
Home > Other > Heaven > Page 5
Heaven Page 5

by Rebecca Julia Lauren

  “When you say crazy shit like that you can’t expect me not to laugh.”

  “I’m serious.” She gave me a playful punch in the chest and winced, her mouth forming a cute little O shape. “You’re hard as a rock.”

  I laughed harder. “You don’t even know, darlin’.”

  The corners of her mouth pulled upward. “You’re so bad.”

  I caught the fist that she’d hit me with, pulled it to my mouth and brushed my lips over her knuckles. Her breath caught. “You know what they say about opposites attracting.”

  “I am not good, Jase Ford. I’m inexperienced. If you’re not willing to help me out then maybe I should find someone else.”

  Without thinking I slid my arm around her waist and hauled Cori against me, surprising both of us. We flirted a lot, and I teased her about sex, but I was always careful not to cross the line. She smelled like sugar cookies. I leaned down. “No one else is touching you.”

  She swallowed, hard. “Then you’re willing to give me pointers?”

  “No.” Although women were a mystery, I knew that you absolutely, under no circumstances criticized one when she was offering to have sex with you.

  Lifting her slender shoulders, she shrugged nonchalantly. “I can’t promise anything.”

  I resisted the urge to haul her into my arms and kiss her until she couldn’t even think about another guy. “You’re a lot of trouble.”

  Cori shifted rubbing against me and I stifled a groan, knowing the movement was unintentional. “Afraid of a little challenge, Jase?”

  “Sounds fun.”

  Her eyes lit up, and I felt as if I’d single-handedly lassoed the moon. “Awesome. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to rid me of my virginity. I can’t wait.”

  My heart lurched. I surely needed to clean my ears because it sure as shit sounded like she said something about virginity.

  What the hell?

  Chapter 6


  “You told Jase you were a virgin?”

  Dunking my chip in a bowl of queso, I glanced up at Amber. “I told him, but I don’t think he believed me.”

  Amber laughed. “He was probably still reeling from your offer to be his new harem-girl.”

  “I surprised him, which is kind of insane because who knew anything could shock Jase Ford.”

  “Girl, you underestimate your affect on that man. He’s already half in love with you now. I can’t wait to see what happens after Jase has slipped his dinner in your microwave.”

  My arm with the margarita paused midway to my lips. “That’s the weirdest way I’ve ever heard anyone describe sex.”

  She shrugged and smiled. “I thought it was creative.”

  “No, it’s just weird. I want to lose my virginity not get pregnant.”

  Amber laughed. “Fine. You won’t be so prickly after you and Jase have played hide the sausage or after he’s slipped his letter in your envelope. Better?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not really.”

  “Are you sure? I figured you’d argue with my comment about Jase being in love with you,” she replied with a note of challenge.

  “Of course he loves me. Jase loves all women. He’s a equal-opportunity, non-discriminatory playboy.”

  She scoffed. “Just keep telling yourself that until you’re ready to face the truth. Speaking of facing things, have you talked to Aaron yet?”

  The reminder of that conversation had me taking a deep sip of my tequila spiked drink. “I told him that I wasn’t ready for a relationship with him, and that I couldn’t end my friendship with Jase.”

  “Was he pissed?” she asked after a sip of her virgin margarita.

  “Worse than pissed.”

  Amber looked concerned. “What did he do?”

  “Hello, we’re talking Aaron. He’s a good guy. Instead of telling me to get lost, like I probably deserved he told me not to make any decisions about us yet.”

  “He wants you,” she replied with a wicked smile.

  “Yeah, and I really like him.”

  “But?” She gestured with her hand, urging me to continue.

  “Aaron is talented and gorgeous, and I should click with him. I don’t know what the problem is. It seems like we’d be perfect together, but he just doesn’t flip my switch.”

  Amber’s beautiful face split into a huge smile. “Jase flips that switch, right?”

  I couldn’t deny it. Jase affected me in a way that no other man ever had. “I think a relationship should be based on more than sex.” Somehow I managed to deliver the bullshit line without so much as cracking a smile.

