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Sanctified Page 13

by Maggie Blackbird

  “The vamp.” He slyly grinned.

  “Oh? I’m a vamp now?” Flattering, but how had he perceived his ex-wife? Maybe Raven should ask. “Question.” She rose off the desk.

  “Fire away.” Jude packed up his briefcase and laptop. He put on his parka.

  “Why’d you get married really young?” The question was what anyone would ask, so he might not suspect she was digging for information.

  He gripped the briefcase and laptop case. “Because I believed it was right for us at the time.” He motioned at Raven to follow.

  She switched off the lights.

  They left the classroom.

  “That’s a really boring answer. I can admit why I saw Sully.”

  “Ah, Sully. The ex-gangbanger, or is he still gangbanging?” Jude fell in step beside her.

  “Still gangbanging.” He kept her pace—something Raven hadn’t noticed until now. And he’d let her initiate the pace for sex, their talks, and even walking down a hall.

  “Is he in or out of prison?”

  “In... I think. Not sure. But I think he’s in again.”

  “And?” Jude held open the door.

  “And what?” Raven stepped outside to a slight chill. She peeked around at the empty parking lot. They were safe.

  “You were telling me why you agreed to date him.”

  “Date.” Raven guffawed. “We called it hooking up, getting together, shacking up.”

  “Okay. Why shack up?” Jude gazed at her.

  “He had money and drugs.” Raven hugged the books to her chest. “What did... “ Here went nothing. “What did she have?”

  Jude’s eyes narrowed. “Nothing. I thought she was... someone different, but she proved me wrong.”

  “I’m sorry.” Raven was.

  “Don’t be.” Jude hit the switch on his keys, and his truck started. “Live and learn.”

  “Are you over it?”

  “Do you mean am I still in love with her?” Jude stopped at the truck and opened the passenger door.

  Raven got in. “Yes.”

  “I learned feelings change colors.”

  Colors? A person either loved someone or they didn’t. Her heart pinched.

  Jude set his briefcase and laptop in the back. He got in the driver’s side. “She’s the mother of my children. Therefore, I respect her. I don’t wish ill health on her or anything.”

  “You don’t?”

  “It took me a long time to feel that way. I hated her at first, but I wasn’t going to use the kids against her. That’s not fair to Noah and Becky.”

  “The accepting she’ll always be a part of your life kind of thing?”

  “Yep. We aren’t friends. But we’re not enemies. We’re co-parenting two kids we created who mean the world to us.”

  They rolled away from their spot.

  His answer warmed Raven’s skin. “I never saw boo of her. I mean, I was away from here since I was sixteen.”

  “There’s nothing to see.” He shrugged.

  “Did she visit a lot?”

  “On holidays. She preferred to have the family at our house.” Jude guided them to the familiar road leading to Geoff’s Camp.

  “She didn’t like the rez?”

  “I wouldn’t say she didn’t like it. She simply didn’t know what to make of it. When she was here, we stuck to the house and church.”

  “You were the same way.” When Raven had returned, she’d never seen Jude around. Except the one time he’d showed up at the diner with Emery and Darryl.

  “Like I said, I never grew up here. Thunder Bay was my home. Don’t get me wrong. I like Ottertail Lake. I think of it as my second home, but more so ‘cause my parents live here.”

  “If they didn’t...”

  A sheepish smile spread across Jude’s face. “I probably wouldn’t have visited. Yeah, I’m a band member, but there’re lots of band members who’ve never visited their home reserves, like Adam.”

  “He’s from a rez in Manitoba.”

  Jude nodded. “I can’t see him moving there.”

  “Neither can I.”

  They rode the crazy winding road with bare brush almost closing in on the truck.

  “Is your mom watching the kids?”

  “Yep.” Jude’s hand snaked across the seat, and he entwined their fingers. “I missed you.”

  Gah, he had a way of making her knees turn to mush. Even squeal like an excited little girl on Christmas morning. No guy had ever admitted to missing her, even Sully, and they’d shacked up for three years.

