Mine, All Mine

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Mine, All Mine Page 10

by Dayna Quince

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Chance turned to Dominic.

  “That doesn’t make the truth of it hurt any less,” Dominic replied. He would dearly love to hit something, preferably Chance for hurting Lilly, but his need to go to her and soothe her was stronger.

  “I should go to her.” Chance mirrored his thoughts.

  “No, let her grieve. She’s lost the life she once knew and any hope of regaining it. Tomorrow we can start fresh."

  “I guess you’re right, Dom. I’ll see you in the morning.” Chance wearily stood and made his way to his room.

  Dominic stared moodily into the fire as the minutes ticked past then made his way upstairs. He checked to make sure Chance was in his chamber before detouring to find Lilly. He needed to see Lilly, to know that she was going to be all right before he could even attempt to sleep tonight. The flash of pain in her eyes earlier was like a knife through his heart. He only hoped she would speak to him, let alone allow him to give her some measure of solace.

  He knocked softly on the door. When no one answered, he quietly entered and closed the door behind himself.

  “Go away, I don’t want to see anyone right now,” a small, sad voice said from the wingtip chair by the fireplace.

  “This is my house.” He moved to sit in the chair next to her. “I can come and go as I please in any room.”

  “Your arrogance is too big for this room. Please go.”

  “Not without seeing you laugh first.” He smiled charmingly.

  “You’ve gone mad,” Lilly snapped. “My life is ruined and you think laughter will help?”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic, Lilly, you’re still breathing. You can still hear, see, smell…touch,” he said as he took her hand in his. He softly caressed her palm in languid circles with his thumb. “Taste…” He stood and pulled her out of her chair and into his arms. Looking down into her sparkling eyes, he lost his head.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice was soft and low.

  “Showing you how enjoyable life on the outside can be. One doesn’t need high society to truly live. To enjoy all five senses and luxuriate in them.”

  “You’re a rogue,” she said, but there was no edge behind it.

  Dominic smiled as he bent his head to touch her lips with his. He knew he shouldn’t be kissing her, shouldn’t be standing in her chamber—with her in only a dressing gown to boot.

  “Touch…” he whispered against her lips then softly licked her lush bottom lip. “Taste…” He could feel her melting against him, the tension in her small frame slowly easing.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” Her lips caressed his as she spoke, and her arms snaked up around his neck, her fingers playing with the hair at his nape. “Mmm…touch.”

  “That’s right,” Dominic said, then he nuzzled her hair and breathed deep. “Smell.”

  Lilly giggled as his evening beard tickled the sensitive skin of her neck. “What about hear?”

  “I can hear you giggling, minx,” he said against her skin.

  It only made her giggle more, and then outright laughter broke free.

  “Ah,” Dominic said, “I have succeeded.”

  “You are a rake.” Lilly pulled back and looked into his eyes. “But somehow I don’t think you are the cold-hearted man you want everyone to think you are.”

  “You think you know me so well?”

  “I can see you, Dominic. I can see the goodness in your heart.”

  “Is that why you let me so close to you? You trust me here in a bedroom?” He smiled wickedly.

  Lilly was silent for a moment. She looked deep into his eyes, into his heart—his soul. “You wouldn’t do anything I already didn’t want you to do.” Her words were sultry in the shadowed room. The fire crackled loudly and shed wavering light throughout the room, touching everything but the bed that rested in the shadows, the nightstand candles having long ago burned out.

  Dominic tried to mentally break free of his desire. He did not come here to seduce Lilly, didn’t even mean to kiss her or hold her, but somehow here they were. Body to body, caught in a web of passion neither of them could deny.

  “I want to feel alive, Dominic. I want to feel free and feel you with me.”

  Chapter 15

  “Those are dangerous words, Lilly.”

  “What more do I have to lose? It’s the last choice I can make on my own, my decision, my needs. I have no other rights in life, but at least I can choose who will make love to me. My virtue is all I have left."

