Biker Beach 1: Forbidden Ride

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Biker Beach 1: Forbidden Ride Page 2

by Archer, Lexi

  “Just consider this a tip for his rude behavior ma’am,” he said.

  I blushed, and I was also surprised that he would call me ma’am. He was gorgeous, he was cocky, he exuded the confidence of a much older man, but for all that he didn’t look much older than me. He wouldn’t have been out of place at a house party on campus. Except I guess in one respect he’d be a little out of place. Guys at those parties liked to act tough, liked to act like they were cock of the walk. Only they were mere puppies compared to the wolf that I saw in this man.

  I blushed and looked down again, barely managing to mumble out a response.

  “Thank you.”

  I looked up and he was grinning, though there was something else there. Something odd. A look I’d seen plenty of times before, but it was odd seeing it coming from this delectable biker standing before me. His eyes glanced up and down, so quick that I would’ve missed it if I hadn’t been looking right at him, and I got even wetter. I was glad I’d been working on my tan before school got out, because otherwise it would’ve been painfully obvious that I was turning as red as a beet. It would’ve been a painfully obvious just how much this encounter with this wonderful man was turning me on.

  Turning me on? Well, if I was going to be perfectly honest with myself then I guess that was exactly what was going on. He was gorgeous, he was a dangerous, and he did just step in and save me while everyone else in the Freeze Hut was hiding in the back refusing to deal with the bikers.

  Yeah, suddenly I was thinking this biker was pretty damn sexy.

  He leaned against the counter. “I’m Reno, by the way.”

  I giggled. Giggled! Part of it was because of just how ridiculous that name sounded. It sounded like a name some kid would choose because they were trying to sound tough. But that wasn’t the only reason I was giggling.

  What was wrong with me? This guy leans against the counter, smiles, tells me his name, and suddenly I’m giggling like I’m back in middle school with my first crush on a guy? What was this man doing to me?

  “Nice to meet you Reno,” I said. “Can I help you?”

  His hand was still encircling mine, large, powerful, and driving me absolutely wild. Suddenly he wasn’t holding my hand. He traced a finger along the top of my hand causing my hair to stand on end, causing a tingle to run down my spine, causing an even more delightful tingle to rise again between my legs. I took a deep gasping breath and tried to control myself.

  “Oh I don’t know,” Reno said in that deliciously deep voice. “I bet you have something that I want here.”

  I blushed and looked down. The intensity of his gaze, the way he was staring at me, the way his eyes ran up and down my body as he said that. It left absolutely no doubt into in my mind as to exactly what it was he wanted. Only it was so wrong. It was so forbidden.

  If I even breathed a word to my parents that I found myself attracted to a biker on the beach they’d threaten to keep me at home for the rest of the summer. Which I suppose was a great way to get out of working for the summer, but that would also mean no more having fun at the beach with my friends. No more going out to the mall. Basically no more fun until I got back to school in the fall.

  I had to get control of the situation. I took a deep breath, forced myself to meet his gaze even though it was making me weak in the knees.

  “Is there anything on the menu I can get for you?”

  Reno chuckled, a deep rumble that made me feel lightheaded as I listened to it. Damn. Just listening to the caress of his voice was nearly enough to make me cream in my pants! Who was this man and how was he able to do this to me?

  “How about a vanilla cone and your phone number?”

  I was going through the motions of ringing him up at the cash register before everything he said finally sank in and registered in my brain. I blinked and looked up to him, not quite trusting myself that I’d actually heard him say what I thought I heard him say.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said I’d like a vanilla cone and your phone number. I didn’t think that would be too much to ask.”

  Oh my God. It was definitely a good thing that I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt here in the Freeze Hut. If I was in a tank top or one of my swimsuits then he’d be able to see me turning bright red from top to bottom. It didn’t matter how tan I was. The blush was just that intense. The dizzying mix of feelings coursing through my body were that incredible.

  “But you don’t even know my name!”

