Surrender of a Soulseer (Dark Star Doms Book 3)

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Surrender of a Soulseer (Dark Star Doms Book 3) Page 3

by Ivy Barrett

  “Don’t tense up, sweet acolyte. Offer your sacrifice.” Baylott turned her head back around and covered her mouth with his.

  “She’s—so tight.” Kapali groaned then thrust hard, and Serena cried out. Baylott captured the sound with his open mouth.

  The sharp tearing sensation gradually receded and inescapable fullness took its place. She released a shuddering sigh. It was done. She’d surrendered her virginity. Kapali relaxed over her and buried his face against her throat. His cock stretched her inner muscles, making her ache. Why wasn’t he moving? She’d seen couples do this often enough to know his hips had to move.

  Baylott knelt behind Kapali and smiled into her eyes. He paused to coat his cock with tersatta pulp then spread the high priest’s ass cheeks. The slow, steady drive of Baylott’s hips forced Kapali in a little deeper. She whimpered. Did Baylott feel this big inside Kapali?

  She shifted her legs and stroked the back of Kapali’s hair. This was awkward and uncomfortable. Shouldn’t she feel complete, if not ascended? Perhaps that would happen at the end.

  “Together, Master.” Baylott grabbed Kapali’s hips and pulled him back then forced him forward as he drilled deeper. In one extended motion they moved. In and out. In and out.

  Serena closed her eyes and concentrated on the fullness and the unfamiliar slide. Kapali held his weight off her, balancing on his forearms and knees. It was more like Baylott was using Kapali’s body to fuck her. It was obvious with every move of his tense body that Kapali wanted to be anywhere else.

  Deeply saddened by the thought, she opened her eyes and watched Baylott’s expressions. He clenched his teeth at the end of each stroke then gasped when he rocked forward again. His thick lashes drooped and his head tossed as he increased his speed. Kapali mimicked him thrust for thrust, taking her as Baylott took him.

  Energy pulsed around them. Their soul strands illuminated the night. On impulse, she raised her arms and pushed her fingers into Kapali’s strands. Her arms tingled and her pussy rippled. She could feel how close he was to climax and how long it had been since he’d joined with Baylott. Kapali was quaking with his need to come, yet he ruthlessly fought off his release, unwilling for the blissful moment to pass into memory.

  She arched her back, reached around Kapali, and touched the colors surrounding Baylott. Pleasure spun through her body, the intensity staggering. Baylott abandoned thought, hesitation and misgivings. He felt only pleasure, consuming and wonderful. But it was impersonal, hollow. He could be with anyone.

  Thrusting his full length into Kapali, Baylott threw back his head and roared. She absorbed the intensity of his release then moved her fingers back to the high priest. Kapali shuddered, his cock jerking deep inside her. Bursts of energy saturated her senses and her body accepted his seed.

  Trembling on the brink of orgasm, Serena marveled at what she’d just done. Their sensations had been incredibly real. She’d examined their thoughts and emotions while feeling little herself. Rolling to his side, Baylott dragged Kapali with him.

  Serena stared up at the stars, aching with unfulfilled need. Was this what it meant to be a soul seer? Would she only experience emotions by siphoning them from others? Why hadn’t their orgasms triggered hers? They had certainly been strong enough.

  Hyalee knelt beside her and drew Serena’s gaze from the sky. “Are you all right?” All Serena could manage was a nod. The high priestess helped her sit and handed her a red-and-gold robe. “Congratulations, Priestess Serena, you are an acolyte no more.”

  Chapter One

  Matt Sterling stood at the edge of the Perrlain village, wondering how long it would take for someone to notice him. Miranda had warned him that the settlement was simplistic, but Matt hadn’t expected the conditions to be quite this primitive. Pilgrimages to Temple-Tuttle had always been popular, and the recent adventure of Ashton VinDerley and his fiancée only added to the outpost’s mystique. Still, the Perrlain settlement was surrounded by dense jungles and treacherous mountains. Only the most adventurous pilgrims risked the arduous trek through the wilderness.