  “I...” She’d never told a guy this—ever. “I missed you, too.”

  “I like the way you flutter those lashes.” Jude’s deep voice caressed Raven’s quivering knees.

  “I fluttered my lashes?”

  “You sure did. Were you being coy or a bit on the bashful side?”

  Bashful? Her? But she had been. “You got me. You’re the first guy to make me blush. Consider it an honor.”

  “I’m honored.” He squeezed her fingers again.

  The truck rolled up to the spot where they’d... had sex? Wrong. They’d had more than sex. They’d gently but urgently given themselves to each other.

  Raven squirmed. “Did you bring tea?”

  “No tea.” Jude opened the door. “C’mon, now that I know you vape, you probably need to, right?”

  “Smart man.” Raven got out of the truck. “So no tea, huh?”

  “Not tonight. It would have gotten cold. I brought pop instead. You want a cola?”

  “Sounds good. Get it for me, pretty please? It’s perfect for vaping.”

  “Gotcha.” Jude swiveled and headed to the truck.

  Raven dug inside her pocket and withdrew her e-cigarette. She puffed.

  Jude returned, carrying the colas. “One for you.” He held out the can.

  “Thank you, gorgeous.” Raven took the offered drink.

  The boyish dimples appeared on Jude’s face. “You like to tease, hmm?” He slipped his free arm around her waist.

  Raven was drawn against his chest, still holding her vape and pop. His dark eyes sparkled.

  “I know what this look means now,” she murmured.

  “What look?” His words twinkled just like his eyes.

  “That you’re being playful. That you like being teased.” She pecked his lips.

  “Teased by you? Definitely.” His words didn’t twinkle this time. They sparkled.

  She was wrapped in the sparkles he rained down on her, as if he had a wand like in those kiddie cartoons she used to watch, a princess being gifted with all her dreams.

  His lips covered hers. She melted her mouth with Jude’s and sampled the fresh scent of cola. Each light pucker he offered wound her into a warm blanket that he hugged around her shoulders. Gentlemanly. Although the cold nipped at Raven’s exposed skin, kissing under the stars was the most romantic place to be with him. Alone. Surrounded by the sea of spruce trees.

  He broke the kiss. Through sleepy eyes, he gazed at her. “Care to join me in the back seat?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Raven tucked away the e-cigarette.

  He took her hand, lacing their fingers as he guided them to the truck. Peaceful. Only their breaths appearing as white puffs on the air and the crunch of his boots along the snow.

  Jude opened the back door.

  Raven climbed in. She shrugged off her parka and set the heavy coat in the front seat. Jude did the same. His teal-blue sweater brought out the dark color of his skin. Black dress pants hugged his firm thighs.

  “I rather like how you dress up.” She cuddled up against him. “You’re metro.”

  “You mean metrosexual?”

  “Mmm-hmm. A metrosexual ‘Nish.” His arm wrapped her shoulder, and she rested her hand on his flat stomach, rubbing. His strong abs contracted beneath her palm. For once, she wanted to give something back, because this sexy man was des
erving of a gift. And every man loved a blow job.

  She walked her fingers along the button of his pants. His lips moved into a light smile. He bent and kissed her. While he smothered her lips with his, she caressed his hard-on through the plush material of his pants. His low moan filled her mouth. When she worked open the zipper and button, his waiting cock edged out from beneath his underwear.

  Raven broke the kiss. “Let me. I’ve been wanting to check out your goodies ever since you first stood front and center in the classroom.”

  “Oh? You did?” He more than grinned, eyes crinkling.

  “Sure did.” She lightly skimmed his length with her nails. “The lighting sucks, but maybe I can see well enough.”

  If his grin got any wider, it’d stretch to his ears.

  She scooted along the seat. His prick was before her. Straight, long, and thick. His scent was as ripe as him after being tucked away all day inside his underwear. She kissed the head, and he gasped. Maybe she did feel a bit vampy. In the past, she’d always brought a man to his knees. But screw showing off. This was about making Jude feel good. His pleasure was her pleasure.

