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Brothers Page 3

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `I don't know, and I don't care. Just don't show your face around here for a while, clear?'

  I sighed. Being part of the Guild was the most important thing for me at the time. Well, the Guild itself was not the important thing, really, rather the opportunity to train as a fighter. The Guild provided the best opportunity for that. Being barred from the Guild Hall meant being barred from all practice sessions. I didn't like the idea of that, not in the slightest. I would have preferred a dangerous task that would take me away from the city than to be forced to sit home for weeks. I voiced my opinion of that.

  `Listen, Sergeant. Why don't you give me an assignment? I'm sure there's something to be done outside the walls of Ashkel. I don't care how difficult it is. Just let me do something other than sitting home and scratching my balls...'

  This time, he was the one that sighed.

  `I understand that it's difficult for you, Daniel... but I have nothing available right now. The only task I could give you is equal to a death sentence. I'm really sorry...'

  `It can't be that hard.' I told him. `What kind of task is it?'

  `Forget it.' he said, waving his hand. `It's Zack Sands...'

  `Who?' I asked.

  `The foul mouthed mage apprentice with the long black hair from the Mage Guild. Magister Matuak's best pupil.'

  `Never heard of him.' I said, shaking my head.

  `Count yourself fortunate then.' he said. `Zack Sands is bad news, and he is best avoided as far as possible. He has come to our Guild to hire someone for a bodyguard on three separate occasions. On all three occasions, he came back alone. The assigned bodyguard didn't survive.'

  `Are you saying... he killed them?'

  `No. He's just reckless, not stupid. It's simply that he doesn't give a damn about the safety of either himself or those around him. Whatever he's been doing lately is apparently extremely dangerous. He has repeatedly failed to ensure the survival of his companions.'

  `But they were the bodyguards, right? They were supposed to ensure his survival, or am I wrong?'

  `This is the Fighter's Guild, not the Martyr's Guild! We do bodyguard duty, but we don't go about sacrificing ourselves for the sake of the clients. We go to any length necessary to protect them, of course. That includes killing anyone and anything that threatens the life of the client. It does not include getting killed! If things turn really bad, we don't stick around and get killed. We grab the client and run with him to safety. But this guy... he just won't flee when he should.'

  `At least he's no coward...' I said, laughing.

  `Do you think that's funny?' he said, strictly. `Trust me, it's not.'

  `Come on, Sergeant! Let me have the job! I'd rather do this than sit home. How bad can it be?'

  `Do you want to die, Daniel?' he asked, grimly. Then he said: `Fine... If you want this job, it's yours. But if you die, don't say I didn't warn you.'

  `Deal!' I told him, smiling.

  `Now listen. You need to know something. We deal with Zack Sands solely because he is the best student of Magister Matuak. If we don't give him what he wants, he will go to his Master and complain, which is something we don't want. The Magister is known for having very little patience. Needless to say, we don't want the head of the Mage Guild causing us any trouble. That is why I have already assigned three of our warriors to that reckless fool.

  After the third one died, I decided not to give him any more, but I cannot turn him away. So I told him, that we were short on manpower, that we did not have anyone of sufficient skill to help him out, so he should come back later.

  That was two weeks ago. Since then, he comes back every day. Around the same time. In fact, he should be here in around fifteen minutes. So, here's what I want you to do. Sit down over there, and start sharpening or polishing your sword, or something. Act like you aren't paying attention.

  Sands and I will have an argument, as usual. It won't be a pleasure to hear, I can tell you that much... After a while I will call your name. Then, pretend that you don't know anything, and just follow my orders. Go with him, and try to survive this ordeal.'

  `Alright, no problem.' I told him, nodding.

  `Good. Remember, if things go bad, run. Even if you have to leave him behind. Come to think of it... that would be for the benefit of us all...'


