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Brothers Page 22

by Viktor Zólyomi

  He puts the gem back in his small gem pouch, and then takes the stone in his hand and looks towards the ruins. The face pointing towards the walls is still glowing.

  `Let's take a look around! I want to know what this thing is guiding me to.'

  He begins to walk towards the ruins, and I follow him. Soon, I will have my chance...

  First thing's first

  The Replica Room in the extraplanar stronghold of Zack Sands, present day (15 hours after Twilightfall)

  Sometimes I wonder how he does it. The Librarian. The one who chronicles the history of Arghard through paintings. How does he do it? He was not even there when it happened. Yet he painted it. He painted it, and thanks to the magics of this room I can see its replica. I can see it, and I cannot believe what I am seeing. The siege. The siege just minutes before the stone blew into my face. He painted it with unimaginable detail.

  The Keep, standing tall and proud, as Danny Boy imagined it in his twisted mind when he reconstructed it. The courtyard, with all its glory. The alter golems, standing tall and holding their ground against the onslaught. Mel's slave army, trying their best to put them down. Mel's half-dragons, aiding the slave army. Mel's dragons, soaring high in the sky, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Even Mel' herself, standing behind her army, watching the siege.

  Then, there's the tower. The tower where I fought Flora. And the glow. The glow can clearly be seen through the glass dome and the windows. This painting depicts what happened mere minutes before the explosion. The Librarian knew well what he was doing when he made this painting. He only paints happenings that had extraordinary importance to the history of Arghard. Arguably, this explosion had a tremendous impact on our world. Yes, he knew what he was doing. But how?

  How did he know? How could he tell? When he was in Re'Cas all along?

  How does he do it? If I knew...

  Oh well. I guess some secrets will never be revealed to me. But maybe someday I'll get to the bottom of it all.


  I turn towards the voice. It is Tano. I didn't even hear him arriving. I guess I got lost in my thoughts. Bad sign, that. Bad sign...

  `What is it, Tano?' I ask.

  `Ghaubel has sent you a message, as you expected, Master.'

  `What did she say?'

  `Well, she said that I should tell you that she found him. But she didn't say anything more. She claimed you would know what she meant.'

  `I do.' I tell him, as I turn back to the new painting. `I do...'

  `Are you alright, Master?'

  `What? Oh. Well, yeah. I guess.'

  `Are you sure? You sound like...'

  `Have you examined it, Tano?'

  `What, Master?'

  `The new painting.'

  `Why, yes, Master! It is truly magnificent, isn't it?'

  `Did you study it carefully?'

  `Well, I was admiring it from the very first moment I saw it. But I had many things to do since you returned, and so I have not yet observed every detail.'

  `Take a look at that!' I tell him, pointing to a specific part of the painting. Tano jumps up on my shoulder and stares at it, examining the figure. A man wearing a hooded cloak, and carrying a halberd.

  `Is that one of Meliorath's soldiers? He seems a bit far from the rest of the army.'

  `No. It's not one of them. Look at that halberd. It's masterfully crafted and powerfully enchanted. I have not seen such a weapon among Mel's soldiers. Look how far he is from everything. And look how he's facing the tallest tower.'

  `Facing the glow... Yes, I see it.'

  `He knew.'


  `That figure with the halberd. Whoever he is, he knew what was going to happen. He knew. He was there, and he waited for it.'

  `What makes you think so, Master?'

  `When I awoke after the explosion, I was attacked by a large group of ghosts. Members of Mel's fallen army. Someone had to summon them to kill me. It had to be someone who knew what was happening. Someone who expected it to happen. Now here is this painting, showing the siege, and here's a guy who just doesn't fit the picture. A complete stranger. Maybe I'm assuming too much, but to me it's clear: it was him. Whoever he is, it was him.'

  `How could he have known? How could he have survived the explosion?'

  `How he knew? I don't know. But if he knew what would happen, he was prepared with proper protection. He had to be a mage with decent skill in the Dark Arts to summon the ghosts. If he was a mage, I am sure he knew some powerful protection spells. You see, Tano? It all adds up. Perfectly logical. There is no contradiction in what I am assuming.'