  “Don’t, Lilly,” he said with strain.

  His muscles were tense under her hands, locked against the desire he held in check from her. She wanted to push him to let go. She knew he wanted her; he had said so from the very beginning of their acquaintance. What was stopping him now? Honor? What an insignificant emotion to separate them after all that had happened. Even if it was just for tonight, they were not bound by honor and duty; they were bound by desire.

  “I want to give—”

  “Shhhh…” He kissed her again, pulling her tight against him.

  Lilly nearly lost her breath when he swung her into his arms and carried her to the bed. She was scared and excited; her body begged for the warmth and security he offered. She didn’t want to think about consequences, didn’t want to think about tomorrow. All that mattered to her was this moment. He had created a private, sensual world just for the two of them, a world where Lilly could explore her own passions and desires.

  He placed her gently on the bed and then stood to remove his jacket. Lilly stretched languorously as she watched him from under the hood of her lashes. She watched as Dominic took off his waistcoat and began to unbutton his shirt. His features were shadowed, the firelight casting a surreal glow around him, inducing Lilly into a fantasy. She reached for the tie of her dressing gown.

  “No, wait,” Dominic said. “I want to undress you.”

  The words sent shivers down her spine, closely followed by liquid fire as his hands followed hers and he gently tugged on the sash. He opened her dressing robe and spread it wide, devouring her body with his gaze. With one hand, he softly cupped her breast and grazed his thumb over the aching peak. He reveled in every soft intake of breath and heavenly sigh. Lilly was quickly becoming lost in the sensual heat spreading through her. Dominic pulled her hips to the edge of the bed and slid her nightgown up to her thighs so he could step in between. He bent over her, stroking her neck and collarbone, playing with the frilly, chaste neckline. His caress moved lower, over the swell of her breasts, and he molded his hand to them both, feeling their weight, loving them.

  Lilly tensed in anticipation as his head dipped lower, his mouth achingly close to the tip of her swollen, tingling skin. She was much too warm in her simple cotton nightgown. The shock of his mouth was like a lick of fire. He drew her into his hot, wet mouth, rasping his tongue across the fabric against her sensitive flesh. He moved to her other breast to provide the same sensual torture. Lilly was digging her fingers into his forearms, unable to do anything else but feel, luxuriate, and ride out each onslaught of pleasure. Under her fevered gaze, he unbuttoned the first few buttons of her gown and spread the halves. For a moment he looked, and then began to reignite her skin with trails of kisses over her collarbone and breasts.

  Lilly was unable to contain the low moan that escaped her. The pleasure was alarming, and yet she never wanted it to stop. He began to undo more buttons. Feeling the need to touch and explore, she idly stroked his muscled arms. She lovingly stroked each swell and curve, moving over his shoulders, his neck, and then his heavily sculpted chest. Dominic smiled as she played, following the opening gap of her gown with his lips and tongue all the way to the last button just below her navel.

  She shivered as he pulled her nightgown up to her hips, and his hands seductively stroked her calves and thighs. His tongue dipped and played in her navel. He moved lower, kissing the back of her knees, first the right then the left. He kissed and licked his way all the way up
her legs until Lilly thought she would scream. She was being sensually tortured; nothing in her life had ever felt this sinfully good. She thought her body wouldn’t take any more when he kneeled between her legs and felt his hand touch her inner core. He stroked her gently, massaging her dampness into the soft feminine folds. Much to Lilly’s surprise, she became wetter. He gently slid one finger into her, stroking and soothing, pushing deeper to stretch her and stoke her inner flames.

  Lilly unconsciously spread her knees wide, giving him more room to play and pleasure her. It was as if her body was in control, instinctively knowing how to move and accept the decadent torture. She tilted her hips up and Dominic groaned in approval.

  “Yes, Lilly,” he said gruffly, “more.”

