Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn) Page 20

by K. L. Shandwick

  When we’d been driving to pick her up that morning, I never thought my world could land right-side-up just a few hours later. Once again, I was confident what I’d said to Valerie that day was the truth. Everything would be okay in the end. We just had a few more humps to climb over.

  Chapter 22 ~ Flynn


  Lee must have spoken to Niamh because when we got home the dining table was set for a romantic dinner for two. In the oven, she’d left some beautiful chicken stuffed with her very own special concoction of mushroom, cheese, herbs and spices. Sweet potato wedges laced with chili powder, and some asparagus tips were in already on plates and sitting in the warmer.

  Valerie slipped off her shoes as she entered the house and padded barefoot down the hallway. She hummed her pleasure at the mouth-watering aroma as we wandered in the direction of the kitchen.

  “I think someone gave Niamh a heads-up you were coming home,” she smiled wickedly.

  “Not me. I wasn’t taking anything for granted with those hormones of yours. By the way, I hope whatever she’s made for dinner doesn’t require the use of steak knives, I’ve heard how pregnant women’s moods can turn like the weather.”

  Valerie lifted a linen napkin off the table and threw it at my chest. “See! That could just as easily been a pan of boiling oil,” I smirked.

  Gesturing toward the hallway Valerie bit her bottom lip as her eyes raked over me still standing in her comfy sweater that was stretched beyond recognition, and pointed toward the hallway, “Is this the male version of a woman wearing a man’s shirt the morning after a night of passion?”

  Smiling innocently I shook my head and answered, “Well, to be honest, I think I look fucking hot in this,” I said, playing along before an idea formed in my mind, “But we’re not wearing clothes to eat this evening. Friday night is naked dining night in Chicago. It’s tradition.”

  I knew Valerie hadn’t totally forgiven me for how I’d behaved, but she went along with me as I tried to keep the mood light between us. I watched her slowly cross her arms and her fingers curled under the hem of the t-shirt. In one smooth movement, she swept it over her head. She discarded it at her feet and called my bluff, “Your turn,” she encouraged, lifting her chin as she gestured to me to follow.

  My dick instantly tented my boxers as the heat I’d felt back at the shoot rushed back into my veins. I smiled slowly and thought that despite our low point yesterday, and all the crap we still had to face with that, we’d ride those waves together.

  “That’s not really fair you have more items of clothing on than me,” I said, pretending I was miffed.

  “Then that will teach you to tamp your urges better, Flynn Docherty, sometimes you have such poor control.”

  “Agreed, but just looking at you makes me lose my shit,” I reasoned.

  “Come on or the food will get cold, take it off.”

  I knew she meant the sweater. I was only wearing those and my boxers, so I decided to take off my boxers.

  Grabbing the sides of them, I quickly dragged them down my legs and stepped out of them. My dick was standing proudly in front of me, and her eyes dropped to look at it. It was a second before she glanced back at my face. Her top teeth had automatically bit into her bottom lip causing my smile to nearly split my face when I saw the look on hers.

  “Go on then, I’m waiting,” I’d said more sternly. I crossed my arms and waited. I took my weight on one hip expecting her to take her pants off. She surprised me by removing her bra next, and I became enthralled by her heavy breasts. My girl’s cleavage was awesome before she’d been pregnant, but they were truly magnificent since she’d been carrying our child. I knew they were also extremely sensitive, and it took nothing to elicit a breathy moan from her when I touched them.

  My instinct was to dip my head and feast on them, or at the very least, cup them in my hands, but Valerie ignored my objectifying stare and placed her hands on her hips. I wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard when I saw the smug expression on her face.

  “Seems I have you at an advantage, Flynn. Take off my sweater I want to take my fill of you,” she said in a confident, demanding tone. My dick stretched tighter in its skin. She’d made me so fucking excited I had wanted to skip dinner and go straight to dessert. However, I’d wanted to remind her I was the boss when it came to our sex life. So I played along and pulled the sweater up over my head. Sparks of electricity crackled in the air and my hair instantly clung to the wool as I tugged my head out of the small neck opening.

