Finding Peace (Breaking Free Series Book 2)

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Finding Peace (Breaking Free Series Book 2) Page 6

by Becca Taylor

  I slide up next to her. “Wanna dance, sugar?”

  She looks at her friends. They all giggle and nod their approval. We begin dancing and my thoughts can’t help but fall to Aly again. How her body fits better against mine. Or how when she wears heels, her ass perfectly lines up with my zipper, driving me insane. This chick is tall: in her shoes her ass hits my stomach. Her hips are lacking. I want someone I can actually feel and hold on to, not bone. I want Aly. The girl in my arms speaks, bringing me back to the moment. “Want to get a drink?”

  I definitely need another drink. A strong one that will drown my thoughts.

  “The name’s Chase. What’s yours, sweetheart?” Dick move, I know. I never give my real name if I’m just looking for a random hook up. I mean, it’s not exactly a lie; Chase is my middle name. And since I don’t plan on seeing this chick again, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt.

  “I’m Allyson with a Y, but my friends just call me Ally.” Fuck me. What are the chances I pick the one girl here with that name? If I was a complete ass, I’d use her just to scream out that name for once and picture another woman below me. But instead of rising to the occasion, my dick actually shrinks at the thought. When I finally get to call that name out, it will be with the right Aly. Instead, I do the right thing. I thank her for the dance, buy her a drink, and leave an hour later.

  As I pull up to the house, I see The Tool’s car has returned. I keep on driving, straight to Hunter’s house. He is just pulling in.

  “Mind if I crash on your couch tonight?”

  “Go right ahead. Just don’t get pissed if Gabby shows up tomorrow morning. She said she was going to stop by to talk.”

  “I guess you two are getting along again.”

  They’ve been having and on again and off again relationship lately. I was really hoping she was gone for good, but like a leech she keeps coming back, sucking the lifeblood out of Hunter.

  “Not sure yet. We’ll see after she hears about Aly’s birthday party.”

  “You’re going to tell her. How do you think she’s going to take that one?” I don’t think they are going to have a happy reunion.

  “Let’s just say, I hid all glass, knives and anything solid that could be thrown in my direction.

  “Best of luck, man.”

  I drop the conversation when my ass hits the couch and my head hits the pillow.

  I head home early. Thankfully, before Gabby shows up.

  As I walk up the stairs, Aly is sitting on the swing with her coffee. Right now, I feel like the biggest ass, and I didn’t even do anything. I don’t know how I can look her in the eye.


  I WASN’T IN THE MOOD to go out last night. Mike said he would stop by. He showed up with some takeout food, a six pack of beer, and a bottle of wine. He even took the time to get the brand I like.

  The past week I did a lot of thinking. I thought about the way Mike has been treating me over the last eleven years. How every year things seem to decline between the two of us. More so since his drinking has increased. All we seem to do is argue over absolutely nothing. That’s exactly what happened again last night. I asked him which movie he would like to watch, a comedy or superhero flick. His response was, “I don’t really care, Alyssa. Just pick one and put it in the goddamn player.”

  Even though I can’t stand them, I picked one of his favorite comedies in order to stop the argument before it started. As for me, I would have chosen a superhero helping some damsel in distress. A hot guy in costume always does it for me. As we were watching the movie, my mind wandered to Bentley and that kiss. I needed to see if I could still get that feeling with Mike. I edged my way closer to him, trying to give him a hint, which he ignored.

  “Mike, will you kiss me?”

  “Alyssa, I’m watching the movie.”

  “I know, but I’d like to kiss you.”

  He studied my face for a moment before his lips touched mine. It was familiar, but I can’t say if that’s a good or bad thing. We made our way to the bedroom, when things took a turn. We were barely dressed, that’s when it ended. Mike had too much to drink and some of his parts were, let’s just say, not in proper working order. I flopped back in frustration. “It’s not going to happen, Al. Maybe we can try again later.”

  No, we will not try again later. “It’s fine, Mike. I’m tired anyway. I’m just going to go to bed.” Before I even finished talking, he passed out in the bed.

