Hiereus passes to the east of the altar and takes up the sword, saying:
HIEREUS: By the password (gives it) I claim my sword.
He goes to his throne. When he is seated, Hierophant says:
HIERO: Let the Hegemon come to the east.
Hegemon is given the cloak and lamen in the same way, and Hierophant, holding the lamen, says:
By the power to me committed, I ordain you Hegemon of this temple for the ensuing six months, and I pray that from between the pillars, you may lead the fratres and sorores into the equilibrium of perfect reconciliation.
Hegemon goes to the east of the altar, takes his sceptre, and says:
HEG: By the password (gives it) I claim my sceptre. (Takes his place.)
HIERO: Let the Kerux come to the east.
Kerux and other officers to follow are served with the lamen, which Hierophant holds while addressing them.
By the power to me committed, I ordain you Kerux of this temple for the ensuing six months, to guard the inner side of the portal, and to lead all mystic processions. I pray that you may ever go before us with the torch of the higher luminaries, uttering the watchwords of the day. Thanks be to God, my brother, for the admirable light.
KERUX: By the password (gives it) I claim my lamp and wand.
HIERO: Let the Stolistes come to the east.
Stolistes and other officers to follow are served with the lamen, which Hierophant holds while addressing them.
By the power to me committed, I ordain you Stolistes of this temple for the ensuing six months, to watch over the cup of clear water, and to purify the hall, the brethren, and the candidate. May you also, in your own soul, be sprinkled with hyssop and be cleansed—may you be washed and made whiter than snow. Thanks be to God, my brother, for the living water which purifies the whole creation.
STOL: By the password (gives it) I claim my cup.
HIERO: Let the Dadouchos come to the east.
Dadouchos and other officers to follow are served with the lamen, which Hierophant holds while addressing them.
By the power to me committed, I ordain you Dadouchos of this temple for the ensuing six months, to watch over the fires of the temple and to perform the consecrations by fire. Remember the sweet odour of the greater sanctuary, and the savour of the beauty of the house. Thanks be to God, my brother, for the true incense which hallows our life.
DAD: By the password (gives it) I claim my censer.
HIERO: Let the Sentinel come to the east.
Sentinel and other officers to follow are served with the lamen, which Hierophant holds while addressing them.
By the power to me committed, I ordain you Sentinel of this temple for the ensuing six months. Be thou faithful, keep strict watch without, lest any evil enter our sacred hall.
SENT: By the password (gives it) I claim my sword.
Hierophant sits down. All are seated.
Kerux comes forward and arranges the elements properly upon the altar. The chiefs will now make any announcements.
The Hierophant can address the temple.
When he has finished, he gives one knock and Kerux comes forward to begin the closing, which is that of the Neophyte grade.
20. Note by JMG: These Latin phrases mean “In the name of God the living,” “and giving life,” and “who lives and reigns in the age of ages.”
21. Note by JMG: Latin: “With power and glory.”
22. Note by JMG: Here and for the rest of the ritual, the text as printed by Regardie gave the name of the temple as “Stella Matutina.”
23. Note by JMG: These Latin phrases mean “Blessed be he who comes” and “in the name of the Lord.”
24. Note by JMG: Latin means “Blessed be the Lord our God” and “Who has given to us this sign,” respectively.
25. Note by JMG: Latin means “You have the word” and “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt with us,” respectively.
26. Note by JMG: The Latin phrases mean “In the name of the living God,” “and the giver of life,” and “who shall live and reign unto the age of ages.”
(To be used for a new vault and on each day of Corpus Christi.)
Members assemble and wear regalia. Three chiefs robed and seated as in opening of 5° = 6. Door of Vault closed; Pastos remains inside Vault, but circular altar is placed in the outer chamber, in the centre. Upon the altar are the cross, cup, dagger, and chain as usual; also the crossed scourge and crook. Incense burning is also placed over letter Shin. Water is placed in the cup.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, see that the portal of the Vault is closed and guarded. (Done.)
Chief Adept advances to altar, lifts his wand on high, and says:
Hekas, hekas, esti bebeloi! Associate Adeptus Minor, let the chamber be purified by the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
Returns to place. Third Adept performs ritual with black end of wand, holding it by the white band.
Mighty Adeptus Major, let the place be purified by the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
Second Adept performs this with black end of wand, holding it by the white band. He faces east, performs Qabalistic cross, tracing the four forms from right to left, and saying at each quarter, ARARITA. On completing the circle in the east, he gives the 5° = 6 signs, and the analysis of the keyword I.N.R.I.27 Chief Adept again advances to the altar without his wand, taking cross from altar, goes to south, raises cross above head, and slowly circumambulates chamber with Sol, repeating:
CH. AD: And when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe, hear thou the voice of fire.
On reaching south, he faces south, and makes with the cross the invoking pentagram of fire, saying:
CH. AD: OIP TEAA PDOCE. In the names and letters of the great southern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the south.