  I was sitting on the bench by the wall as the Sergeant instructed me to, polishing my sword, when I heard somebody trying to knock the door down. At least that's what I thought. It was just loud knocking, actually. Anyway, a moment later the door opened, and a young man entered the room. Around twenty years old, with long black hair and a small beard. He was wearing a long black coat, black pants, and black boots. His shirt was also black, as was his belt. He had several wands stuck in his belt, at the very least six. In mage terms, carrying so many wands meant that he was armed to the teeth.

  He briefly glanced at me, but barged straight to the Sergeant's desk.

  `Good evening, Zack! How are you?' said the Sergeant.

  `Spare me the fucking formalities, Sergeant!' he replied, harshly. `Just say that you have someone for me today.'

  `Well, Zack, as you know, our Guild is facing some manpower problems. As you know...'

  `As I know, this Guild is supposed to be of high standards. Compared to that claim, I don't see any high fucking standards here...'

  `Oh, I assure you, the Fighter's Guild of Ashkel has the highest standards in all Ess'yer.'

  `Oh yeah? I fucking doubt that. First, the quality of your men doesn't seem to be of high standards. The ones I hired so far all proved to be a touch less competent than what is necessary to survive a simple fucking battle in a dungeon with a couple of undead. Second, you told me that you were short of manpower and I had to wait until one of your men is freed up, and then I could get the new bodyguard I asked for. Well, I've been waiting for two fucking weeks, and no new guy. Do you keep all your clients waiting so long? I wouldn't call that high standards, Sarge...'

  `Well, as I was saying, we are having some manpower problems, but one of our warriors became available today. He is a highly skilled, expert fighter, although not a seasoned veteran that you asked for. Nevertheless, he should be able to...'

  `Well where the fuck is he?'

  `Daniel! Come here, will you?' said the Sergeant, and I slowly stood up.

  Zack looked towards me, and he failed to hide the look of surprise on his face, if he tried it at all. He looked like he was expecting something different. Then he smiled, seemingly in satisfaction. In particular, he gave a very impressed look to my sword. As I approached him, he turned back to the Sergeant.

  `What's his rank in the Guild?'

  `Oh, he is still an apprentice, but I assure you that his skills are...'

  `I didn't ask that.' he replied, and then he turned to me.

  `So... Daniel, is it?'

  `Yeah. Pleased to meet you.' I said, and I sheathed my sword and offered him my hand. He shook it without hesitation.

  `Same here. I'm Zack Sands. Tell me, have you ever been on a dungeon exploration before?'

  `Not that I remember. But I was always wondering what that would be like...'

  `Good! Are you ready to go?'

  `Are you?'

  `I was fucking born ready!'

  The Sergeant interrupted us.

  `Well, as you know, the usual fee is...'

  `Yeah, yeah. Here's your fucking money.' said Zack, and passed a small pouch to the Sergeant. Then he turned towards the door, and left, without saying goodbye. I looked at the Sergeant, but he was just motioning me to follow Zack, so I did. So, our first adventure together began...


  And what an adventure it turned out to be! Well, I'll be honest, I wasn't too thrilled with the things that happened as they happened, but when we made it out safe and sound, I felt in retrospect, that it was a good experience, and at least I was able to put my skills to good use in there.

  Now, the dungeon itself was just a couple of hours
walk to the northeast, somewhere in the forests around Ashkel. I had heard that there were many old dungeons in those forests, but I never really knew their origins. So I asked Zack about it, if only to chat while we walk there.

  `So, what kind of dungeon is this that we're looking for?' I asked.

  `It's just a crypt, really. Built in the times before the Great War. There should be some interesting old magical scrolls or books in there. That's what I'm looking for.'


  `To learn from them.'

  `Doesn't the Mage Guild have a big enough library to hold knowledge of such things?'

  `Bah! The fucking Mage Guild of this pathetic city can't afford a decent library, not to mention, that the things they do have are restricted by rank. Apprentices are not allowed to see some of them. So I must make do, so to speak.'

  `You sound like you don't like your Guild much.'

  `That's right. There's nothing to like about this loathsome Guild, actually. Do you have any idea what kind of assholes run that Guild?'

