Behind Her Eyes

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Behind Her Eyes Page 10

by Robin Mahle

  “He would if I’d injured someone, or myself.”

  “Well, we can’t think about that. Let’s just focus on the fact that you’re okay. And, I’d like to know why you have that laptop on your kitchen table?”

  “It’s mine.”

  “Riley, it’s not yours. It has stickers all over it. Come on, how long have we been partners? I don’t deserve to be lied to. That’s Chloe Dawson’s, isn’t it? Last you said when you guys were driving back was that you’d found her laptop. Why isn’t it in Evidence? You know you can’t bring stuff like that home. At least not before they’ve pulled prints.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t lie to you and I’m sorry. It is Chloe’s. Captain wanted me to log it in and wait until morning to look at it.”

  “Let me guess, you didn’t agree?”

  She cast away her gaze sheepishly. “Not exactly.”

  Ethan rose from the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. “Since it’s here, might as well take a look.” He grabbed it and returned to the living room. “You planning on using your Jedi mind tricks to unlock it?”

  “Something like that. I thought I’d give it a shot anyway,” she replied.

  “You know, we can get people for this. They’re called Computer Forensics. They know how to do this sort of thing without the risk of damaging files or anything like that.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I wanted to take a crack at it.”

  Ethan pulled back and folded his arms. “Have at it.”

  Riley opened the lid and booted up the computer. A login screen appeared. “She’s shown me things and I think I know what this could be.” She began typing in a username.

  “If you can do this, you might be in the wrong line of work. You should be working for the NSA or something.”

  Riley laughed. “That’s it.” She sat back and admired her handiwork. “I knew there was a reason.” She looked at Ethan. “I can see the confusion on your face. Suffice it to say, when we were at her apartment earlier tonight, I noticed several things. First of all, she’s obsessed with Ed Sheeran. The poster in the rental place, and then the playlist on her Amazon Echo. I asked Alexa to play ‘my favorites.’ It was in her bedroom, and the first song was an Ed Sheeran song. Then I noticed a ticket stub in a drawer. Again, a Sheeran concert.”

  “Okay, so what, her password was Sheeran?”

  “No. It was the first word in the title of the song that played. And as far as the username, well, I didn’t pick up on that until just now. Luckily, my hunch was right.”

  “I will never question your abilities again, Riley Thompson. The stuff you do is beyond me, so I’ll just go with it. Let’s see what we can find in her emails first.”

  Riley opened the email provider and waited for it to download. “It looks as though it hasn’t been updated since the day before she was found in the plant.”

  “Meaning no one else appears to have access to it. And that does prove she returned to Muncie only the day before she was murdered,” Ethan replied.

  “Let’s take a look.” Riley began scrolling through the unopened mail. “We should be looking for something from Blake Rhodes so we can track him down.”

  “We can always run a BMV check. Get his social and go from there,” Ethan said.

  “Yes, but I’m hoping we’ll find something more current. Relevant. Something that will tell us where he is right at this moment.” She continued to scroll through, opening the messages that appeared important. Nothing yet.

  “Hang on.” Ethan pointed to the screen. “Open that one there. The one dated four days ago.”

  “Okay.” Riley clicked on the message and began to read it. “Oh no.”

  “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Ethan’s face masked in surprise. “What the hell? Riley, this guy knows Jacob.”

  She continued to read as panic set in. “What does he have to do with this?”

  “I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, according to this, these two worked together. This email says Jacob was fired and that Blake was going to have to lay low. What is that supposed to mean?”

  She turned to Ethan. “What if Jacob’s in trouble?”

  “In trouble? Are you kidding me? What if he’s involved in Chloe’s death?”


  With a bag of groceries in her hand, Riley stepped off the elevator and headed toward Carl’s apartment. Her thoughts, however, continued to dwell on the connection between Chloe Dawson and Jacob. She knocked on Carl’s door. “It’s me, Riley.”