  Instead of backing off, Amber latched on to my comment and twisted it around. “So you’re thinking about a relationship with Jase. Good thing you ditched the other guy.”

  “I did not ditch Aaron for Jase.”

  Amber just grinned. “Whatever. I’ll bet Jase is pleased.”

  I rubbed my temple, remembering Jase’s expression from the other night. “I think I scared the hell out of him.”

  Amber flashed a curious look my way. “I doubt that.”

  “You should have come over yesterday, and then you’d have been with me when I got the insane idea to go knocking on his door and offering to join his harem.”

  Her smile slipped, and I could tell I’d hit a sore spot. “Ellie and Isabelle don’t want me hanging around.”

  I heard the pain in her voice that she tried to hide behind a fake smile. “They’ve forgotten the past and you should too. So you screwed up and made some mistakes, it’s done. You need to forgive yourself.”

  “I’m working on it, Cora,” she replied, looking away.

  “Work faster. I’m tired of missing you on our girl’s night out.” I said it casually, not wanting to sink Amber’s good mood by dredging up crap that she wasn’t ready to talk about.

  Her expression sobered. “Have I thanked you for being such a great friend?”

  “Yes, and don’t do it again. You know I’ve reached my quota of sappy, emotional moments this month.”

  She laughed and I relaxed. “You’re not as tough as you pretend to be, Cora.”

  “Don’t tell anyone.”

  “No worries, I’m good at keeping secrets,” I replied.

  “I’m sure Jase would agree. You don’t seem like the kind of girl that would be holding on to her V-card at twenty-two.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I suddenly frowned. “Was it a compliment?”

  She stared at me in disbelief. “Of course it was! You’re gorgeous, fun, and everyone likes to be around you. If you wanted to lose it, you’d have guys lined up for the honor. What exactly are you waiting for?”

  I guess I should have been expecting the question since we were talking about it, but so few people knew that I was still a virgin that I didn’t have to explain it often. I’d told myself that I was rebelling against Olivia’s lifestyle, because I never wanted to be used by men the way she allowed herself to be. That was partly true. But there was another reason I didn’t like thinking about. The memory ripped through me like a jagged knife, and I quickly pushed it away, determined not to think about it.

  Taking my hesitation for reluctance to answer, Amber looked uncertain. “Sorry. It’s none of my business. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “No, it’s fine. I don’t want to be like my mother. That’s how it started out.” I thought for a moment, trying to sort out reasons for being a virgin that wouldn’t make me sound like a nut-job. “Now, I don’t have a lover because there’s no one I want to sleep with—except Jase.” Shit. I closed my eyes as the truth smacked me full force in the face.

  Amber smiled. “I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear it.”

  I was probably wearing a look of horror. “No way in hell will I ever say that to Jase Ford. His ego doesn’t need stroking.”

  “If you want him to take your virginity, there are other parts of him you can stroke, Cori,” Amber replied, giggling.

  “Ha, ha.”
  “Are you seeing him tonight?”

  “Probably.” I saw Jase almost every night whether we’d made plans to get together or not. It just happened.

  “Call me if anything interesting happens.” Amber glanced down, poking her enchilada with a fork. “I could help you shop for some sexy outfits and fuck-me heels if you want.”

  “Do they make fuck-me flats? You know I don’t do heels.”

  “The idea is to get Jase to do you, and I bet he’d love you in heels.” She glanced up at me and sighed. “Fine. I’ll come by Friday after work.”

  Jase and I were leaving on Saturday. I was excited and nervous, but I couldn’t wait for this weekend.

  I felt the music. Closing my eyes, I let my heart bleed the music that seemed torn from my soul. When the music stopped, I was buzzing from the high I always felt whenever I played. My heart was racing, and I was sweating and exhilarated.

  Kate nudged me, and I realized we were supposed to bow for the cheering crowd. I got up and got with the program.

  Kate leaned over and whispered, “I’m taking him home, stripping him naked and climbing all over him.”

