His San Diego Sweetheart

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His San Diego Sweetheart Page 15

by Yahrah St. John

  Her eyes slammed shut. She didn’t want to think about the end. Not now. She would focus on Vaughn, her husband, no matter how short-term. She hooked her leg around his waist, opening even more and rocking against him. Then her sighs began to come quicker. She could feel the mind-numbing ecstasy taking over and she was powerless to escape its clutches. Instead, she rode the wave and Vaughn did too, groaning out his release as ripple after ripple tore through them. Vaughn hauled her to him as both their hearts galloped and they came spiraling back down to earth.

  Miranda rested her forehead against his damp one.

  Had they really just made love at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, for God’s sake? There were more than enough rooms in the estate for them to never tire of locations, but that was what Vaughn did to her. He wanted her wild, free and uninhibited. Well, he’d gotten his wish because she’d never been this way with any other man.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered softly.

  Miranda nodded, though she felt so languid, she didn’t think she could sit up. He must have guessed it because he wrapped her in his arms and carried her upstairs to the master bedroom. He laid her on the bed, but didn’t join her and started toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” she inquired.

  He grinned. “To get the frittata.”

  Miranda couldn’t resist letting out a soft chuckle.

  * * *

  Vaughn and Miranda slipped into an easy routine the rest of the week. During the morning, Vaughn would go to the beach to surf before going into Elite. Some mornings Miranda would accompany him because she’d quickly become adept at paddleboarding and she would be surfing in no time. He’d said she was a fast learner. Other times, he went solo to conquer the mighty waves, but when he did, he missed Miranda.

  They were building on the sizzling hot attraction, which now that it had been unleashed was spilling over into the daylight hours. Just thinking of sex made him think of hot, hungry, insatiable Miranda. The sex between them was explosive. His body was starting to crave hers and Vaughn was having a hard time focusing on work because all he could think about was how Miranda looked in his bed, the way she felt beneath him, the sounds she made when he was buried deep inside her. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her even though they were making love sometimes two or three times a night. How complete he felt when they were together. It was disconcerting, that this beguiling woman had come into his life and flipped the script on him.

  Being in the Navy for a decade, he’d become used to the transitory nature of his life. He never got close to anything or anyone because he was frequently traveling the globe. Even once he’d left the service, he’d always felt an itch to move and could never keep still. However, when he was with Miranda, he could sit in one place. She didn’t feel the need to incessantly chatter. She could be quiet and be still with him.

  Miranda both scared and intrigued him.

  Vaughn knew he was playing with fire by getting so close to the flames, but he couldn’t resist her. There was inherent sweetness and gentleness in her that he hadn’t found before. With other women, they would surely be seeking to lay claim not just to his heart, but to his home, but not Miranda. She hadn’t even had all her belongings shipped to the estate. She seemed content to wear what she’d brought with her to San Diego or buy a few new things. Even though she’d inherited millions, she wasn’t spending it frivolously.

  Instead, Miranda was plotting and planning her next move, finding the right location for her B and B and ensuring her business plan was solid. She wasn’t jumping ahead without thinking first. She thought things out except when it came to finding a husband. When Vaughn thought about what could have happened to her if she’d fallen into the wrong hands... Thinking about it made Vaughn ill. He was just happy he’d gone to the beach that day. Miranda was his.

  His woman.

  There was no other way to think of her. She was his. And only his.

  And he wanted to do something nice for her as well as woo a potential company that was interested in Elite products. And he knew just the thing. He’d have Chef Jean cater a huge pool party at his house. And since Miranda didn’t live lavishly, he would have a stylist come to the house with a selection of designer resort wear for Miranda to choose from.

  Miranda was tickled pink when he told her his plan over dinner that evening. They’d taken to sharing the cooking. Some days Vaughn cooked and Miranda cooked the rest of the time. He’d never thought he would ever become so domesticated, but he was. And he kind of loved it. But that was only because Miranda was in the picture. What happened when she wasn’t?

  Vaughn shook his head. He didn’t want to think about it. He would be content with the here and now.

  “A party sounds great,” Miranda was saying, reminding him he’d missed part of the conversation. “Do you need my help with anything?”

  “No, babe. I just want you to enjoy it. Kindra is going to take care of all the details.”

  A pout spread across her lips. A pout he intended to kiss off. “But I’d like to help. I am your wife, after all.”

  “Don’t frown,” he said. “You are my wife and there will be plenty of other occasions for you to entertain. This weekend, though, I’d like you to just sit back and enjoy being lady of the manor.”

  She laughed. “Oh, is that what I am now? Your kept woman?”

  “Oh yes, baby,” he said, roughly pulling her into his arms. “And you’re all mine.”

  The rest of the week went by swiftly. Kindra pulled the entire party together in a few days’ time. On Saturday, the day of the pool party, catering and party trucks had already begun arriving around 7:00 a.m., disturbing Vaughn from his favorite task of morning sex with his wife. The house was bustling with activity and he steered clear by working in his office much of the morning, but came out to greet Miranda’s beauty squad.

  When she saw the entourage and smiled at him, Vaughn felt his heart constrict. Geez, he was falling harder and harder for his wife with each passing day!

