Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn) Page 9

by K. L. Shandwick

  “Good, you’re ready. I was just about to call you,” he said giving me his winning smile. He walked toward me and slipped his hand through my arm to circle my waist before he led me out the door.

  When we stepped outside, Lee was already sitting in the driver’s seat, and Flynn was packing a suitcase into the trunk, and the back door was open. “We need to get a move on, Valerie. We’re cutting it close.”

  I squinted sideways before turning to face him. “For what? Where are we going?”

  “Well, I answered the phone to the charter company last night, and found out you were taking me to Iowa, so I changed the booking and thought we’d fly down there tonight, have dinner with Kayden and Amber, then we can have a few extra hours in bed before whatever it is you want me to do down there.”

  My heart beat out of my chest because I wasn’t sure everything would be ready. I knew he was bound to see changes in the place unless I somehow knocked him unconscious, and smuggled him into my parent’s house. Hurriedly, I fired a quick text off to Kayden to warn him we were flying down that night. He reassured me that the studio was all set and that if I wanted Flynn to see it, Ryan and James were still around.

  Ten minutes later, I was relaxed and had switched my phone off for take-off knowing that they were hanging out there, and the schedule for tomorrow had been moved forward.

  “You are so sneaky,” I said, smirking because I’d thought he was going to learn I was the sneaky one.

  “Yeah? Well, if it means extra time inside you, I can be a really sneaky bastard. You should always expect that from me in the future,” he grinned wickedly and turned his body to face me as much as he could in his seatbelt.

  “So talking about sneaky, you’ve been pretty secretive yourself, lately. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the suddenly ended calls you’ve been making to your family. You’ve not been planning our wedding without me, have you?”

  I raised my eyebrow and dropped my jaw, “Seriously, we’ve been together a few weeks, and you think I’d marry you? Oh, no. Flynn Docherty, if I ever feel the need to get married I want the whole shebang. Flowers, chocolates, diamonds, the single rose left on my windshield when I get up in the morning. Wildflowers left on the doorstep when I leave the house. Are you getting the idea, Flynn? It’s called romance.”

  He sat staring at me for a moment before a slow smile stretched his mouth with the tiniest glimpse of his amazingly straight white teeth. “I don’t know if we’ll have time for all of that, but I guess I’m going to have to up my game, huh?” I nodded trying to contain the smile that would let him know I wasn’t serious.

  “We’ve wasted two and a half years, babe,” he said a little sadly, his upturned hands sliding underneath mine. His warm fingers with their callused tips clasped firmly around them, as his thumbs slid back and forth absentmindedly over my knuckles.

  “Not wasted, Flynn, I think we both needed that time. After the accident, there were days I prayed my heart would just stop beating, you know? I quickly learned to grow up, but it took longer to learn to live with the splinters of hurt floating inside. As for you? It gave you the space to know that it was me you really wanted.” I answered honestly.

  Seeing his serious expression made me understand the depth of feeling he had for me, it warmed me, and I knew that I was loved. I just prayed silently that love was enough to keep us together.

  The short flight to Iowa was over before we’d even gotten comfortable. My heart was pounding wildly as I switched my phone on, and heard what sounded like a flock of birds gathering in my pocket as a ton of messages came in.

  “What the fuck, Valerie? Who’s messaging you?”

  I glanced at my phone, and the first four were from Kayden, “What can I say? My brother is excited I’m coming home,” I smirked, thankful for Kayden’s ID that flashed for the first four texts on the screen when Flynn glanced over my shoulder.

  Honestly, I have no idea what Flynn said to me while we drove from the airport to my home. My concentration was somewhere else as excitement and nerves riddled my body.

  “Whoa, what’s with the gates?”

  Shit, I forgot about those. “You know my dad. It’s been difficult for them after the press invaded their privacy,” I said, in a half-truth. The sight of my dad with his twelve-gauge shotgun could deter the paparazzi more effectively than those gates.

  The grave look on Flynn’s face warned me about how seriously he took the safety of my family. Luckily, Buster heard the car and came bounding down the drive distracting him from pressing the point. I opened the window and warned him away from the side of it, but once he’d recognized my voice, he barked like crazy and jumped clean off the ground in his animated show of affection.

  Reaching the house, Flynn jumped out of the SUV and pulled me by the hand. “Come on, Valerie. I’m busting to pee. Leave everything, Lee can bring it inside.” Flynn dragged me in the direction of the kitchen door and flung it open. “Where is everyone?” he asked when he found the room empty, but ran to the bathroom. I knew exactly where they were. Kayden thought it would be a great idea for Flynn to just ‘find’ the studio behind the house, but when I saw my old Gucci scarf hanging behind the kitchen door I had a better plan.

  “I have something for you,” I smirked holding the scarf out in his direction as he came out of the restroom.

  “And I have something equally as enticing for you,” he said smiling wickedly and cupped his hands over his junk at the front of his jeans.

  “Honestly, you can be such a child at times,” I said, pretending to scold him.

  “Indeed, maybe I need that paddle after all…”

  “Come here,” I giggled and turned him away from me. I tied the scarf over his eyes and lifted my top to ensure he couldn’t see anything. When he didn’t react I laughed again, confident my blindfold was effective.

