and continued to watch me intently. After a few moments, he peppered my face with small kisses.


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