Finding Peace (Breaking Free Series Book 2)

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Finding Peace (Breaking Free Series Book 2) Page 9

by Becca Taylor

  Bentley is out of his seat so fast all I see is a blur jumping up from beside me. He grabs Mike by his shirt. “You better apologize, asshole. She didn’t do anything. You like getting in a woman’s face like that? Well, how does it feel being done to you, mother fucker?”

  “Fuck you, Bentley. And fuck you, Alyssa. I should’ve left your ass months ago. I knew you were fucking around behind my back. As for you, Mr. Just Her Friend, have at her. Maybe you can get her to do more than lay there like a dead fish.”

  Bentley pulls back his arm and swings. I cover my eyes as his hand makes contact with Mike’s jaw. One hit, that’s all it takes for Mike to hit the ground. He’s sitting there in shock.

  “Get the fuck off my property. If I ever see you near her, or hear you yelling at her again… let’s just say that was me being nice.”

  I can see Bentley’s shoulders raising and lowering with each breath. I’ve never seen him this mad before. Tears are pouring down my face: shame, humiliation, anger, fear.

  Mike starts to get up. There is blood in the corner of his mouth, and he wipes it with the back of his hand. When he sees the blood, his face changes, like he just realized what he did. He’s on one knee, keeping his distance. Bentley is standing between the two of us.

  “Al, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I just saw you two and lost it. I know nothing happened. You know what I am like after a night of drinking. Can you forgive me?”

  I look at Bentley. He nods his head at me, waiting for me to respond.

  “You should leave, Mike. I can’t do this anymore.”


  “Just go. And don’t come back,” I say quietly, unable to find my voice from the shock of what just happened.

  When he leaves, I can’t say anything or even look at Bentley. I head straight into my bedroom. I sit on the floor, propped against the door. Mike never said anything that hateful before. For the first time, I thought he was going to strike me. When he called me a slut, that’s when I knew it’s over between us. I don’t know why I’m wasting tears on that asshole. I wipe my face with the bottom of my shirt.

  Bentley knocks on my door. “Aly, can I come in?”

  Oh god, no. I’m not ready to face him yet. What he saw out there, I’m ashamed. Ashamed that I went back to Mike in the first place. Ashamed that he witnessed the way Mike treats me.

  “I just need to be alone for a while.”

  “I’ll give you your alone time. Call me if you need me. I’ll be right upstairs in case he comes back. Just listen to me for a moment, will you?”


  “What happened out there was not your fault. You haven’t done anything wrong. That was all him. And what he called you out there, it’s so far from the truth. You take that shit he said and you throw it out the window. I don’t want you believing it, not even for a second.”

  Now he has me sobbing even more. “Bents?”

  “Yeah, Aly?”

  “Thanks for what you did out there.”

  “Anytime, Angel. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’ll be right upstairs if you need me.”

  I hear his footsteps walking down the hallway. Then the echo of the front door closing.

  The longer I sit on the floor, the more I realize this is getting me nowhere. It’s time to pick myself up and dust myself off. I head straight to the linen closet. The first thing I do is grab clean sheets. I remove the ones that are on the bed, tossing them in the laundry. I don’t want to lie in a bed that smells like Mike. Second thing, I start the tub. I need a long hot soak and I need to scrub the memories out of my system. Once I’m completely pruned, I throw on my yoga pants and tank top, not even bothering with my hair.

  Whenever I’m upset, I like to bake. Cooking calms me. When I get in the kitchen, Kat is sitting at the table with chocolate, wine and tissues. This is why she’s my best friend. She knows exactly what I need, even if it is eleven in the morning.

  “Bentley called me, so I brought provisions.”

  I run into her arms and start crying all over again.

  “Kat, it was so awful. The things he said. No one has ever treated me that badly. And to do it in front of Bentley.”

  She rubs my head, comforting me. “Bentley told me everything Mike said. He also told me he punched him hard enough to knock the jerk on his ass.”

  “It was pretty funny seeing him fall to the ground.” My sobs turn to giggles.