  “Now what?” he chuckled as his hands groped at my body for direction.

  “Now we’re taking a walk in the dark.”

  “I hope there’s something more pleasant than a shallow grave waiting wherever you’re leading me,” he said, playfully.

  “Oh, I hope you think so, Flynn, otherwise, I may just dig one for you,” I retorted.

  Every step I took toward the studio increased my adrenaline flow. Flynn’s hand grasped mine tightly as I led him towards the darkened building. The little photographic studio my dad and Kayden had made me had been dwarfed by the new kit structure that had taken forty men three days to erect. Dad and I had hired fourteen guys to finish the job once the structure had been put up.

  When I stepped inside the studio everything smelled brand new. In the shadows, I could make out silhouettes of the team. Two smaller frames stood to the side, and I knew by their shape they were my mom and Amber without having to think about them.

  Kayden flicked on the light, and I pulled the scarf off in an instant. Flynn stood blinking, as his puzzled eyes took in all the faces. He spun on his heel with a look of wonder on his face. It was a sight that will stick with me to my dying day.

  “What’s going on? Wha- what is this? Where…I mean, how…” he was at a loss for words, so I figured I’d gently help him out.

  “Welcome to Martin Adams recording Studio and record label Flynn. Our record label, and recording studio.”

  “Ours?” Flynn’s eyes darkened, “Babe, you should have talked to me about this, we can’t afford—”

  “We can and I did. I mean, it’s all bought and paid for. I’ll explain later, but this is the perfect place for the band to cut the new album for your come-back. No one has any idea about this place. It will make life easier for you while the lawsuits are concluding, and it’s all in my name. No one can touch it,” I smiled.

  Flynn grew quiet and continued to look in amazement for a few seconds before he turned and grabbed the door handle. “Sorry guys, I just need a minute if you don’t mind.” Opening the door, he swiftly exited the studio, and the door closed softly behind him.

that wasn’t how I figured that would go,” said Kayden as he stuffed his hands deep into the front pockets of his jeans.

  My heart sunk. The sheer amount of time, effort, and money that had gone into pulling off the massive project in such a short space of time did not deserve his silence or worst still his rejection of all the great things we’d achieved on his behalf.

  My blood boiled at his lack of acknowledgment and gratitude for the way everyone had gotten behind my venture to support us. I hurriedly apologized to the silent men and women standing around me in the room and went after him.

  Flynn was wandering up and down, nervously running his hand through his hair. I stamped across the dewy grass too furious with him to care that my feet were soaked from the dampness collected there.

  “What in the hell was that?” I shouted angrily.

  Flynn wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands, and it was only then I realized he was crying.

  “Jesus, what in hell’s has gotten into you, Flynn? If it’s about the money…”

  “Fuck the money! I don’t care about money. How did you even begin to pull that together?”

  “Okay, so you’re angry with me? I get it, but you need to get your butt back into that studio and be thankful for all the work those guys have done. While you’ve been lying in your bed at night enjoying me, they’ve left wives and girlfriends in order to put all that expensive shit together for you and your band.”

  Flynn stood motionless and stared like a helpless child, “You just don’t get it do you?”

  “Get what? Excuse me if I’m missing—”

  “Valerie, no one has ever done anything for me in my life since my Mom died. No one, then you put all this shit? This unbelievable… fuck… everything…”

  He gestured towards the building and shook his head hard as he tried to find words, “Sorry, babe, I don’t have words for how I’m feeling about you right now,” he said, as he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me close to his chest. His arms clung so tightly I felt the emotion rolling off of him in waves, and I realized he wasn’t being ungrateful, he was overwhelmed

  Swallowing roughly, he tried to clear a lump from his throat.

  “Sorry, I should have thought it through more, or at least prepared you for what you were going to find here,” I said, and I suddenly felt as if I hadn’t considered his feelings. I had just expected him to be happy. I’d been caught up in the business side of making him a success again and neglected Flynn, the man with the broken past.

  “Valerie, the past couple of weeks, between putting the band together, and playing my music my way, I’ve come to realize something. Before I met you again, I’d played music as a form of escapism. Not because I wanted to play, but because I had to use it to forget some of the darker things in my past. I’d used it solely to work things though in my mind, like the songs I wrote about us, yeah?”

  I nodded my understanding, and he smoothed my hair. We stood quietly in the night air for a moment. “Since you came into my life I’ve played music because it’s in my blood not because I had to. When I play my music now, it makes me feel different inside. It’s like a spiritual experience, a deep-seated root inside, and I’ve realized I was born to do it. I’m making music because I really feel it now, not for any other reason. I believe I have you to thank for that.”

  I stared at him as he gave me a rare glimpse of his feelings and wondered how he’d ever been able to be so level headed with what had happened to him. “It’s not down to me, Flynn, you’d have come to that conclusion anyway. Music is in your blood. I only have to listen to you play and sing, hear your lyrics even, to know that.” I hugged him hard, and when neither of us could think of anything else to say, I thought he should at least go back and thank everyone.