  She complied instantly, beginning to move with him as he reentered her with two fingers, stretching her boundaries even further. Lilly moaned louder, now caught up in the ancient rhythm that fed her roaring passions. She didn’t think she could handle any more when she felt his warm tongue slide over her. She gasped. She was so sensitive it was almost painful, and yet it pushed her pleasure further into the sensual abyss.

  He licked and flicked his tongue around the delicate bud until Lilly was tangling her fingers in his hair and biting her lip to keep from screaming. With one hand, he penetrated her over and over, and with the other he cradled her bottom to keep her hips tilted toward him. He tortured her mercilessly until he sensed she was on the brink of release. He pushed her over the edge, not wanting to deny her the heaven her body was reaching for. She groaned wantonly as a delicate shiver raked her from head to toe. Her climax came and went, leaving her shattered like thousands of falling stars.

  Dominic was overcome with desire. Watching her climax so sweetly and erotically had shredded his control. Coming to his feet, he quickly disposed of his trousers and moved Lilly up the bed, nearly shaking with his need for her. He had wanted her for so long, had never meant to take her this night, but now he was lost. Tonight he needed her just as she needed him.

  He positioned himself at her core, leaning over her as her eyes fluttered open. “Tell me to stop, Lilly,” he said desperately, but as her eyes focused on him she smiled and shook her head. He took her mouth in a rough, soul-searing kiss, and thrust all the way home. She was so wet and hot there had been almost no resistance. Almost.

  He felt her tense as he breached her maidenhead, felt the bite of her nails in his skin. He held her tightly against him, and Lilly instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips, gasping as he penetrated deeper. He slowly began to move, gently at first, and then steadily. It didn’t take Dominic long to reach the peak, and Lilly was right behind him. He kissed her hungrily, absorbing her small cry as they reached the summit of bliss and he poured himself into her. He felt shattered, like a wall inside him had been broken down and each heavy thud of his heart was crumbling stone. His chest swelled with emotion, and he clenched his eyes shut as he collapsed on top of her, satiated.

  Finally returning to earth, Lilly reveled in the sated weight on top of her. She hugged him tightly, her heart nearly bursting with happiness. Never before had she felt such peace. It was as if a missing piece had fallen into place, a piece of her heart.

  Dominic unwrapped himself from her limbs enough to shuffle them under the covers and remove Lilly’s nightgown once and for all. He settled her against him, her head resting on his shoulder, her hand resting over his heart. She stared dreamily at the fire, not wanting to break the silent peace and complicate the night with words. For now, they settled in a cocoon of warmth, taking succor in each other.

  Chapter 16

  Dominic rose before the sun and reluctantly left Lilly warm in her bed. There were too many things to do today—questions to ask, inquiries to make, and decisions to be put into action. Dominic realized as he entered his chamber to bathe and dress that he had really made a muck of his investigation, and yet he couldn’t give a damn. The time of intrigue was over for him, now was the time to live. He would save Lilly, throw her bastard of a stepfather in New Gate and then…

  His mind seemed to halt on this next step, for he wasn’t quite sure what the future would hold for him. He wanted to marry Lilly, of that he had no doubt. The mere thought of her as his wife was like a warm caress around his heart. He could marry her and spend the rest of his life making love to her. The possibilities were endless. His days would be filled with the mundane chores of an earldom, but the nights—and even most mornings and afternoons…

  There was only one problem with his fantastically rosy future. He didn’t deserve Lilly. He didn’t deserve her love. He was a killer. He killed for his country, but the damage was all the same. The blood of men forever stained his hands, and it didn’t wash away. He killed for money, he killed for the greed of kings and diplomats, he killed for secrets spilled and secrets kept. He was not a man; he was a monster. The life of a spy was not one he had chosen. It chose him. People who you couldn’t refuse chose him, and Dominic had just been lucky to be good at it. He was never meant to be the earl—that was his brother’s job—but, alas, life always has a way of changing things irrevocably, and one has no choice but to follow along. He was alone now with no family left, which was all the better. He didn’t know how to be in a family anymore. He had spent too many years alone, lurking in alleys, living in shadows, and masquerading as various people. How could he ever deserve her, her love, the family they would make together? He didn’t deserve any of those things.

