The Valentine Verse: A Contemporary Christian Romance

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The Valentine Verse: A Contemporary Christian Romance Page 34

by JoAnn Durgin

  “Such as?”

  “It explains why there was always something there between Charlotte, Tom, and Jennifer. Between my mom and dad, and between them and me. As a kid, I couldn’t possibly know all the underlying dynamics. They loved me, but it’s almost like I was the adopted child whose mother lived nearby. It was almost as though—because of the circumstances of my birth—they couldn’t love me freely as their own.”

  Vara’s heart ached for Thornton all over again. “You have been so devoted to Charlotte. Rosalinda told me that she has loved you like a mother, and you have loved her like a son. After seeing you together, I can only agree with that assessment.”

  He nodded. “Rosalinda told me the same, but she does not know this information. Not yet. We will tell her soon enough, but I firmly believe God has brought her and Bastiaan together again after all these years. Even Charlotte can’t deny that much.”

  Smoothing strands of dark hair away from his forehead, Vara lifted Thornton’s chin so he’d meet her gaze. Such beautiful eyes. “I’m sure Charlotte has regrets, but if none of that had happened, then I wouldn’t be sitting here with the brightest, most inventive, and exciting man I’ve ever known.”

  “You really believe that, Vara?” Thornton rested his chin on the top of her head. Then his lips found her forehead, leaving a soft kiss there, warming her skin.

  “I do. Does Sherman have any children?”

  Thornton blew out a breath. “As a matter of fact, he does. Two sons and a daughter. Four grandchildren.”

  “Does Sherman know that Charlotte intended to tell you on this trip?” She kept her voice gentle. “I’m assuming that was uppermost in her mind in bringing you here. And me, by extension.”

  “I believe so, yes. As crazy as it sounds, I came to Bonaire as an only child, an orphan, and now I have a mother, a father, and step-siblings.” Shaking his head, he ran his finger in a haphazard manner over the sand.

  “Have you ever met them? The children or grandchildren?”

  “They’ve been at the church on holidays through the years, so I’ve met them. I have the feeling there might a really odd family reunion coming up in my future.” Appearing shell-shocked, Thornton raked his fingers through his hair, leaving them there. “I need to get to know Sherman all over again.

  “Sherman has been in my life all along,” he said. “He’s been at the church, on the Town Board, and I’ve worked alongside him on many projects. The fact that they’ve harbored this secret for years is what might take some time to wrap my head around. There are so many things to consider now.”

  The truth of his words sank in and settled deep within her. Cupping Thornton’s face between her hands, Vara kissed him. “I know you might not be able to see it now, but this might be a big blessing in disguise.”

  “I’m trying not to judge their behavior,” Thornton said. “I’m sure Charlotte wanted to protect Tom Jr.—my dad. The man I thought was my dad. It’s not like I want to stir up a hornet’s nest. I’m not the only love child in the history of the world.”

  “In spite of the circumstances, you’ve had a great life filled with love and many blessings.”

  Thornton stared at her for a long moment. “There’s something else that makes all this much more hopeful, Vara.”

  She gave him her hand. “What’s that?”

  “Rose and I had a discussion recently. We both knew there was something holding Charlotte back from coming to know Jesus. We realized there was something from her past where she felt that she’d done something the Lord could not forgive.”

  “She said the same thing to me before I came out here to find you. Do you think now that she’s confessed the truth to you that she’ll be ready to give the burden to the Lord?”

  Thornton kissed her forehead. “That’s my greatest prayer.”

  “You’re a good man, Thornton Fielding, and I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Vara.” Jumping to his feet, he reached for her hand and pulled her up beside him.

  The wind tousled his brown hair, and his eyes were bright, the green flecks dancing. That was encouraging to see.

  She smiled. “It’s going to be okay.”

  He visibly swallowed. “I know. It might just take some time.”

  “As long as you can forgive them, Thornton. Forgive Charlotte and forgive Sherman.”

  “There is no fear in love,” he quoted as they walked together. “But perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.”

  Vara squeezed his hand. “We love, because He first loved us.”

  Thornton stopped walking and tugged on her hand. She turned and they looked at one another for the longest moment. “Vara, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  She smiled. “Thornton, if you’re thinking this trip has been one of amazing revelations, and that we should take a step forward in our relationship, then yes, I’m thinking the same thing you are.”