  Damn it. Smooth. Real smooth. An incredibly sexy biker asks me for my phone number and the best thing I can think of is that he doesn’t know my name? It was oblivious behavior like that, smooth comebacks like that, that made me miss out on dates with some of the hottest guys in school back in high school, and it appeared that a year of college hadn’t done anything for me despite all the practice I got while I was away at school.

  “So what’s your name?”

  “Kylie,” I said.

  He grinned, a grin that melted my heart and set my body on fire.

  “Nice to meet you Kylie,” he said. “Now how about that ice cream and that phone number?”

  My mouth worked silently. I tried to think of something smooth to say, but nothing came out. Part of me was surprised that this incredibly sexy man would be interested in my phone number in the first place. Another part of me was thinking about how my parents would kill me if they knew I’d given a biker my phone number. And I had no doubt in my mind that they’d find out soon enough thanks to Mr. Reynolds standing behind me watching. One of the problems of going to work for an old family friend.

  I hated myself for doing it, but there was no way I was giving this man my phone number.

  “You can have the ice cream,” I said. “Hold the digits.”

  His face slipped for a moment but then the smile was back. I had to admit he was good. Not that I expected anything less from a smooth operator like this who could casually walk up and threaten one of his fellow bikers in one breath and then ask for my phone number in the next. I had a feeling there were hidden depths to this man, hidden depths that I wouldn’t have minded exploring if it was another time. Another place. If he was anything but what he was.

  I was about to ring him up, about to go get his ice cream, when to my surprise Mr. Reynolds appeared at the register.

  “I’ll take over from here Kylie,” Mr. Reynolds said. “I need you to go to the back and help with the stock.”

  I glanced between Reno and Mr. Reynolds. A part of me didn’t want to leave. A part of me very much wanted to extend my interaction with this gorgeous creature for as long as possible. If I wasn’t going to give him my phone number, if I wasn’t going to get to see him again, then at the very least I wanted to spend as much time as possible at this window basking in his presence.

  With a sigh and one last quick smile for Reno I turned and made my way towards the back. The girls were all waiting and they started shrieking as I made my way into the stockroom.

  “Oh my God Kylie!” Madison said. “Did you see that guy?”

  I tried to play it off casual. Tried to act like I didn’t really care. The last thing I wanted was for the girls at the Freeze Hut to think I was interested in that biker stud. It just wasn’t appropriate.

  “Yeah, he was okay,” I said.

  “Okay?” Madison asked. “That had to be the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. What was he like?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. He was nice enough.”

  “So did he say anything to you?” Courtney asked.

  Again I decided to play it casual. Decided to act like it was no big deal even though my heart was still beating fast, even though my breath was still coming in quick gasps, even though I could still feel the heat of my blush and the heat of something so much naughtier than a simple blush between my legs.

  “Oh he didn’t have much to say. He just wanted my phone number,” I said.

  More shrieking, to the point that I was seriously worried I was going
to go deaf if they did that many more times. The Freeze Hut wasn’t that big, and the storeroom in the back was positively cramped compared to the rest of the place. Those shrieks created an echo that was downright earsplitting. I put a finger to my ear and twisted it just to make sure everything was still working correctly.

  “You slut!” Madison said.

  “So did you give him your number?” Courtney asked.

  Madison rolled her eyes and turned to face Courtney with hands on her hips. “Of course goody-two-shoes here didn’t give him her number! He’s hot, but he’s with those bikers.”

  I bit back the smart comment that came to mind. Madison had no idea, but the last thing I needed was to get in an argument with her in the stockroom.

  “I don’t know,” Courtney said. “Maybe he could take you for a ride!”

  My mouth dropped open. That was the last thing I would’ve expected from Courtney.

  “Courtney! That’s not appropriate!”

  “So if that hunk was up there trying to hit on you then what are you doing back here?” Madison asked.

