September Tango

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September Tango Page 15

by Scarlett Jade

  “Can I come in for a second?”


  He opened the door and found her on the computer. “How did shopping go?”

  “Good,” she smiled, barely looking up from the screen.

  “So, I take it that means you found a dress?” He asked impatiently.

  “Mhm. I found one. She found one. We got shoes. The end.” He heard plink coming from her speakers.

  “Who you talkin' to, Layla?” He leaned against the door frame.

  “Just a guy,” she muttered.

  “Who is 'just a guy'? I don't think I've met him before.” He smirked and crossed his arms.

  “His name is Darren. I go to school with him. He's nice. I like him.” She glanced up quickly at Calvin. “If you must know, he's my boyfriend.”

  “Is he good to you?”

  “Yeah, he is. Now leave me alone and go curl up with your woman.” She waved him away.

  “Fine.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thanks for being a great sister.”

  She wiped at her forehead in disgust. “Eww... Of course, Calvin, it's what I do.”

  He laughed softly and closed her door, heading to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed up quickly, giving himself a shave before he went back to his room. He eased his door open and his heart skipped a beat at the sight on his bed. She was curled up on her side, tangled in his sheets. A shaft of moonlight was coming through his window and had illuminated her form. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of insanely tiny pink panties. Her skin was luminous in the silvery light. He groaned softly as he kicked his shoes off and stripped down to his boxers. She was entirely too desirable. He crawled up on the bed and eased under the covers. She shifted slightly, and then her breathing went back to normal. He pulled her into his arms and simply held her. She curled into him and he felt her completely relax.

  He definitely couldn't relax with her warm, soft ass pressed into his throbbing erection, but she was too comfortable and deep asleep. She needed rest more than he needed to have sex. He counted to one thousand slowly, hoping to sleep. He never made it past seven-fifty.

  Chapter Twenty – Tuesday Morning

  He woke to a knock on the door. “Get up!” It was Layla. “You two better be decent! I'm coming in in five seconds!” She started counting very slowly. Zoe sat up groggily and rubbed her eyes.

  “Hi,” she murmured.

  “Hi, Baby.” He pulled the blankets over his lap and she was struggling to get in her pajama bottoms when Layla opened the door.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. Up and at 'em. Today we have a lot to get done. Breakfast is ready, get moving now!” She clapped her hands and Calvin groaned.

  “For the love of God, you're worse than any drill sergeant I ever had.” He threw his arm over his eyes.

  “Shut up, get up, and let's get moving. It is eight AM, you need to get the license, get ready, and you two aren't even supposed to be seeing each other. Zoe, you have a hair appointment this morning, Calvin, you have to get your suit, things need to be done. Let's get cracking, people.” She left the door open as she hollered directions. She walked back into the kitchen and the silence was golden.

  “For the love of God,” Calvin groaned again. “She's a pain in the ass.”

  Zoe leaned over and kissed his mouth. “Yeah, but she's a good kid.” She moved to sit up and he caught her, pulling her back down for a kiss.

  “Good morning, my almost wife.” He smiled brightly.

  She flushed. “Good morning, my almost husband.” She hopped off the bed and yelped. “Dibs on the bathroom!” She grabbed some clothes from a suitcase and took off for the bathroom.

  He closed his eyes and was almost asleep again when something soft hit him in the face. He opened his eyes in shock and saw his sister standing over him with a pillow in her hand. “Get. Up. Now.”

  “She's in the bathroom,” he sighed.

  “Not anymore. She's eating. Let's go, Skippy.” She pointed to the door. “Up!”

  “Look, kid. I need a couple minutes. I... I'm in my boxers,” he stuttered.

  She pursed her lips. “You have morning wood. Whatever. I won't look. Just get up.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Jesus.”

  “Stop hollering for the man!” Grams said as she came in the room. “He's busy.”

  “Do I get no privacy?” He sat up, carefully keeping the blankets over his crotch.

  “Nope. Not on your wedding day. Get your pecan tan ass up, I have breakfast ready, boy.” Grams blew him a kiss and headed back to the kitchen. “Come on, girl, let your brother have five minutes to himself.”