  His erection feathered her mouth, and she slid the tip between her lips. Warm. Hard. He pumped, his length moving in and out, filling her as she clamped tight and sucked in rhythm with his thrusts. The gasps and groans coming from him elicited sweet throbs in her panties.

  Even his tempo was the same teasing strokes he’d used when they’d last come together, meant to coax her into submitting. Moistness invaded her panties. So much heat between her legs.

  The only sound was Jude’s gasps while he stroked her hair. She licked the tip of his cock. Delicious. As handsome as him. She sucked on his length, moving up and down. His fingers danced along her backside, tracing the bumps of her spine. For a moment she almost lost her rhythm because his exploratory touch was a mixture of sweet and sensual.

  “Oh geez.” He moaned again. “Raven...”

  “Mmm.” She wasn’t answering. Sucking him off felt way too good. He was deep in her mouth, wet with her saliva, rutting smoothly between her lips. The suction produced by the friction they were generating was a light smacking sound toying with her cunt. Her thighs begged to open, spread out to take all of him.

  “I need you. I wanna come inside you,” Jude murmured, his voice pure silk that seemed to skim her clit.

  “I need you, too.” She popped up. “I wanted to give you—” Never mind.

  She did her best to worm out of the painted-on jeans, which wasn’t an easy feat. While she wiggled free, he kept touching her. Fingers tugging at her panties. Palms cupping her ass. Hands caressing her thighs. His dark eyes on fire. Licking his lips. Gaze full of awe.

  Finally, she worked off the jeans and mukluks. Bare ass, bare cunt, and ready to get on him. She slithered onto his lap and silently cursed her height, because she was grazing the ceiling.

  “Easy. I’ll do the work so you don’t hit your head.” He drew her against him.

  “We need a bed,” she whispered.

  “Maybe I can arrange that.” His cock eased inside Raven.

  “How?” His wide girth stretched her skin. Her favorite part—being opened by him.

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  She said nothing and let him fuck her.

  Chapter Fifteen: Run with Me

  “I meant to ask you something.” Raven nestled against Jude’s shoulder. She’d already planted her feet on the headrest of the front seat.

  “What’s that?” Jude’s mouth grazed the top of her head.

  “When we were last together, you told me not to worry about protection. You, um, guaranteed me we were safe. We didn’t use protection again.”

  The sound of Jude wetting and smacking his lips carried through the hum of the truck. His chest heaved slightly.

  Raven stiffened. He couldn’t have something like a low sperm count. He had two children.

  “I had a vasectomy.” His answer was quieter than the stillness of the night.

  Disbelief surged through Raven’s veins. Weren’t Catholics not allowed to use birth control? She straightened and stared at him. “Uh... I thought you couldn’t—”

  A deep breath came from Jude’s mouth. “I told my brother once, if I didn’t practice birth control in my marriage, I’d have eight kids back at the house, not two.”

  “Which method?” This wasn’t good at all.

  “She used the birth control shot. I can’t remember what the actual name is.”


  “After we separated, the kids were devastated. Noah’s grades dropped. He did nothing but hide in his room. Becky had nightmares almost every night. It took me six months to get them to finally sleep in their own beds. Seeing them like that pissed me off. Pissed me off enough to explode. I never felt that kind of anger. Ever.” His words were harder than concrete.

  Raven stroked her thigh. “I’m sorry. It still bothers you, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, it does.” He almost barked his reply. “They see her once a month on the weekend. And on holidays. They’re leaving on Friday for Kenora. Then they’ll spend the March break there. At the end of March, they’ll be on a plane again for another weekend visit.”

  Jude ground his teeth. “No kid deserves that. None. I won’t even have them for Easter. It’s part of our custody arrangement. She gets them on holidays, besides one weekend a month. Over Christmas, I woke up to Emery and Darryl’s dogs in my face. They drove the ice road to stay at my place. Guess they didn’t want me waking up on Christmas Day alone. Dad celebrates Mass here on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The folks didn’t fly in until Boxing Day.”

