The wand should never be used inverted. The lotus flower is not to be touched in working, but in Sephirotic and spiritual things, the flower is to be inclined towards the forehead; and to rise on the planes, the orange-coloured centre is to be fully directed to the forehead.
Consecration of the Lotus Wand
1. Provide a private room, white triangle, red cross of six squares. Incense, a rose, water in a vase, lamp or vessel of fire, salt on a platter, and an astrological figure of the heavens for the time of consecration. If possible a set of astrological symbolic diagrams of the twelve signs should be set around the room. Have ready also the Ritual of the Pentagram, new wand, white silk or linen wrapper, table with black cover for altar.
2. Find position of east.
3. Prepare an invocation of the forces of the signs of the zodiac.
4. Place altar in centre of room, cover it with black.
5. Arrange upon it the cross and triangle. Incense and rose in east above cross and triangle; lamp in south; cup in west; salt in north.
6. Illumine lamp.
7. Stand, holding new wand at west of altar, facing east.
8. Grasp wand by black portion and say:
9. Hekas! Hekas! Este Bebeloi.
10. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
11. Purify room first with water, then with fire, as in the 0° = 0 grade, repeating as you do so these two passages from the ritual of the thirty-first Path. (With water say): So therefore first the priest who governeth the works of fire, must sprinkle with lustral water of the loud resounding sea. (With fire say): And when, after all the phantoms are vanished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe, hear thou the voice of fire.
12. Take up the wand again, by white portion. Circumambulate the room three times and, at the end, repeat the adoration of the Lord of the Universe as in the ritual of the 0° = 0 grade, saluting at each adoration with the Neophyte sign, and at “Darkness” giving the Sign of Silence.
Holy art thou, Lord of the Universe.
Holy art Thou whom nature hath not formed.
Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one,
Lord of the light and of the darkness.
13. Perform the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram at the four quarters of the room, tracing the proper pentagrams at each quarter and pronouncing the appropriate angelic and divine names, taking care to give the grade sign appropriate to each element.
14. Stand then in the eastern quarter, facing east, hold wand by white portion, give 5° = 6 signs, look upward, hold wand on high, and say:
O Harpocrates, lord of silence, who art enthroned upon the lotus.
Twenty-six are the petals of the lotus, flower of thy wand. O Lord of creation, they are the number of Thy name.
In the name of Yod He Vau He, let the divine light descend!
15. Facing consecutively the quarter where each sign is according to the horary figure for the time of working, repeat in each of the twelve directions the invocation which follows, using the appropriate divine and angelic names and letters for each specially. Beginning with Aries, hold the wand at the appropriate coloured band, and in the left hand the element, from off the altar, which is referred to the particular sign, and say:
The heaven is above and the earth is beneath. And betwixt the light and the darkness the colours vibrate. I supplicate the powers and forces governing the nature, place, and authority of the sign Aries, by the majesty of the divine name Yod He Vau He, with which, in earth life and language, I ascribe the letter Heh, to which is allotted the symbolic tribe of Gad and over which is the angel Melchidael, to bestow this present day and hour, and confirm their mystic and potent influence upon the red band of this lotus wand, which I hereby dedicate to purity and to occult work, and may its grasp strengthen me in the work of the character of Aries and his attributes.
As this is recited, trace in the air with the lotus end, the invoking pentagram of the sign required, and hold the corresponding element from the altar in the left hand, while facing in each of the twelve zodiacal directions.
16. Lay wand on the altar, lotus end towards the east.
17. Stand at west of altar, face east, raise hands, and say:
O Isis! Great goddess of the forces of nature, let thine influence descend and consecrate this wand which I dedicate to thee for the performance of the works of the magic of light.
18. Wrap the wand in silk or linen.
19. Purify the room by water and by fire as at first.
20. Perform reverse circumambulation.
21. Standing at west of altar, face east, and recite:
In the name of Yeheshuah, I now set free the spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony.
