Stiff_A Graves Family Romance

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Stiff_A Graves Family Romance Page 27

by Kim Linwood

  Carter squeezes my hand and I nod.

  “Very nice. I might have a commission or two for you. Our study is so boring, don’t you think, Liz?” She looks over her shoulder and Liz joins her to look more closely at my paintings.

  Axton wanders off to talk to their parents while I chat about the sorts of techniques I prefer. It slowly sinks in that while they’ve added a new funeral home to their stable, I’m getting a whole new family. They don’t know it yet, but they will soon enough.

  The reception room fills up. The last time there were this many people crammed in here, Zoe and I were drunk on polka and Becherovka. Back then, Carter was still the enemy. It feels like a lifetime ago.

  “Zoe, if you can do the honors,” Carter asks. She lets loose another ear-splitting whistle. He clears his throat. “If I could have your attention just one more time.”

  Everyone stops, their focus turning to us, and this time I’m way more nervous. I slip my hand into my pocket and slide on the ring. Our parents sit with each other, and look like they’ve been deep in discussion. Carter’s dad frowns and his mother looks at us curiously, but Mom’s practically beaming. They’ve only barely gotten to Wittville with the RV, but town gossip travels fast. I guess we did basically announce it with a billboard.

  “I’m really happy you all could come out today. Especially Mr. and Mrs. Williams who came from so far out of town. I know you’re all busy people, but you still took the time to come see us. So thank you. We appreciate it.”

  “Take it off,” Brandon calls out before Dani and Axton both smack him from their respective sides. Zoe rolls her eyes and looks away.

  “I haven’t had nearly enough time at the bar for that,” Carter notes dryly before continuing. “You all know how important this merger has been for us, but what not everyone knows is that we’re got another announcement.”

  He looks around at the crowd meaningfully, enjoying their reactions. His father is scowling, which is balanced by Mom, who’s grabbed his mother’s hand and looks ready to explode. Her insistence on having Zoe pick them up this morning suddenly makes a lot more sense. Carter puts his hand on my waist and pulls me close. I wrap my arm around his so we’re side-hugging in front of the crowd.

  His grandmother must spot my ring, because I see her elbow Liz and whisper excitedly.

  Once he’s sure he really has everyone’s attention, he continues. “Depending on when you got into town, you might know where this is going, but for everyone else—”

  “Did he knock her up?” Brandon blurts out. It looks like he was aiming that at Axton, but pretty much the whole room hears. It’s hard to imagine that Carter is actually the youngest, because Brandon is definitely the least mature.

  “Oh my God! Could you be more inappropriate?” Zoe growls out with a look that could scare a corpse.

  Brandon twists to look at her. “Baby, you wish you knew how inappropriate I can be.”

  “But anyway,” Carter says forcefully, getting things back on track. “Sadie’s not pregnant.” He pauses and looks at me.

  I shake my head emphatically. “Uh, nope.”

  “Good. I mean, not good, but good for now. Right?” Every word that comes out of Carter’s mouth makes him look more flustered.

  I step forward and raise my left hand, showing off the ring. “We’re getting married!”

  For once, Brandon doesn’t have anything to say. He just stares open-mouthed. Behind him, Zoe’s looking as excited as Mom, who’s progressed to hugging and crying with Mrs. Graves. I really hope Carter’s mom is a hugger, because she’s going to be getting a lot of them today. Carter’s father looks stunned as my father smirks and pats him on the back.

  Dani bounces up from her seat and charges me, screaming, “I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” like a machine gun. Astrid bounces up after her, and between the two of them, they’d have knocked me over if it wasn’t for Carter being there to keep me on my feet. “I’m so excited,” Dani yells. “We need another girl in this family. I’ve spent way too many years fighting all the testosterone on my own. Welcome to the Graves family!”

  While I’m laughingly extricating myself from Danielle’s grasp, Mr. Graves approaches Carter and gives him a long, measured look. “Are you sure about this?”