  I laughed, having no clue who she was talking about and not bothering to look. Kate was always falling in lust with someone. “You gonna ask his name first or save it for the after-sex cuddle talk?”

  Cherrie snickered, as she put her violin away.

  “You think he’s hot too,” Kate replied, flipping her long brown hair over her shoulder. “If he’d been staring at you all night, you’d be thinking the same thing.”

  “I don’t know,” Cherrie replied. “I think he’s watching Cora.”

  This snagged my attention and I glanced up at Cherrie, shaking my head. “Whoever he is, he’s got his eyes on Kate.” I looked over at Kate, who was wearing a short, sexy little slip dress with black cowboy boots.

  Kate seemed as aware of her appeal as I was. Casting her gaze down my black skinny jeans, and denim shirt, worn over a white tank and tied at the waist, I was no competition for Kate’s sexy cowgirl outfit.

  “You look cute,” Cherrie said with encouragement.

  “You do,” Kate quickly agreed, probably worrying about offending me. “It’s just that I thought—“

  “That he’d choose your smokin’ hot self over my cuteness?” I said with a smile, making it clear that I wasn’t upset. “You’re right. Don’t worry. He’s all yours, and my feelings aren’t the least bit hurt.”

  “You might want to take that back when you get a look at him,” Cherrie announced, with a whistle.

  “No, thanks.”

  I felt someone’s hands fall on my shoulders and I jumped, startled. I turned and saw Aaron smiling down at me. “You three sounded incredible. The crowd was spellbound.”

  “Thanks, Aaron. I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”

  He shot me a strange look, but didn’t reply. Kate and Cherrie both said hi to him and he turned to them.

  Kate placed her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe you could settle something for us,” she said, nodding off into the crowd. “Do you think that guy is staring at me or Cora?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Aaron glanced over at me before his gaze followed Kate’s and his expression turned grim. “He’s here for Cora.”

  Surprised, I turned and locked eyes with Jase. My heart skipped a beat then began to race. Dressed in faded jeans with a rip at the knee, boots and a gray button-down shirt, he made my breath hitch.

  Even from a distance I saw his gaze slide over me in a way that made me hot and tingly all over.

  “What?” Kate asked with disbelief.

  “I don’t know what you see in that guy, Cora.”

  I glanced up at Aaron, surprised at the peevish tone in his voice. After our talk the other day, I thought he’d understood.

  Cherrie answered for me. “He’s oozing testosterone, and that awakens female pheromones, making him totally irresistible to us.”

  “Thanks, Cherrie for explaining that to us,” Kate said dryly. She looked up at Aaron. “I can’t speak for Cora, but any guy that would look better naked than dressed gets my female parts singing.”

  Cherrie’s eyes danced with interest. “He’s coming over.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. When he walked up to us, I just stared at him like one of his harem-girls, star-struck and willing, no eager, to drop my panties if that’s what he wanted.

  His gaze never wavered from mine, his slow smile making my knees wobble. And then he said the one thing that had me melting like warm butter.


  “Her name is Cora,” Aaron replied coolly, stepping closer to me and slipping his arm around my waist.

  What the hell? Frowning, I stepped away from him and glanced at Jase. His smile never slipped and his eyes still clung to mine. Jase’s jaw tightened, the only hint that he’d heard Aaron’s comment, but all he said was, “I know her name.”

  Leaning down, Aaron whispered. “Cora, please. I need to talk to you.”

  Jase’s gaze narrowed. Cherrie and Kate were watching the scene with rapt fascination. I had no idea what Aaron thought we needed to talk about, but his fingers fastened around my arm with insistence.

  Frowning Jase, asked quietly, “Do you want to talk to him, Cori?”

  I could tell he didn’t like Aaron holding my arm, and a thrill of satisfaction zipped through me. Whoa, hold up the parade. I did not want to be one of those girls that played games with guys instead of laying all the cards face-up on the table, but I couldn’t deny that I liked Jase’s protectiveness. “Give us a moment.” I looked up at Jase with an apology in my eyes.