22. Preferably, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
The Invocation to the Forces of the Signs of the Zodiac
of Name
Tribe of
Yod Heh Vau Heh
Yod Heh Heh Vau
Yod Vau Heh Heh
Heh Vau Heh Yod
Heh Vau Yod Heh
Lemon yellow
Heh Heh Vau Yod
Vau Heh Yod Heh
Vau Heh Heh Yod
Vau Yod Heh Heh
Heh Yod Heh Vau
Heh Yod Vau Heh
Heh Heh Yod Vau
3. Note by JMG: See color insert page 11.
1. Light a stick of incense. Go to the southeast corner of the room. Make a large cross and circle, as in the diagram, and holding the point of the incense in the centre vibrate the word Yeheshuah.
Cross and Circle
2. With arm outstretched on a level with the centre of the cross, and holding the incense stick, go to the southwest corner and make a similar cross, repeating the word.
3. Go to the northwest corner and repeat the cross and the word.
4. Go to the northeast corner and repeat the cross and the word.
5. Complete your circle by returning to the southeast corner and bringing the point of the incense to the central point of the first cross which you should imagine astrally there.
6. Holding the stick on high, go to the centre of the room, walking diagonally across the room towards the northwest corner. In the centre of the room, above your head, trace the cross and circle and vibrate the name.
/> 7. Holding the stick on high, go to the northwest and bring the point of the stick down to the centre of the astral cross there.
8. Turn towards the southeast and retrace your steps there, but now holding the incense stick directed towards the floor. In the centre of the room, make the cross and circle towards the floor, as it were, under your feet, and vibrate the name.
9. Complete this circle by returning to the southeast and bringing the point of the stick again to the centre of the cross, then move with arm outstretched to southwest corner.
10. From the centre of this cross, and, raising stick before, walk diagonally across the room towards the northeast corner. In the centre of the room, pick up again the cross above your head previously made, vibrating the name. It is not necessary to make another cross.
11. Bring the stick to the centre of the northeast cross and return to the southwest, incense stick down, and pausing in the centre of the room to link up with the cross under your feet.
12. Return to the southwest and rest the point of the incense a moment in the centre of the cross there. Holding the stick out, retrace your circle to the northwest, link on to the northwest cross; proceed to the northeast cross and complete your circle by returning to the southeast, and the centre of the first cross.
13. Retrace the cross, but larger, and make a big circle, vibrating for the lower half Yeheshuah, and for the upper half Yehovashah.
14. Return to the centre of the room, and visualise the six crosses in a network round you. This ceremony can be concluded by the analysis of the keyword given as follows:
Rose Cross Ritual
Analysis of the Keyword
1. Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross. Face east.
2. Vibrate these words:
The Sign of Osiris Slain.
3. Right arm up, left arm extended out from shoulder, head bowed towards left hand.
L.—The Sign of the Mourning of Isis.
4. Both arms up in a V shape.
V.—The Sign of Typhon and Apophis.
5. Arms crossed on breast, head bowed.
X.—The Sign of Osiris Risen.
6. Make the signs again as you repeat L.V.X.
L.V.X. Lux.
7. Arms folded on breast, head bowed.
The Light of the Cross.4
8. Then arms extended in Sign of Osiris Slain (see 1).
Mighty Mother
Slain and Risen
9. Gradually raise arms.
10. Arms above head, face raised.
I. A. O.
11. Except when in the Vault, now vibrate the four Tablet of Union names to equilibrate the light.
12. Aspire to the light and draw it down over your head to your feet.
Let the divine light descend.
The Uses of the Rose Cross Ritual
1. It encloses the aura with a protection against outside influences. It is like a veil. The pentagrams protect, but they also light up the astral and make entities aware of you. They are more positive for magical working. When much distracted, use the pentagrams to banish and the Rose Cross to maintain peace.
2. It is a call to another mode of your consciousness and withdraws you from the physical. It is a good preparation for meditation and, combined with the keyword, a form of invocation of the higher wisdom which is helpful when solving problems or preparing for a difficult interview, or in order to be calm and strong to help another.
3. When you are quite familiar with the ritual, but most certainly not before, it can be done in imagination while resting or lying down. Part of yourself goes out, and you get all the sensation of walking around your own quiescent body. Used thus, with rhythmic breathing, it will withdraw your mind from pain (if it be not too severe) and release you for sleep. You can do the analysis of the keyword standing behind your physical head, and you can call down the divine white brilliance, watching it flow over your body and smooth out the tangles in the etheric double, bringing peace and rest.
