HIERO: Frater Periclinus de Faustis, as in the Zelator grade there were given the symbolical representations of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and of Evil, of the gate of Eden, and of the holy place, so in this grade of Theoricus, the sanctum sanctorum with the ark and the Kerubim is shown, as well as the garden of Eden with which it coincides; while in the thirty-second Path leading hereunto, through which you have just symbolically passed, the Kerubic guardians are represented, and the palm trees or trees of progression in the garden of Eden. Honoured Hegemon, conduct the Zelator to the west, and place him thus before the portal of the thirty-second Path of Tau by which he has symbolically entered.
Done. Zelator faced to west, Kerux returns to place.
HIEREUS: By what symbol dost thou enter herein?
HEG: By the peculiar emblem of the Kerux, which is the caduceus of Hermes.
Zelator hands it to Hiereus, who turns it towards Zelator, and reads:
HIEREUS: The Tree of Life and the three mother letters are the keys wherewith to unlock the caduceus of Hermes. The upper point of the wand rests on Kether, and the wings stretch out to Chokmah and Binah, the three supernal Sephiroth. The lower seven are embraced by the serpents, whose heads fall upon Chesed and Geburah.
They are the twin serpents of Egypt—the currents of the Astral Light. Furthermore, the wings and top of the wand form the letter Shin, the symbol of fire; the heads and upper halves of the serpents form Aleph, the symbol of air; while their tails enclose Mem, the symbol of water. The fire of life above, the waters of creation below, and the air symbol vibrating between them.
Hierophant comes to the east of altar. Hegemon directs Zelator to face him from the west of the altar, and then returns to his place.
Tree of Life
HIERO: The symbols before you represent alike the garden of Eden and the holy of holies. Before you stands the Tree of Life formed of the Sephiroth and their connecting Paths. Into its complete symbolism, it is impossible to enter here, for it is the key of all things when rightly understood. Upon each Sephira are written in Hebrew letters its name, the divine names, and those of angels and archangels attributed thereto.
The connecting Paths are twenty-two in number and are distinguished by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, making with the ten Sephiroth themselves the thirty-two Paths of Wisdom of the Sepher Yetzirah.
Sword and Serpent
HIERO: The course of the Hebrew letters, as placed on the Paths, forms as you see, the symbol of the serpent of wisdom, while the natural succession of the Sephiroth forms the flaming sword, and the course of the lightning flash, as shown in the drawing below. The cross within the triangle, apex downwards, placed upon the altar at the base of the Tree of Life, refers to the four rivers of paradise, while the angles of the triangles refer to the three Sephiroth—Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. The two pillars, right and left of the Tree, are the symbols of active and passive, male and female, Adam and Eve. They also allude to the pillars of fire and cloud which guided the Israelites in the wilderness, and the hot and moist natures are further marked by the red lamp and the cup of water.
The pillars further represent the two Kerubim of the ark—the right, Metatron, male, and the left, Sandalphon, female.
Above them ever burn the lamps of their spiritual essence, of which they are partakers in the eternal uncreated One.
Hierophant stands in the sign of Theoricus.
HIERO: Glory be unto Thee, Lord of the Land of Life, for Thy splendour filleth the universe.
After a short pause, Hierophant comes to the west of the altar, and says:
The 2° = 9 grade of Theoricus is referred to Yesod, as the Zelator grade is to Malkuth. The Path between them is assigned to the letter Tau, whose portal you now see in the west, and through which you have just symbolically passed.
To this grade, as to those preceding it, certain signs and tokens are attributed. They consist of a sign, token, grand word, mystic number, and password formed therefrom.
The sign is thus given. Stand with feet together and raise both arms upwards and back, palms up, as if supporting a weight, thus (makes sign). It represents you in the Path of Yesod, supporting the pillars of mercy and severity. It is the sign made by the Greek god Atlas, who supported the universe on his shoulders and whom Hercules was directed to emulate. It is the Isis of nature, supporting the heavens.
The grip is that of the First Order, which you received in the preceding grade.