  `Well, I don't really know much about your Guild, to be honest.'

  `Wanna hear it? This is first hand information, from a guy who's seen it all! About things that the Mage Guild likes to keep private.'


  `Well, the first thing you need to know about the Mage Guild is that it's run by a handful of vain assholes who don't keep their own rules and lie into each other's face if that helps their own personal agendas. Especially the big guy, Magister Harvey Matuak. I'm one of his personal apprentices, and let me tell you, it sucks to work for him. But what sucks the most, is if you want to advance in the Guild.

  Advancement is really the key to learn here, because certain tomes in the library are restricted by the rank within the Guild. To access magical knowledge of high levels, you must have a sufficiently high rank. Now, according to the Guild's rules, you must pass certain tests called the Trials of the Magi in order to advance in rank. There are five tests in total, the last of which allows you full access to the Guild's library, among other things. Me, I came to Ashkel and joined the Mage Guild five years ago, and have learned quite a lot in this time. I have already passed the Third Trial of the Magi, and I am eager to pass the fourth one as well. Thing is, Harvey Boy won't let me try. He says, I'm too inexperienced to attempt it. That I need to learn more before he lets me do the test.'

  `Well, maybe he's right. Magic is a difficult thing to master, as I hear.'

  `Magic is difficult, yes, but Harvey Boy is just jealous. He was much older than I am now when he passed his Fourth Trial. Fact is, he doesn't want me to do that test because he thinks I am too young. And you know what? It's not written in any of the Guild's rules that there is an age requirement for these tests. You try them if you want to, and if you have what it takes, you pass. It's that simple. But no. Harvey Boy thinks I'm too young, so I can't do the test. Which is complete fucking bullshit, since the point of a test is that it serves to determine whether a guy has what it takes to go to the next level. The Trial itself decides whether or not a mage is skilled enough to try tougher spells, so why not let everyone do the Trial when they feel ready? If they're not up to the task, they'll fail anyway, whereas does who are up to it will advance to the level where they belong. But fucking Harvey Boy doesn't think like that...'

  `Well why don't you turn to the other high ranked members of the Guild for support?'

  `What, the Inner Circle? Ha! Almost all of them think the same way. Two years ago there was another mage apprentice in the same situation as I am now. I could tell that he was more than fit to do his Fourth Trial, but they didn't let him. Only two of the Inner Circle members stood out for him, and that was not enough. So, he couldn't try the test. And why not? Just because he was too young. Of course they never said that this was the reason, but it was all too clear that there could be no other reason behind it at all. His results on previous tests spoke volumes of how good he was, there was absolutely no logical reason not to let him do the test.'

  `What did he do?'

  `Oh, he did the smart thing. He clenched his fist and pointed his middle finger upwards, right into Magister Matuak's face.' he said, illustrating the gesture with his right hand. `Then, he left Arghard.'

  `Huh? What do you mean he left Arghard?'

  `He traveled to Re'Cas and auditioned Councilor Jenathar to let him use the Gateways of Re'Cas so that he may travel to another world, where an old friend of his resides, and from whom he could learn more, and thereby advance as a magician. Jenathar told him that if he performed a certain task, he could use the Gateway. Knowing Jenathar's reputation, I can imagine it was some pretty sick shit, but he performed that task, and Jenathar was true to his word. Now this kid is having no problems trying to advance his magic skills. Last I heard from him was a few months ago. He said he was doing pretty well.'

  `Doesn't he regret leaving Arghard?'

  `Hell no. The only place in this world better for a mage then Ashkel, is of course Re'Cas. However, advancement in Re'Cas requires doing the bidding of the Council. Now, doing that once or twice is one thing, but doing it on long terms... Trust me, no decent guy wants to be a lackey of the Council.'

  `So, I guess you are planning to go after him, aren't you?'

  `Well, not exactly, but I most certainly intend to leave. When the time comes.'