  “See I told you I was hot in this,” I said playfully as I dropped the sweater to the floor. Valerie’s gaze dropped to view my swollen dick again before they trailed slowly up my body until a heated look passed between us. Her breathing had quickened, and there was a moment where the air grew thick between us. I almost pounced on her, but turned and wandered over to the fridge instead.

  It was a delaying tactic to stop myself from pouncing on her as soon as we were both naked. I swiped a beer off the glass shelf, and orange juice from the door for her. I took a bottle opener out of the drawer, and sat in the chair with my legs wide. I had no problem being naked. Valerie smiled and tried to look comfortable watching me.

  “What are you waiting for? Off…take off your pants,” I demanded in a stricter tone.

  Her eyes must have seen the hunger in mine, and she stopped smiling. Slowly her hands slid into the waistband, and she wiggled it over her ass before she pushed her pants down her beautifully shaped legs. Stepping out of them she kicked them away with pointed toes.

  My eyes scanned up from her feet to her hips, and all that was left between me and her naked body was a light purple silk and lace thong. Adrenaline fueled my response, and my heart beat hard in my chest at the sight of her. My head was clear of all thoughts but one. She’s stunning. “Sit down on the chair, Valerie,” I’d said in a soft low tone as I tried to remain controlled.

  Our eyes connected and I watched as she licked her lips. In one fluid movement, she lowered onto the chair while she held my gaze. I was mesmerized by the way she looked at me. Her beautiful form was right there in front of me and I wanted to fuck her senseless. I wanted to reclaim her because only the day before I’d been unsure we’d ever share what we had again.

  I leaned across and dragged her chair with her still in it until her whole body was facing me and I’d had an uninterrupted view of her. “Relax, slouch a little so your ass is on the edge of the chair I want to see all of you.” Without challenge, she did as I’d asked but her legs were barely parted.

  “Open your legs.”

  “Jeez, no. I’m a pregnant woman, Flynn.”

  “My pregnant woman, babe. And you’ve never looked more beautiful, do what you’re told,” I said, with a wink.

  “Why should I?”

  “Why shouldn’t you,” I threw back.

  She glanced bashfully, but I could see I was turning her on. A few seconds later the tension left her, and her legs fell open. I pulled my chair closer and stopped a couple of feet in front of her to view the thin lust-stained patch on her lilac panties.

  “God, Valerie I can smell you’re excitement—I fucking love that I do that to you.” I leaned over and traced the edge of her thong, slipped my middle finger past it, and felt the rich warmth of her slick wet folds. “All this for me?” I whispered as we stared almost trance-like into each other’s eyes. I traced the length of her swollen pussy and sunk my finger inside to the first knuckle. She was ready for me. A soft, breathy whimper left her throat as my girl spread her legs wider, and dropped her head back extending her gorgeous sexy neck.

  I dropped my eyes to her pussy and leaned toward her until my face was inches above her lap. Valerie leaned forward and took my face in her hands lifting it to look back at me. Our connection was instant with her touch, “I love you so much, tell me you love me,” she said with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

  Like she even had to ask me to say it, “Baby, I love you more than I
love anything else in this world. I love you even more than I love toast,” I’d said smiling wickedly, and was rewarded by her beautiful lips curving into a genuine smile.

  “Oh, my, goodness, Flynn, that much?”

  I nodded and suddenly dipped my head from her hands to suck on her neck, “You are mine, Valerie Darsin. M.I.N.E.” I punctuated between kisses. “I. L.O.V.E. Y.O.U. Let’s eat.” I said straightening in my chair before I lost control and fucked her where she sat. I was worried that she wasn’t eating regularly enough, and pushed my desires aside to take care of her. I knew her well enough to know that her appetite was the first thing to go off when she was under stress. I’d already noticed she’d only had a few bites of her sandwich at lunch.

  “Don’t move. I’m going to take care of you tonight. You need some tender loving care from your man after yesterday,” I said in a serious tone.