  He heard Zoe laughing and he smiled. She fits right in. He crawled out of bed and grabbed his own clothes before going to jump through a quick shower. As he finished, he pulled his clothes on and rambled out to the kitchen. “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Pops remarked.

  “Yeah, I'm here.” He rubbed his eyes and headed for the refrigerator to get some juice.

  “Breakfast is ready,” Grams put a plate of food on the table for him. Zoe was gone.

  “Where's Zoe?” He sat down and started eating.

  “She's on her way to the courthouse to get this ball rolling. All we gotta do is get you there and get stuff signed, then you two won't be seeing each other for the rest of the day,” Grams said, looking at the clock on the microwave. “You have like ten minutes. Hurry it up.”

  “Yes, ma'am.” He wolfed his bacon and eggs down, pushing it down with the juice. He wiped his mouth and put his plate in the sink. “I'm ready.”

  Pops stood up slowly. “Well let's get goin', boy.”

  They headed out to the car and got in, Pops taking an extra five minutes to crouch just right to get in the seat. “We need to go to the courthouse, right Pops?”

  “Yep.” He said simply.

  Calvin backed out of the driveway and drove to town, seeing Grams' Cadillac sitting on the edge of the street. He parked behind the old car and jumped out, coming around the car to help Pops. “Come on, let me help you.”

  “Ah hell, boy, I've been getting in and out of cars since before you were a twinkle in your Daddy's eye. Get the hell out of my way.” He hauled himself up and Calvin laughed.

  “Alright, suit yourself.” They walked up the courthouse steps. The building was the largest in town, but a story taller than the rest, and flying in front of it was both an Alabama and US flag. Calvin opened the old wooden door, holding it open for Pops. He saw Zoe sitting on a bench waiting patiently. He walked up to her quickly. “Hey, sorry we are running a bit behind.”

  “It's okay.” She smiled and kissed his cheek. “All we need you to do is sign. Tim got stuff really fast tracked and they are ready for us.”

  “So, we're good to go? We’re getting married this afternoon?”

  She nodded, leading him into a small room off the hallway. Tim was standing there talking to an older man, who had a balding head, and a fantastic handlebar mustache. He noticed them and grinned wide. “Look at the happy couple, Judge Jones.”

  The judge eyed them and grunted. “Just come sign the paperwork and Libby out front can get you printed up.”

  “Yes sir,” Calvin stepped forward, signing where he needed to with a flourish. He passed the pen to Zoe. Her eyes were bright and she smiled as she signed the papers.

  “Well, there it is. Y'all have applied for your marriage license in the state of Alabama. Congratulations,” the Judge said gruffly.

  “Thank you, sir.” Calvin shook his hand and put his hand on the small of Zoe's back. “Let's get our license, Babe.” They went back down the hallway, and he couldn't help but admire the antique carved woodwork on the walls. Tim opened a door and started flirting with the older woman inside.

  “Libby, my love. I need this license printed up.” He leaned his hip against the wooden counter and she swatted at him.

  “Get off my counter, boy! I'm printing as fast as I can. It's going to be forty-five dollar
s.” Calvin pulled out his wallet and handed her a card. She swiped it through their antiquated machine, handing him the receipt and the license. “Congratulations, y'all.”

  They walked out of the courthouse, and Pop remarked, “Best kiss your bride goodbye, we gotta head out.”

  Calvin caught Zoe around the waist and pressed a hot kiss to her mouth, before pulling back. “I've got a surprise for tonight,” he whispered.

  “Yeah?” She grinned, her whole face lighting up.

  “Yeah,” he replied.

  “Well then, I guess I will see it later.” She looked at Tim. “Can I get my Jeep?”

  “Yeah, one of my deputies is dropping it off. Grams is gonna meet y'all at your next destination. Have a lovely mornin', ladies.” They walked down the sidewalk to their respective cars.

  Zoe looked at Layla. They still stood at the top of the stairs. “What the hell was that all about?”

  Layla smirked. “He's a dumb ass.” She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Let's go. We're just going to the hair salon; don't even need to get in the car.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Please tell me y'all aren't going to put my hair up in one of those horrifying hairdos with tens of bobby pins. I can't take it.”