  I glanced over my shoulder. “I think Mr. Reynolds picked up on that biker hitting on me and didn’t like it so he sent me back here,” I said.

  Madison sighed a wistful sigh and it was clear her mind was somewhere else. Probably at the front of the store where that hunky biker had been, imagining what it would’ve been like if she was the one up there having him ask for her phone number. She probably would have given her digits over, but she didn’t have my dad to contend with.

  “Well whatever,” I said. “If Mr. Reynolds is going to hold down the fort up front while the bikers are out there then we might as well get some work done back here.”

  “You always were a party pooper Kylie,” Courtney said.

  I tried to concentrate on work. I tried to concentrate on restocking the shelves. Only it was difficult to concentrate on anything. The walls in the Freeze Hut were notoriously thin, Mr. Reynolds apparently didn’t believe in insulation even though it’d probably save him a fortune since he spent so much on air conditioning and freezers, so I heard every rumble of a bike’s engine as they went past on the boardwalk outside.

  And every time a bike rumbled past, shaking the walls, we all looked up. I could think of nothing but Reno, how incredibly hot he’d been. How he’d ask me for my number and I’d just casually shot him down.

  I have to admit there was a part of me that regretted having to do that, even though there was a larger part of me that was relieved and figured I’d made the right choice. Better not to get involved with that type, no matter how sexy he was.

  Still, thinking about him, thinking about the kind of ride that I’d like to take with him, was more than enough to get me through the rest of my shift. I was still thinking of him and how nice it would be to see what those muscles looked like underneath that tight t-shirt well after the bikes had stopped their rumbling and it sounded like the bikers finally gave it up for the night.

  Chapter 2: Forbidden Ride

  Mr. Reynolds didn’t cut us loose until well after dark. By that time the families had returned, and then the families were slowly replaced by teenagers and college kids around my age who descended on the boardwalk in the evening to have a little fun. Thankfully the Freeze Hut didn’t stay open into the morning like some of the businesses. When it got late the boardwalk was populated by belligerent drunks. Honestly I’d rather take the bikers than the drunks any day of the week.

  “So we’re hitting the beach tomorrow?” Madison asked.

  I shrugged. “Sounds fine with me.”

  “Yeah, I’m in,” Courtney said.

  “You coming?” Madison asked.

  Madison was holding the door open, but I was preoccupied with catching up on all the messages I’d missed while I was at work. Mr. Reynolds wasn’t big on us having cell phones out while we were slinging ice cream which was one of the few annoying boss habits he had. I waved Madison on and she must’ve left because the door bumped against my shoulder. I heard her car start up and pull out of the parking lot, Courtney usually rode with her, and I figured I should start for my car too.

  I was so thoroughly distracted that I jumped when the air was suddenly filled with a loud rumble and a bright light cast across the parking lot.

  I looked over to the other side of the lot and I saw a shadowy figure sitting there on a bike. At first a bolt of fear ran through me and I worried that it might be that older asshole who caused trouble at the shop earlier, but as I looked closer I saw broader shoulders. The outlines of a handsome face in the darkness.

  No, that wasn’t the older asshole biker. That was Reno. The fear coursing through my body was still there, just different. I found myself blushing again, my breathing picking up and fire coursing through my body.

  I don’t know why I did it, but I was walking over to him. I barely knew this guy, and yet there was something about him that drew me to him. Something about him that made me want to be near him. I knew he wasn’t the type I should be interested in. I knew my dad would kill me if he saw me with a biker. And yet I didn’t care. I kept walking.

  What was wrong with me? What the hell was this spell I was under?

  I reached his bike, purring quietly under the trees designed to break up the line of sight between the beach and the road on the other side of the boardwalk.

  He looked up at me and smiled. I melted.

  “You know, you could go for a ride with me. Forget the phone number,” he said.

  I glanced at the Freeze Hut, back to Reno, and then to my car. It was odd how the normal reminders of my everyday life were sitting here right in front of me, reminders of the life I was supposed to be leading, and yet what I wanted more than anything was to hop on the back of his bike and ride off with him. Ride off with a man I barely knew!