  “I’m okay.”

  “You’ll be better than okay when I’m done. Trust me, this isn’t up for discussion. I’m the boss of you at home, remember?”

  I plated our food and sat close to her, “Open.”

  Valerie eyed the food on the fork and smirked then opened her mouth.

  “Mmm, so good,” she extended her head and moaned as her gorgeous mouth chewed her food.

  My eyes trailed from her face down her long slender neck to her heavy tits with those hard peaked nipples. My dick twitched at the sight. My idea to eat naked had backfired on me. She continued to eat until her plate was clean and leaned back rubbing her bare, swollen belly. As far as I was concerned, the whole task had been exquisite torture.

  “That was awesome, I’m stuffed,” she’d said, puffing out a long breath.

  Trying to ignore my urges I ate my own food quickly then headed upstairs to fill the tub while she set up all her cameras to charge in my office. By the time she’d joined me I was turning off the faucet to a full tub.

  “Wow, Flynn. Are you sure you have enough bubbles in there?”

  Glancing at the bath water that resembled whipped cream and stood higher than the side I smirked and shook my head, “Hmm, not sure, you think it needs more?”

  Valerie giggled, took off the small string thong and took my upturned hands as I helped her step into the bath. She giggled when the soapsuds came up to her chin.

  “Okay maybe I did go a little overboard with the bubble bath,” I laughed and scooped a few handfuls of bubbles into the sink. Valerie lay down, disappearing beneath the foam before sitting up sharply after wetting her hair. The froth clung to her face and hair, and she laughed her—the sweet sound warmed my heart.

  I took a washcloth and knelt at the bath beside her, “Lie back,” I encouraged her, in a gentle tone. Leaning back slowly, Valerie laid her head on the small plastic cushion attached to the end of the bathtub. Taking the wet cloth, I squeezed it down her front making a hole in the soapsuds. I repeated the process until I had a good view of her tits and belly then started to wash her front in long leisurely sweeps with the silky froth. Valerie had been watching me, but her eyes grew heavy.

  I’d thought she’d fallen asleep until she groaned with contentment at my ministrations. The tension that was present in her before seemed to melt away in front of my eyes. After a few minutes peeked at me through her eyes that were only small slits, “Thank you, but I need a better pillow. Are you coming in?” she asked with a half- smile.

  As I was already naked, I quickly slid in behind her, sat down and spread my legs settling her in between them. I pulled her back to rest against my chest, and Valerie’s silky soap slicked body felt like paradise once we were skin to skin. I ignored the ache that had grown once again between my legs and was thankful to be home with her.

  We stayed in the bath for another ten minutes like that, still and silent. Being together in that quiet time was what we’d both needed to feel close to each other. Afterward, I’d dried myself, then dried Valerie I took her to bed. Her body was floppy and stress-free, and I was satisfied she’d been taken care of.

  Sliding into bed, I spooned her body and pulled her close. Valerie wriggled until her ass was completely hard up against me. My arms cradled her with one tightly over her belly, and the sudden feeling of tranquility that washed over me almost stopped my heart. I lay quietly cradling my precious family into the night.

  Holding her and our unborn child tightly, I knew that no matter what my future held, I’d protect them with my life. Valerie’s breathing went slow and deep, and I knew she’d fallen asleep. I’d achieved what I’d set out to do that evening, and my girl was asleep in my protective arms, it was only then I gave into my own tiredness.

  Chapter 23 ~ Valerie

  Facing fears

  I was glad I’d pushed the complexities of our relationship aside and let Flynn love me. One night without him had been hell. After our first day of filming the music video, he really took great care of me. I’d felt cherished. His concern for my well-being was touching, and when he’d wrapped his arms around me in bed that night, I felt calm, loved and safe, no matter what else we’d faced.

