The Golden Dawn

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The Golden Dawn Page 90

by Israel Regardie

  “I called on Ahephi to appear and the form gradually filled the place till the scene disappeared altogether. Tested by the letters, it grew immensely larger, and seemed to have a yellow and blue striped nemyss, whitish wrappings, with broad blue bands round it, and a greenish yellow light shown about it. I gave the L.V.X. signs and asked to be shown the sphinx of its power. This gradually appeared through the yellow light behind the godform, human head, very fair and bright face, wings, yellow and blue nemyss, claws of eagle extended in front, and hind legs and tail of a lion in reclining position.

  “On asking for the action of the force of the square, was shown a bubble of water into which air was continually pouring, and expanding it till it burst and disappeared, the energy seeming then to pass into other forms and come under the rule of another square. It seemed a transitory action, more the initiator of fresh conditions than an end in itself. I asked its effect on the earth, and was taken to the scene I had left, and saw again how the moist breeze from the river gave fresh life to the vegetation which had flagged during the day. Asking its effect on the animal world, I was shown a deer standing by a lake. A current of force passing over it, seemed to bring the dawn of reason and glimmering of consciousness, the first conscious stirrings of an animal. Acting on man, it seemed to affect the brain, producing a vague waving motion which prevented fixity of thought and definiteness of idea, loss of the power of concentration.

  “I then asked to see the elementals of the plane, and saw numbers of small-sized human figures, fair, active expression on face, bodies rather solid-looking compared to the head, large wings like dragon flies which were iridescent and seemed to reflect the colouring of things about them.

  “I gave the 5xox = 6xhx signs to the sphinx and then called on the angel of the square. I saw above the god the figure I had drawn—the wings on the crown were blue, the cuirass bright steel with the eagle symbol on the breast in gold, the drapery below was a yellowish green, and the feet bare.”

  2. “A vision of the square ‘l’ of the earthy lesser angle of the tablet of air. Name 1Sha. Anoubi is the pyramid god.

  “This atmosphere was damp and cold. I stood on the summit of a mountain, cloud-enwrapped, and there, having rehearsed the angelical calls, and vibrated the names, I beheld the colossal form of Anubis, who, after a time, shewed me the sphinx of his power. This again shewed me a mighty angel who answered my signs, and when in that of the Theoricus I saw that a brilliant ray descended into the outstretched palm of each of her hands. On my asking for guidance and information, she gave me one of these rays, which I beheld as a crystal cord whose other end rested in the Eternal. The angel led me first among the ethers, and after a space I beheld stars and worlds innumerable.

  “Through the brighter suns, particles passed—coming out the other side as blackened cinders. Then came forth a mighty hand which gathered these cinders and welded them into a mass, lifeless and vast. Then we passed to this earth—to a frigid scene, all snow and huge blocks of ice. The cold was intense, but I felt it not. Here were polar bears, and seals, as also many sea gulls. In places, the ice was stationary but again it was violently moved, block crashing against block with deafening roar. The inhabitants of the place were small and bloodless, wrapped chiefly in the skins of polar bears.

  “The influence of this square on man makes him violently impetuous in the absence of difficulty, but instantly hopeless in the face of an obstacle, abandoning at once every project. The elementals are demure, birdlike creatures with semi-human faces. The spiritual beings are beautiful diaphanous angels, light brown in colour, with sweet, serious faces. They were all much occupied when I saw them. Some had silver in their left hands and mercury in their right, which they would put into a golden vessel together, whence came immediately a pale gold coloured flame which ever increased in size, spreading out through the worlds. Others bearing the legend ‘Solve et Coagula’ woven into their belts, mixed water and the principle of cold which they bore in a pair of scales, and the union was the ice of the region we were in. I was wondering whether all this had any counterpart in human nature, and its possibilities of development when I saw two types. One an ancient man toiling along most painfully, and the other a child skipping along light-heartedly. As they faded there rose between them a radiant figure clad in gold, bearing on her brow the sign Libra in living emerald. Then I understood that only in and by the reconciliation of these two forces, the fixed and the volatile, is ‘the pathway of true equilibrium’ found. On asking for plants I was shown mushrooms, which seemed to be particularly consonant to this square.”

  3. “A vision of the square ‘C’ in the watery lesser angle of the air tablet. Name: CPao. Hoorpokrati, the pyramid god.

  “Read the third and seventh Calls. Vibrated Oro Ibah Aozpi, Bataivah, the angel CPao. The Egyptian god is Hoorpokrati.

  “Found myself in the air in the midst of whirling clouds. Travelled on by the above names. Saw the angel of colossal size clothed in white. Tested with a letter Tau and Beth placed over the form, but there was no change, so removed those letters. Clouds seemed to be floating around the angel. Saluted with L.V.X. signs and asked to see Egyptian god, who appeared equally colossal while the angel floated up above his head. Tested as before.

  “Vibrated Hoorpokrati second time, saluted as before, and asked to see the sphinx, both angel and Harpocrates returning the saluting sign. Sphinx then appeared with eagle head, lower part human, on one side eagle’s wings, the other side human arms. Tested and saluted as before. The sphinx was of colossal size.

