The growing interest within the Corps of its history has seen The Rose and The Laurel grow from eighty-three pages in 1967 to 112 in 1997 to 200 in 2007. While obituaries hint at history, it is formal visits by serving soldiers in the War Graves Project and research, such as by former Sergeant John Condon’s In the Name of the Rose and Honours and Awards projects that is opening the box. The world class display of SOE equipment generously donated by the Bedfordshire businessman, Mr Julian Barnard, now a Trustee of the Museum, and its Special Relationship with the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps), is a reminder of the role that the Corps has played in special duties from its early years. Add to this, researched articles by former Captain Fred Judge into Field Security and Protective Security, the former National Service Corporal Paul Croxson into Signals Intelligence and the late Lieutenant Colonel Tony Williams into the Corps’ wartime association with SOE, MI5 and MI6 is unearthing an astonishing, but largely unknown, history.
If there is one area where the Corps has made slow headway, it is convincing industry, commerce and business in the public and private sector that former members have security skills and abilities to manipulate, interpret and convert raw information into intelligence that could be beneficial to their operation. There is a glass ceiling to be broken, but that can only happen once employers recognize the skills the Intelligence Corps has to offer. This can only happen if the Corps raises its head above the parapet.
As for the future, it seems bright.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Officers Wing, Oriel College, Oxford University
Other Ranks Wing, Winchester, Hampshire
Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham, Yorkshire
Oudenarde Barracks, Aldershot, Hampshire
Maresfield Camp, Uckfield, Sussex
Templer Barracks, Ashford, Kent
Chicksands, Bedfordshire
Colonel in Chief
His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Colonel Commandant
General Sir Bernard Paget GCB DSO MC
Major General F.H.N. Davidson CB DSO MC
Major General A.C. Shortt CB OBE
Major General R.E. Lloyd CB CBE DSO
Lieutenant General Sir Richard Fyffe KBE CB DSO MC
Brigadier J.M. Gow KCB ADC
Major General, later Lieutenant General C.R.L. Guthrie GCB LVO OBE ADC
Lieutenant General Sir Roger Wheeler KCB CBE ADC MA
Major General, later Lieutenant General J.P. Kiszely KCB MC
Lieutenant General Sir Nick Houghton KBE CBE
Commandants Intelligence Centre
Brigadier B.E.L. Burton CBE
Brigadier J.M.L. Gavin OBE BA
Brigadier B.T.V. Cowey DSO
Inspectors of Intelligence and Commandant Intelligence Centre
Brigadier A.W. Vickers DSO OBE
Brigadier T.F.R. Bulkeley MBE
Inspector Intelligence Corps (Head of Arm)
Brigadier J.A. Mackenzie CBE DSO MC ADC
Brigadier B.M. Bremner OBE ADC
Brigadier P.A.M. Tighe OBE ADC
Director Intelligence Corps and Commandant Intelligence Corps
(Always Intelligence Corps)
Brigadier K.J. Mears CBE
Brigadier B.A.H. Parritt CBE ADC (1982)
Brigadier M.P. Ford
Brigadier A.K. Crawford
Brigadier E.P.o. Springfield
Brigadier M.I. Laurie
Director Intelligence Corps and Commandant Defence Intelligence and Security Centre
Brigadier C.G. Holtom
Brigadier P.R. Everson OBE ADC (2003)
Brigadier E.R. Duncan OBE ADC
Director Intelligence Corps
Brigadier M.J. Hallas OBE ADC
The Intelligencers’ Prize. Awarded to the member of the Corps who, during the last year, is judged to have brought most credit to the Intelligence Corps. Intelligence Corps Best Junior Officer. Awarded to the best student of the Junior Officers’ Course.
The Rose and the Laurel Prize. Awarded for the best article in the Corps Journal.
The Parritt Prize. Awarded to the person who, in the judgement of the Corps Secretary, has done most to improve the efficiency of the Corps.
Painter-Stainers’ Award for Enterprise. Awarded to an individual for some enterprise not necessarily directly related to the profession of intelligence and security, that adds to the morale and social life of the Corps or fosters good public relations.
The FANY (PRVC) Silver Salver. Presented for the best group effort within the Intelligence Corps, whether it be on operations, adventurous training or a recreational activity.
Brown’s Recess. Intelligence Corps may call for a ten minute recess in between the sweet and coffee and speeches at Mess Dinners.
Officers’ Mess Formal Dinners, Whisky is passed around the table before Port.
Harman Trophy In commemoration of Corporal Paul Harman killed in Northern Ireland.
Shaw Trophy Intelligence Corps v Royal Military Police v RAF Police. Cup donated by Corps Secretary Major Dick Shaw.
Sharron Elliott Trophy In commemoration of Staff Sergeant Sharron Elliott killed in Iraq.
Sue Yost Trophy Ladies football.