  To be honest, I was greatly shocked to hear these things. I had no reason to doubt his words, but I was a bit skeptical, thinking that he may be biased, or that he was just angry because of his situation. You see, the Mage Guild had a good reputation as the finest magic organization in all of Delamar, second only to Re'Cas. It was hard to imagine that such shady internal politics would govern that Guild. But some time later I asked around in Ashkel, and eventually I started hearing the same tale from several other people. Zack wasn't lying. The Mage Guild of Ashkel did indeed work the way he claimed. The senior members indeed had the nerve to lie to each other if that helped them some way, and they indeed had no regard for their own rules. They did in fact restrict advancement of younger mages of the Guild, pretty much out of jealousy. Once I realized just how true all these rumors were, I understood Zack's anger and his desire to leave Arghard. But on that night when he first told me these things, I was skeptical.

  `I see.' This was all I replied to him, but he didn't hear my doubts in my response.

  `And you? Are you planning on staying long?' he asked me.

  `Well, what do you mean?' I asked, surprised.

  `I mean, do you like it in Ashkel?'

  `Well, it's better than nothing. You know, I had few options when my family cast me out.'

  `They cast you out?'

  `Yeah... You know... they wanted me to do something else. Well, never mind.'

  `Something else? Like what?'

  I sighed.

  `Well, my family name is Keehmor...'


  `Haven't you heard this name before?'


  `It is a family of mages with a long history. Everyone in the family has been a magician in the past four centuries. They all wanted me to follow in their footsteps, but I wanted to be a fighter. I desired to wield huge swords and wear shiny plate armor and stuff like that. Well, I guess you must think I'm a dumbass...'

  `No, not at all. We all have a different calling in life. Your parents were cocksucking faggots if they didn't realize that, and they were fucking assholes if they wanted to force you to live a life other than what you desired.'

  Just like that, he called my parents cocksucking faggots and fucking assholes. I guess, I should have been insulted, but I wasn't. Instead, I was pleased. He understood that becoming a warrior was my great dream, and he didn't mock me for it. Instead, he agreed with the choice I had made. That was something I never would have expected from a wizard, not after the way my family treated me.

  `So, you don't think I should have let them make me a magician?'

  `No fucking way! We all should choose our own path. If yo
u wanted to be a fighter, if that's your calling in life, this is the path to take.

  I can fully understand you. My own parents weren't too thrilled with my talent for magic. We lived in a small village far from here, where barely anyone knew what magic was, and even my parents were scared of my ever growing abilities to use magic. So they sent me to Ashkel when I was fifteen, saying that it was the best place where I could study.

  Well, fuck them! Ashkel sucks! And I think they knew that. I guess they expected I'd grow tired of this place and just give up magic and return to them, to harvest crop and farm chicken eggs, and do similar shit. Well, they can kiss my ass, I'm staying right here. Ashkel sucks, but it will do nicely as a starting point. It has allowed me to advance professionally as a magician, and I learned a lot in these past five years. In time, I will move on to better opportunities, and for now I'll put up with the limitations of this place. Hell, magic is my calling in life. This is what I want to do, and this is what I will do, whether anybody likes it or not.

  As for you, if your calling in life is to become a warrior, that's what you should do, no matter what anyone else may think. Pursue your chosen goal in life, and ignore what others think.'

  `Strange to hear a mage saying that. I'd have thought you'd say that magic is way better than mere swordfighting and all that.'

  `Listen, I'm not saying that magic is not better than swinging swords. But swords are still good weapons, that's why you're here. I'm just saying that you should only study magic if you yourself want to, if you yourself feel a calling.'

  I smiled, and had no idea that one day I would indeed study magic, that one day I would feel a calling, as he put it. But that's a different story, maybe I will tell you about it later. For now, let me continue.

  I thanked Zack for his understanding, and he replied in his typical manner which I eventually got used to:

  `You're welcome, Danny Boy! I just hope you're really good with that sword. I'd hate to see you ending up mangled, disemboweled, and decapitated, like those three idiots ended up who came with me as bodyguards earlier.'


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