  “Oh shut up, whiny ass.” Zoe laughed and walked quickly to catch up with Layla. As they came up on the little wooden hair salon, which was painted Pepto Bismol pink, she stopped in her tracks. Amy was walking in the door.

  “I'm not going in there.”

  “Yes, you are. Who cares if she is in there? It's not like she has hair. It won't take her long, whatever she's doing. Today is your day.” Layla grabbed her elbow and with strength you wouldn't think someone that tiny had, hauled her forward, propelling them into the salon. The salon was full of glittery orange chairs with the old fashioned hair dryers still attached.

  Amy was talking animatedly to a woman who was painting her nails and she froze as her eyes collided with Zoe's. She smiled sadly.

  Layla pulled her into the back room of the salon and pushed her into a chair. “Look at me.” Zoe obeyed, dragging her dark eyes to Layla's hazel ones. “Ignore that bitch. Do not let her steal a second of your joy today, do you understand me?”

  Zoe nodded. “I understand.”

  Layla went to the door. “Don't worry, I'll stand guard.” She sighed and tried to get comfortable as an older woman with bleach blonde hair and a pink smock came in and scrubbed her long hair. Grams came in the back room and dropped her purse on the floor.

  “Jesus. That Jeep is a pain in the ass to drive.” She sighed and sat down in the chair beside Zoe. Another woman came and started doing Layla and Grams' hair. Zoe was ushered to a chair in the front. Amy was long gone. Her hair was trimmed and shaped before being blown out straight and gently swept into a delicate bun. A few strands were left loose around her face, so she didn't look too polished or fussy. Layla came in with her dark hair in corkscrew curls and began putting Zoe's makeup on while someone painted her fingernails and toenails. She half dozed in the chair, only moving when she was told to. After what seemed like an eternity, she was finally allowed to get up. She had been plucked, primped, and creamed. Her skin glowed and her makeup was tastefully done. A few daisies had been woven into her hair, giving her the illusion of a crown.

  Grams came forward, holding a long bit of lace. “This is my veil I wore the day I married Pops. I would love nothing more if you would wear it. This can be your something borrowed, and old.”

  Layla smacked her arm as tears filled her eyes. “Don't you dare cry. That mess is waterproof, but I don't trust it. Plus you have your Mama's earrings, which can be your something blue with the sapphires.” She rummaged in her purse and pulled out a small box. “This is from all of us.”

  She opened the small white box and gasped. Inside was a silver heart shaped locket. She opened it and found a picture of Calvin in his uniform inside. “It is beautiful.”

  Layla wrapped her slender arms around her and Grams followed suit. She was the filling in a love sandwich. Grams spoke up. “This is so you have Calvin with you no matter how far away he is.”

  She broke down in tears. The waterproof mascara held up to the test.

  Chapter Twenty-One – Tuesday

  Pops had him following Tim. They parked in front of the only small jewelry store left in Major. “You gotta get your girl a ring, don't you? The band from Grams you can consider a wedding ring. I'd get her a proper engagement ring. If we're gonna do this, we are gonna do it right.”

  Calvin laughed. “You know, Pops, I hadn't even thought about a ring.”

  Pops nodded. “I know, that's what I'm here for. Keep you in line. Let's find something and then go get your suit. We don't have a lot of time left, boy!”

  Tim was waiting at the door. “Let's get a ring!”

  Calvin smirked. “This is good practice for when you get a girl.”

  “Me?” He said in mock horror. “That will be the day.” Pops smacked him on the back of the head. “Oww, Pops!”

  “Hey, you ain't got a woman to do that, so until you do, I'll handle keeping you in line.” They walked in the old jewelry store with a smile. The inside was dusky and cool; rows of glass cases with jewelry nestled on blue velvet caught their eyes. The owner of the store came out of the back.

  “Well, I've been expecting you,” he said with a simpering smile. He patted his stomach, which was covered by a slightly threadbare vest. “Parker Tracy, at your service. I hear we are looking at rings today?”

  They all nodded and the little man moved behind the glass cases. “What kind of price range are we looking at?”

  Calvin shrugged. “I don't know. When I see something I like, we'll go with that.”