The grand word is a name of seven letters, Shaddai El Chai, which means the almighty and living one.
The mystic number is forty-five, and from it is formed the password which is Mem He, the secret name of the world of formation. It should be lettered separately when given.
Unto this grade and unto the Sephirah Yesod, the ninth Path of the Sepher Yetzirah is referred. It is called the pure and clear intelligence, and it is so called because it purifieth and maketh clear the Sephiroth, proveth and emendeth the forming of their representation, and disposeth their duties or harmonies, wherein they combine, without mutilation or division.
The distinguishing badge of this grade, which you are now entitled to wear, is the sash of the Zelator, with the addition of a white cross above the triangle and the numbers two and nine in a circle and square respectively, left and right of its summit— and beneath the triangle, the number thirty-two between two narrow parallel white lines.
Hierophant returns to east and sits down. Hegemon guides Zelator to him.
HIERO: The three portals facing you are the gates of Paths leading from this grade. That on the right connects with the grade of Philosophus, that on your left with the grade of Practicus, while the central one leads to the Portal.
This grade especially refers to the element of air, and therefore the great watchtower or terrestrial tablet of the east forms one of its principal emblems. It is one of the four great tablets delivered unto Enoch by the great angel Ave.
From it are drawn the three holy secret names of God, ORO IBAH AOZPI, which are borne upon the Banner of the East, and numberless divine and angelic names which appertain unto the element of air.
To the moon, also, is this grade related. Its kamea or mystical square is shown in the east, with seals and names appropriate thereto.
It is also shown inscribed upon the Tree of Life, whereon its crescent in increase represents the side of mercy—in decrease the side of severity, while at the full it reflects the sun of Tiphareth.
Hegemon conducts Zelator to a seat west of the altar.
HIERO: I now congratulate you on having attained the grade of Theoricus and in recognition thereof, I confer upon you the mystic title of Poraios de Rejectis which means “brought from among the rejected,” and I give you the symbol of ruach, which is the Hebrew name for air.
(Knocks) Frater Kerux, you have my command to declare that the Zelator has been duly advanced to the grade of Theoricus.
KERUX: In the name of Shaddai El Chai, and by command of the very honoured Hierophant, hear ye all that I proclaim that our Frater (name), having made sufficient progress in the study of occult science, has been duly advanced to the 2° = 9 grade of Theoricus, lord of the thirty-second Path, and that he has received the mystic title of Poraios de Rejectis, and the symbol of ruach.
HIERO: Frater (name), before you are eligible for advancement to the next grade, you must be perfect in certain subjects, a manuscript of which will be supplied to you.
Closing of the 2° = 9 Grade
HIERO: (Knocks) Assist me to close the temple in the grade of Theoricus.
All rise.
Frater Kerux, see that the temple is properly guarded. (Done.)
KERUX: (Knocks) Very honoured Hierophant, the temple is properly guarded.
HIERO: (Knocks) Let us adore the Lord and King of Air.
All face east. New Theoricus is directed to stand facing east.
HIERO: Shaddai El Chai, almighty and ever-living, blessed be Thy name unto the countless ages. Amen.
nbsp; All salute. Officers form in the east as in opening. Members stand facing east. Hiereus remains standing just behind new Theoricus.
HIERO: (Knocks) Let us rehearse the prayer of the sylphs or air spirits.
“Spirit of life! Spirit of wisdom! Whose breath giveth forth and withdraweth the form of all things:
“Thou, before whom the life of beings is but a shadow which changeth, and a vapour which passeth:
“Thou, who mountest upon the clouds, and who walkest upon the wings of the wind.
“Thou, who breathest forth Thy breath, and endless space is peopled:
“Thou, who drawest in Thy breath, and all that cometh from Thee, returneth unto Thee!
“Ceaseless motion, in eternal stability, be Thou eternally blessed!
“We praise Thee and we bless Thee in the changeless empire of created light, of shades, of reflections, and of images;
“And we aspire without cessation unto Thy immutable and imperishable brilliance.
