by Becca Taylor
“I’ll have something ready for when you get here.”
“I can bring something home for us.” I don’t want to make her cook; she has enough to deal with. “I’ll bring our usual. How does that sound?”
“Sounds perfect.”
I kiss her lips softly before heading out. Aly looks disappointed at my restraint. Even if she thinks she’s ready, I want to give her time. The next week is going to be rough to get though, and I want to be her rock, not just her escape. Even if my dick is trying to tell me otherwise. He can hold out another week. One long fucking week. What the hell was I thinking?
I go upstairs for a quick shower and change of clothes. I jump in my jeep and leave for work. I know I am going to get a lot of questions thrown at me, ones I’m not ready to answer. I prepare myself for the onslaught.
By noon I have been asked, “Where the fuck have you been?” So many times I lose count. Then there’s the runner up question, “You know you’re an ass, right?” Yes, I know I am an ass, but I can’t go back in time and change what I did. Believe me if I could, I would do it in a heartbeat. But I have every intention of making up for my actions to Aly and everyone else.
To make it up to Caleb, I tell him I’ll work a double for the next few days. I’ll handle the books and give him the next two weekends off. He is thrilled with that. I promise Hunter to help him out with his remodeling any day that I am off from here. The only other people’s asses I need to kiss are Kat’s and Aly’s.
I try to call Kat while I am in the office. When she answers, I am greeted with, “Fuck you for hurting my friend, Bentley. I’m not ready to talk to you yet.” I figure I might be off the hook with her if I give Caleb those weekends off. Turns out a girl day at the spa for Kat and Aly, my treat of course, is all it takes.
MY STOMACH IS A nervous wreck. My mouth has that sour, watery feeling you get right before you get sick. The peppermint candies I've been sucking on all morning are doing nothing to calm the feeling. My mom swears by them, but I think she's completely wrong in this case. I’ve been popping them in my mouth for hours and they aren’t working.
My lawyer fills me in with what is going to happen once we walk through the double doors. Right now, I wish I hadn’t gone through with this. I hate that I am in this situation. I just want to pretend it never happened. I want to pretend that Mike had just signed the papers for the real estate agent, and we went our separate ways.
Kat, Caleb, and Bentley are with me. They are here for support, but all I feel is embarrassed. They talk to me, but I can't hear a word. My focus is solely on keeping my toast and coffee in my stomach and not on the tiled floor of the courthouse.
When Mike shows up, with a woman whom I assume is his lawyer, everyone flanks around me, forming a protective bubble. They sit a few benches away from us, and I wonder what is going through Mike's head. What’s in mine is telling me to get up and leave: run and save yourself the headache.
When I glance up, Bentley is in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest like he's my bodyguard. He gives me a wink and my body relaxes just slightly. He bends to whisper in my ear.
"You got this, Angel. I know you're scared, and want to run. But you can do this."
When we are finally called into the room, my legs feel like they won’t work. I know once we take our seats things are about to get real. Oh God, I don't want to do this. Every minute seems like an hour when the judge starts talking, until Mike's lawyer speaks; then time stands still.
"Your honor, my client would like to address the council."
I can’t even concentrate on what is being said between my lawyer, Mike’s lawyer and the judge. With a nod from his attorney, Mike begins to speak. He is looking at the judge.
"Your honor, I'm prepared for whatever decision you make. Everything Miss Amsel has said is true. I behaved inappropriately throughout our relationship, and I'm sorry for everything I put her through. She had every right to go through with this. I'll stay out of her life, and if this order needs to be in place to make her feel safe I will not fight it. I just want to say that I never meant to act the way I did. And if I could, I would take it all back. Thank you, Your Honor."
My lawyer presents all the evidence and before I know it, the judge rules for a one-year restraining order to be put in place, effective immediately. As for the property, the real estate agent will be contacting us when the property sells and will send the paperwork to our lawyers, so there can be no accidental contact between us. After shaking my attorney’s hand, we leave the courtroom before Mike does. I watch him leave through the opposite end of the building.
Kat tells me to call her if I need anything. Caleb gives me a hug. But I feel numb. The ride home is silent. I’m not in the mood to talk. I just need to be lost in my thoughts for a little while.