  “Come on, Flynn we have people waiting. I’ll explain everything about all of this later, for now, I think you need to get back inside, and show your appreciation. I need you to meet Ryan and James, who are going to be on your tail until this album is cut and you’re back where you belong.”

  Flynn kissed the top of my head and pulled me into his side as we began to make our way back to the door. “I’d better hurry, I hear my new boss is a stickler for manners, and she hates tardiness,” he winked.

  Chapter 10 ~ Valerie

  In awe

  Pushing past the feelings that were overwhelming him, Flynn managed to inspect the new studio, and now and then I’d catch him scrutinizing me when he thought I wasn’t paying attention. Listening to the way he spoke with authority about the technical equipment was a real eye opener. I learned that he didn’t just make music—he’d studied what the sound producers and technicians did as well.

  James and Ryan were full of ideas for producing the new band’s album, and Flynn’s eyes were alive. They shone with excitement at the thought of being totally in charge of how he’d like his music to be delivered to the public.

  After a lot of discussion, he tried out some of the instruments and loved the new custom Gibson guitar I’d bought for him with Craig’s help. He’d thought it was a birthday present and still had no idea why I really wanted it for Flynn.

  The most surprising moment was when Kayden braved it out and got on the drums. Without any effort, he beat out the song Flynn had been singing to test out the acoustics in the glass booth. My heart felt full watching my brother come to life and act that spontaneously. It had been the first time I’d seen a real glimpse of the old Kayden from before we lost part of our hearts to our brothers’ memories.

  “Fuck, Kayden, where did you learn to play like that?” Flynn asked, genuinely shocked.

  “I used to take lessons when I was in high school,” he replied with a sheepish smirk.

  “Jeez, you have a serious talent there, dude, you should have auditioned for the band.”

  Kayden visibly grew in stature at Flynn’s compliment, but my modest brother shook his head. “I’ll leave that to the professionals, dude, but I really enjoy playing percussion. I’d love the opportunity to jam with you for fun, anytime.” Kayden glanced at me, “Come on Valerie, pick up the bass and let’s go again with the last song.”

  I smirked, immediately flushing with embarrassment that Kayden would drag me into making a fool of myself in front of everyone.

  “Yeah, I forgot you played, I’ve never heard you. You can play bass guitar?”

  “She can play any guitar,” Kayden replied with pride.

  Several of the others present coaxed me to the point where it was getting silly, so I picked up the bass guitar and pulled the strap over my head. “One song. That’s it, no more,” I felt embarrassed to be put on the spot like that.

  My efforts were tentative at first but the sounds we were making began to take over and I lost myself in the music and trying not to make any mistakes. Before long, I was really enjoying it. I was doing fine until I glanced at Flynn, my beautiful, talented and hot boyfriend. I couldn’t help grinning at the fact I was playing guitar, and accompanying a rock star, my rock star, playing a song he’d written about me and thought, pinch me I’m dreaming.

  Two hours later, we were lying in bed having made love very quietly in my bedroom. Something about the silent intensity of our heated slow build had thrilled me in a different way from the dominating force Flynn usually displayed once inside me.

  Flynn’s body glistened with sweat, and I lay on my back breathing in sharp gasps of air. I felt both exhausted and exhilarated, and wondered how that was even possible.

  Flynn’s eyes met mine, and all I read in them was pure love. “You are insatiable, Flynn Docherty,” I smiled affectionately, and tried to sound like I wasn’t party to instigating what we’d done. A wide, devilish smile donned his beautiful mouth as his eyes widened.

  “At least I had time to put the condom on this time,” he chuckled. “It’s you. All you. I have issues controlling myself around you. I’ve never known anyone who makes me horny just by smiling, the way you do.”

  We lay quietly, our limbs entwi
ned in one another while my fingers drew what I’d thought was a secret message of love across his belly.

  “I love you with all my heart as well, babe.”

  I lifted my head and grinned, “You were paying attention,” I smirked.

  “Valerie, where you are concerned I’m always paying attention,” he responded, in all seriousness.

  After that, we lay silently staring at each other while the air became thicker between us. The longer we lay without talking, the more apprehensive I became about talking about the studio.

  “That was such a cool, awesome thing you did for me, Valerie. It blew me away. How did you pull it off? I’m concerned it’s a massive investment, but I’ll find the money from somewhere. How did you find backers?” he asked.

  Nervous tension steeled my body, and I prayed he’d see the studio as a solid business model. “Martin and Adam are the backers,” I stated feeling proud that my brothers’ names were living on in that way.

  Flynn swiftly propped his body up onto his elbow and rolled on his side to face me, “What did you say? How can you even joke about them?” he said, looking perplexed.

  “Seriously, my dad gave me the money my parents received for their loss. They were given compensation because the tour company was found negligent in their safety procedures. My dad figured we should use the money to invest in you. I have to be honest with you, Flynn, I knew about the money before I suggested being your manager. The coolest thing was that you trusted me, and had no clue I had funding to back me up.”

  “You used the money for the studio? Are you fucking insane? I can’t take it. How can I ever pay you back? I don’t mean in money, I mean—”

  “Stop. This is business, Flynn. Do you think I’m a sound business person?”


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