  He nodded, licking his thin lips. A small line of drool stayed at the corner of his mouth. “Good, good. Do you know what size ring she wears?”

  Calvin looked at Pops with wide eyes. “What size was that ring of Grams'?”

  He tapped his chin, thinking. “I believe it was an eight.”

  The little man smiled again. “Alright, let's see what we have.” He pulled a few rings out. Calvin picked one up and held it out.

  “I can't tell if I like it.” He paused and turned to Tim. “Give me your finger.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you? Calvin, man I mean I always knew we were close, but this is such a surprise.” He waved his hand in front of his eyes fake crying like a beauty queen. It earned him another slap upside the head from Pops. “Oww! Damn, Pops!” He held his fingers out and Calvin stuck the ring on his pinky.

  “Man, look at that!” Calvin smiled. “I think this one will work.” They admired the glistening diamond in the low light of the store. It was a princess cut diamond on a simple gold band.

  Tim fluttered his lashes. “Darlin', if you gave me this ring, I'd marry you on the spot!”

  Pops shook his head. “My pimp slap hand is worn out for one day.”

  Calvin laughed as he pulled the ring off Tim's hand. “This is the one.”

  The little man wrapped it excitedly and after he paid for the ring, they left the store. “Jeez that man gave me the creeps,” Tim shuddered.

  “Tell me about it,” Pops huffed. “Well boys, how about I take Calvin to get his suit, and you go make sure everything is ready?”

  Tim nodded. “I'll handle that thing we talked about, Pops, and then I gotta get some sweet tracks for the party.”

  Calvin eyed him. “What thing? If there is Nicki Minaj played, our friendship will be over.”

  Tim laughed raucously. “No Nicki? Damn, there just went the first dance song.” He got in his cop car and headed out.

  Calvin looked at Pops. “What thing, Pops? Can you believe I'm getting married?”

  “Don't worry about it, and no, son, I can't. But, I'm damn proud of you.” He clapped a hand on his back.

  Chapter Twenty-Two – The Wedding

  Zoe sat in a room in the church, waiting for the ceremony to start. She sat, simply looking
in a mirror. She couldn't believe the woman looking back at her was really Zoe Parker. She had a beautiful flush to her cheeks and her dark eyes were dancing. Her lips seemed to be perpetually turned up. A knock at the door broke her out of her self-love reverie. “Come in,” she called.

  As the door opened, her heart froze. Derek walked in. He wore a dapper tux, one that looked identical to the one he'd worn at their prom. “Zoe,” he started. “You look exquisite. I've never seen you look more beautiful.”

  She stood quickly from the antique red velvet couch. “What are you doing here?”

  He smiled sweetly. “I came to make you see reason, Zoe.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Make me see reason?”

  “You aren't really going to marry this black guy, are you? You do understand what that means for you, right? You'll be ostracized in society, and your children will be freaks. Why would you want to do that to yourself, Sweetheart, especially when you could have me.” He held out a hand and his blue eyes pleaded.

  “Are you high?” A laugh bubbled out of her throat. “This is not 1950. This is the 21 century, Derek. I am marrying him because I love him. You need to go.”

  “You're marrying him to get back at me, Zoe, and I understand that. I am here to stop you before you take this too far. I'll take you back.” He stepped forward and pulled her to him. She pushed at his chest.

  “Get your hands off of me, Derek!” She struggled as he bent forward to kiss her. She stomped his foot with her shoe and then kneed him in the balls. “Don't fucking touch me!” He reached for her again and she drew back her fist and punched him square in his nose, the sound of her fist hitting his nose strangely satisfying. “That's for screwing both of my best friends, you asshole.” She stepped over his body. He held his nose and balls and rocked on the floor. She walked out of the room and found Pops shuffling down the hall. He looked at her bloody hand and the man sprawled out on the floor.

  “What's goin' on?” He drawled. “Looks to me, baby, like you need to find someone and get some ice on that pretty little hand. Do we have a situation here?” He pulled her close. “Go to the kitchen. I'll handle this.” She looked at him curiously and he winked. “Go on, baby, I got back up coming.” She heard Calvin's voice coming down the hall and she ducked the other way, in search of the kitchen.


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