  The video shoot took two days in total because of lighting issues in the warehouse, and how tired the band got when they played and performed continuously, but the finished result was incredible. RedA looked like a well-seasoned band with a sharp, edgy rock image. Even Keller commented on their ability and how together they were for a new band. He’d been a dream to work with and an amazingly patient mentor. I’d felt so honored to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

  Simone had come up with the goods. RedA’s band image was definitely signature. She’d given them a unique, eye-catching look, but with a traditional rock star image. The new RedA band logo in black and red sat proudly on the skin of Jonah’s bass drum and had been replicated onto every piece of classy merchandise known to man.

  Stills from the video shoot and other images I’d captured during filming were already heading to the printers to have programs made for their tour. And I’d set up a charity auction site for survivors of traumatic events, using the remaining pictures I had, which were to be signed and sold after the band’s launch.

  As far as my work with the band was concerned, I’d taken things as far as I could until Bernie’s court hearing was finalized. I had been itching to get started with the launch because the band was all set. I was fifteen weeks pregnant, and at that point, it was time to let Jonah, Lexi, and my brother know I was having Flynn’s baby.

  Flynn was cute when he crept up behind me and surrounded me with his arms, whispering secretly in my ear, “Are you going to tell them I’ve seen your fu-fu now?”

  Laughing out loud, I turned in his arms to face him, and his hands dropped down to my lower back and ass. “Did you just call my vagina a fu-fu?”

  Flynn smiled with a glint of humor in his eyes, “You don’t like that?”

  I swatted his arm and pushed away from him as he chuckled and pulled me back against his chest. Our eyes connected in a heated gaze for a moment, and he shook his head slowly like he hadn’t believed how happy he was. That little gesture set my heart on fire all over again.

  “Okay, listen up everyone. Flynn and I have something we need to share with you,” I said sounding very authoritative.

  Lexi was packing her guitar away in its hard case, and Jonah was dismantling drums with the help of one of the old crewmembers from Flynn’s Major ScAlz days. Both stopped mid-task and looked in my direction, but before I could speak Flynn’s voice interrupted me,

  “As you’ve all probably guessed I’m fucking nuts in love with this amazingly talented woman. She lights up my world and makes me feel deliriously happy. Luckily, I do it for her as well because we’re about to sign up for another new release. Baby Darsin-Flynn is releasing in the summertime.”

  Bending toward me he smiled and looking very proud of himself asked, “Did you see what I did there with the new release?”

  I bit my lip and rolled my eyes, but felt delighted to see him so enthusiastic about
sharing our baby with everyone. Simone grinned excitedly, “Finally, do you know how many times I’ve almost slipped up?”

  Lexi looked a little awkward like she had no idea what to say then made her way over to me, “Congratulations, Valerie. How many weeks along are you?

  “Almost fifteen, right, babe?” Flynn quickly interjected.

  I didn’t miss the uncomfortable look she cast at Flynn or me and figured she’d remembered hitting on him, and probably while I was already expecting his baby. I saw that as her problem to deal with, and moved quickly on to getting things packed up. When I glanced at Jonah, he was non- plused storing one of his drums in a box.

  A few minutes later, Lexi came over and cleared her throat. “I need to apologize, Valerie. I was completely out of line at the beginning. If I’d known…”

  “Apology accepted, Lexi, you weren’t to know. Not that, it should have made a difference, but we’ve managed to get past all that now. As long as you leave the band members alone, I don’t have any issues with you.”


  Directly after the shoot, Flynn and I were flying back to Iowa and the rest of the band was flying in at the beginning of the following week. Lee drove us home, he groaned his displeasure when he’d found two girls sitting outside the gates. They couldn’t have been more than fifteen years old, and had large backpacks with them. Lee stopped the car and got out to speak with them while Flynn and I remained silent in the car. “What’s with the backpacks? Are they going to camp out here?” I’d asked curiously.

  Watching Lee speak to them my heart sunk a little. The return of Flynn’s fans immediately made me feel on edge. I wasn’t sure if that was because I was vulnerable or because I’d been enjoying him all to myself for a while. It reminded me that although I was his and he was mine in the privacy of our own space, in public he was regarded as everyone’s property.


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