“Let the ray of Thy intelligence and the warmth of Thy love penetrate even unto us!
“Then that which is volatile shall be fixed; the shadow shall be a body; the spirit of air shall be a soul; the dream shall be a thought.
“And no more shall we be swept away by the tempest, but we shall hold the bridles of the winged steeds of dawn.
“And we shall direct the course of the evening breeze to fly before Thee!
“O Spirit of Spirits! O eternal Soul of Souls!
“O imperishable breath of life! O creative sigh! O mouth which breathest forth and withdrawest the life of all beings, in the flux and reflux of thine eternal Word, which is the divine ocean of movement and of truth!”
Hierophant makes with sceptre the banishing circle and pentagrams in the air before the tablet.
HIERO: Depart ye in peace unto your habitations. May the blessing of Yod He Vau He rest with ye. Be there peace between us and you, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.
All return to their places.
In the name of Shaddai El Chai, I declare this temple closed in the 2° = 9 grade of Theoricus.
Kerux leads out new Theoricus.
18. Note by JMG: The ordinary symbol of Scorpio is not used here, but rather a simple image of an eagle’s head, representing the highest of the three manifestations of Scorpio.
19. Note by JMG: See note 49. The equation of the seven palaces of Assiah with the seven churches of Asia is a staple of Christian Qabalah.
20. Note by JMG: That is, YHVH, the Tetragrammaton.
Practicus Temple 1
Hierophant, Hiereus, Hegemon.
In the east: Banner of the East, red lamp for Hierophant.
In the west: Banner of the West, red lamps for Hiereus and Hegemon, cup of water, water tablet.
For the Theoricus: hoodwink, solid triangular pyramid (for first point), Greek cross of thirteen squares (for second point), Cup of Stolistes (for third point).
Opening of the 3° = 8 Grade
Temple arranged for the thirty-first Path.
HIERO: (Knocks) Fratres and sorores of the (name) Temple of the Stella Matutina in the Outer, assist me to open the temple in the 3° = 8 grade of Practicus. Honoured Hegemon, see that the temple is properly guarded.
This is done.
HEG: Very honoured Hierophant, the temple is properly guarded.
HIERO: Honoured Hiereus, see that none below the grade of Practicus is present.
HIEREUS: Fratres and sorores, give the sign of the Practicus. (Done.) Very honoured Hierophant, all present have attained the 3° = 8 grade. (Salutes with grade sign.)
HIERO: Honoured Hegemon, to what particular element is this grade attributed?
HEG: To the element of water.
HIERO: Honoured Hiereus, to what planet does this grade especially refer?
HIEREUS: To the planet Mercury.
HIERO: Honoured Hegemon, what Paths are attached to this grade?
HEG: The thirty-first and thirtieth Paths of Shin and Resh.
HIERO: Honoured Hiereus, to what does the thirty-first Path refer?
HIEREUS: To the reflection of the sphere of fire.
HIERO: Honoured Hegemon, to what does the thirtieth Path allude?
HEG: To the reflection of the sphere of the sun.
All rise and face east.
HIERO: Let us adore the Lord and King of Water.
Elohim Tzabaoth—Elohim of hosts! Glory be unto the Ruach Elohim who moved upon the face of the waters of creation. Amen!
All salute. Hierophant quits his throne and goes to the west. He stands before the tablet of water before which a cup of water is placed. He makes in the air over the tablet the invoking circle and pentagrams of water.
And Elohim said, “Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea.” In the name of Al strong and powerful, and in the name of Elohim Tzabaoth, spirits of water, adore your Creator!
Takes cup from before the tablet and makes therewith the sign of the eagle 21 in the air before it.
In the name of Gabriel, the great archangel of water, and in the sign of the eagle, spirits of water, adore your Creator!
Makes a cross with the cup.
In the names and letters of the great western quadrangle revealed unto Enoch by the great angel Ave, spirits of water, adore your Creator!
Holds cup on high.
