The Taming of Delaney Fortune (The Fortunes of Texas: Cowboy Country)

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The Taming of Delaney Fortune (The Fortunes of Texas: Cowboy Country) Page 10

by Michelle Major

  She stiffened but didn’t try to pull back. “Gossip spreads through this town faster than a wildfire on the plains. That much is true. But people know you’ve been helping out at the ranch. They could think we’re coworkers out for a friendly dinner.”

  He traced his fingers along the inside of her wrist, up her arm to where it bent. He saw her shiver and felt goose bumps rise up where he touched. “I don’t want anyone to doubt why I’ve taken you to dinner, Delaney. I hope we’re friends, but that isn’t all I want from you. Not by a long shot.”

  Chapter Ten

  Delaney wondered if it was possible for a person to actually melt with desire. She’d never felt anything like the way her body heated at Cisco’s touch. What he could do with just his fingers on her arm made her want to crawl across the table and press her whole body to his.

  She knew her face must be screaming red and had a feeling more than one table around them was curious about exactly what was going on between her and Cisco. The realization flashed into her mind that when he left Horseback Hollow, she’d be left here with half the town watching her manage a broken heart.

  Broken heart? Where had that thought come from? Had she really given her heart to Cisco Mendoza so quickly?

  She pulled her hand from his and took a long drink of water, resisting the urge to fan her fingers in front of her face.

  “Did I go too far again?” he asked as he watched her.

  “No, it’s fine.” She couldn’t begin to admit how far ahead of her brain her heart had galloped. “I want...” She broke off, not sure how to continue without revealing too much. “I’m not sure what I want, but I’m glad we’re friends, Cisco.”

  He nodded. “I hope we’ll always be friends.”

  “Even after you return to Florida?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “Have you ever visited Miami?”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s very different from Horseback Hollow, but it’s an amazing city. There is so much energy. People have come from all over and made the city a melting pot of cultures. The music and food are amazing.”

  “I wouldn’t fit into your world.” Delaney pulled her hair back, then flipped it over one shoulder. “Everyone would think I’m a total country bumpkin.”

  “People would think you were beautiful and fresh and so alive. Just like I do.”

  Before Delaney could answer, Marcus Mendoza approached the table again. “How was everything?”

  “Perfect,” Delaney answered with a smile.

  “You’ve done well for yourself with this restaurant,” Cisco told him.

  “Thank you,” Marcus answered. “How long are you staying in Horseback Hollow before the big city calls you back?”

  “Awhile longer.”

  “You must be working quite a deal.”

  Delaney saw shock flash in Cisco’s eyes before he covered it. “What have you heard?”

  Marcus patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. Whatever’s going on hasn’t leaked yet. I just know from how much Orlando praises your head for business that a guy like you wouldn’t be satisfied in a one-horse town like this if there wasn’t something going on to sweeten the pot.”

  Delaney felt herself stiffen. Cisco gave her a reassuring smile. “Horseback Hollow is a great place. I’m in no hurry to leave.”

  His cousin looked between Cisco and Delaney. “Especially if you find a good enough reason to stay. You’ll have to visit our family’s place down in Red Rock while you’re still in town,” Marcus said. “It’s a different atmosphere than the Cantina. I think you’d like it.”

  “We’ll try it,” Cisco said, reaching out to take Delaney’s hand. This time his touch was comforting and she found she liked it just as much.

  After they’d said goodbye to Marcus and Wendy, Cisco drove her back to her parents’ house. His mood had changed since they’d left the restaurant, as if something about the conversation with Marcus bothered him. He was mostly silent on the way to the ranch, and Delaney couldn’t help thinking about Marcus’s comment that Horseback Hollow wasn’t the right sort of town for Cisco. She wondered for the umpteenth time if a real relationship between them would work, despite her growing feelings for him and the attraction that bubbled just below the surface whenever they were together.