  “Now I vibrated all the names repeatedly, and asked to see the meaning of the square. I was told that it was the astral region of storm and rain clouds with wind. I saw elementals in grey or pearly robes floating on the white fleecy clouds.15 On dark thunderclouds were forms in dark lurid grey raiment, bearing thunderbolts like the images attributed to Zeus; many eagle-headed forms among them. Presently I saw one with a crown. I asked him to show me, and he took me by the hand and we traversed an enormous distance beyond the earth which became invisible. Then we soared upwards still in the midst of the same surroundings, till I saw the sun of that region, shining brightly, but clouds frequently drifting across it, while the clouds were now below us but only partially so. He told me that the nature of this square was to supply the forces on the astral plane which generate wind, rain, clouds, and storm on the natural plane. That these occurred throughout the universe but with different effect. That on our evil planet the effect was sometimes disastrous, being perverted from their original intention by our evil sphere. But on other higher planes the effect was always beneficial, clearing away that which had fulfilled its purpose and replacing it by fresh influence. The region attributed to this square seemed simply limitless. We traversed an enormous distance, yet seemed no nearer the end. So he brought me back again. Then I thanked him and saluted him, and descended to the former plane. There I thanked and saluted the angel, Hoorpokrati, and the sphinx. So I returned home, dimly seeing my natural body before reentering it.”


  By G.H. Frater Sapere Aude

  1. Prepare for private use four tablets with correct lettering, as given in the official lecture, and a Tablet of Union.

  2. Make the four tablets coloured as brilliantly and as flashingly as possible, and in exact proportion. This should be done with coloured papers. They may be done in watercolours, but this is not so good.16

  3. The four minor implements are to be used with the Enochian tablets. A small altar should be arranged in the room at the time of working. It should be draped with a black cloth, with a lighted candle by the wand, incense burning by the dagger, gold and silver or bread and salt with the pentacle, and water in the cup.

  4. Use the ritual of the hexagram for the invocation of the king and the six seniors.

  5. Use the ritual of the pentagram for the spirit and the four elements.

  6. The Calvary Cross names call forth with a word of six letters and comma
nd with a word of five. They rule the lesser angles in which they are situated, and should be used in the preliminary invocation.

  7. The six seniors and kings are on a higher plane and should be invoked with the hexagram ritual. The names of the six seniors are each of seven letters, that of the king eight.

  8. The deity names consist of a name of three letters, four letters, and five letters respectively, corresponding to the supernal triad, I.A.O. Also to the triad of YHVH, Yeheshuah, Yehovashah.

  9. The name of the king and the letters from the centres of the great Central Crosses initiate the whirl, and should not be used by those who do not understand its action.

  10. Remember that the east is attributed to air, south to fire, west to water, north to earth, when you summon spirits or forces. When, however, you go to seek spirits or forces on their own planes, the attribution of the elements to the cardinal points is as in the zodiac, as follows: east to fire, south to earth, west to air, north to water.

  11. Bearing this in mind, place yourself (imaginatively) in the centre of a hollow cube, standing in the centre of the Tablet of Union between the O of HCOMA and the second N of NANTA:






















  Now imagine the four elemental tablets standing round you like the four walls of a room, that is, at the four cardinal points. This is subjective working.

  12. Another method is to imagine a moonstone spheroid, containing the universe, yourself standing as it were, at first, in the centre, and the Tablet of Union at the North and South Poles. At the same time divide the surface into four quarters and imagine yourself outside the spheroid. This is objective working.

  13. These tablets can be applied to the universe, to the solar system, to the earth, or to man himself. “As above, so below.”

  14. Perhaps the most convenient method for a beginner to adopt is to apply this scheme to the earth, treating the three deity names as the three signs of the zodiac in one quarter. For example, take the fire tablet and place OIP on the sign Leo, TEAA in Virgo, and PDOCE in Libra. And so on with the other god names, treating the Kerubic sign as the point de départ, one quarter of a house in astrology being roughly equal to the square of each letter.

  Each of these spaces, under these circumstances, would appear to be governed by a heroic figure of, say, twelve feet high, not winged. But the spirit names and the names above the Calvary Cross, even on the earth plane, bring forth figures of tremendous size and beauty, which could easily lift a human being in the palm of the hand. From the fiery lesser angle of fire, I have seen AZODIZOD, the figure being fiery red with flaming wings and hair of emerald green. ZODAZODEE, black and white, flashing and flaming. EEZODAHZOD, blue and orange, with a mist of flame about him. ZODEEZODAH, orange, with hazy gold wings like gold gauze, and nets of gold around him.

  Having selected one of the above methods, let the Zelator Adeptus Minor perform the lesser banishing rituals with the sword. Invoke, with the minor implement, the element required.