  “Well, he deserved it.” She goes to the cabinets breaking out different ingredients, knowing we will be making our favorite chocolate salted caramel cookies.

  “I told him not to come back. I mean it this time. I haven’t been happy for a long time. I’m sick of feeling like dirt. I want to be me again.” Just then, I feel something inside my soul start to shift. Saying the words out loud helps. The first step to healing can begin.

  “Can I ask you why you stayed with him for so long?”

  “It’s silly, really. When I was little, my dad used to read me fairytales before bed. I always dreamed of the guy coming to sweep me off my feet. He would do some big romantic gesture, and we would have a perfect wedding. When my parents bought the property, my dad told me ‘Princess, this is where we will put the house. Back there, will be a perfect spot for the playground for my grandchildren. And see that branch? I will hang a swing just like the one you had when you were growing up. Of course this will be after you get married. I can see it now. You in a big fancy white dress, holding my arm tight as I hand you off to your prince.’ I guess I’ve always been afraid of disappointing him. Although, I know if my dad truly knew the Mike of today, he’d do the same thing Bentley did.”

  “I get it, Aly. You know what you missed though?”

  I look at her.

  “He never said your prince had to be Mike. They sold that property, and your mom is at her new house. If I recall, she has the playground and swing your father talked about.”

  She’s right. My mom moved into a smaller house, but she made sure there was enough space in the yard for both of them.

  She gives me a moment to think about what she just said and then asks, “The real question is whether or not you are ready to move on?”

  For the first time, I feel it. I can honestly say yes. “It’s time to try.”

  “I know what we need.” She has this gleam in her eyes. “A night out, dancing with everyone. I’m not talking about a bar like last night. I mean some sexed up nightclub that overcharges for drinks. What do you think?”

  I think about it for a moment. Shouldn’t I wait longer before celebrating with friends. Maybe, but fun is exactly what I need. If I’m going to do this single thing, why not take the bull by the horns?

  “Let’s do it. Invite the whole gang to go. Maybe not this week, but maybe next weekend.” I feel like I should take a week, just in case I have a breakup moment. “Is Elements still open? I know that club worked out for you and Caleb.”

  She smiles and takes out her cell. Once she gets something in her head, she doesn’t stop. Kat sends everyone a text and sets a time and date.

  As we wait for the cookies to cool, Bentley knocks on the door. Usually, he just walks in. I open the door for him. He nudges my side.

  “You feeling better?”

  I just nod my head.

  “I only came down because I could smell your cookies from upstairs. I just wanted to grab a few, then I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Help yourself, but you don’t have to go. We are just going to watch some stupid comedy and drink some wine. Probably eat way too many cookies and ice cream and get fat.”

  “I don’t think you’ll ever get fat. Even if you did you’d still be beautiful. Both of you.”

  Kat spends the day with me, but both her and Bentley leave after dinner. I fall asleep easily. A hundred and seventy-pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Its name, the Tool. And damn if I don’t feel lighter already.


go out with my girls. We haven’t had a night out at a club in way too long. Lexi, who is usually the party girl, hasn’t been going out that much lately. I think something happened the night of my birthday party, more than just sex. From the way Lexi has been acting lately, I think the hookup with Hunter has done something to her. She’s been doing a great job of keeping quiet about it, though.

  Tonight, she is different. Old Lexi is back. She shows up at my house, late as usual. “Who’s ready to find some hot men?” She’s carrying a bottle of champagne in one hand and in the other a present for me. “I thought you might need this tonight.” She’s got a huge grin on her face as I open the box. Inside is a box of condoms, extra-large.

  “You shouldn’t have, Lexi. This is too much,” I say sarcastically, as I toss them on the counter knowing I won’t need them.

  Lexi opens the box and tears off a condom, stuffing it in my bra. She taps the spot where she stuffed the condom, my boob. “Just in case. The way you look tonight, you need to be prepared for anything.”