  He hopped out of the truck in front of the house and came around to open her door. As he walked her up the steps, Delaney asked, “Do you want to come in for a bit?”

  He glanced at his watch. “It’s almost eleven. The house is dark, so your parents are probably asleep already. I don’t want to make a lot of noise and wake them.”

  “We don’t have to make noise,” she blurted, then squeezed shut her eyes. She didn’t actually mean the words as a sexual innuendo but they sure came out that way. Why didn’t she just throw herself at him? That might be subtler.

  She opened her eyes and he smiled, but it looked almost painful. “I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Delaney. As always.” He bent and brushed his lips against hers. When she leaned into him, however, he pulled back. His hand cupped her face and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Sweet dreams, mi cielo,” he whispered, and took a step back.

  Delaney wasn’t the most experienced woman on the planet but she could certainly take a hint like that. Cisco wanted to be rid of her. He was trying to be a gentleman about it.

  “Good night, then,” she said, proud that she kept her voice steady. Without another glance at him, she slipped in the front door, then pressed her back to it. Her breath came in ragged puffs as she dug her fingernails into her palms.

  She’d had a great time tonight and refused to end the night in tears. Not over a man.

  After a few minutes, Delaney peeked out the curtains at the front window. Cisco still stood in the driveway, hands pressed against the hood of his car. He was cast in shadow from the porch light, a lean silhouette in the darkness. Then he turned and although she couldn’t see his eyes under the wide brim of his cowboy hat, the shiver that went through her made her think he was looking straight at her. It was probably just her imagination. The house was dark, so it would be impossible to see her clearly. But he continued to stare and Delaney couldn’t move.

  Emotion seemed to swirl in the air between them and she wanted so much to run out to him. Just as she took a step, he straightened and climbed into the truck. As she watched, he headed down the driveway and the moment was lost.

  Just like her heart, Delaney thought sadly as she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom.

  * * *

  A warm breeze blew without offering much relief from the heat of the morning. Cisco went to readjust his Stetson but realized he’d left it at the rental house when he’d rushed out earlier. Normally he was up with the sun, but after his date with Delaney two nights ago had ended so badly, sleep hadn’t come easy the past couple of days. He’d been busy with meetings down in Lubbock, so hadn’t been back to the Jones’s ranch since then.

  He’d called Delaney a couple of times but had gone straight through to her voice mail, leaving him unsure if she was simply busy or avoiding his call. She’d answered his texts with one-word answers, which would have amused Cisco if it weren’t so frustrating. In Miami he had no shortage of women vying for his attention but here the one girl he cared about had no problem blowing him off when she thought he deserved it.

  Which, in truth, he did. He’d had the most amazing time with her at dinner. It was refreshing to be with Delaney, who seemed to like him best when he wasn’t “on.” Cisco hadn’t realized how much of his life was spent playing a role until he didn’t have to anymore. But talking to Marcus had shaken him. His cousin had been right about his motivations for staying in Horseback Hollow, although the longer he was in town, the more his reasons shifted. He was off his game with this real estate deal.

The investors he’d met with yesterday were ready to sign on to the development deal, but they wanted his assurance that everything was on track with the Cowboy Condos before they finalized their involvement. Cisco held back from giving them that and had a meeting scheduled with Kent Stephens and Alden Moore later this afternoon to voice his continuing concerns over how things were being handled. He still believed he could get everything done the right way. To him “right” was more and more defined by not messing up his relationship with Delaney. He’d never before put anything before business and his professional reputation and it scared the hell out of him how important she’d become in his life so quickly.

  He walked up to the steps of his sister’s house, where he was meeting his brother and father for a late family breakfast. He’d purposely come a few minutes early to get some time with his sister. Gabi greeted him at the door with a hug before punching him softly on the shoulder. “You’ve got some explaining to do, mister.”

  Cisco nearly groaned out loud. “You’ve heard about the date,” he muttered.