4. You can do the ritual with intention to help others in pain or difficulty. For this purpose, you build up an astral image of the person, in the centre of the room, and call down the light upon him, after surrounding him with the six crosses. When the ceremony is done, command the astral shape you have made to return to the person, bearing with it the peace of Yeheshuah.
5. It is a protection against psychic invasion from the thoughts of others or from disturbed psychic conditions, such as there might be in a place charged with fear, where terrible things had happened.
4. Note by Regardie: For diagrams of these signs refer to pages 164.
This symbol 5 is to be worn suspended from a yellow collarette of silk, the motto of owner placed on the reverse side, with white sash, and is for general use in magical working, to be worn at all meetings of adepts.
It is to be made by each adept alone, and consecrated by himself and never touched by any other person, and wrapped in white silk or linen when not in use.
It is a complete synthesis of the masculine, positive or rainbow scale of colour attributions, which is also called “the scale of the king.”
The four ends of the cross belong to the four elements, and are coloured accordingly. The white portion belongs to the Holy Spirit and the planets.
The twenty-two petals of the rose refer to the twenty-two Paths. It is the cross in Tiphareth, the receptacle and the centre of the forces of the Sephiroth and the Paths.
The extreme centre of the rose is white, the reflected spiritual brightness of Kether, bearing upon it the red rose of five petals and the golden cross of six squares; four green rays issuant around the angles of the cross, from which the Second Order takes its name. They are the symbols of the receiving force.
Upon the white portion of the symbol, below the rose, is placed the hexagram, with the planets in the order which is the key of the Supreme Ritual of the Hexagram.
Around the pentagrams, which are placed one upon each elemental coloured arm, are drawn the symbols of the spirit and the four elements, in the order which is the key to the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram. Upon each of the floriated ends of the cross are arranged the three alchemical principles, but in a different order for each element, and as showing their operation therein.
The upmost arm of the cross, allotted to air, is of the yellow colour of Tiphareth. In it the flowing philosophic mercurial nature is chief and without hindrance to its mobility—hence the ever moving nature of air. Its sulphureous side is drawn from the part of fire, whence its luminous and electrical qualities. Its saline side is from the water, whence result clouds and rain from the action of the solar forces.
The lowest arm of the cross, allotted to earth, is of the four colours of Malkuth, the earth being of the nature of a container and receiver of the other influences. The citrine answers to its airy part, the olive to the watery, the russet to the fire, and the black to the lowest part, earth. Here also is the mercurial part chief, but hindered by the compound nature whence its faculty becomes germinative rather than mobile, while the sulphur and the salt are respectively from the sides of water and fire, which almost neutralize their natural operation and bring about the fixedness and immobility of earth.
The extremity allotted to fire is of the scarlet colour of Geburah, and in it the sulphureous nature is chief, whence its powers of heat and burning. The salt is from the side of earth, whence the necessity for a constant substantial pabulum whereon to act
, and the mercury is from the side of air, whence the leaping, lambent motion of flame especially when acted upon by wind.
The extremity allotted to water is of the blue colour of Chesed, and in it the saline side is chief as exemplified in the salt water of the ocean, to which all waters go, and from whence also is derived the nature of always preserving the horizontal line. The mercurial part is from earth, whence the weight and force of its flux and reflux. Its sulphuric part is from the air whence the effect of waves and storms. So that the disposition of these three principles forms the key of their alchemic operation in the elements.
The white rays issuing from behind the rose at the inner angles between the arms are the rays of the divine light issuing and coruscating from the reflected light of Kether in its centre; and the letters and symbols on them refer to the analysis of the keyword of an Adeptus Minor, I.N.R.I., by which the opening of the Vault is accomplished.
The twelve letters of the twelve petals follow the order of the signs of the zodiac. Uppermost is Heh, the letter of Aries, followed by Vau, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod, while the letter of Libra, which is Lamed, is lowermost. Ascending are Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzaddi, Qoph.
The seven double letters of the middle row are allotted to the planets in the order of their exaltations, the planets being wanderers; the stars are fixed with respect to the Earth. These letters are Peh, Resh, Beth, with Daleth exactly over Libra, followed by Gimel, Kaph, Tau.
The Golden Dawn Page 42