Replaces cross on lion. Takes cup, goes to west, sprinkles water, and circumambulates with Sol, saying:
So therefore first the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea.
On reaching west, he faces west, and makes the invoking pentagram of water with cup, saying:
MPH ARSL GAIOL. In the names and letters of the great western quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the west.
Replaces cup on eagle’s head. Takes dagger and strikes forward with it; then circumambulates with Sol, repeating:
Such a fire existeth extending through the rushings of air, or even a fire formless whence cometh the image of a voice, or even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud.
On reaching east, he strikes forward with dagger, makes invoking air pentagram, and repeats:
ORO IBAH AOZPI. In the names and letters of the great eastern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the east.
Replaces dagger on Aquarius. Takes chain, goes to north, raises it on high, shakes thrice, circumambulates place, saying:
Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world wherein lieth continually a faithless depth, and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding—a black, ever-rolling abyss, ever espousing a body, formless, unluminous, and void.
Reaches north and facing it, shakes chain thrice and describes the invoking earth pentagram, saying:
MOR DIAL HCTGA. In the names and letters of the great northern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the north.
Replaces chain upon Taurus. Takes incense, goes to west of altar, faces east, raises it, and describes equilibriated spirit pentagrams.28
EXARP BITOM (While tracing active pentagram.)
HCOMA NANTA (While tracing passive pentagram.)
In the names and letters of the mystical Tablet of Union, I invoke ye, ye divine forces of the
spirit of life. I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe! Be ye also the watchers of our mystic Vault. Keep far removed the evil; strengthen and inspire the initiates, that so we may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal gods.
Let this place be pure and holy, so that we may enter in and become partakers of the secrets of the divine light.
He replaces incense upon Shin and resumes his place, saying:
The sun daily returning is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let us thrice complete the circle of this place, the abode of the invisible sun.
Chief Adept leads, Second Adept follows, then all the others, and Third Adept last. They circumambulate thrice, saluting the east with 5° = 6 signs as they pass. Chief Adept extends arms like cross.
CH. AD: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe.
Holy art Thou, whom nature hath not formed.
Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one.
Lord of the light and the darkness.
Chief Adept changes place with Third Adept. Third Adept as Hierophant inductor performs the ceremony of opening of Portal. Any other adept can take the place of associate officer in west.
3RD AD: Very honoured fratres and sorores, assist me to open the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti. Give the signs of a Neophyte, Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus, Philosophus. Very honoured Associate Adept, what is the additional mystic title bestowed on a Philosophus as a link with the Second Order?
ASSOC: Phrath.
3RD AD: To what does it allude?
ASSOC: To the fourth river of Eden.
3RD AD: What is the sign?
ASSOC: The Sign of the Rending Asunder of the Veil.
3RD AD: What is the word?
3RD AD: Resh.
ASSOC: Kaph.
3RD AD: Tau.
ASSOC: The whole word is Paroketh, meaning the Veil of the Tabernacle.
3RD AD: In and by that word, I declare the Portal of this Vault of the Adepti duly opened. (Makes Qabalistic cross.) Unto Thee, O Tetragrammaton, be ascribed Malkuth, Geburah, and Gedulah (crossing fingers) unto the ages, Amen.
All make same sign and say same words. Replace altar within Vault, leave cross, cup, and dagger in place outside for use in obligation. Close door of Vault. Three adepts take places and open in the 5° = 6 grade. The Vault door is thus opened and may so remain till close of ceremony.
CH. AD: Avete, Fratres et Sorores.
2ND AD: Roseae Rubeae.
3RD AD: Et Aureae Crucis.
CH. AD: Very honoured fratres et sorores, assist me to open the Tomb of the Adepts. (Knocks.) Very honoured Hodos Chamelionis, see that the Portal is closed and guarded.
HODOS: (Having done so, saluting) Merciful Exempt Adept, the Portal of the Vault is closed and guarded.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, by what sign hast thou entered the Portal?
2ND AD: By the Sign of the Rending Asunder of the Veil. (Gives it.)
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, by what sign hast thou closed the Portal?
3RD AD: By the Sign of the Closing of the Veil. (Gives it.)
2ND AD: Peh.
3RD AD: Resh.
2ND AD: Kaph.
3RD AD: Tau.
2ND AD: Paroketh.
3RD AD: Which is the Veil of the sanctum sanctorum.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is the mystic number of this grade?
2ND AD: Twenty-one.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what is the password formed therefrom?
3RD AD: Aleph.
CH. AD: Heh.
3RD AD: Yod.
CH. AD: Heh.
3RD AD: Eheieh.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is the Vault of the Adepts?
2ND AD: The symbolic burying place of our founder Christian Rosenkreutz, which he made to represent the universe.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, in what part of it is he buried?
3RD AD: In the centre of the heptagonal sides and beneath the altar, his head being towards the east.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, why in the centre?