  “Of course it’s you. Come in.” Carl’s voice traveled through the door.

  He was disappointed; she sensed it the moment she entered. But it seemed the reason was because he’d felt left out, not that she hadn’t come by. “I’m so sorry I didn’t make it over yesterday like I said I would, but I come bearing gifts.”

  Carl sat in his recliner, the news on the TV, but the volume turned down. “Set it on the counter.” He hadn’t looked at her. “It’s common courtesy to call when someone expects your visit. You know, just to say you ain’t coming.”

  “I’m really sorry, Carl. A lot has happened.” Riley set down the bag and approached him, kissing his cheek. “I don’t have long, but I wanted to stop by since I missed yesterday.”

  “Well, sit down, then. I can’t keep craning my neck up at you.”

  Riley sat down on the edge of the chair. “How are you feeling?”

  “Me? I’m fine. You on the other hand—don’t take this the wrong way—but you look like hell, Riley.”

  She chuckled. Carl never pulled any punches. “I feel like hell. Rough night.”

  “So I heard.” He did little to hide his discontent.

  And now the truth was revealed. She hadn’t filled him in on what happened and he heard it second-hand. Carl didn’t like being left out when it came to Riley. “How’s that?” she asked.

  “Got me one of them police scanners. You know, since Owensville got a murderer on the loose. Thought I’d keep up to date on how you all were doing. By the way, appears as though not much, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  “How did you get a police scanner?”

  “It’s called online shopping. You should check it out sometime.” Carl flaunted a haughty smile.

  “Right. You must’ve heard the call that came in regarding the gunshot.”

  “That I did. I got a feeling it had something to do with you. Ever since the old days, I can pick up on a thing or two where you’re concerned. That connection never really went away.”

  “I know. I feel it sometimes too, but not like before,” she added.

  “No, not like before. I don’t have those awful dreams any longer, thank the Lord. But I knew it was you. You mind telling me what happened?”

  Riley was hesitant to worry him like this. “It’s a long story.”

  “Well then, I might just have to cancel my breakfast at the country club this morning. Where the hell you think I’m going, Riley? Now are you going to tell me what happened or am I going to have to call Ward and find out from him?”

  “Fine. I got home late after working on that case. And anyway, CJ was acting up in the back yard. I went outside to check it out and I saw embers in my fire pit. That was when something came over me and I thought I could be in danger, so I pulled my weapon. But I passed out, and my weapon discharged.”

  “You passed out? Like you used to do when you were a kid?” Carl asked.


  “And what’d you see this time?”

  “The girl who was murdered. She was asking for help, only I had none to offer. I couldn’t do a damn thing and I watched her die.”

  “For Pete’s sake, Riley, I can scarcely imagine some of the things you go through at times. I’m sorry that happened to you. But what concerns me more is that it happened at all. That’s not a good sign; means something’s coming.”

  “I know. That’s what scares me too. And I found out last night that Jacob is somehow involved, but I don’t know how or
why or anything.”

  Carl shook his head. “Never did like that kid.”

  “Yes, you did. You just didn’t like it when he left.”

  “That’s because he broke your heart. Pissed me off is what it did.”

  “Carl, I have to get to the station. I have to know how this tracks back to Jacob and why. I wish I could stay. Sometimes it feels like talking to you is my only release. The only therapy I need. And it helps me.” She stood up. “Look, with things the way they are right now, I can’t say when I’ll be back, but I’ll do my best to come check on you as often as I can.”

  “I know you will. Don’t you worry about ol’ Carl Boyd. You go on and take care of yourself. You worry about me way too much anyway. I’ll be fine here.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” She began to leave.

  “Hey, kiddo?”


  “Don’t let it get out of control. You remember what you need to do to keep it in check?”