  Our example being the square of OMDI, a watery and earthy square in the lesser angle of earth in the great southern quadrangle or fire tablet, we take the fire wand. In the four quarters we invoke, with the equilibriating pentagram for actives, and the fire pentagram, using only the tablet names: “EDELPERNAA, (the great king of the south). VOLEXDO and SIODA, (the two deity names on the Sephirotic Calvary Cross). I command ye in the divine name OIP TEAA PEDOCE and BITOM that the angel who governs the watery and earthy square of OMDI shall obey my behest and submit to me when I utter the holy name OOMDI (pronounced Oh-Oh-Meh-Deh-ee).”

  Having repeated this invocation in the four quarters, turn to the east if you wish to go to the plane or to the south if you wish to invoke the spirits to come to you. Look at the painted tablet which you have prepared until you can carry it in your mind, then close the eyes and vibrate the name OMDI and OOMDI until your whole body trembles and you almost feel a sensation of burning.17

  Then pass through the tablets and try to see some sort of landscape. My experience of this particular plane was a dull red crumbling earth. I first found myself in a cave. As a symbol I was told that this square of OMDI was like the roots of a tiger lily; the square MDIO to the right, representing the life working in it. The square IOMD to the left, represented the sap flowing through the stalk and the leaves, as it were; the square DIOM to the left of that, the orange flower with the black spots upon it, fitly representing air, fire, and earth—yellow, red, and black.

  Afterwards I invoked the king and six seniors to explain the general bearings of the quadrangle. After passing through several fiery planes, each of them of greater whiteness and brilliance than the last, I seemed to be stationed on a high tower situated in the centre of the quadrangle between the two a’s in the centre of the Great Cross, and I was told by the six seniors that they were partly representative of the planets, but that their names should really be read in a circle, in a way we should be taught later, etc.

  Final note. From the lectures circulated among the adepti,18 I have gathered that the angels placed over the Kerubic squares of the lesser angles of the great quadrangle have the following properties:

  Air angle. “Knitting together and destruction.” Centrifugal and centripetal forces. Expansive and contractive, etc.

  Water angle. “Moving from place to place.” Motion, vibration, changing of forms.

  Earth angle. “Mechanical crafts.” Creative or productive of results on the material plane.

  Fire angle. “Secrets of humanity.” Controlling human nature, clear vision, etc.

  And that the subservient angels of these angles, that is the angels of the sixteen servient squares under the Sephirotic Cross, rule:

  Air angle. “Elixirs.” Purification from illusions, diseases, sins, etc. by sublimation.

  Water angle. “Metals.” the right methods of polarizing the soul so as to attract the L.V.X.

  Earth angle. “Stones.” The fixing of the higher self in the purified body.

  Fire angle. “Transmutations.” The consecration of the body and the transmutation brought about by consecration.

  Note by Israel Regardie: It is to be noted that the lesser angles in each quadrangle have identical properties and qualities differing only according to the primary element of the tablet in which they are situated. That is, the lesser angle of air in the air quadrangle will be very similar in nature to the lesser angle of air in the water tablet, or the earth and fire tablets; and that the only difference between them will be in the nature of their particular quadrangle. The lesser angle of air is said to be concerned with “physic” or healing. The use of the lesser angle of air in the fire tablet would have to be for quite different objects and purposes than for example the air lesser angle of the earth tablet. And so for the other lesser angles in the primary elements.

  Part Three: The Forty-Eight Angelical Keys or Calls

  These calls or keys which follow are only to be made use of with the greatest care and solemnity, especially if they be pronounced in the angelical language as given. Anyone profaning them by using them with an impure mind, and without a due knowledge of their attribution and application, shall be liable to bring serious spiritual and physical harm unto himself.

  The first nineteen calls or keys, of which eighteen alone are expressed, are attributed unto, and to be used with, the Tablet of Union and the four other terrestrial Enochian tablets.

  The First Key hath no number and cannot be expressed, seeing that it is of the Godhead. And therefore it hath the number of 0 with us, though in the angelic orders it is called first. Therefore, their second key is with us the first.

  Unto t
he Tablet of Union are attributed six calls, of which the first is the highest and above the other five. The remaining twelve calls, together with four of those belonging unto the Tablet of Union, are allotted unto the four tablets of the elements.

  The First Key governeth generally, that is as a whole, the Tablet of Union. It is to be used first in all invocations of the angels of that tablet but not at all in the invocations of the angels of the other four tablets.

  The Second Key is to be used as an invocation of the angels of the letters E.H.N.B. representing the especial governance of the spirit in the Tablet of Union. It is also to precede in the second place all invocations of the angels of that tablet. Like the First Key it is not to be employed in the invocations of the angels of the four other tablets.

  (The numbers such as 456 and 6739, etc., which occur in some of the calls contain mysteries which are not here to be explained.)

  The next four keys or calls are used both in the invocations of the angels of the Tablet of Union, and in those of the angels of the four terrestrial tablets as well. Thus:

  The Third Key is to be used for the invocation of the angels of the letters of the line EXARP, for those of the air tablet as a whole, and for the lesser angle of this tablet which is that of the element itself—air of air.

  The Fourth Key is to be used for the invocation of the angels of the letters of the line HCOMA, for those of the water tablet as a whole, and for the lesser angle of this tablet—water of water.


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