  I look at my dress: a short white strapless summer dress with a low neckline that drapes in the middle and down the front, plunging past my cleavage. The bubble effect around the hips is attached to the tight skirt. When I saw it, I fell in love and had to buy it. I thought it looked sexy for my first night out as a single woman. I chose white wedge shoes with a peep toe and straps around the middle of my foot and ankle. I needed a shoe that would look hot, but be comfortable enough to dance in all night. Not wanting to go overboard, I kept my makeup light, mostly pale pink colors, with my hair down and straight.

  I admire myself in the mirror thinking that this is the new me. I feel hot. Hell, I look it too. Maybe Lexi’s gift might get used after all?

  We pop open the bottle of bubbly, silently toasting to good friends and a good night out. The boys walk in as we finish our drinks. Bentley is standing completely still in the doorway. He looks good, damn good. His jeans fit snug against his firm butt, while riding low on his hips. His black button up shirt is rolled up at the sleeves, showing off his tattoos and solid arms. I hope my makeup is covering the blush on my face, but I can always blame it on the champagne if it’s isn’t.

  He walks over to me with his sexy stride. “Aly, you look unbelievable. Damn girl, you should dress like this more often.”

  The blush that was on my cheeks now runs down my neck. “You look good, too. The ladies are going to be fighting over you tonight.”

  He gets close to my ear, his warm breath against my neck, “I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m not interested in them tonight.”

  I look Bentley in the eyes. Is he hinting at something? Is he saying he is interested in me?

  “I need to keep an eye on you tonight. Make sure no guy gets inappropriate with you. After all, it’s your first night out as a single lady.”

  He’s going to play the role of my protector. “I think I can handle it. Don’t miss out on your fun because of me.”

  He turns one corner of his mouth up in a half smile. “Oh, I think I will be having plenty of fun tonight.”

  Even in the Florida heat, I manage to get goose bumps head to toe. The tone in his voice changed, almost suggestive, but, I’m sure I am wrong. I’m probably thinking way too much and tonight is not about that. Tonight is about letting loose and not thinking at all.

  Aly bumps me this time, “Stop overthinking.”

  Our ride shows up and honks to let us know he’s arrived. We booked a ride through Uber to be safe. I know I’m not going to be in any shape to drive. I plan on trying every one of Elements signature drinks tonight. Last time we went, I drank, but not too much since Mike was there and I knew I had to keep an eye on him. Tonight, however, I plan on never having an empty hand and if I’m lucky, there will be parts of the night that I don’t remember.

  Elements is the most upscale club that I’ve ever been to. The owners took a lot of time with the details. From top to bottom, the club displays the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. The drinks follow the same theme. Before even hitting the dance floor, I start with the smoking shots. The girls all join in, each taking one from the tray. They are so tasty; we order a second round.

  Bentley approaches me. “Am I going to have to carry you home tonight?”

  Thank God it’s not too bright in here because I’m sure my face is red by now. The thought of him carrying me upstairs to my bed is too much.

  “Only if you are a good boy.”

  Clearly, the liquor has already set in, lowering my inhibitions. Bentley pulls me close to his body. “Oh, I’ll be good. I’m always good. How about another drink then?”

  I agree to another drink, positive that we just went from friends to flirting. He lets me go and heads to the bar to order some more delicious drinks.

  Lexi slides up next to me. “You going to hit that tonight? Because I’m sure he’s ready to take you caveman style in the back.”

  “Shut up, Lexi. We’re just playing around. He wants me to feel good about myself after what Mike did.” That’s my explanation of his flirtation.

  “Sure, Alyssa. Keep telling yourself that.”

  Bentley walks back and hands me a blue ocean martini.

  “Thanks, this looks yummy.”

  He tips his beer to me before we drink. With a glazed look, Bentley is staring at me while I lick the delicious flavor of the martini from my lips.

  “What, did I spill?”

  He shakes his head no. “As soon as you’re done, let’s go dance.”

  That is enough motivation for me to finish my martini in two gulps. The warmth of the liquor travels through me, making my body relax. It feels heavenly. I’m at the sweet spot of lowered inhibitions—just enough to dance without being sloppy.