  `But that doesn't necessarily mean that it is correct, does it, Master?'

  `Indeed. It doesn't. But I don't see any other explanation. Someone had to summon those ghosts. It had to be someone nearby. After the twilight fell, teleportation was impossible.'

  `What about Teleportation Gateways, Master?'

  `True. Gateways still work, and therefore, so should Teleportation Gateways. Yes, he could have used one of those to open a Teleport Gate, but even then he had to know what would happen, and where to come. No matter, really. Point is, I have a gut feeling that this guy with the halberd is the one who tried to have me killed.'

  `Who is he, Master?'

  `I don't know. He's not in the slightest bit familiar. Nor is his weapon. I'd remember a weapon like that...'

  `So you are no closer to the truth than before, Master...'

  `On the contrary. I am very much closer now. Now I know what he looks like. And if I see him...'

  I pull the SMG 12000 out of my belt, and aim it at the figure on the painting.

  `If I see him, I will shoot first, and ask questions after he's dead!' I exclaim, pressing my teeth together as I speak.

  `Master, please don't shoot the painting!' screams Tano, and he suddenly jumps off my shoulder.

  `Don't worry.' I tell him, as I stick the SMG 12000 back in my belt. `I don't want to waste charges on his painting... I want to spare every last one of them for him.'

  I sigh deeply, and turn towards the door. I briefly turn back to Tano before I step out the door.

  `I will go talk to Ghaubel now.' I tell him. `Then I will check on her information. If it proves reliable, I will get Danny Boy back here. You should be ready for that, Tano. He can be a touch... eccentric, so to speak. You need to be ready for anything...'


  As I step out of the Portal, I arrive right in Ghaubel's Observation Room. She stands a few feet to the right of me, with her arms folded on her chest. She waits expectantly.

  `I got your message.' I tell her, as I close the Portal behind me. `Where is he?'

  `Not so fast. First, get me out of here!'

  `First thing's first, Ghaubel! Tell me where he is, and then we can get to my part of the bargain.'

  `I don't trust you, Zack!'

  `I don't trust you, either, and you don't have a choice. Tell me where he is, and then we'll talk.'

  `No. First...'

  Before she could continue, I pull the SMG 12000 out of my belt, quickly step right next to her, grab her by the hair with my left hand, and stick the barrel of my weapon against her forehead. She groans and presses her teeth together.

  `I'm warning you, bitch... Don't piss me off, I'm not in the mood! During the past day, I got a castle blown on my head, was ambushed by a battalion of ghosts, attacked by demons, and subjected to the idiotic notion of patriotism. I've had enough of this fucking day! So don't fuck with me!'

  `Alright, alright...' she says, slowly. `Just get this thing away from me...'

  I slowly release her and pull the SMG 12000 away from her head.

  `Where the fuck is he?' I ask.

  She points to the ceiling, and the map of Draconia above us comes to life. A bright spot begins to glow in the northwestern region. At a very distinct location...

  `What the... Is that Ighttur-wor?' I ask, surprised.

  `Yes. He's there.'

/>   `What the fuck is he doing there? How did he get so far from the Keep?'

  `Take a look.' she says, and she shows me an image of a clearing before the ruined walls of Ighttur-wor. I see three half-dragon corpses, and there is also a large winged demon laying on the ground near them. It looks dead.

  `Daniel found himself a nice quick mount. He doesn't seem to be afraid of flying!' she says with a smirk.

  `Why would he go to Ighttur-wor? There's nothing there... It's an empty ruined mountain fortress from the times before the Brotherhood. We explored it once, and it was totally fucking empty.'

  `I don't know the answer to that, but he's there.'

  `Alright, fine.' I tell her, as I stick the SMG 12000 back in my belt. `I'll go take a look.'

  `First, do as you promised! Take me away from here!'

  `I will. After I get Danny Boy out of here.'

  `No! You will...'

  `I said, I will take him out of here, and then I will get you out of here! Do you have a problem with that?'