  They both lowered to their knees on the sand and, reaching for her hands, Thornton laced his fingers with hers. “Vara Marie Alexandris—”

  “Thornton James Fielding.”

  Hearts in sync, they’d spoken their names simultaneously.

  “Will you…?” Her smile came from the very depths of her heart.

  “Marry me?” Cradling her face between his hands, Thornton gazed at her with an overflowing love that threatened to steal the very breath from her lungs. “Will you allow me the honor of spending the rest of my life loving you and making you happy?”

  A tear slipped down her cheek. Overcome with happiness, Vara slipped her hands over his. “Yes, I will marry you, and I promise to spend the remainder of my days keeping you content.”

  Vara lifted her lips to his. She’d never felt so alive. His arms held her, but it was her heart he’d captured so completely and would hold forever.

  This was the man God had intended for her all along.

  Resting her head on his shoulder, Vara’s smile one of the sweetest contentment she’d ever known. “I know this sounds like words in a fairy tale, but if this is a dream, I wish never to awaken.”

  “Well, this prince is all too real. As much as I’m enjoying this, my knees are aging as we speak.”

  Rising to her feet, Vara pulled his hand. “Come then, old man. Let me walk you home.”

  “Which home?”

  Vara stopped and smiled. Although teasing, Thornton’s question was poignant with meaning. As he’d told her on Valentine’s Day, home isn’t just a place, a building with protective walls to keep intruders away. Home is a place for private, shared moments. Home is a place where love resides.

  “Home in my heart,” she whispered. “That home.”

  “Great answer.” His arm slipped around her waist as they began to walk on the beach together, the sand warm between her toes. “Since we’re so close, I say we hop on over to Ft. Lauderdale when we leave Bonaire. I’ll want to try and make a good impression on your parents and convince your dad that I’m the guy who really wants to marry his oldest daughter.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. They’ll love you, Thornton. You and Tony, especially, will have fun getting to know one another.”

  “And we need to find an engagement ring for you. Whatever you want.”

  “We’ll discuss that later,” she said. “I only have one request, if you’re willing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A honeymoon in Greece?”

  He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I was thinking the exact same thing. We’ll take the whole family. Make it a big fat Greek wedding. What do you say?”

  “I say I do love you, and you have no idea what you’re getting into.” Vara laughed. “And I can’t believe I’m going to marry a man who’s never even seen where I live! How do you know I’m not a total slob?”

  Thornton laughed. “Then we’ll be messy together. You know I can’t sing.”

  “You can cook, but that’s not true about the
singing,” she said. “When you sing it comes from your soul. That’s the way God intended. He wants our worship full-on.” Vara nestled into the curve of his arm, loving how well she fit. Thornton was the man God had reserved for her even before her birth. “This is the place I’m meant to be.”

  Amazing love indeed. How sweet the sound.

  Moving ahead of her, Thornton walked backwards a few paces, facing her. Then he took her hand and quickly spun her beneath his arm before bringing her to him once more. Pressing her close, their bodies moving together, he held her as they danced to a rhythm and a song only their hearts could hear. Like they’d done that night in Cherish after the Valentine Dance.

  “I’ve never felt so cherished in all my life.”

  “I’ve never been so content.” He pressed a tender kiss to her hair. “A beautiful place to be.” Then Thornton took her hand again. “Let’s go talk to Charlotte. On the way, I’ve got another story for you.”

  “Oh?” Swinging hands with him, they headed down the beach in the direction of their adjacent bungalows farther down the way.

  “I got a job offer today. I think you’re going to love what I have to say.” He kissed her temple. “It means I can stay in Cherish with occasional trips to Texas. What I love just as much is that you agreed to marry me on faith, without even knowing I have this news to tell you.”

  “Now I can’t wait to hear this story!” She stopped walking and turned to face him.

  “Have you heard the story about Commander Will Lewis and the space shuttle Pursuit?”

  She swallowed, and her eyes grew rounder. “Of course. Do they want you to build a static model of the Pursuit shuttle?”

  Slipping his arm around Vara’s shoulders, Thornton chuckled. “Not quite. Let’s back up a second. First, I need to tell you the story of a man named Sam.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Late September

  Nafplio, Peloponnese Peninsula, Greece

  Vara danced in the arms of her husband while everyone she loved most in the world celebrated on the veranda farther up the side of the hill. They’d found a private spot on the beautiful but wild mountainous landscape overlooking the ruins of Mycenaean palaces, ancient temples, frescoed churches, and countless medieval hilltop castles built by the Crusaders and the Venetians.