  Clearly pleased, Aaron’s eyes twinkled. “You can chat with Kate until we get back.” He winked at Jase, who looked surprised. “She thinks you’d look better naked.”

  Before Jase pulled his gaze from mine I caught the flash of disappointment in his eyes and I didn’t like it. I really didn’t like how his attention turned to Kate, and his slow, devastatingly sexy smile made her giggle and blush.

  “Hi, Kate. I’m Jase.”

  Kate giggled again and I wanted to throw up. Instead I shot Jase a warning look that had him cocking an eyebrow at me. I shook my head. Jase seemed amused.

  Aaron pulled me towards a paved path by the lake. As soon as we were far enough away from the crowd, Aaron stopped and spun around. “You’re making a mistake getting involved with that guy.”

  I sighed, trying not to be upset with Aaron. “Jase is my best friend. I’m sorry you don’t like him, but it’s none of your business.”

  “I care about you Cora, and I thought you felt the same way.” He looked insistently into my eyes. I started to say something, but Aaron kept talking. “When you told me you didn’t want to date anymore, I was shocked. I guess I understand the gym-rat’s appeal, but you don’t really know him.”

  “Aaron, I’m sorry that I hurt you, but Jase and I are none of your business,” I told him firmly.

  His eyes glittered with emotion as he stared down at me. “Did you know that Jase Ford’s last girlfriend had to file a restraining order against him?”

  I went still. “How did you know that?”

  Aaron’s eyes widened. “You knew,” he whispered with astonishment.

  “Yes.” Anger on Jase’s behalf pumped in my veins. He was far from perfect, but I didn’t like anyone else criticizing Jase. “How could you know that?”

  “My brother-in-law is an investigator. I had him to do some checking.”

  “You had Jase investigated?” I was shocked and furious that he’d do something like that.

  Apparently, he realized how angry I was because Aaron looked suddenly contrite. “I was looking out for you, Cora. I don’t think you know how much I would do for you.”

  He sounded sincere, and I calmed down. “I’m sorry, Aaron.” There really wasn’t anything else to say.

  Regret glinted in his eyes, and his shoulders sagged with resignation. “Promise
me you’ll be careful.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Turning, I walked back to find Jase.


  “How ‘bout a drink, cowboy?”

  I smiled down at Cori’s friend, Kate, aware that there were far worse things than being left alone with a woman that thought I looked better naked, but at the moment I was preoccupied with wondering what the hell was taking Cori so long to tell that guy to get lost.

  “Sure, darlin’, what can I get you?”

  “I meant I want to buy you a drink.” Her eyes slid down me suggestively. “You look like a longneck man. How’d I do?”

  “Dead-on about the longneck, but I’m not a man that lets a woman buy him drinks.” I caught the glimpse of surprise in her eyes before they darkened.

  “Make that two longnecks, cowboy. I’ve been looking for a man like you for a long time.” Her red lips pulled into a half-smile. “Too bad you’re taken.”

  I pulled a couple of bills from my wallet and handed them to a beer vendor. “Thanks. Keep the change,” I told the guy and handed the beer to Kate.

  “What’s the deal with you and Cora?” she wasted no time asking.

  “We’re friends.”

  My answer pleased her. “Well, then you won’t mind dancing with me.” Kate nodded in the direction of the live band as they began to play a popular country song.

  Taking the beer from me, she set it on a table and pulled me into the mass of dancers. Sliding my arm around Cori’s friend, I moved to the music and Kate inched closer to me, her breasts smashed against my chest. God help me, I looked.

  “You like?” she purred with heat in her eyes.

  Having spent a good amount of time in the company of women, my reply was automatic. “You’re gorgeous, darlin’.”

  She smiled like I’d offered her more than a compliment. “Got any plans for the night, cowboy?”

  “I’m hanging out with Cori.”

  Interestingly, she didn’t seem surprised or that discouraged by my comment. “Aaron really likes her. Maybe you should back off.”

  “Like I said, Cori and I are friends.”



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