  * * *

  Miranda couldn’t believe that Vaughn had gone through all the trouble of hiring a stylist for her for a pool party. But it wasn’t just any old backyard party. Vaughn told her the who’s-who in San Diego were coming, including a well-known athlete who’d just won an NBA Championship and his supermodel girlfriend, the senator and his wife whom they’d met at Chef Jean’s dinner gathering and several other A-list celebrities from musicians to actors.

  Miranda wasn’t sure she’d fit in, but she supposed that was why Vaughn had hired the very best in the business to dress her. The stylist hadn’t come alone. She watched the makeup artist and hairstylist set up a pop-up station in the sitting room of the guest suite complete with a multitude of styling combs, brushes, flat irons and hair curlers as well as a variety of makeup.

  She was going to be the most fashion forward woman at the party and according to the stylist every woman would kill to have what she was wearing and mimic her hairstyle and makeup. And as she peered through the racks of bathing suits, cover-ups and leisure wear, she believed it.

  She sat down in the director’s chair while the makeup artist set about doing her face. It was quite an ordeal from the cleansing, to the moisturizing to the foundation application to the eyebrow arching and various other contouring, highlighting and bronzing steps. Miranda had no idea what she would look like because the makeup artist was blending shades of eye shadow and lipstick while she worked on her face. The hairstylist washed and conditioned her and then set Miranda’s long dark hair with curlers which she teased and styled so effortlessly.

  Miranda was itching to see herself. It was another full hour before she could finally rise from her seat, but they still wouldn’t let her look. Instead she was led to the bedroom, where the stylist laid out a sexy swimsuit and a two-piece outfit of an open, embroidered poncho and chiffon flyaway pants that would serve as her co
ver-up and outfit for the day. There was another dress if she wanted to change into something later on. Along with these killer shoes. He’d thought of everything.

  A half hour later, Miranda had donned the entire ensemble, shoes and the accessories and looked at herself in the full-length mirror. She hardly recognized herself. They’d transformed her into a stunning creature. “Omigod!” Her hand flew to her mouth as she stared at her own reflection.

  Miranda couldn’t wait to show her husband and went in search of Vaughn. She found him in the backyard, which had been transformed into an oasis of lavish luxury. He was by the pool with the DJ ensuring the sound system was ready to go live. She was several feet away from him, but the look on his face when he turned and saw her stopped Miranda dead in her tracks. The look of appreciation on his face as he thoroughly evaluated her left no doubt in Miranda’s mind that he was pleased with the result.

  He began walking quickly toward her. When he was a few feet away, he motioned for her to spin around so he could get the entire picture. He must have liked what he saw, because he growled his appreciation. “That stylist is worth every penny.”

  * * *

  Vaughn hadn’t seen Miranda this dolled up since their wedding day. And even then, the wedding dress had covered all her assets, but today, now, she looked like a sexy goddess. The open top she was wearing gave him just a hint of the bikini without showing too much and the light flowing pants clung to her hips and thighs. How was he supposed to focus on business when Miranda was walking around like that? The only thing he wanted to do was take her upstairs and make love to her.

  “I’m glad you approve,” Miranda said. “It’s no small feat to look like this. I’ve been upstairs—” she pointed upwards “—for the better part of three hours. I’ve never been primed and polished so much my entire life and that includes our wedding day.”

  Vaughn grinned. “I wanted you to have a special day. There will be a number of high-profile guests and although I knew you could handle it, I thought you might like having your own beauty squad to make you to look and feel your best.”

  He liked it when her face creased into a sudden smile. “I feel that way, thanks to you.”

  He pulled her into his arms and lightly brushed his lips across hers, careful not to damage her makeup. “Then let’s have fun today.”

  And that’s exactly what they did. Kindra had ensured that his backyard was transformed into a tropical paradise. She’d brought in palm trees, tiki idols and seashells to give it that island flair. Meanwhile beach balls, floating rafts and a volleyball court had been set up in the Olympic-sized pool so that guests could have fun or just lie back and enjoy the water. Each guest was given some island concoction in a coconut that the master bartender had prepared.

  Miranda was by Vaughn’s side from start to finish and was the ultimate hostess. Chatting with the guests as they arrived, making sure everyone had drinks or tasted the delicious appetizers Chef Jean was in the kitchen preparing. Miranda had everyone eating out of her hands. She had natural, youthful enthusiasm that not only added to her charm, but made her alluring and sweet.

  Jordan commented on it when he caught Vaughn staring after his wife. “She’s something, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, she is.” There was no hesitation in his praise. “When did you get here?” Vaughn asked, shaking his hand while holding his beer in the other.

  “A short while ago,” Jordan responded. He looked around. “Nice party you’ve got here.”

  “Yeah, it’s been going rather well.”

  “But your wife is definitely the star. There’s a disarming quality about her that makes it easy to talk to her,” Jordan replied. “I found her to be quite delightful at Chef Jean’s party. If you don’t mind my saying so.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Vaughn said proudly. He liked that other men were just a bit envious of what he had. Because Jordan was right. It didn’t matter who Miranda was conversing with. She singularly gave them all her attention and focus so that they thought they were the center of her universe. “And did you bring anyone special this afternoon?”