  Today, I sit outside while Mike sleeps it off. I made a coffee for Bentley like I do every morning. He sits next to me taking the drink from my outreached hand. “Where’s the Tool? I see his car is still here.”

  I give him a sideways glance at the name he calls Mike.

  “He’s asleep. I see you didn’t come home last night did you have a good time?” I shove him with my shoulder playfully, hoping he can’t see that I’m screaming inside. I try to blame it on the fact that he probably got laid and I didn’t.

  “It was okay. I crashed at Hunter’s place.”

  Silently, I jump for joy.

  He pauses, taking a long sip of his coffee. “So, I take it Mike is back for good this time? He doesn’t usually spend the night.”

  I really was unsure of how to answer that. “I’m not sure. We talked, and that’s it.” I want to tell Bentley that I still have a lot of doubts floating around in my head about my relationship and how I am still pissed about last night. Not the lack of sex, but the fact that Mike passed out. Then there is the whole added issue that Mike’s kiss did nothing to curl my toes, unlike Bentley’s. How I want to feel that again. It’s been so long since I have had that butterfly feeling in my stomach. And since that kiss, those flutters keep happening every time I see Bentley. But I am afraid. If a kiss, or more, happened again, we would step beyond the friendship zone, and I don’t want to lose him in my life. I keep all that buried though. I need to get away from Bentley, before I do something stupid again. “I better get inside before he wakes up. I’ll see you later.”

  Just as I’m walking through the front door, Bentley calls me back. “Aly, Slither will be playing some shows again. You two should come to one. They will be at a pretty low key bar.”

  “You want Mike to come? You two don’t really like each other, why would you want him to go?”

  He shrugs at me. “Maybe it’s time him and I learn to get along. Especially if he’s going to be spending more time here. Anyway, let me know.” He stands to head upstairs.

  I don’t think it will hurt to go, and he’s right. Maybe a night out together will show Mike that Bentley is not interested in me. There’s only one problem I see in this whole scenario. I’ve only seen Bentley play on stage one time, but once is enough. The man has the ability to pull you into a trance the minute he opens his mouth and sings. How do I hide my infatuation for Bentley from Mike?

  Just as I finish making breakfast, Mike walks out of the bedroom. When I hear him in the shower, I start cooking his favorite: a true southern breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits with sausage gravy.

  “Smells good in here, Al.” He sits at the table and starts digging in.

  I figure once he’s eaten half of his food it should be okay to broach the subject of seeing Slither play. “Mike, I have something I want to ask you, but I don’t want you to get angry.”

  He smiles at me. He seems to be in an unusually good mood this morning, showing me a glimpse of the Mike I fell for many years ago. “Ask away, Alyssa.”

  Under the table my hands are wringing together uncontrollably. “Caleb’s band will be playing soon and I’d like for us to go, together.” I choose to say it that way so he doesn’t get irritated with the mention of Bentley’s name. “Kat will be going, and we haven’t gone out together in a long time. It might be fun. It’s not a big show, just at a little bar.” I can’t even look him in the eye when I ask.

  I feel his hand grab mine under the table, folding into his hand. “Al, I’m sorry I make you feel like you can’t ask me things
like this. Yes, we can go. I might not like all of them, but I will put that aside if you really want to go. I’m just tired of fighting. We can’t keep doing this. We’ve been together for a long time, and I don’t know what to do anymore.” He looks at me, quiet for a moment, then continues. “This has been hard on me. It’s not easy knowing you left me. Don’t say that you didn’t leave. But you moved out. I know I can be an ass, but I’m trying. I’ll try harder. Don’t give up on me yet. There is going to be some adjusting time.”

  “Okay, Mike. I know you’re trying. I will try harder too.” I clear the table and bring him another cup of coffee. Maybe there is hope for us yet. Maybe I will get the fairy tale ending I’ve wanted since I was a little girl.