  Carter looks him dead in the eye, his expression one of total determination. “You were the one who taught us to always go with our guts when it comes to business, and Sadie is the most important business in my life.”

  I hold my breath. Things have been tense between Carter and his father, but the last thing I want to do is be the issue that turns tension into a permanent wall. We’re adults, and Carter has to make his own decision, but I’d hate for our new life to start with that sort of pressure.

  After an uncomfortably long wait, Mr. Graves finally nods. “You’re right. Considering how many times I told my own father to mind his own business, I’d be a hypocrite to tell you what to do with your life.” He looks at me with a resigned but honest smile. “Ms. Williams looks like a smart young woman and from what I’ve seen, with a good head on her shoulders. Even if she said yes to you.”


  “Welcome to the family, Sadie.” He takes my hand and we shake like we’ve just sealed a business deal. Maybe in his mind that’s what we did.

  Then Mom is there. Both moms. Dani pulls Astrid away to give us some room. Mom sobs and wraps her arms around me. “I missed you so much, baby girl, but I’m so happy for you. You don’t know how hard it was not to race right over and spoil your surprise. Now show me how Grandma’s ring looks on you!” I hold up my hand and she takes it, tears running down her face.

  Mrs. Graves gives Carter a big hug and then turns to me. “Welcome to the family, Sadie. Carter has said so many nice things about you. I can’t wait to get to know you myself.”

  The next ten minutes are back to back hugs, tears and congratulations. If this is getting engaged, I can’t imagine what our wedding reception will be like.

  Josie comes up and takes my hands. We look at each other, and then we’re hugging with a whole new round of tears. But this time it’s a mix of happy and sad. “She’d be so happy, Sadie. She was sure you two were perfect for each other, and now here you are.”

  Lena comes over and puts her arm around Josie. “You aren’t the only one with a surprise.”

  People move to the side as Zoe comes in carrying a huge cake with “Engaged!” written on it underneath a printing of my lips painting. “Congratulations to the best little sister a girl could wish for,” she says as she eases it down onto a table.

  I wipe my eyes and laugh. “Oh, c’mon. Did everyone know already?”

  “I didn’t,” Kenny blurts out. “But… uh… grats.”

  “Thanks.” I give him a hug, which he returns awkwardly.

  Zoe leans in and puts her mouth by my ear. “I tried to convince them to use the other painting, but they wouldn’t let me.”

  “Which? Oh. Oh!” My eyes go wide at the thought of cutting into a huge portrait of Carter’s… frosting in front of my family and my soon-to-be family.

  Once we get started on the cake, things calm down and everyone starts to relax. Everyone but Zoe and Brandon, that is, who seem to be trying to outdo each other at the bar without actually speaking, and Axton who keeps sneaking off to make work related phone calls.

  After a while, Carter and I slip into my office, where we can finally breathe a little. He pulls me to him, so I’m pressed against his chest and looking up at his sexy smile.

  “It’s all official now,” he comments. “And it could definitely have gone worse. I might have to kill Bran at some point, though.”

  “Aw, he wasn’t too bad. If you wait, Zoe might do it for you. They’re both going to be in the wedding. Can you even imagine?”

  “I’m trying not to,” he says with a tired laugh. “Maybe we can elope.”

  “Don’t even joke about that!” I smack him in the arm. “Zoe would probably think it was hilariou
s, but Lena and Josie would kill me if they didn’t get to help with the catering and flowers.”

  Carter presses a kiss to my forehead. “I know. I was just kidding. Mostly.”

  I smile up at him. “So how long have you been planning this? I thought it would be a big surprise, but it feels like I was the most surprised of anyone.”

  “Well, you know I talked to your parents right after Maria’s funeral. I managed to keep it from my family, but when I ordered the billboard, we knew someone else would have to drive your parents into town, and once Zoe knew, she roped in the rest of your friends. Do you mind?”