In the three great secret names of God, borne upon the Banner of the West—EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL22—spirits of water, adore your Creator! In the name RA AGIOSEL, great king of the west, spirits of water, adore your Creator!
Hierophant replaces the cup and returns to his place. All return to their places.
In the name of Elohim Tzabaoth, I declare the temple opened in the 3° = 8 grade of Practicus.
Ceremony of Advancement in the Path of Shin
HIERO: Fratres and sorores, our Frater (or Soror) (name) having made such progress in the path of occult science as has enabled him to pass an examination in the requisite knowledge, is now eligible for advancement to the grade of Practicus, and I have duly received a dispensation from the greatly honoured Chiefs of the Second Order to advance him in due form. Honoured Hegemon, superintend the preparation of the Theoricus and give the customary alarm.
Hegemon rises. He proceeds to leave the temple, pausing before Hierophant’s throne to salute with the grade sign. The Theoricus should be robed and wearing the sash of his grade. Hegemon gives him the badge—the solid triangular pyramid 23—hoodwinks him, and leads him to the door. Hegemon gives the alarm—. Hiereus opens the door, admits them, and returns to his seat.
HEG: His throne was like a fiery flame and the wheels as burning fire.
Hegemon conducts the Theoricus to the west and takes the pyramid. Theoricus is faced towards Hiereus who rises.
HIEREUS: Give me the sign of the grade of Theoricus. Give me the grip. Give the grand word, the mystic number, and password. Give me also the mystic title and symbol you received in that grade.
All these are given, prompted by the Hegemon if necessary.
HIERO: Frater Poraios de Rejectis, do you solemnly pledge yourself to maintain the same strict secrecy regarding the mysteries of the thirty-first and thirtieth Paths of this grade of Practicus, which you have already sworn to maintain respecting those of the preceding grades?
THEO: I do. (Theoricus is faced west before tablet by Hegemon.)
HIERO: Then you will stretch forth your hand in the position of the saluting sign of a Neophyte and say: “I swear by the abyss of the waters.”
Done. Theoricus repeating the words.
Let the hoodwink be removed.
Done. Hegemon places in his hand the cup of water
before the tablet.
Sprinkle with your hand a few drops of water towards the tablet of water in the west and say: “Let the powers of water witness my pledge.”
Done. Theoricus repeats the words. Hegemon replaces cup.
Conduct the Theoricus to the east and place him between the mystical pillars. (Done.)
Before you are the portals of the thirty-first, thirty-second, and twenty-ninth Paths. Of these, as you already know, the central one leads to the grade of Theoricus from that of Zelator. The one on your left hand now open to you is the thirty-first, which leads from the 1° = 10 of Zelator to the 3° = 8 of Practicus.
Take in your right hand the pyramid of flame, and follow your guide, Axiokersa, the Kabir,24 who leads you through the Path of Fire.
Hegemon leads the Theoricus between the pillars, past Hierophant, making the saluting sign of a Neophyte in passing, circumambulates the hall and halts at Hierophant’s throne. Hierophant rises as they approach, red lamp in hand.
Axieros, the first Kabir, spake unto Kasmillos the candidate, and said: “I am the apex of the triangle of flame. I am the solar fire pouring forth its beams upon the lower world—life-giving, light-producing. By what symbol dost thou seek to pass by?”
HEG: By the symbol of the pyramid of flame.
HIERO: Hear thou the voice of Axieros, the first Kabir: “The mind of the Father whirled forth in reechoing roar—comprehending by invincible will, ideas omniform, which flying forth from that one fountain issued. For, from the Father alike were the will and the end, by which yet they are connected with the Father, according to alternating life through varying vehicles.
“But as they were divided asunder, being by intellectual fire distributed into other intellectuals. For the King of all previously placed before the polymorphous world, by which the universe shines forth decked with ideas all various, of which the foundation is One and Alone. From this: the others rush forth distributed and separated through the various bodies of the universe and are borne in swarms through its vast abysses, ever whirling forth in illimitable radiation.
The Golden Dawn Page 25