  WHEN I STARTED WORKING at my financial office, I was just a telephone operator at the front desk. Fresh out of high school with no experience, my boss gave me a chance. While I worked my way up from secretary to a financial advisor position, I took college courses to get my own broker’s license. I’ve been with this company for so long and I love where I currently am. I make good money and it’s a solid job.

  Usually on Wednesdays, Bentley and I do something after work. We started doing this to break up the monotony of the work week. After all it’s Hump Day. I wasn’t sure if he would show after the kiss and the accompanying drama. I wasn’t sure if our tradition would stand. I race home after work and change into my skinny jeans and a causal top. I want to be ready and look good. Just in case.

  Bentley is standing in my entryway carrying his bowling bag. “It’s glow bowling night. Are you up for it tonight?”

  “I’m always up for that.” I run to my room and grab my bag.

  One night, while we were driving around looking for a place to eat, we saw the sign for the bowling alley. Since neither of us had gone in a long time, we thought it might be fun. When we walked inside, all the lights were off, only black lights and disco balls were on. Once a month on Wednesday, glow bowling night became one of our favorite mid-week activities.

  As soon as we walk inside, Bentley orders our usual appetizers and beers while I get us a lane. I change into my shoes, which glow with purple skulls, and find my ball. Bentley walks back from the bar with full hands. He sets everything down on the high table behind us. My job is to set up the score board. Whenever Bentley plays to win, he gets this intense look; a beastlike quality takes over. He said that if he’s a Beast then he needs to have a Beauty by his side. So, our names are always Beauty and Beast.

  He already has two beers poured and ready for us. It’s the only time I drink the stuff. A fruity drink doesn’t seem fitting at a place like this. Bentley heads to the aisle, making his first strike of the night. He grins at me, showing his teeth that glow in the lights, and I laugh at the image. It feels good to laugh and feel relaxed again with him. He comes up next to me, taking a sip of his beer. “Your turn, Beauty.”

  I try really hard to look like I know what I’m doing, but I don’t have a clue. I aim, roll, and manage nothing but a gutter ball. Bentley is covering his laugh behind his beer. The jerk. My second turn, I manage to knock down six pins.

  “Good job, Aly, you managed to knock some down this time.” He teases me, and I can’t help sticking my tongue out at him in retort.

  When he bends to pick up his ball, my eyes can’t help themselves. The man seriously has the best ass that I’ve ever seen. I tilt my head; I really am enjoying this view. As he stands, I’m busted mid stare.

  “Like what you see?”

  Thankfully, my cheeks don’t glow neon pink along with the lights. I try to play it cool. “Just checking to make sure you have good form. You need to bend with your knees, not your back.”

  He shakes his head as he makes his way to the lane, managing yet another damn strike.

  As I reach for my ball, Bentley walks up behind me. “Your form could use a little work.”

  I look at my ass. “Are you saying I have a big butt, Bents? Because that is not nice.”

  “Aly, your butt is just fine.” The way he breathes the words close to my ear sends a tingling throughout my body. He moves my legs into the proper stance to show me how I should angle my body. He grips my hand against his.

  “It’s all in the wrist.” He pulls my arm back with his. I know he’s showing me how to improve my game, but I can’t help thinking my ass, that I just accused him of insulting, is pressed against his dick. Suddenly my arm moves, Bentley flicks my wrist, and he steps away. “Try it like that this time.”

  I play it cool as I make my way to the lane. My hips move with a little more sway than usual. When I reach my destination, I give a little booty shake.

  He yells from behind. “Now that’s what I call good form.”

  I roll the ball managing to get a strike. The need to do a dorky victory dance is too strong. I do, bringing us back to our normal fun.

  When we get home, it’s a different story. Mike’s car is parked in the driveway. He is never here during the week. As I walk up the steps with Bentley following behind me, my anxiety builds. I never told him about my Wednesday nights out with Bentley. There he is, sitting on the swing, no expression on his face. Right away, I know that this is going to be bad.

  Bentley walks by him. “Mike, what’s up?”

  He just nods his head. At least, I think Mike acknowledges him. Bentley looks back at me.

