Falling for Him 2 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

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Falling for Him 2 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Page 5

by Gray, Jessica

  The receptionist looked at me before speaking, “Your name?”

  “Oh, Rachel Baker. I’m his girlfriend.”

  That comment brought a sharp glance from the receptionist and she appeared to be measuring me up, as if she wanted see into my very soul. It was a very disconcerting sensation and totally out of place in my opinion.

  “I’m sorry. Mr. Shaw needs his rest and isn’t allowed any visitors at this time.”

  “But, I’m his girlfriend. I was with him when he was injured.” I couldn’t believe that they weren’t going to let me see him.

  “Ma’am, only his fiancé is allowed to visit him at this time. Now, do you need someone escort you back to the lobby, or can you find your own way?”

  I was furious. Fiancé?!! Peter doesn’t have a fiancé!

  When the receptionist didn’t appear to be persuadable, I walked around the corner and sat down in one of the waiting room chairs. Surely there had to be some way to pass by this dragon of a nurse and see Peter.

  A corner mirror gave me a perfect line of sight for the receptionist’s desk and I kept one eye on her while I tried to come up with a plan. I had to find Peter and see if he was all right. And what was this talk about his fiancé? Peter didn’t have one. Unless….

  Suddenly, I knew exactly what was going on here. Lara! That bitch! Somehow, she had managed to use Peter’s amnesia for her own gain.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as the receptionist traded jobs with another woman who had just arrived. I waited to see if she was going to stick around and almost rubbed my hands together when she immediately left.

  I waited a full five minutes before I approached the desk once again, “Excuse me? I’m looking for Lara Bishop. I believe she’s with her fiancé Peter Shaw.”

  The new receptionist looked up at me through her thick glasses, “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, she has some very important papers that she asked me to courier over here for her signature. If you could just direct me to the proper room, I’ll get her signature and be out of here.”

  “Ma’am, Mr. Shaw is not allowed visitor’s at this time.”

  I put on my most frightened face possible, which wasn’t difficult at all, because I was almost dying of terror, “I realize that, but Ms. Bishop was very insistent that these documents are signed immediately. And she’ll bite my head of if I don’t deliver them on time.”

  Just then an alarm went off, and the receptionist scrambled with the radio sitting on the desktop. Rapid fire Spanish came through the speaker and I watched as a sense of panic took hold of the receptionist. When she got up to leave, I called her back, “Ma’am, I need to know which room Ms. Bishop is visiting.”

  “I told you… Oh, never mind. He’s in room 304, but you are to get Ms. Bishops attention and have her join you in the hallway. Under no circumstances are you to enter the room!”

  “Yes ma’am. I completely understand. Thank you.”

  The radio crackled again, and the receptionist hurried away without a second glance.

  I pushed the door open and headed for room 304. Each door was solid wood with a window at head height. As I approached room, I quickly sneaked a peek in through the window, to see Lara sitting on the edge of his bed. Evidently, Lara had played a very convincing act, and Peter hadn’t recovered his lost memory. The hospital staff actually believed they were engaged!

  I briefly wondered how she had found out about his transfer so quickly, and then realized Lara would have access to all sorts of information involving company employees. She must have been happy when she heard the news of his injury – it provided her a perfect opportunity to win Peter back.

  What a bitch!! She is much worse than a viper – El Serpiente venenosa! Somehow, I needed to stop her from getting away with it.

  Lara glanced up as I tried to take another look through the window and smiled maliciously when she saw me standing there. She came to the door, opening it up before saying, “He’s mine. I’ll never allow him to get near you again! Understood? Leave now, or I will call security and have you thrown out.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You …. Snake …. You!” I was searching for the proper insult, when I heard Peter’s voice.

  “Lara, honey, what’s going on? Who’s at the door?”

  Lara turned her head back towards Peter, making sure to keep herself firmly in the doorway to prevent him from seeing me. “Don’t worry. Just another concerned person asking about your condition.”

  Before I could refute her statement, another person joined us – a doctor. Lara’s eyes widened, and she got this perfect smile upon her face as she greeted him, “Dr. Cruz, I was just thanking Peter’s rescuer.”

  Turning to me with a sickly sweet smile in place, she clasped my hands in hers, squeezing hard enough to cut off the circulation, “My fiancé and I are so thankful that you called 112 yesterday. Please rest assured that he’s in the best hands now. We will be forever grateful and of course we will compensate all the costs you incurred.”

  I didn’t believe my ears! What an act she was putting on. She acted like I was some random stranger who just happened to be there at the time the vehicle hit Peter and jumped in to offer my assistance.

  Before I could speak up, the doctor turned to me with a huge grin on his face and a pat on my shoulder, “This world needs more courageous women like you. If more people offered help when it was first needed, this world would be a much nicer place to live.”

  This might be my last chance to see Peter, before that viper took him for good. Therefore I started one last desperate attempt and nodded to the doctor, “Thank you. I was wondering if I might speak to him for just a minute?”