  `You're damn right I do! You never keep your promises, you bastard! You're nothing but a liar!'

  `A friend of mine once called me the king of deceivers, Ghaubel! You might wanna keep that in mind. But don't worry. I promised to get you out of here, and I will. But first thing's first. First thing is Danny Boy. Once I get him out of here, it will be your turn.'

  `Unless you mysteriously forget about me...' she says, frowning.

  `Now why would I do that?' I ask, smiling.

  `Bah... You are what you are, Zack...'

  `If you're so afraid I'll leave you behind, then come along, and I'll take you to the Gateway at the same time as I take Danny Boy there.'

  `Go with you to Ighttur-wor? So you can use me as blade fodder? No. I know you too well... I'd rather wait here.'

  `Blade fodder? Are you expecting something to happen there?'

  `When Daniel arrived there, he had a fight with a mage. And not just any mage. Someone you know. Drabangar.'

  `What...? So... that's why he went there. To get even with that cocksucker.'

  `It seemed to me that neither of them expected to see the other there. And Daniel didn't kill him. He locked Drabangar in a cage gem.'

  `Truly? That's interesting. You're right. If Drabangar was there, there may be trouble. Thanks for the warning, I'll remember that you were kind enough to indulge that information...'

  Yes... I will also remember that you didn't bother to warn me until it became clear to you that I'd go there before I'd get your sorry ass out of here. Little bitch... Oh well. I expected nothing less from you...

  I turn to leave, but suddenly something comes to my mind, and I turn back to her.

  `Tell me, Ghaubel... Did Drabangar have a big enchanted halberd with him by any chance?'

  `No. He was unarmed. Why?'

  `Never mind.' I tell her, shaking my head. `Just curious...'

  `Just go. And hurry up. I've studied the twilight while you were away. I think there is not much time left.'

  `Indeed, the clock's ticking...' I tell her, and I turn to open the Portal. This day just keeps getting better and better. Eh, fuck it...


  Ighttur-wor, present day (15 and a half hours after Twilightfall)


  It seems like yesterday that Zack and I were here. It has been a lot longer than that, but I still remember vividly what an experience it was...

  We were full of excitement when we first laid our eyes on the walls of this ancient fortress. The crumbling walls were in a shape so bad that the sight of the fortress alone betrayed its age. It has to be the oldest ruin Zack and I ever explored...

  A pity we found nothing here. When we entered the fortress, we found nothing but abandoned and collapsed structures within. There were two towers at the far end of the fortress. Much of the towers were collapsed by then, but they were still the only two sections of the fortress that were still relatively intact. The rest of the fortress was littered with remnants of various smaller structures, but really, all that remained was a number of crumbling walls.

  We explored the towers, but they were empty. No trap doors leading to cellars or dungeons, no secret rooms, no undead to fight, nothing. Zack spent a lot of effort on using his magic to seek some kind of hidden area, but there was nothing. Only what we saw on the surface.

  What we saw, was completely empty. Perhaps ransacked ages ago by others, I don't know. We left disappointed that we had found nothing. Still, I remember this place fondly, for it was without a doubt the absolutely most ancient structure we had ever explored. Not even the dungeon where Zack found his infernal blades was so old...

  Now that I am here once again, I can't help but try to recall what the place looked like when Zack and I were here long ago. As far as I can tell, barely anything changed. A few more walls have fallen since our first visit, but other than that, everything is as it used to be. What could possibly be here that this strange stone is guiding me to?

  I look at the stone in my hand. Still, it is glowing, telling me to go straight ahead. I follow the lead of the stone, and walk past crumbling remnants of ancient buildings and fallen walls. My charming companion follows behind me patiently. She looks around suspiciously, like she is expecting more minions of the wizard to jump us.

  `Don't worry...' I tell her. `If the mage had had any more servants, he'd have called them to his aid.'