  She took his arm and led him through the cozy ranching house to the kitchen. “I’ve heard that you were practically peeling off each other’s clothes in the middle of the Cantina.”

  “Who the hell said that?” Cisco planted his feet, temper suddenly flaring. “She’s not that kind of a woman and I won’t have anyone talking about her like she’s playing fast and loose.”

  “The question is, are you playing fast and loose with her?”

  Cisco glanced over his shoulder to see Matteo coming into the house.

  “He’d better not be,” Gabi called to their brother. “Delaney is my family now.” She took a coffeepot off the counter, then spun to point a finger at Cisco. “You can’t play any of your typical games with her.”

  “What games?” he asked, throwing his hands up. “I like her. We’re friends. I took her to dinner.”

  Gabi made a face. “You know what I mean.”

  “I know what you mean,” Matteo volunteered, elbowing Cisco as he walked by. “My own brother tried to steal my girl.”

  “I didn’t try to steal Rachel,” Cisco practically growled. “Hell, we met her on the same day. Once I knew you two were serious, I backed off. Besides, if I hadn’t been there to spur you on, who knows how long it would have taken you to make a move.”

  “So I should thank you?” Matteo asked drily.

  “I didn’t say that.” Cisco paced to the edge of the kitchen and back. “Am I really that bad that even my brother and sister doubt my intentions?”

  Matteo flashed a grin. “Is that a rhetorical question?”

  “We love you,” Gabriella said quickly. “And we want to trust you. But Delaney’s special, Cisco. She’s got a lot of spirit, but not as much experience with men.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her.” He said the words slowly, like a promise, sending up a silent prayer that he could keep it.

  “Who got hurt?” Orlando ambled into the kitchen, taking the steaming mug Gabi offered. “I’ve seen just about every doctor within a fifty-mile radius, so if they need recommendations...”

  “Not that kind of hurt, Dad,” Matteo told him. “We’re talking about Don Juan Mendoza over there and Delaney Fortune Jones.”

  Orlando nodded at Cisco. “Heard you two had a pretty steamy dinner at the Hollows Cantina the other night.”

  “See?” Gabi handed Cisco a cup of coffee. “There are no secrets in this town.”

  “If you say so.”

  “At least not for long,” she added as she studied him.

  He felt a muscle twitch in his jaw and tried to rein in his frustration. He wasn’t used to being called on the carpet. Cisco had pretty much lived life by his own terms since he could remember. His family didn’t meddle in his life, and he left them alone. Living in a small community sure had rubbed off on them fast.

  “I like Delaney,” he said, then took a drink of coffee to wet his suddenly dry throat before setting it on the counter. “A lot. I respect her, too. Her whole family.”

  Gabi gave him a gentle push toward the kitchen table. “I actually believe you.”

  He slipped into a chair, massaging his temples as he did. Orlando sat next to him and Matteo across the table. Gabi put a plate of bacon in the center of the table along with an egg casserole that smelled delicious. His sister was as good of a cook as their mother had been. Sitting with his family like this made Cisco miss his mom even more. She’d always been the center of their family. He knew it would have made her happy to have them together for a meal.

  “Is Jude joining us?”

  Gabi shook her head, then took a seat next to Matteo. “He left early this morning for one of the far pastures with his dad. I don’t expect to see him until dinnertime.” She picked up the plate of bacon. “Dig in, you three. It’s such a treat to have all of us together. I wish Alejandro and Joaquin could be here, too.”

  “You never know,” Orlando said as he scooped a big helping of eggs onto his plate. “If we can convince them to visit, Horseback Hollow is hard to resist once you’re here.”

  “Even Cisco is staying busy,” Matteo added. “How’s work on the ranch?”

  “I’m learning a lot.” Cisco took a bite of the casserole. “I have a ton of respect for Deke Jones and what he’s built, how hard he and his crew work. Gabi, you understand with Jude being a rancher.”