  “My grandparents are giddy with excitement, my parents are enjoying a well-deserved second honeymoon, and my brothers and sisters are having the time of their lives.”

  Thornton smiled. “Then it’s a good thing we decided to marry here.”

  “I’d say so,” Vara said. “To think after all these years, the Lord brought Rose and Bastiaan together again. Charlotte is a new creation in Christ, and Sherman is here with her...for you. Never in my life has God revealed Himself and His ways to me as much as He has in the past few months.”

  Twirling her in a circle, Thornton pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Life doesn’t get any better than this.”

  “He knows our sorrows and our pain, but He rejoices in our faithfulness and wants us to have the true desires of our heart.” Lifting her head, Vara smiled. “In case you’re wondering, that means you. You’re the true desire of my heart.”

  “And you have me, from this day forward.” Thornton kissed her temple and rested his cheek upon hers. “We have each other.”

  Today, Vara truly felt like a princess in her long, flowing, off-the-shoulder white wedding gown with seed pearls that sparkled in the reflection of the waning sun. The ends of her long veil fluttered in the wind behind her. She’d worn her hair down for her husband, in the way he liked, and he wore a traditional black tuxedo like no other man in the history of the world.

  Their family had stood with them—all of them—as Sam Lewis had performed the wedding ceremony. She hadn’t even had the opportunity to meet him yet, but she’d trusted Thornton when he told her Sam was the man he wanted to join them together in holy matrimony. The distinguished, tall man from Texas had spoken lovely words of God’s love and shared Scripture.

  Resting her head on his chest, Vara slipped one hand beneath Thornton’s tuxedo jacket, resting it above his heart in the way she loved to do. “I love hearing the strong beat of your heart. You sound very healthy.”

  Kissing the top of her head, Thornton covered her hand with his. She gazed into the dancing brown eyes of the man she loved. “You’re a very handsome man.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Smiling, he lowered his lips to hers for a tender, sweet kiss filled with promise for the life they’d share. “You are beautiful and my forever valentine.”

  She angled her head to the two men silhouetted in the fading, glorious sunset. They were nearly of equal height—both in black tie—the taller one wearing a black Stetson, the other man sporting a dark brown Stetson. “That’s a sight I never would have expected to see.”

  Thornton nuzzled her cheek. “Sam wrote a book for men based on godly principles that’s been a bestseller for years. It’s basically a how-to manual advising men how they should treasure and cherish their wives and based on scriptural principles.”

  Vara lifted her chin. “All in good time. For now, I want to hear my husband tell me a bedtime story every night. A private one reserved only for me. And I’ll do the same for you.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” Thornton kissed her, slow and sweet.

  She took him by the hand. “Come on. Let’s go talk with the Lewis brothers for a few minutes so I can thank them both for being instrumental in my husband’s life. Then we’ll say our good-byes to our families and guests, and then…” Vara lifted her brows up and down with a coy smile.

  Thornton chuckled as they walked together. “I love you, Vara Fielding.”

  “That has a very nice ring to it,” she said.

  “Sure does.” Wrapping his arm around her, Thornton drew her close to his side. “Perfect fit. Right where you belong.”

  “Now and forever, Mr. Fielding.”

  The End

  See the complete listing of all of JoAnn Durgin’s

  books on the next pages!

  Books by JoAnn Durgin

  The Lewis Legacy Series

  Prelude (Prequel)


  Second Time Around

  Twin Hearts






  Still to Come in the Lewis Legacy Series:




  The Wondrous Love Series


  Love So Amazing

  Love So Divine

  By Grace Draw Near

  The Starlight Christmas Series


  Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

  Starlight, Star Bright

  Sleigh Ride Together with You

  Starlight in Her Eyes

  Heart’s Design Novels

  Heart’s Design

  Gentle Like the Rain

  Standalone Novels

  Catching Serenity

  Echoes of Edinburgh

  Perchance to Dream

  Whisper to My Heart

  The Christmas Challenge

  The Valentine Verse

  For more information on all of JoAnn’s books

  (with purchase links), please visit her website!




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