Abwehr Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Foreign Affairs/Defence Office of the Armed Forces High Command). The German intelligence-gathering agency that dealt exclusively with Human Intelligence
APIU Army Photographic Interpretation Unit
AMIU Mediterranean Photographic Interpretation Centre
AMGOT Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories
ANSI Analyst, Special Intelligence
AOER Army Officers Emergency Reserve
APIC Air Photo Interpretation Centre
APIS Air Photographic Interpretation Section
APR Air Photographic Reading
Askari Generic term for East African soldier
ASU (IRA) Active Service Unit
ASO Area Security Officer
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service
AXIS Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan
BAOR British Army of the Rhine
BBC British Broadcasting Service
BEF British Expeditionary Force
BRIXMIS British Military Mission
BSSO British Services Security Organisation
BZO British Zone of Occupation
CMP Corps of Military Police
CF Chaplain to the Forces
CSDIC Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre
CSM Company Sergeant Major
DCI Defence Council Instruction
DMI Director, Military Intelligence
DOBOPS Director of Borneo Operations
DSO (MI5) Defence Security Officer Distinguished Service Order
DZ (Parachute) Drop Zone
EOD Explosive Ordnance Device
EOKA Ethniki Organosis Kyprion
Agoniston (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters)
EW Electronic Warfare
FA Football Association
FIO Field Intelligence Officer
FINCO Field Intelligence Non Commissioned Officer
FS Field Security
FSRD Field Security Reserve Detachment
FSO Field Security Officer
FSP Field Security Police.
FSS Field Security Section
G General Staff
G2 General Staff (Intelligence)
G (B) General Staff (Counter Intelligence)
G (C) General Staff (Censorship)
G (Int) General Staff (Operational Intelligence)
G (S) General Staff (Signals Intelligence and Electronic Warfare)
G (Sy) General Staff (Security)
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters
GHQ General Headquarters
Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police)
GS General Staff
GSO British term for General Staff Officer graded (Grade) 1
(lieutenant colonel), G2 (major) and G3 (captain)
HMS His/Her Majesty’s Ship
HMAS His/Her Majesty’s Australian Ship
HPSS Home Port Security Section
HQ Headquarters
IRA Irish Republican Army
ISOS ‘Intelligence Services, Oliver Strachey’ information
J2 Joint Staff Intelligence and Security Branch
JARIC Joint Air Reconnaissance Centre
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee
JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters
JNCO Junior Non Commissioned Officer – corporals and lance corporals
JSIW Joint Services Interrogation Wing
Kempei Tei Japanese Military Police
KGB Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security). Prime post-1945 Soviet internal security, intelligence and secret police organization during that time
LRDG Long Range Desert Group
M Mobilization
MC Military Cross
MCP Malay Communist Party
MEF Middle East Forces
MI Military Intelligence
MI5 Military Intelligence Section 5 (The Security Services)
MI6 Military Intelligence Section 6 (The Security Intelligence Services)
MBE Member of the British Empire
MM Military Medal
MSO Mixed Services Organisation
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NCO Non Commissioned Officer
NKVD Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). Soviet internal security function
OBE Order of the British Empire
PAI Force Persia and Iraq Force
PI Photographic Interpreter
PJHQ Permanent Joint Headquarters
POW Prisoner of War
PWE Political Warfare Executive
PX Post Exchange store operated by US Army and US Air
RAF Royal Air Force
RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps
RASC Royal Army Service Corps
RCT Royal Corps of Transport (US) Regimental Combat Team
RE Royal Engineers
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary
SAS Special Air Service
SD Sicherheitdienst – Nazi Party intelligence organization
SEATO South East Asia Treaty Organisation
SO2 G2 Staff Officer, Grade 2 (a major), Intelligence
SO3 G2 Staff Officer, Grade 3 (a captain) Intelligence
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SNCO Senior Non Commissioned Officer – sergeants and staff sergeants and equivalents
SOE Special Operations Executive
SOXMIS Soviet Military Mission
SS Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron)
Sy Security
TA Territorial Army
TAVR Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve
UN United Nations
UNHCR UN High Commission for Refugees
USA United States of America
USMC United States Marine Corps
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Waffen-SS Military Wing of the SS
WIS Wireless Intelligence Section
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
WRAC Women’s Royal Army Corps
Allen, Louis, Burma: The Longest War 1941-45; J.M. Dent and Sons; 1984.
Andrew, Christopher, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community; Heinemann; London; 1985.
Bailey, Roderick, The Wildest Province, SOE in the Land of the Eagle; Vintage Books; London; 2008.
Binney, Marcus, Secret War Heroes, Men of the Special Operations Executive; Hodder and Stoughton; London; 2005.
Blaxland, Gregory, The Regiments Depart, A History of the British Army 1945-1970; William Kimber; London; 1971; also Destination Dunkirk; The Military Book Society, London; 1973.