  Outsiders were lured by whispers of sexual rituals and ceremonial orgies, enlightenment through sensuality, and a sort of freedom the materialistic inhabitants of Halley Prime couldn’t even imagine. Matt was skeptical of the Perrlain customs, but he wasn’t here on a pilgrimage. His reasons for seeking out the Order were harsh and desperate. After nearly a year of searching for guidance, the Perrlain were his last resort.

  Dome-shaped huts dotted the jungle around a large fire pit. Each tiny structure had been placed wherever the trees allowed, as opposed to clearing away nature to make room for the dwellings.

  A group of bare-breasted women strolled along a shady path not far from Matt. He fought back a smile and glanced down at his hiking gear—sturdy boots, cargo pants and a black T-shirt. He was definitely overdressed for this setting. One of the women did a double take just before the group turned into the heart of the village. Her eyes widened and her steps faltered. The others noticed her reaction and one of them screamed.

  He was just standing there watching. He wasn’t even armed. He’d been told the Perrlain welcomed pilgrims. What the hell was wrong with them?

  The women ran off, shouting warnings in their native tongue. Matt leaned his shoulder against a tree and waited for the guards to arrive. If Lutton wasn’t around, communication would be tricky. Matt hadn’t been able to find a language file on the Perrlain and only the priests and priestesses spoke Shardrake, the standard language of the Comet Coalition.

  Within minutes, he was surrounded by glaring warriors sporting sharp-looking spears. The leader spoke a phrase Matt interpreted to mean “move your ass” and they marched him into the center of the settlement.

  “Lutton,” Matt said as they neared the fire pit. “I need to speak with Lutton.”

  “Who are you?”

  Thrilled to hear words he understood, Matt turned his head and found a petite blonde woman openly assessing him. Unlike the scrap of material the other women had tied around their hips, a thin black-and-red garment draped gracefully over her body. She had drawn her honey-blonde hair away from her face and managed to look menacing despite her size.

  “I’m so glad you can understand me.” He offered his most charming smile. “My name is Matt Sterling. Is Lutton available?”

  Her dark gaze swept over his body before settling on his face. “How do you know Lutton? For that matter, how did you know where to find our village?”

  “Are you a priestess of the Order?”

  “Our village is closed to pilgrims. We found the influx too disruptive. You can find a spiritual guide among the Wikoli. They’ll be more than happy to barter with you.”

  “I didn’t come for spiritual guidance.” Miranda had suggested he claim to have met her brother at Shardrake University, but there was a chance Lutton wouldn’t play along. “Miranda Kayten is a friend of mine. I’ll explain the rest to Lutton.”

  “If you were truly that person’s friend, you would know we are not allowed to speak her name, much less do her bidding.”

  “She told me to claim I’d met Lutton during his years at Shardrake University. I didn’t want the first words out of my mouth to be deceptive.”

  Her delicate brows arched and she folded her arms over her chest. “You didn’t want to risk Lutton’s reaction to the lie. Your decision had nothing to do with integrity.” Rather than disapproving, she sounded amused. “You should have stopped while you were ahead.”

  Swiping his forehead with his sleeve, he unfastened the waist strap on his backpack and allowed it to slip off his shoulders. “I think that was about two days ago.” The pack bumped against his ass then he swung it around in front of him and lowered it to the ground between his feet. “Is Lutton here? And if he’s not, is there somewhere I can cool off while I wait for him?”

  She said something to the guards and they lowered their weapons. “Come. I’ll see if Lutton has time to indulge an outsider.”
  He heaved the pack to one shoulder and fell into step beside her. A group of giggling children paused to stare as they passed. The blonde walked on without comment or reaction.

  “Am I allowed to know your name?”

  “High Priestess Hyalee.” She glanced up at him, her expression carefully guarded. “Our village is not easy to reach. Why did you come all this way if you weren’t even sure of your reception?”

  “Miran— My friend seemed certain your people would be able to help me.”