2ND AD: Because that is the point of perfect equilibrium.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what does the mystic name of our founder signify?
3RD AD: The rose and cross of Christ; the fadeless rose of creation—the immortal cross of light.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what was the Vault entitled by our more ancient fratres and sorores?
2ND AD: The tomb of Osiris Onnophris, the justified one.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, of what shape is the Vault?
3RD AD: It is that of an equilateral heptagon or figure of seven sides.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, unto what do these seven sides allude?
2ND AD: Seven are the lower Sephiroth, seven are the palaces, seven are the days of the creation; seven in the height above, seven in the depth below.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, where is this Vault symbolically situated?
3RD AD: In the centre of the earth, in the mountain of caverns, the mystic mountain of Abiegnus.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is this mystic mountain of Abiegnus?
2ND AD: It is the mountain of God in the centre of the universe, the sacred Rosicrucian mountain of initiation.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what is the meaning of this title Abiegnus?
3RD AD: It is Abi-agnus, lamb of the Father. It is by metathesis Abi-Genos, born of the Father. Bia-Genos, strength of our race, and the four words make the sentence, “mountain of the lamb of the Father, and the strength of our race.” I.A.O. Yeheshua. Such are the words.
All salute with 5° = 6 signs.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is the key to this Vault?
2ND AD: The Rose and the Cross which resume the life of nature and the powers hidden in the word I.N.R.I.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what is the emblem which we bear in our left hands?
3RD AD: It is a form of the Rose and Cross, the ancient crux ansata or Egyptian symbol of life.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is its meaning?
2ND AD: It represents the force of the ten Sephiroth in nature, divided into a hexad and a tetrad. The oval embraces the first six Sephiroth and the Tau cross the lower four, answering to the four elements.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what is the emblem which I bear upon my breast?
3RD AD: The complete symbol of the Rose and Cross.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, what is its meaning?
2ND AD: It is the key of sigils and of rituals and represents the force of the twenty-two letters in nature, as divided into a three, a seven, and a twelve; many and great are its mysteries.
CH. AD: Associate Adeptus Minor, what is the wand which thou bearest?
3RD AD: A simple wand having the colours of the twelve signs of the zodiac between light and darkness, and surmounted by the lotus flower of Isis. It symbolizes the development of creation.
CH. AD: Mighty Adeptus Major, thy wand and its meaning?
2ND AD: A wand terminating in the symbol of the binary and surmounted by the Tau cross of life, or the head of the phoenix, sacred to Osiris. The seven colours between light and darkness are attributed to the planets. It symbolizes rebirth and resurrection from death.
CH. AD: My wand is surmounted by the winged globe, around which the twin serpents of Egypt twine. It symbolizes the equilibriated force of the spirit and the four elements beneath the everlasting wings of the Holy One. Associate Adeptus Minor, what are the words inscribed upon the door of the Vault, and how is it guarded?
3RD AD: Post centum viginti annos patebo—“After 120 years I shall open”—and the door is guarded by the elemental tablets and by the Kerubic embl
CH. AD: The 120 years refer symbolically to the five grades of the First Order and to the revolution of the powers of the pentagram; also to the five preparatory examinations for this grade. It is written, “His days shall be 120 years” and 120 divided by five yields twenty-four, the number of hours in a day and of the thrones of the elders in the Apocalypse. Further 120 equals the number of the ten Sephiroth multiplied by that of the zodiac, whose key is the working of the spirit and the four elements typified in the wand which I bear.
Chief Adept knocks. All face east. Chief Adept opens the Vault wide, enters, passes to the eastern end, or place of the head of the Pastos or coffin of C.R.C., and then faces west. Second Adept enters and passes to south; Third Adept to north. Other members remain standing as before. The three officers, each with a special wand in his right hand and crux ansata in left, stretch out their wands to form a pyramid above the altar and also the cruces below.
CH. AD: Let us analyse the keyword. I.
2ND AD: N.
3RD AD: R.
CH. AD: Yod.
2ND AD: Nun.
3RD AD: Resh.
ALL: Yod.
CH. AD: Virgo, Isis, mighty mother.
2ND AD: Scorpio, Apophis, destroyer.
3RD AD: Sol, Osiris, slain and risen.
ALL: Isis, Apophis, Osiris, I.A.O.
All then simultaneously separate wands and cruces, and say:
ALL: The Sign of Osiris Slain. (Gives it.)
CH. AD: L. The Sign of the Mourning of Isis. (With head bowed)
2ND AD: V. The Sign of Typhon and Apophis. (With head bowed)
3RD: X. The sign of Osiris risen. (With head bowed)
All together with the saluting sign and bowed head.
ALL: L.V.X., Lux, the light of the cross.
All quit the Vault and return to previous places.
CH. AD: In the grand word Yeheshuah, by the keyword I.N.R.I., and through the concealed word Lux, I have opened the Vault of the Adepts.
All give L.V.X. signs.
The Golden Dawn Page 37