  He was temptation in a tight fitting t-shirt and it was driving me wild. The feelings were new, they were unknown, more than a little scary and like nothing I’d ever felt before.

  I loved it.

  But no. I really didn’t know him. I really didn’t know enough about him. He seemed nice enough, but going for a ride on his motorcycle was too risky. Too daring.

  I glanced down at the bike and licked my lips.

  “You like what you see?” he asked.

  Oh God did I like what I saw. The bike, the boy sitting on top of it. It was all so sexy. So delicious. The purr of the motor. The cocky smile on his face as he casually leaned over the bike and stared at me with a hunger he wasn’t even bothering to conceal.

  “C’mere,” he said. “You’ll like it even better up close.”

  I don’t know what I was thinking. I probably wasn’t thinking. The only thing that ran through my mind was how dangerous he looked sitting astride that motorcycle. How sexy he looked straddling that bike in his tight t-shirt that showed off his ripped muscles and his even tighter jeans that showed off... Oh my God!

  My eyes widened as I saw just what he was packing in his jeans, as my body caught fire. As I thought of how incredibly hot this entire situation was standing in my work parking lot with a biker on his bike in front of me inviting me to go for a ride.

  I wasn’t thinking. I was feeling. I wasn’t in control of my actions. I just had to be close to him. I felt lightheaded. I felt like doing something potentially fun but incredibly stupid.

  He took my hand and a spark danced up my arm straight to my heart. He pulled me towards him and that spark danced down to my stomach where it set the butterflies already out in full force there fluttering, and then the spark moved lower to where it set my body on fire and made me not care one bit how wrong this was.

  Heck, knowing how wrong, how dangerous this was might’ve been part of what was setting my body aflame in the first place.

  So it was with a spirit of not thinking, not believing what I was doing, of just going where my feelings took me, that I found myself throwing my legs over Reno and sitting in his lap with his motorcycle purring un
derneath me.

  Oh my God.

  Straddling Reno on his bike would’ve been a hot enough experience, but as soon as I sat down on him I could immediately tell he was very happy to see me. His hard cock pressed up against me, and I couldn’t help but grind myself against him as he looked up at me in wide-eyed surprise and let out a quiet groan.

  He wasn’t the only one who was feeling a little bit of wide-eyed surprise, but his reaction made me giggle. It was so ego stroking seeing him act that way and all I had to do was sit on his lap. It made me wonder what other fun reactions I could get out of this mysterious, insistent, and oh-so-sexy biker stud.

  Of course if that reaction was part of the fun, if it was driving me crazy feeling his cock pressing against me, well that was nothing compared to the singularly delightful experience of feeling the vibration from the motorcycle pressing up through his body against me. Sure I had a plastic pal of my own that I brought out from time to time, but that was like a kid’s toy compared to the powerful vibration of the motorcycle motor purring underneath me. Suddenly I was starting to understand why girls seemed so happy when they were riding behind a guy.

  “Oh my God that feels great!”

  He grinned. “Glad that I’m getting such a strong endorsement.”

  I decided not to tell him I was talking about the feeling of that motorcycle motor vibrating up through his body and causing that incredible sensation between my legs.

  Besides, he felt nice too.

  I decided to do something silly. Something completely impulsive. Something absolutely crazy, especially considering it would only take somebody from the late crew opening the door to the back of the Freeze Hut and seeing what I was doing with this delicious biker and suddenly my dad would know everything and I’d be grounded for the rest of the summer.

  But I didn’t care. I was a woman possessed. I had to have this. Had to have him. He was my whole world in this moment.

  So I leaned down and planted my lips firmly on his. His eyes widened in surprise, and then his strong arms wrapped around me. It was so incredibly intimate and I didn’t even know him beyond knowing I wanted him. Needed him.


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