  She paused and pivoted to face him. “Help you with what?”

  “It’s personal. I’ll explain my situation to Lutton and he can decide who else needs to be involved.”

  They reached a hut slightly larger than the others. “Wait here.” She called out in her native language then parted the woven curtain and entered the lodge.

  Left alone in the tranquil setting, Matt slipped his hands into his pockets and looked around. Birds trilled in the distance and unseen creatures chattered in the leafy canopy high overhead. Laden with fresh, clean scents, the humid air caressed his face. He refused to analyze the unique combination of smells and just enjoyed their fragrance instead.

  He caught the rumble of male voices and intensified the sensitivity of his audio receptors. Unfortunately, hearing the rapid exchange didn’t enable him to understand their words. Hyalee offered several responses then footsteps moved toward the door. Quickly returning his hearing to normal, he opened his backpack and retrieved the letter Miranda had given him.

  Hyalee exited the hut, followed by a dark-haired man. Matt searched for a family resemblance, but dark hair and copper-tinted skin were the only similarities between this man and Miranda.

  “I’m Lutton.” He swept Matt with a glance every bit as assessing as Hyalee’s had been. “Are you my sister’s friend or one of her clients?” Distaste sharpened the last word.

  “I like to believe I’m both. I originally contacted her in a professional capacity, but we know many of the same people. Our paths just seemed to keep crossing.” He held out the neatly folded letter. “This should help you understand why I’m here.” The message was written in Perrlain, so Miranda hadn’t bothered to seal it. Her brother read the single page and, much to Matt’s surprise, handed it to the high priestess.

  “My sister was banished from the tribe. For all intents and purposes, she is dead to us.” He folded his arms across his chest and waited for Hyalee to finish.

  With an enigmatic smile, the high priestess handed the letter back to Lutton. “Was she told about Serena or has her power grown since she’s been away?”

  “To my knowledge, Serena hasn’t contacted her,” Lutton said, “and only one of my sisters would dare.”

  “Then this is the Deity’s will, regardless of the dictates of the elders.”

  Lutton inclined his head while mischief gleamed in his dark eyes. “You’re the final authority on all things divine. The elders will want to know how our visitor came to us, but I leave the rest to you and Kapali.”

  “Your sister suggested Matt might have met you during your seasons at university.”

  “A reasonable explanation.” Lutton handed the letter back to Matt. “Destroy this. You would be met with great hostility if the contents of this ever came to light.”

  “What does it say?” He tucked the letter into his pocket, wanting to shake answers from both of them. What had Miranda been thinking when she sent him to the middle of nowhere? How could such a primitive people understand his torment, much less help end it?

  “Miranda believes we can help each other and I’m inclined to agree. Hyalee will explain everything.” Without further discussion, Lutton went back inside the lodge.

  Hyalee curved her hand around Matt’s elbow, and after he picked up his backpack, led him toward the main path meandering through the village. “Only a handful of our people understand your language, so we can speak freely. What inspired you to seek out Miranda’s services?”

  “She’s a therapist. You make her sound tawdry.”

  “She’s a therapist who utilizes divine gifts for profit. In my estimation, that is tawdry.”

  He didn’t argue. Everyone had a right to make a living. From what he’d seen, Miranda used her “divine gifts” to help people work through their emotional conflicts and he had no problem with that. If it wasn’t for her assistance, he wasn’t sure he’d have made it through the past few months.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” Hyalee reminded him.

  “I survived an illness everyone—including myself—expected to kill me.” He paused, trying to encapsulate his thoughts. The guilt, the shame, the spontaneous memory loops. How could he explain in a few short sentences the forces that had reshaped his life? Even Miranda only knew enough to realize she was in over her head. “Staring into the eyes of death does something to you. At least it did to me. Miranda gave me the impression there was someone here who could help me. Was she mistaken?”

  “From what little the letter revealed, it appears you need a soul seer.” She released his arm and shooed some sort of winged insect away from her face. “A soul seer is a true spiritual guide. Not the sort we use to entertain tourists, but a healer of incredible power.”