  `I'm not sure he had the brains for that...' she replies. I laugh, and continue forwards. Slowly, we arrive at a relatively empty field just in front of the towers. It's a large area, with a number of obelisks forming a circle in the middle. Yes, I remember this place. Zack and I saw the obelisks. There were eleven of them in total, standing in a circle. There were signs of four more obelisks which were no longer in their place. There was also a dais in the center of the circle of obelisks. Both the dais and the obelisks were perfectly plain, lacking any runes or markings. Zack said that the place must have been designed for magical rituals, but he could sense no trace of any magic. The stone in my hand is guiding me straight towards the center of this circle...

  `What the...'

  As I approach, I spot something in the center of the circle. Atop the dais, there is a vertical, door-shaped watery surface, shining in a silvery color. A Teleport Gate...

  `Is that what it looks like?' asks Flora.

  `Yes... The stone is guiding us straight towards it.'



  Suddenly, I hear a sharp sound from the left. I turn towards the sound, and see that a diagonal line has appeared in the air about ten feet from us. It has the color and the shining surface of a Portal...

  `What the Hell...'

  Slowly, the line begins to expand, becoming a regular Portal, albeit one of an extremely irregular shape. Moments later, a figure steps through it.

  A human man with long black hair and a small beard, wearing a long black coat. His left hand is that of a skeleton. He turns towards the Portal and touches its surface with this hand. Moments later, the Portal closes shut.

  He looks around. As he sees us, he smiles widely.

  `Danny Boy! There you are!'

  Oh, I'm here alright, you son of a bitch...

  Without hesitation, I run to him, grab his sleeve with both hands, and violently shake him.

  `Zack! You son of a bitch! You damned son of a bitch! You blew my castle up!'

  `Easy...' he says, raising his hands in defense. `It wasn't my fault.'

  `It never is, is it?!' I ask, and release him and push him back. He smooths his clothes and stretches his neck.

  `I'm not here to argue, Danny Boy. We...'

  Then he notices Beautiful not far from us.

  `Flora?' he asks, surprised. `What are you doing here?'

  Then he shakes his head and turns to me.

  `You just can't keep your dick in your pants, can you?' he asks, frowning.

  `It's not what you think, Zack...'

>   `Whatever, what are you doing here?' he asks.

  `Me? What are you doing here, Zack?'

  `I'm looking for you, man! We have to get outta here. Now!'

  `I don't follow you, Zack... What's the rush?'

  `Listen. We have a big ass problem... Come along and I will explain it to you.'

  `Zack, I have something to find here first.'

  `Like what?'

  `I really don't know that...' I tell him, and then I show him the strange transparent stone that guided me here. `...but this thing here...'

  `What?!' he screams, and his eyes go wide as he looks at the stone. `How did you get that?! What did you do with it?!'

  Before I could reply, something impacts into me and pushes me forward. I fall on Zack, and the stone rolls out of my hand.

  `What the Hell...'

  As I look up, I see Beautiful moving towards the stone. Did she knock me down?

  `Why did you do that?' I ask, as I slowly stand up. Zack jumps up swiftly and runs after her. He jumps at her legs and knocks her down. She reaches for the stone, but Zack is holding her down. She is a few inches too far.

  `Get the stone, Danny Boy!' screams Zack. `Now!'

  `What the Hell are you two doing?'

  `Just fucking do it! She's trying to steal it!'

  `What?!' I exclaim, and I quickly walk to the stone. I pick it up.

  `Give it back!' screams Beautiful. `It's mine!'

  `Why do you want it?' I ask.

  `It's mine. Zack stole it from me...'

  I look at Zack. He is still holding Beautiful down. He looks up and sees my questioning stare. He smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

  `Oh boy... You never change, do you, Zack?' I ask. Suddenly, Beautiful breaks free and kicks Zack in the jaw, and jumps up.

  `Ouch... You bitch!' screams Zack, grasping his jaw and rolling on the ground in pain. Beautiful turns to me.

  `It was a gift from someone dear to me. It means a lot to me. Give it back.' she tells me.

  `Don't give it to her, fuck it!' screams Zack from the ground.

  `You are not like him...' says Beautiful. `Give it to me.'


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