  “No, not really,” I admit. “I’m still getting used to the idea, and it’s nice how excited everyone is.”

  “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”

  “No! Of course not.”

  “Good, because I’ve already returned the lift, and it would be really embarrassing to have to climb back up on that sign and change your answer. And I wouldn’t trust the ladder.” He runs his fingers up and down my arms as he leans in and kisses the top of my head. I turn my face up, and then he’s kissing my lips instead. That’s so much better.

  “My answer will always be yes,” I whisper against his mouth.

  He grins. “Good, because my next question was going to be if you thought we had time for a little—”

  The door slams open and Zoe calls out. “I found them. They’re making out in the office.”

  Oh God.

  Carter murmurs into my ear, “And that answers that,” before pulling away.

  “We were only talking,” I tell Zoe with a sigh.

  “Yeah. With your tongues.”

  “That’s usually how you talk, isn’t it?”

  Zoe puts her tongue to good use by sticking it out at me.

  Carter never lets go of me, guiding me back to the party. Eventually things slow down, and people start to leave. In the end it’s just me and Carter locking the door before he drives us back to my place.

  He stops me before we open the door to the townhouse. “Kiss me. The first time I dropped you off here, we kissed, and I didn’t know if it would ever happen again, but I knew I wanted it more than I’d wanted anything else in my life. I know I live here now, but every time we stand here I remember how lucky I am.”

  My heart, already pretty mushy from everything that’s happened today, melts even more. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him softly. “Are you ready to go home, Mr. Graves?”

  “Are you going to be there?”


  “Then that’s my answer. And it always will be.”

  Thank you for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed Carter and Sadie’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’m currently working on Brandon and Zoe’s story, but in the meantime, why don’t you check out Bossy? It’s sexy, romantic and laugh out loud funny!

  Get Bossy now at!

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  Preview: Bossy



  I’m too young to feel this old.

  Throbbing dance music blasts through the crappy frat speakers so loud it sounds like it’s playing through a vat of oatmeal. I can’t believe the plaster hasn’t been shaken right off the grimy walls yet.

  Even so, someone’s shrill voice cuts through, “Where the hell is she? Let me in! I know she’s in there.”

  While I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing in this shithole, some jackass is desperate to get in, holding the door open. If he wasn’t screeching like a little girl I probably wouldn’t even be able to hear him. I wish I fucking couldn’t. He’s whiny, he’s annoying and worst of all, he’s driving all the hot chicks that are keeping this party bearable away by letting in the cold air. He could at least close the fucking door.

  A couple of not-quite-falling-down-drunk frat thugs are trying to keep him out, but it’s like watching toddlers fight in a sandbox. Lots of pushing, shoving and yelling but nobody can land a punch to save their lives.

  If he’d been sober, he could’ve pushed right by them, but the fifth of Jack in his hand is almost empty, and that shit had to have gone somewhere. By the slur in his whiny voice and the way he sways while trying to stay upright, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where.

  I’d laugh if it wasn’t fucking February and cold enough to freeze my balls off. If they don’t settle this soon, and by that I mean in like the next five seconds, I’m going to settle it for them, just so I can defrost my nads.

  Eventually he gives up trying to get in, and just yells at the top of his lungs, “Claire! You can’t fucking kick me out like this!” He’s not even wearing a jacket, but maybe he doesn’t have anything left to freeze off. Sounds like he’s already handed his manhood over to some chick.

  Jesus Christ, what the hell am I even doing here?

  Were our frat parties always this lame, or has my chapter just turned into the reject pile in the years since I graduated? They used to be fun. It’s supposed to be an alumni party, but I don’t recognize anyone. Maybe all my old buddies knew something I didn’t.

  Fuck this.

  There’s nothing for me here other than free watery beer, and now I can’t even drink that in peace. Sure, these are my old stomping grounds, but I’m starting to remember why I was so goddamn glad to get outta here. Fucking Neanderthals.