  She and their father both nodded. “Deke and Jeanne Marie are good people,” Orlando said after taking a drink of coffee. “All of the Fortunes, actually.”

  Cisco thought about asking his father if he was referring to one of the British Fortunes in particular but held off. He didn’t appreciate the third degree about Delaney, so he didn’t want to do the same to Orlando.

  “Does that mean you’re thinking of trading in your real estate license for a branding iron?” Matteo asked, mimicking the action of branding cattle in the air in front of him.

  “Not quite,” Cisco answered.

  “I knew it.” Matteo pointed to him with a bacon strip. “You’re working a deal.”

  “What makes you think—?”

  “You get a certain look on your face. Always have since you were a kid.”

  Gabi gave a soft laugh. “Remember the window-cleaning business you started when Dad was stationed out in California? You made the sales and had the rest of us working for you all summer.”

  Cisco couldn’t help but smile at the memory. “Every great entrepreneur needs minions underneath him. You were perfect for that role.”

  “But it’s bigger now. I can tell.” Matteo leaned back in his chair. “What’s going on around Horseback Hollow that could possibly hold your interest?”

  “Besides Delaney Fortune Jones?” Orlando added with a wink. “I’d think a good woman was quite enough.”

  “Not for Cisco,” Matteo said. “He’s the king of the million-dollar deal. But I can’t figure out what could hold his attention...” He broke off as his eyes widened. “Unless...”

  “Isn’t it enough that I’m here?” Cisco asked impatiently.

  “Of course it is,” Gabi said, taking on their mother’s role of peacemaker.

  “You’re involved with Cowboy Country.” Matteo shook his head, pointing his fork at Cisco.

  Both Orlando and Gabriella turned to look at Matteo. “What did you say?” their father asked.

  “He’s got a deal cooking with Cowboy Country. That has to be it. There’s nothing else here to keep his interest for so long.”

  “His family is enough,” Orlando stated.

  “And Delaney,” Gabi added. “It’s clear he’s fallen for her.”

  “I’m sitting right here,” Cisco told them, not bothering to hide his irritation. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not in the room.”

nbsp; “Exactly.” Orlando placed his coffee on the table and pointed to Cisco. “Tell your brother he’s mistaken, that you aren’t involved with those outsiders at Moore Entertainment.”

  “Dad, you say that like you were born and raised in Horseback Hollow. Our family doesn’t have roots in this town any more than the people at Cowboy Country.”

  “Oh, no,” Gabi muttered, placing her head in her hands.

  “We’re different,” Orlando argued. “The Mendozas may not have long ties to Horseback Hollow, but we understand the values this town stands for and we—at least some of us—want to protect the community from a corporation that could destroy the very things that make this place special.”

  “That’s a little overly dramatic.” Cisco stood, walking to the edge of the counter. “There are some good things that will come from the theme park opening—more jobs, money pumped into the local economy. Maybe folks could start looking at the positive outcomes.”

  “Money isn’t the only factor,” his father argued from the table.

  “What does Delaney think of your involvement?” Gabi asked quietly.

  “And what exactly is your involvement?” Matteo added more forcefully. “You’ve never been so hush-hush about your business ventures before. Why the covert ops this time around?”

  “Maybe to avoid the third degree from everyone,” Cisco suggested. “I can’t give details on exactly what’s happening until plans are finalized.”

  “Then you are working for Moore Entertainment?” The disappointment in his father’s tone was clear.

  “It was a great opportunity and allowed me to stay in Horseback Hollow to spend more time with all of you.” Cisco ran his hands through his hair, shaking his head. “I thought that would be a good thing.”

  “Of course we’re glad you’re in town.” Orlando stood and wrapped an arm around Cisco’s shoulder.

  “I didn’t understand how much people around here were against the theme park until after I started,” Cisco added. “I still believe Cowboy Country and the other projects related to it will be a benefit in the long run.”


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