Campbell, Major Stephen Andrew; An Exit Strategy Not a Winning Strategy? Intelligence Lessons from the British Emergency in South Arabia 1963-67; US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leanvenworth; 2012.
Churchill, John, Disaster in Surabaya: The Death of Brigadier Mallaby during the British Occupation of Java 1945-46; Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Vol 2/3; September 1996.
Clayton, Anthony, Forearmed: A History of the Intelligence Corps; Brassey’s; London; 1993. Also, Counter-Insurgency in Kenya 1952-60; Sunflower University Press; Manhattan, Kansas; 1984.
Deeley, Graham, Worst Fears Confirmed; Barny Books; Grantham; 2005.
Dorill, Stephen, MI6, Fifty Years of Special Operations; 4th Estate; London; 2000.
Eaton, Captain H.B., APIS, Soldiers with Stereo; Intelligence Corps; 1978.
Elliott, Geoffrey and Shukman, Harold, Secret Classrooms: A Memoir of the Cold War; St Ermin’s Press; 2002.
Foot, M.R.D., SOE in France; An Account of the Work of the British Special Operations Executive in France, 1940-1944; HMSO; London; 1966. Also, The Special Operations Executive 1940-1946; BBC; London; 1984.
Foot, M.R.D. and Langley, J.M., MI9, Escape and Evasion 1939-1940; Book Club Associates; London; 1979.
Garnett, David, The Secret History of PWE: The Political Warfare Executive 1939-45; St Ermin’s Press; London; 2002.
Gore, David, On Kentish Chalk: A Farming Family on the North Downs; David Gore; Newbury; 2006.
Gwynn-Browne, Arthur, FSP: An NCO’s Description of his and Others’ First Six Months of War January 1 – June 1 1940; Chatto & Windus; London; 1943.
Haswell, Jock, British Military Intelligence; Willmer Brothers Ltd; Birkenhead; 1973.
Hoare, Oliver, Camp 020, MI5 and the Nazi Spies; PRO; Richmond; 2000.
Household, Geoffrey, Against the Wind; Michael Joseph; London; 1958.
Hughes-Wilson, Colonel John, Military Intelligence Blunders; Robinson; London; 1999.
Jeffery, Keith, MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949; Bloomsbury; London; 2010.
Keane, Fergal, Road of Bones, The Epic Seige of Kohima 1944; Harper Press; London; 2010.
Kirby, Norman, 1,100 Miles with Monty: Security and Intelligence at Tac HQ; Sutton Publishing; Stroud; 2003.
Mains, Lt Col Tony, The Retreat from Burma: An Intelligence Officer’s Personal Story; W. Foulsham & Co Ltd; London; 1973.
Moss, William Stanley, Ill Met by Moonlight; Harrap; London; 1950.
Jeffrey, Keith, MI6: History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949; Bloomsbury; London; 2010.
Murphy, Dr Christopher, Security and Special Operations: SOE and MI5 During the Second World War; Palgrave and Macmillan.
Steers, Bob, FSS, Field Security Sections; Robert Steers; Heathfield; 1996.
Wolfe, Gregory, Malcolm Muggeridge, a biography; Hodder & Stoughton; London; 1995.
her Published Sources
Intelligence Corps War Establishment WE No. 111/1931/62/2 dated 16 December 1936.
PRO WO 167/6 Special Annexure to GHQ (Int Branch) BEF War Diary for September 1939.
Van der Post, Lt Col L.J., Story of No. 43 Special Mission; PRO WO 106 5035X/K 5502.
Evans, George, A British POW becomes a Partisan 1943-45; BBC, WW2 People’s War; 9 November 2009. – Special Mission No.42, Java.
www.combinedops – 575 Field Security Section.
www.pegasusarchive – Capt Frank Macmillan, 317 FSS. – My Part in two Armies – Cpl Maurice Villa, 49 FSS.
www.musicweb-international – Quadrille with a Raven (Humphrey Searle).
Unpublished Sources
Burrill, Col D.M., Prisoners Intelligence & War, a Defence Fellowship Study; King’s College, University of London (War Studies); 1988-1989.
Croxson, Paul, An Introduction to SigInt and in Particular the Part Played by the Intelligence Corps. Also, SigInt in the Cold War: Waiting and Listening
Jefferies, Peter, Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre Northern Ireland – RIC (NI).
Judge, Fred, A History of British Military Intelligence in West Germany and Berlin. Also, The Field Security Section of the Intelligence Corps 1939 to 1960.
Millard, WO2 Roy, Post Tour Report – OP Hanwood; May 1992.
Williams, Lt Col Tony and Judge, Fred, Special Duties; SOE, MI5 and the Intelligence Corps 1940 to 1946.
Research by the late WO1 Hillyer-Funke, John and Ramsey, Winston, The Rose and The Laurel; 1976.
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