  “I know you’re in there!”

  Oh for fuck’s sake. He’s still going, and his voice is like nails on chalkboard.

  That’s it.

  Slamming my beer down on the makeshift plywood coffee table, I pull myself to my feet. I crack my fingers and loosen up my neck. Anyone who gets between me and the damn door is going to get their ass handed to them. It’s been a few years since I stepped into a ring, but I’m pretty sure I can still flatten any of these idiots.

  That’s when I see her, floating through the room like a fucking angel.

  Fuck, she’s hot. Deep red hair. Button nose and sexy, full blowjob lips. And shit, her curves. They go for miles. Her perfect tits threaten to spill out of her tight top, while her short, loose skirt flutters like it’s just asking me to flip it up to show off that gorgeous ass.

  This whole night might end up worth it if it involves her, my dick, and a whole lot of screaming my name. When I let her up for air that is.

  Change of plan. I’d rather fuck than fight.

  She’s coming towards me, and I spring into action, putting my hand out and flashing her my widest spread-your-legs-for-me smile. It’s a well-practiced move, and one that’s been scientifically proven to drop panties. Except this time. She strides right past me, like I’m not even there, leaving my hand hanging.

  Well, there’s a blow to the old ego. What the fuck?

  “Michael, shut up.” Her voice is vibrating with anger, and loud enough to compete with the heavy bass. Even pissed off, there’s an underlying musicality to it, a sweetness that I want to taste, to savor. Alright, so maybe I’m hearing what I want to hear, because there’s nothing sweet about the ice cold glare she aims at the drunk trying to get in. It’s even colder than the outside.

  His eyes snap to her with the intense tunnel vision of someone who’s completely wasted, then widen in recognition. The furious goddess who just floated past me must be Claire. How the fuck did a sexy piece of ass like her ever end up with a jackass like this dork?

  She stops well out of his reach and crosses her arms right under a magnificent pair of tits, her deep brown eyes shooting daggers. “Did you seriously think they’d let you in? Let alone like this? Shout all you want, but nobody here is going to listen. Calm down, turn around and slither back to whoever’s hole you just crawled out of.”

shakes his head slowly. “You know what? You can’t tell me what to do anymore. I’m fucking dumping you, Claire.” His words are slurred and hard to make out, but the gist comes across. He gestures clumsily, without coordination. “Yeah, I’m fucking dumping you. Bitch.”

  Claire arches an elegant eyebrow, unimpressed. I want to trace the line of it with my lips as I drive into her from above. Fuck, I can’t remember the last time someone grabbed my attention like this. Right by the cock. I haven’t even touched her yet, and I’m hard as a fucking rock.

  She continues, focused on her ex and totally unaware of the effect she’s got on me. “It’s too late, Michael. I already dumped you. I threw you out, remember?” She waves him off with a dismissive gesture. “Go home to… wherever it is you’re staying and sleep it off. Maybe you’ll remember why in the morning.” One last look, and she turns.

  I love that. Soft and sexy, but not afraid to stand her ground. I wouldn’t mind that attitude aimed at me, not if it meant being able to fuck the sass out of her afterwards. Or during. I’m not picky.

  “Don’t you fucking turn your back on me. Claire? Claire!”

  What a sad fuck. Any chance he had left—which didn’t look fucking likely anyway—went out the window as soon as I got in the game.

  They just don’t know it yet.

  She stops, her brows knitting angrily. Her perfect tits rise and fall in time with her angry breathing and for a moment she gathers herself. Then she turns, her mouth already opening, probably to give that creep a piece of her mind. I lean back against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest. I can’t fucking wait.

  That’s when he gathers himself and shoves past the wobbly frat guys at the door. You had one fucking job, wobbly frat guys. One fucking job.

  He grabs her arm with more coordination than I’d give him credit for and growls at her, “C’mon. We’re gonna talk. I’m not letting you humiliate me like this.” He pulls hard, yanking her off balance.


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