  He leaned in and clasped his hands together. “Before Christmas, I gave myself a present. No more kids. No more split homes. No more nothing. I wasn’t gonna put another child through what my kids already suffered.”

  Raven bowed her head. He truly didn’t want a woman to become a part of his life again. Then why should she care? This was their second official date. They both had differing dreams. Once Clayton won the election, she was buying the diner.

  Jude set his hand on her knee. “I was angry at the time, but when I moved up here...” He blinked. “The anger faded. I started to... change. The kids are changing.”


  “Yeah.” He cast a solemn gaze. “They needed the change. They’re used to being up here. They loved coming up here to visit their grandparents. Now they see them all the time.

  “Noah misses Kyle. Bridget and Adam’s son. They went to school together. Best friends, besides cousins. Noah also misses hockey. But the recreation supervisor teaches them. There are only two teams here, which means not much competition. He’ll miss his golf lessons in the spring. Curling.”

  “Will you eventually go back? They’re only seven and eight, aren’t they?” She held her breath.

  “It depends on how much their extracurricular interests grow. The rec supervisor is great with the kids, but he doesn’t have the skills the other coaches in Thunder Bay have for teaching hockey. The same goes for golf. Curling.”

  “Emery attended high school here.” If Raven’s stomach kept dropping, her intestines would hit the truck floor.

  “Yeah, he did, and there’s a lot of stuff he missed out on. I taught him golf when he moved to the city for university. I taught him how to curl. When he showed up, he—”

  “Was totally bush?”

  Jude winced. “Well, he wasn’t very fashion savvy. Hiking boots. Old t-shirts. Jeans he should’ve donated to charity. Bush accent.”

  “He dresses like that now. It sounds like he’s happy with himself.” There was nothing wrong with looking bush. The fashion industry had gone crazy for the plaid, grungy style in the nineties that was the norm up here.

  “That’s Emery. He’s content hunting, fishing, trapping, camping. He loves the outdoors. I guess he made the best decision for himself. Marrying Darryl. Moving ba
ck to the rez. The only time he dresses up is for church.”

  “You said your kids love it up here.” Why was Raven trying to point out the benefits of reserve life anyway?

  “They do. They’re adjusting fast. They’re turning eight and nine this year. High school is still a few years away.”

  “The vasectomy thing. You plan on it only being the three of you?”

  Jude wet his lips. “I... I did.”

  His hesitation produced hope in Raven’s melancholy heart. Then she sat back, picking at her pants. It’s our third date. I shouldn’t care. I never used to care.

  “I... Excuse me.” She pulled on her mukluks and parka. Without saying anything further, she left the truck. The snow never made a sound as she quietly walked away from the daytime running headlights of the truck.

  She withdrew her vape from her pocket and inhaled. Gloom and doom knotted her shoulders.

  The truck door slammed shut. Jude’s boots squashing against the snow carried to where she stood.

  “Hey...” His voice had lost its direct tone.

  “Um, we should get going. Your mom probably wants to call it a night.” Raven needed to call it a night. What was she doing out here anyway?

  Jude’s arm draped her waist, and she stiffened.

  “I mentioned the kids’ll be away this weekend.”

  She nodded and sucked on the vape again.

  “I’d... hey.” Using his thumb, he gently prodded her chin upward. “I’d, uh, I’d like us to spend the weekend in the city.”

  The gloom and doom vanished. Shock shimmied down Raven’s spine as she faced him. Hope filled his eyes, even pleading. Her feelings did mean something to him. He truly liked her. He wanted more from her than—what?

  “Uh...” She’d never gone away with someone, unless the drive to Brandon for a drug deal Sully had been negotiating counted. And there’d been nothing exciting about that.

  “How much does it cost?” Yes, the reserves up north had their own air service to make purchasing a flight easier for band members, and to haul fuel, freight, and other big items, but Raven made minimum wage.

  “Don’t worry about it. There’ll be a ticket waiting for you. See if you can get Friday afternoon and all day Saturday off.” Jude’s eyes glittered.


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