  “Oh, No! I’m afraid that in his delicate condition, he is allowed no visitors except for his lovely fiancé, here.” The doctor looked at his watch, excused himself and headed back down the hallway, dismissing me just like he had brushed off my request.

  Lara smiled at me triumphantly and with a mocking salute, went back inside the room, drawing the curtain across the window.

  I stood there for several seconds, never having felt so humiliated in my life. My boyfriend lie in a hospital bed on the other side of the door, but his memory had failed him and he didn’t remember me. His evil ex-girlfriend had lied to the authorities, and Peter, and everyone now believed she was his fiancé once again. What a nightmare!

  Head hanging low, I exited the hospital as quickly as possible. Until Peter regained his memory, the situation would not get any better.

  Chapter 9

  I drove back to auntie Sophie’s house, managing to keep my tears at bay until I had the car in park. She had been waiting for my return and came down the driveway to meet me.

  “Rachel?” she inquired.

  I shook my head, “Auntie, I don’t know what to do.” I slammed the car door shut, wishing some inspiration would appear to help fix this situation.

  “Come, walk with me in the vineyards.”

  We walked down the rows of vines, and I said nothing for the longest time. Sophie walked beside me, quietly letting me get my thoughts together.

  When we reached the end of the first row, I followed her to the small rest area and we sat down.

  “Now, child. Tell me what you found out at the hospital?”

  “Peter was there, but they wouldn’t let me see him.”

  “Spanish nurses are not like those in America. They are very strict and non-family members are not allowed to visit those in hospital.”

  “That’s what she told me. They said only his fiancé was allowed in his room.”

  “His fiancé?” Sophie questioned with a raised brow.

  I nodded my head, I lied to the receptionist and was able to find out which room he was in. His ex-girlfriend, Lara, was in there with him. She pretended that I was the one who had first seen Peter get hit by the car. She thanked me for being a civil servant in front of the doctor and everything.”

  Sophie was quiet for a moment. “
Why don’t you call his company? Maybe someone there can help?”

  That was a good idea, and I did so right after lunch. But nobody would talk to me. It was if the people I had met at the beach, and the employees I met at the company dinner, not more than two weeks prior, had completely forgotten who I was.

  I asked to speak with Consuelo, but was told she was out of the office. They didn’t offer to put me through to her voicemail so I said I would call back.

  I called back several times each of the next three days until finally on day number four, Consuelo picked up her phone.

  “Consuelo, oh, I’m so glad I finally got ahold of you. This is Rachel Baker, Peter’s girlfriend.”

  The line was completely silent for so long, I continued, “Consuelo, can you hear me? Are you still there?”

  Finally, I heard her clear her throat on the other end of the line, “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to comment.”

  I was so shocked I said nothing. I just stood there with the phone pressed to my ear, wondering if I was speaking to the same woman who had taken me shopping for the fabulous dress. “Consuelo?” I asked, confusion in my voice.

  “Listen, meet me at lunch time at the central fountain in the Placa Catalunya,” she whispered across the line, then she hung up.

  I slowly replaced the phone receiver, more confused now than ever.

  “Sophie, where is the Placa Catalunya,” I called into the kitchen as I wandered in to check the time. Consuelo normally took her lunch break around 12:30 p.m. and it was already 11:35 a.m..

  “The Placa Catalunya? Remember the large open area right in the center of town with the many fountains in it?”

  I nodded my head. It was a huge area filled with fountains and cross streets and pigeons.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “I just got off the phone with Consuelo. She said she wasn’t allowed to talk to me and then whispered for me to meet her there during lunch break.”

  Sophie looked at the clock and replied, “You should leave now. Parking is not easy in the middle of the city and you will most likely have to park several blocks away and walk to your meeting.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll leave right now. Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck,” Sophie replied, hoping that her grandniece would find some answers.


  I waited anxiously next to the largest fountain, which gave me a clear line of sight to another fountain. I hoped I was waiting at the right one.

  Finally, after about fifteen minutes, I saw Consuelo walking towards me. She kept looking over her shoulder, as if making sure nobody is following her. As she came near, she slowed slightly and told me, “Let’s head over to the café at the other side.”

  She kept on walking and I slowly followed her at a short distance, as it is apparent that she doesn’t want anyone to see us together.

  When we reached the café, she chose a booth in the far corner, one normally used by lovers as it was hidden from the other diners. They are also private enough that those wandering outside the café would not be able to identify those sitting at the secluded tables.

  I took my seat eagerly and waited for her to speak. She was very nervous and scared and I wondered what had transpired to put that look upon her face. When she started talking, I knew things at the company were not going well.

  “Lara told everyone that you are a maniac and that it was you driving the car that struck Peter.”

  I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand to hold back the cry of outrage that threatened to burst forth. How dare she say something so vile? And untrue?

  “Why would she say something like that?”