  The DJ is playing actual music, not just club mixes. Songs you can move to, not just jump around to a beat. Caleb and Kat are already doing their normal can’t get close enough dancing. Josh is sandwiched between Lexi and Jade, while Logan and Dani are doing their own bump and grind.

  I pause and briefly take in the view of my best friends having a great time when Bentley pulls me to his body. We danced before, but never like this. He has me positioned with our legs weaved together, rolling his body to the song Blurred Lines. At this moment, I offer a prayer of thanks that I kept up with my dance class because I can match his moves. To get a better angle, I turn around so I can move a little easier with him. Better yet, against him. I dip slightly, swaying my hips side to side, arching my back so I don’t get too close. Bentley snakes his arm around my waist pulling me closer. Against my back, I can feel him. It confirms his size is real. Every time I roll back, he rolls his body forward. It feels so good. I feel alive. I feel more than alive. I feel like a fire is igniting in me.

  When the song ends, I try to step away, but Bentley has different plans than me. He pulls me back to him and we collide with a thud.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Angel,” he says in my ear, causing the tiny hairs on the back of my neck to rise. My head instinctively dips to the side as I feel his lips lightly graze my neck.

  He spins me around and once again we are face to face. Grabbing my hand in his, Bentley places it around his neck. My breasts are pressed to his muscular chest, and my nipples harden. The way he starts grinding against me this time has me thinking if this is how he dances, what’s he like in the bedroom?

  Oh God, I need to stop these thoughts. This is Bentley. Not some random hook up. But, I can’t get them out of my head. Each time our hips thrust, his erection comes in contact with my pussy. My thirty dollar panties are ruined. Can someone actually orgasm from dancing? Because, right now, this dancing is better than any sex I’ve had in the past eleven years. The feel of Bentley’s hand on my lower back starts all new sensations throughout my body. I’m not sure what has gotten into me, but I want him touching me everywhere. I place my hand on that arm encouraging him to touch me lower. His hand cups my ass. If it’s possible, he pulls me closer.

My one hand is now resting on his heart. I can feel the rapid beat under my palm. My other hand that was around his neck is now stroking his short hair in the back. When I do this, I feel his body shudder as his head leans back. He groans as he looks in my eyes. As the song comes to an end, he releases me. I assume he’s had enough, ready to move on. He leans close.

  “Let’s take a break and cool off. I could use a drink.”

  I nod my agreement.

  We make our way up to the bar. Caleb and Kat follow. Bentley points to an open table. Kat and I sit while the guys get the drinks. She scoots closer to me so we can talk.

  “So, you two seem like you’re getting along well.”

  I have no idea what to say to that. I’m still trying to process what happened out there. It seems like it’s something though. Play it cool, Alyssa.

  “Yeah, he’s a great dancer.”

  “Oh, is that what you guys were doing? I’m pretty sure if you didn’t have clothes on it would be called sex. Hot, sweaty, dirty sex.” She’s failing to hide the laughter in her face. Lexi walks over and stands by the table.

  “Shut up, Kat. I blame it on you and your dance class. Besides, there is nothing going on. Bentley and I are nothing more than friends.”

  Lexi feels the need to give her opinion. “If you say so, Aly. I think you are blind to what’s in front of you. Bentley wants you. If I’m not mistaken, he wants you up against the wall, in the kitchen, in the bedroom. Maybe even a few other places.” Now she’s being evil. Licking her lips, making sex noises, moaning things like, “Oh, yes, Bentley, right there.”

  Just as the boys are heading back to the table, I get the girls to stop. Caleb and Bentley hand us our drinks. This one is garnished with edible flowers.

  “What were you two talking about?” Bentley says, sitting close to me. I take a long sip of my drink.

  Kat and Lexi, who apparently are looking to rile me up as much as possible tonight, say, “Sex.” I nearly spit my drink out. I could die from embarrassment until Lexi continues.


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