  “I remember. It won’t be like last time. I won’t let it.” She closed the door behind her, and with a deep breath, Riley found the strength to go on. She continued toward the elevators and stepped inside, waiting to return to the lobby. Carl had been there for her for the past fifteen years and she loved him like a father. Probably even more than her own father. But she knew there would come a time when he wouldn’t be there. It was just nature’s way and she had no control over that. And when that day came, Riley’s world would fall apart. It would be then that she would try to remember his words. He taught her to control her gift, but it was much stronger now than when she was a child. And much more dangerous.

  With the evidence tucked beneath her arm, Riley arrived at the station, and upon entering, suffered the glaring eyes of her captain.

  “I suggest you put your things down and come into my office. Now.” Ward turned on his heel and marched back.

  Riley eyed Ethan, both knowing the degree to which she screwed up. She placed Chloe Dawson’s laptop on his desk. “You mind logging this in for me? I might not be employed in another five minutes.”

  “It’s you. He’ll understand,” Ethan replied.

  “I’m not going to hold my breath.” She made her way to his office.

  “Sit down.” Ward kept his eyes on his computer screen and waited for her to sit before diverting his attention. “After all we’ve been through? You’re going to start disobeying my orders? Is that how this is going to work now?”

  “No, sir. I—I just felt as though I needed to keep digging.”

  “Yeah, well, you dug yourself into a pretty big hole there, didn’t you?”

  “I guess I did.”

  “And you discharged your weapon. I mean, for the love of God, Riley. What the hell went on last night? You have any idea how much trouble you’re in? You think I can just ignore what happened?”

  “No, sir. It was an accident.”

  “No shit it was an accident. You know I have to write this up, don’t you?”

  “Yes, sir, I do know that. It’s the right thing to do. I was just outside, in my backyard. It was an accident.”

  “According to Pruitt, it was more than that, wasn’t it?”

  Exasperation masked her face. “He shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “He was doing his job, Riley. And, to be honest, I have a right to know. You and I both know that while your gift can be valuable, it can also be dangerous. Come on, I’ve been around you long enough to have seen what you’re capable of. Now I don’t know what’s triggered this most recent episode, except for the fact that we’re working a murder case and that in and of itself is unusual for us here. But you have to be honest with me, Riley. When this stuff happens, I need to know. You could have injured yourself or someone else last night. I can’t take that chance, you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir.” She hesitated to mention the embers because she’d already begun to doubt their legitimacy, figuring it could have been part of her vision.

  “Now, as for your complete disregard of my orders about logging the laptop into Evidence, well, that’s a whole other can of worms. I’m going to have to write you up for that one too. I’m sorry. There’s no two ways about it. You took evidence home before it was cataloged and you contaminated it. And I don’t even want to ask how the hell you managed to get into that computer. Pruitt said you found something, but he wanted to let you present it.”

  “First of all, I just want to say that I’m sorry. I understand the write-ups. I deserve it. But what I found on that laptop makes me very afraid for Jacob.”

  “Jacob Biggs? Your Jacob?”

  “Yes. He knows Chloe’s boyfriend, Blake Rhodes. His name was mentioned in one of the emails. I need to know why.”

  “Did you find out where we can locate Rhodes? We need to talk to him.”

  “I got the name of the firm, which was also Jacob’s firm. I called them on my way in, but the line was disconnected.”

  “And an address?”

  “Indianapolis, but if the line’s dead, I imagine the place is shut down. That must’ve been the reason Jacob was let go. They were closing up shop.”

  “Okay, look, here’s what we’re going to do. You and Pruitt pull employer records for this company. Blake Rhodes’ name should be included, and Jacob’s. Their addresses should also be listed. If Rhodes lives in Indianapolis, you’ll need to make contact with the PD there and have them go to his place.”

  “You want me to tell them he’s a person of interest?” Riley asked.

  “Yes. A person of interest in a murder investigation. If they find him, we’ll have him transported here so we can talk to him.”

  “What about Jacob?”