  “Good night, Aly. Should I tell the league we will be playing again next week?” His eyes look at me worriedly. He’s giving me a cover. He knows Mike will give me grief.

  “Good night, Bentley. I have to think about it. See you around.” I try to play along, but I’m bad at lying.

  I unlock the front door, walking in first. Mentally, I’m trying to prepare myself for what’s to come. Mike closes the front door as I make my way to my room to put my bag away. As I set it down, the bedroom door slams, causing me to jump.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  Looking at him, I try to come up with something to say that won’t have him yelling at me. “Nothing is going on. We went bowling. It’s not a big deal. In fact, I suck at it, so I may not even go again.” Okay, good so far.

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “And you guys go to this thing together?”

  I avoid his eyes. “Yes, but it’s not a big deal.”

  His voice rises slightly as he walks closer to me. “If it’s not a big deal, then why can’t you look me in the eyes, Alyssa? Why didn’t you tell me you were going out with your neighbor tonight? Shouldn’t you tell your boyfriend when you go out with another man?” Each word he says gets slightly louder.

  I take a step back, but my legs hit my bed. There’s nowhere else to go. “I thought I did tell you.” Lie, I didn’t want him to know. “There were other people there. I’m sorry, I forgot to mention it. Please, Mike, I don’t want to fight.”

  His breathing is so fast I can see his chest heaving up and down. “I think you didn’t want me to know. You knew I’d be pissed, and I have every right to be angry, Alyssa. Do you think I’m dumb?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Why would you think it’s ok to go out with him? You are with me, Alyssa, not him.” His finger is jabbing into his chest as he says the word “me”. I wince because it looks painful.

  I try to think quickly of something to stop his temper as I walk towards him. I take his hand in mine, needing to calm him down. “Yes, I’m yours. I’ll tell him I can’t go bowling again. I won’t go out with him like that again.”

  He searches my eyes to see if he believes me. “No more, Al. I mean it. I don’t want you hanging out alone with him. If he is around, I need to be around. The ass needs to know that you just rent from him, there is no relationship. You understand me?”

  “Yes, I understand.” He kisses me almost violently. How am I going to stay away from Bentley? He lives right above me. I know I shouldn’t poke the bear, but I have to mention it. “Mike, I will see Bentley here from time to t
ime. I can’t avoid him completely.”

  “I know you will see him here, but no more going out with him. We will go to his stupid show together. Then maybe he will learn his place. This weekend is the car show in Tampa. Make sure you’re ready to go after work.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “Alright, Mike. Thanks for being so understanding.” I feel like I’m apologizing a lot lately. Mike didn’t stay late. In fact, he pretty much left after that conversation.

  When I go to put my phone on the charger, I see a message from Bentley.

  Bentley: Let me know how things went.

  Me: Everything is fine.

  Bentley: I heard him leave.

  Me: Yes, I can’t go out on Wednesdays for a while. It’s not fair to him.

  Bentley: Is that him or you talking?

  Me: Don’t, Bents. Goodnight.

  Bentley: Sleep well, Angel. I’m always here for you.

  I go to bed once again feeling on edge and completely guilty. I like my time out with Bentley. Why do I have to give it up? Maybe I need to grow a pair, and tell Mike that he needs to get over it. I am friends with Bentley, and there is nothing wrong with that, except there is that one thing. I am still hot for my neighbor. Why do I need to complicate things by having feelings?


  “WHAT THE FUCK, ALYSSA? You just missed the exit.” Mike is yelling at me from the passenger seat. This is how my fun filled weekend starts. We are on our way to the car show I agreed to go to. Every time I come to these things with him, I think it will be different from the last time. This time starts no different with Mike yelling and me not having any fun. “How could you miss the big sign? You are so stupid sometimes. I don’t know why I bring you with me.”

  Deep breaths, in and out. I do these ten times to calm myself. It’s just the beginning of the weekend. I don’t want to start it off with an argument. My hands clench the steering wheel as I take the nearest U turn. It was only an extra two minutes, yet he acts as if we missed the whole show.


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