  Jordan shook his head. “I’m flying solo, Vaughn. Just wanted to make an appearance and support you. I’ll have to get back to my studio because I’m working on a new piece that’s taking up all my time.”

  “Of course, when the muse speaks you must answer,” Vaughn said. “We’ll talk soon.” He was ready to find Miranda anyway, but she was so busy that Vaughn hardly got a chance to spend time with her for much of the afternoon.

  Eventually, he caught her in the kitchen talking to Chef Jean and ensuring more appetizers were coming out. “Chef Jean, great work as always,” he congratulated the celebrity chef. It hadn’t been an easy feat for Kindra to get him to agree on such short notice, but Vaughn had made it worth his while.

  “Vaughn, it was absolutely my pleasure,” the French chef stated, “Especially if it means I get to spend time with your lovely wife.” He kissed Miranda on either cheek. “She is a breath of fresh air, no?”

  Vaughn looked at Miranda. Her eyes were alive and bright and he answered honestly. “Yes, she is.” He pulled her away from the kitchen and into the corridor.

  “What are you doing in here? You’re supposed to be out there.” He pointed to the party.

  “I know. I was just helping out.” Miranda looked sheepish. “Kindra looked busy entertaining your business clients and I wanted to make sure there were no missteps.”

  She didn’t get another word in edgewise because his mouth blotted out anything she’d been about to say. He captured her soft lips with his, smoothing her moan of shock. Her mouth opened and he tasted the sweetness that was uniquely Miranda, causing desire to slam into him. Locking his fingers in her hair, he plundered her mouth. He was desperate with need and he used his mouth with erotic purpose to bring Miranda to the same explosion of need coursing through his veins.

  Miranda pulled her mouth from his. “Vaughn, no. We...have guests.” She glanced in the direction of the kitchen where any number of people could have seen them making out.


  “Don’t you know I have no control when it comes to you?” She dragged herself out of his arms and stepped backward.

  “I kind of like that.”

  “Well, don’t like it too much,” she countered, “at least not now. We have all night.”



  “Promises, promises, Miranda,” he whispered as he took her hand and led her back outside, “because I intend to make you fulfill each and every one of them.”

  * * *

  From the doorway of the veranda, Miranda studied Vaughn as he made his rounds to each circle of guests. Whether he was in the pool playing volleyball or playing chess with the NBA star, Vaughn was at ease wherever he went. Miranda had thought she’d feel like she was on show for the day, but surprisingly she hadn’t. Being hostess and Vaughn’s wife had come naturally to her as if she was born to do it. And she’d enjoyed it as much as she’d enjoyed kissing her husband when he’d backed her up against the wall earlier.

  If there hadn’t been a crowd of people, Miranda was sure he would have done something about it, but they hadn’t. And now as the party was winding down, Miranda couldn’t help feeling anticipatory as they said goodbye to their guests. The evening hadn’t been solely about Vaughn either. Miranda had garnered quite a bit of interest in her bed-and-breakfast due to several movers and shakers at the party.

  It was nearly two hours later when Vaughn and Miranda closed the door to Kindra and the last of the party vendors. They both sagged against the large glass doors. Vaughn turned and looked at her sideways. “Today was good. We make a great team.”

  Miranda smiled broadly. “Yes, we do.” Then her throat felt parched as the look in Vaughn’s eyes changed from tired to predatory.

  “Are you tir
ed?” he inquired, rising to his full height and walking backward toward the kitchen.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Care for a swim?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Sounds marvelous.”

  They padded quietly outside and Vaughn released her long enough to switch on the pool’s floodlights, surrounding them in blue light. Miranda peered up. The moon was high in a clear dark sky and suddenly the thought of a swim with her husband sounded irresistible. They’d had a pool party, but she hadn’t actually gone into the pool. Even though she had on one of the most expensive bikinis she’d ever owned.

  They didn’t speak. Instead, they began to undress. Miranda slowly pulled the open poncho over her head and then slid down the flowing pants to her ankles. When she glanced up, she caught Vaughn watching her closely.

  “I’d wondered what you looked like underneath that outfit,” he rasped. “Now I know.” He pulled down the pants he’d been wearing and dove into the pool. He emerged several yards away, his muscular torso glimmering in the moonlight.

  Miranda laughed at his exuberance and walked to the entrance of the pool and padded down the steps toward him. She didn’t care about her hair or makeup now. She only wanted to be with this man, her husband.

  When she was inches away, he growled, “Come here!” And hauled her against him.

  “Vaughn.” Her skin prickled with excitement and not from the temperature of the water because the pool was heated. It was from being near Vaughn. She could feel her nipples turn to hard points even though they were crushed against his chest.

  “Miranda...” he murmured. His eyes were intense and brilliant and her stomach flip-flopped. Those were the last words she heard because her eyelids fluttered closed when his hungry mouth pressed against her lips. He seduced her mouth with slow, practiced kisses because he knew exactly what buttons to push to get a reaction from her. She responded eagerly as she always did because the attraction between them was like nothing she’d ever felt before.


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