  Consuelo looked at me, staring into my eyes and then nodded her head. “Lara says she was with Peter when he was hit and saw the driver. She swears it was you behind the wheel of that car. She’s told everyone at work that you are not to be trusted and anyone caught talking to you will lose their jobs.”

  “She can’t do that! I’ve done nothing! I can’t even get in to see Peter.”

  “I know who Lara is and what she’s capable of. So do several other people at the company, but these are good jobs and nobody wants to put her to the test.”

  “Peter doesn’t remember the last few months. He has lost his short-term memory.”

  Consuelo nodded her head, “So that’s how she’s pulling this off. Peter doesn’t know the truth. I wondered why he would let her spread these types of vile lies about you. He didn’t seem like that person.”

  “He’s not,” I assured her.

  “Look, I know she’s lying and I believe you. I came here because I like you, but please don’t call me again at the office. I need that job.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Consuelo left the secluded little table, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  I was dumbfounded. What a mess! Lara was lying about the past and Peter didn’t have any reason not to believe her. He didn’t remember them having broken up, and in his mind, he’s never even met me.

  I drove back home and filled Sophie in on my meeting with Consuelo. She agreed that things are a complete mess, but she had no answers for how to fix things. Unless Peter regained his memory, my time with him would only exist for me.

  My stay in Spain ends next week, and after discussing it with her, she agrees that returning home to the states was probably for the best. I had a new job that I would be starting soon, and staying in Barcelona would accomplish nothing. Lara was making sure I didn’t meet Peter and that anyone who I might have considered an ally was now afraid to be seen with me.

  Sophie and Carlos bent over backwards to try and cheer me up. Sophie even invited her single son over to take me out. She said there was no sense in me moping around the villa, I needed to get out and enjoy my last few days in Spain.

  I tried not to show how badly my heart was hurting, but I was in a blue funk. Was I losing the only man I’ve ever really loved in my life? My true love! My heart had answered the question my mind had been struggling with before the accident. Peter was my true love!

  I missed him so much. His smiles, his smell, his touch. The way his voice lowered and the way he looked at me just before he kissed me. How was I supposed to live on without ever enjoying that again?

  I was still pondering that question when my cell phone rang. I picked it up, surprised to hear Consuelo on the other end.


  “Rachel, I don’t have much time. Peter is going to be released from the hospital in three weeks. Lara has arranged to fly him back home to the United States.”

  “She’s flying him back home? But I thought she was needed here to help with the merger.”

  “Huh, only in her over-inflated mind. She does nothing useful here. I think the only reason she convinced her dad to give her a role in this project was so that she could follow Peter over here legitimately.”

  I had thought the same thing as well. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Rachel…” she paused as if she wanted to say something else, and then murmured, “Good luck,” before she disconnected the call.

  Good luck! I didn’t need luck. I needed Peter to regain his memory and come find me.

  Chapter 10

  Three weeks later…

  I started my new job and was grateful for the distractions it provided. My supervisors were so pleased by my efforts that they offered me every chance to help on special projects. I jumped at every one that came along. The busier I was, the less time I spent moping around and wishing for something that wasn’t to be. A life with Peter by my side.

  My roommate, Karen, kept me focused and tried to cheer me up whenever she can. She was totally shocked when I explained the story to her and at a loss as to what other options I could have taken.

  Friday night, Karen insisted I go out with her. “Come on, there’s going to be live music tonight.”

  “Karen, I’ve had a long week. I really don’t want to go out tonight.”

��Come on. This is the hottest nightclub in town. We haven’t been out together since before you left for Spain. I need some backup tonight and you need to relax and meet some guys.”

  “I don’t want to meet any guys.”

  “Look, I know your heart got broken over Peter, but that ship has sailed. It’s time to get back in the wading pool and try again.”

  I shook my head; I didn’t even want to think about starting up another relationship. My heart hadn’t let go of the previous one.

  “Go change,” she insisted.

  “I don’t want to go.”


  I hated when she begged like that. I looked at her making puppy dog eyes at me and started laughing, “What the hell! But I’m not interested in meeting anyone. I’ll just listen to the music.”

  “Change!” she ordered, pointing me to my room.

  I looked down at my jeans and shrugged my shoulders. “What?!”

  “You are not wearing those jeans! This is a night club for God’s sake!”

  “Fine! What would you like me to wear?”

  She got this evil glint in her eyes as she pulled me towards my bedroom. She walked right over to my closet and pulled the emerald dress I had been wearing the first time Peter had taken me to dinner. I started shaking my head, “No way!”

  “Yes way! This dress looks awesome on you and you need to step it up, girl. I even have the perfect pair of shoes to go with it. Get dressed and I’ll grab the shoes.”

  I reluctantly pulled the dress on and donned the Stuart Weitzman heels she produced. I wondered how she can afford expensive shoes like these? Probably one of her designer friends had some secret source.

  When she scrutinized the finished product, she smiled and announced, “Finally you look like a person again and not like a zombie!”

  “Hey, it hasn’t been that bad. Has it?” I wondered aloud.


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