  Ward rubbed his smooth chin. “Hell, I don’t know. He was just here. Is he gone or what?”

  “I’ll check with his cousin. He was staying there. I’ll find out where he is.”

  “Good. Then you’d better get to it.”

  Riley pushed up from her chair and started toward the door, but stopped short. “There’s one more thing. Carl bought himself a police scanner.”


  “He thinks danger’s coming and he wants to try to protect me.”

  Ward held her gaze. “He’ll never let go of the guilt.”

  “I just wish he knew that I’ve never blamed him for what happened that night. Neither him or CJ.” Riley walked out and returned to the bullpen.

  “You look like you still got an ass,” Ethan said.

  “Yeah. He didn’t bite off too much, I guess. I’m getting written up, though.”

  “Worse things could happen.”

  Riley walked toward him. “Tell me about it. He wants us to pull up employer records on Rhodes and get an address.”

  “He lives in Indy, I thought.”

  “I think he does. If that’s the case, Captain wants us to work with IMPD to bring him in.”

  Blake held up a coffee mug with steaming brew to Jacob’s face while he still slept. “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.”

  Jacob lurched and almost knocked the mug from his hands.

  “Dude!” Blake pulled back. “Chill. I was just bringing you coffee.”

  “Sorry. You startled me. And it took me a minute to remember where I was. Thanks.” He took the mug and sipped on it. “What time is it?” He reached for his phone and pressed the home button. “Shit. We’re wasting time, man. What are we going to do? They’ll be calling in eight hours.”

  “I have a plan.” Blake waited for Jacob to sit up on the sofa that had been his bed for the night and sat down next to him. “We rob a bank.”

  “Are you being serious right now? Rachel’s in danger and you’re making jokes.”

  “I’m sorry, man, you’re right. I was just trying to lighten the mood.”

  “Yeah, well don’t, okay? Shit’s about as bad as it’s going to get and we need a solution.”

  “Okay, I got it. No more jokes. Look, here’s what I think we should do. We know George is in the w
ind. No way we’re going to find him. So what can we do to get these assholes off our backs?”

  “You mean my back? They aren’t after you. You pointed them right at me. And they don’t have your girlfriend.”

  “You’re not going to let that one go, are you? Here’s what we do. How much cash can you come up with right now? Like liquid, this very moment?”

  “I don’t know. Five grand, maybe six, mostly from my credit cards,” Jacob said.

  “I can muster up another four, at least. That’ll give us ten percent of what they say you owe.”

  “Dude, that’s like 17 percent. You’re a structural engineer, man. Besides, George owes it, not me.”

  “Oh, right. So we give them the 17 percent and ask for another few days so we can track down George and get the rest. And when we find the son of a bitch, we’ll get our ten grand back too.”

  “You just said he was in the wind. How are we going to find him?”

  “Your ex. She’s a cop, right?”

  “No way am I involving her. Not a chance in hell.”

  “Dude, from where I’m sitting, you don’t have a choice. You want Rachel to be safe? I don’t see another way.”

  “What makes you think they’ll let her go without getting all the money?”

  “Because we know that they know how to get to us. If they found Rachel, they’ll find your parents, my parents, friends, siblings. They’ll find everyone in our families. So if they want this money that we don’t owe them, this is how they’re going to get it back. We’ll do an exchange. Rachel for the ten grand.”

  “Then I can send her as far away from here as possible.” Jacob considered the plan. “You know, yesterday, when we met at the bar and you said you told them I had the money, I wanted to punch you in the face. You put Rachel’s life in danger and mine too. I don’t know if I can forgive you for that. But I’ll work with you on this so I can get her back. After that, we’re done, you understand?”

  “I understand and I don’t blame you. I was shitting bricks when they came to me and I shouldn’t have given you up like that. George put us in this shit mess. And when we find him, he’ll pay for it.” Blake slapped Jacob on the knee. “Finish that up and let’s get down to business.”


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