  Dewy entered after knocking softly on the door. Dewy was an informant-cum-valet that Dominic had stolen as a boy from a nasty French count, who had twisted ideas about his staff and their purpose. Dewy was a very good rat; he was brilliant about finding information without ever being seen or heard.

  “I have a mission for you, Dewy.”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “I want you to return to London and find out where Mr. Hollow has been hiding. He is a shipping merchant that has been accused of treason. Find out where he is, who he’s got working for him, and anything else that seems crucial. You can leave this morning.”

  “But who will dress you, sir?”

  “I can take care of myself, Dewy. This matter is much more pressing.” Dominic laughed. Dewy adapted very quickly to what he termed a “luxurious position in an earl’s household.” He had become quite comfortable as a valet.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Dominic finished washing and dressing, and headed for his study. He needed to make contact with Lord Douglas and tell him some, if not all, the information he had gained thus far. He was hesitant to tell him about Lilly. He didn’t want to risk Lord Douglas making rash and unjustified actions just for the glory of the kill.

  The sun was up now as he sat behind his father’s aged mahogany desk. He never imagined himself in this role. As the second son, it was never destined to be his, and his volatile relationship with his father had pushed him into the military at the tender age of nineteen. For years they didn’t speak, neither wrote, and Dominic had not even been told when his brother died. Until now, his life had been cold and joyless.

  Lilly’s presence was like a light, spreading warmth and peace throughout the dark crevices of his soul. Places Dominic hadn’t known had died and withered. But now he could feel them. The walls were coming down, fires were being stoked, and a spark of happiness was beginning to grow. She was a balm to his soul, a new beginning, and a very happy ever after—if he deserved such a thing. He wanted her, needed her, and would stop at nothing to have her. Dominic felt obsessive, possessive, a man on the brink of insanity, and he had only had her once. Once would never be enough. He was truly sunk, head over heels in liquid bliss for a woman he had only met weeks earlier. Was this love? Was he capable of love? After all the years of murder, secrets, and plain old debauchery, did he deserve to love? To be loved by Lilly? The biggest question of all, could he stop himself from loving her? Would he even be able to control it? In all the tragic love stories of Shakespeare, no one ever
decided to love, it just happened. If he loved Lilly, and he was beginning to believe he did, he would never stop loving her.

  A knock interrupted his thoughts. Dominic looked around his desk and realized he had gotten nothing done. All he could do was think about Lilly. “Enter,” he finally said.

  Chance poked his head in. “Am I interrupting?”

  “No. In fact, you could probably run this estate better than I.”

  “Well, my father is a duke, and being that I’m his only son, I’ve been taught estate business since I was four.” Chance laughed. “Don’t forget you also have three other country estates and the townhouse in London to look after.”

  Dominic groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “I’m hopelessly lost.”

  “You’ll survive, Dom, you always do. Did you rest well? You look a little weary.”

  Dominic didn’t know how to respond. He hated lying to Chance, but couldn’t tell him he had spent the night with Lilly, in Lilly, wrapped around Lilly. Dominic nearly groaned. “All right, I guess. Has Lilly risen yet?”

  “Probably catching up on her beauty sleep now that she doesn’t have to make you breakfast.” Chance winked. He sat down before the desk.

  “I guess it would be normal for a young lady to sleep in.”

  “It takes a lot of energy to be Lilly—she’s quite the hostess, diligent friend, and party attendee.”

  “Social butterfly, is she?” Dominic asked with curiosity.

  “So to speak. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. She’s always kind to the wallflowers and the shyer gentlemen just starting to wife-hunt. Too kind sometimes—they get attached, you know. She can sing, play the pianoforte, dance exquisitely, and carry a conversation like she invented it.”

  “Trying to sell her to me?” Dominic smirked.


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