  “Is there a soul seer in your village?” Damn, these people enjoyed being evasive.

  “The Deity recently bestowed the gift on Miranda’s youngest sister Serena. There were complications with the ceremony, however, and she was left with a fundamental fear of using her ability.”

  “How did Miranda find out about this if she hasn’t spoken with Serena?”

  “It’s possible she’s been in contact with Orillia. Orillia frequently ignores the ban and communicates with her sister, but it’s more likely the unmentionable person had a prophetic vision. Your friend is exceptionally gifted. It’s a shame she couldn’t accept the expectations of our Order. We could have helped her train and strengthen her natural abilities.”

  Matt had witnessed Miranda’s abilities, so he wasn’t surprised by Hyalee’s explanation. He’d also glimpsed her fiery temper a time or two. “Lutton said we could help each other. What did he mean?”

  “Serena equates her gift with sexual expression and her first experience with sex was less than it should have been.”

  “I don’t think I like where this is leading.” He shifted his pack to his other shoulder and sighed. “You want me to seduce her?”

  “The letter refers to you as a kavis laren, a pleasure connoisseur. Who better to chip away at her misconceptions than someone who knows exactly what it takes to please a woman? Miranda seems to think this would be…dare I say, therapeutic?”

  Meaningless sex and carnal excess were part of the past now haunting him. He wanted to permanently take his life in a new direction. He rubbed his eyes with his fingertips, resisting the urge to refuse and walk back into the jungle. The unwanted images would follow him. He couldn’t outrun this and Miranda knew it.

  “Let’s say I help Serena accept her sexuality—and I’m not saying I will. What happens then?”

  “Once she can freely express her sexuality, her gift will enable her to guide you through your inner turmoil and restore balance to your soul stream.”

  “That sounds simple enough,” he scoffed. The high priestess had no idea what she was talking about. But Miranda had set this thing in motion, and he trusted Miranda implicitly. “Where can I find Serena?”

  “Her guards allow her an hour of privacy each afternoon to bathe and relax in the steam caves.”

  “Her guards?”

  “They’ve been her constant companions since her ascension. Despite her frequent complaints, Chief Amayis refuses to relent.”

  “Why does she need guards? And what the hell is an ascension?”

  “When someone completes their training as a priest or priestess, they go through a ceremony called an ascension. One of our enemies attacked Serena during her ascension. She was not physically harmed, but the incident left her s
haken and withdrawn.”

  “Is this why she can’t enjoy sex? Was she nearly raped?” It sounded like Serena needed Miranda, not a stranger trying to seduce her.

  “It’s complicated. The imposter’s attack is only part of it.” She paused, tension creeping into her expression. “Why don’t you go to the steam caves and decide for yourself. If you don’t think Serena will benefit from your expertise, no one will pressure you.”

  Knowing he would need to slip past Serena’s guards, Matt left his backpack with Hyalee. He followed the lower fork in the river as the high priestess had instructed and scanned his surroundings as he crept through the trees.

  Miranda had spoken of these people with a combination of resentment and regret. She hadn’t agreed with many of their beliefs, but it had been obvious she missed their uncomplicated lifestyle and their ability to savor each moment.

  He spotted a cluster of warriors practicing in a small clearing and heard the distant laughter of children. Smoke drifted on the air and he searched out the source. Women huddled around a smoldering fire, spreading thin strips of fish across a charred rack. Perspiration dampened their hair and made their skin shine. What a miserable task for such a warm afternoon.

  Why was he even considering this seduction? If Serena had submitted to one unpleasant sexual encounter after nearly being raped, her emotional misgivings could take years to overcome. He didn’t doubt his skill. His patience, on the other hand, was very much in question. He’d never understood the allure of virgins. Getting down and dirty with an experienced and eager woman was far more his style.

  The river turned sharply at the bottom of a long, steady incline, and the caves were located at the river’s bend. Matt easily spotted the area Hyalee had described then realized he was on the wrong side of the river.


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