Bentley helps me up to my apartment. He won’t leave my side. With a crash, I sit on my bed. Bentley walks into the bathroom and starts the water. He comes back and kneels in front of me, taking off my shoes.
"Come on, Angel. You go take a bath. I'll go in the kitchen and make you some tea."
I thought I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, but what I really want is to be with Bentley. I undress and step into the tub. "Are you going to join me?”
It has been too many days since we were last intimate, and I have felt every minute, hour and second of it. I’ve missed the feel of his skin against mine. He removes his clothes and I lean forward to let him climb in behind me. Once settled, he pulls me back in between his legs, against his chest. I let his body heat and the warm water envelope me.
Bentley begins to wash my body and the weight that has been on my shoulders starts to lift. I let one sob and one stray tear fall, but promise myself that's all I will allow. What's done is done. Time to move forward.
Once the water begins to cool, Bentley helps me out, drying both of us before dressing me in my usual sleepwear. He grabs himself a t-shirt and pajama pants from the drawer I cleared for him.
"It's been a long day. You go sit, watch some television or read. I'll make us something to eat."
I do as he says. I turn on a rerun of an old show I love. Bentley walks over with a glass of wine. He kisses my forehead, but I want more than that. Before he can walk away, I grab the edge of his t-shirt and pull him back. I reach for his hand and pull him toward me, until we are face to face. His eyes search mine, questioning if this is the right moment. I reach behind his neck, letting him know this is what I want. His lips lightly graze mine at first. When I sweep my tongue across his bottom lip, a groan escapes him. When I open my mouth in invitation, he doesn’t hesitate, kissing me exactly like I need, both sweet and rough, kissing until we were both panting. Too suddenly for my liking, Bentley breaks away from me, pressing his forehead to mine.
"Fuck, Aly. Today is not the day to get me all worked up like that. I've been hanging by a thread for far too long."
"Me too, Bents. Me too.” As much as I want him to take me to the bedroom, I know he is trying to give me time to come to terms with what I went through today. He gives a squeeze to my thighs before returning to the kitchen. Whatever he is cooking smells heavenly. My appetite is quickly returning due to the fragrance that is filling the room.
"Whatever you're making in there smells delicious. Do you need any help?”
"I got it covered. It's nothing difficult, chicken enchiladas and rice. I used the rest of the chicken you had in the fridge.”
After thirty minutes and a glass of wine, dinner is ready. I eat every ounce of my meal, not even missing a grain of rice. As much as I love to cook, with meals like this, Bentley can cook for me any time. He clears the dishes, not letting me help. We sit on the couch to continue with my television rerun marathon.
Bentley turns my body. He places my legs across his lap, and starts massaging my feet. It feels heavenly. "Aly, I know today wasn't easy. Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's not much to talk about. The judge made his decision. I just want to
move on. I'll be happy when the property sells, and it will really be over. No ties left to Mike.” With the way land is selling, I hope it will happen sooner rather than later.
"I'm talking about when Mike gave his little speech. Fuck, Aly, when he stood up, I thought Caleb would have to hold me in place. I would have tackled the fucker if he gave you the slightest glance." His fists are clenched from the recollection.
"I was shocked, but it made my case easier. Yes, today completely sucked. I was a nervous wreck the entire time. But I'm ready to move on. It was emotionally draining. The past two weeks have been one big suckfest. I think my body was in overload. But this, how you took care of me tonight, helped. Thanks for being there with me today. You gave me exactly what I needed."
"I'll always be here when you need me. Come on, let's get some sleep. I know neither of us got much last night.” He guides me to the bedroom, stripping himself of his t-shirt. He climbs in, lifting the covers for me to curl into him. Bentley’s strong arms wrap around me, pulling me to fit against him snugly. His lips kiss the top of my head.
"Sleep, Angel."
"Good night, Bents.”
TWO WHOLE DAYS have passed since court, and Bentley hasn't touched me other than kissing. I can't take it anymore. It's not like I haven't tried, but the man has better self-control than I thought. Tonight, he is giving it up.
All day while he is at work, I slave away in the kitchen. I make his favorite meal, stuffing filled rolled chicken in a cream sauce topped with mozzarella and homemade noodles. For dessert, a pineapple upside down cake.
Everything is ready to go except me. I dig through my closet looking for my sexiest casual outfit, deciding on a simple teal and purple sundress. No bra is required; the halter tie does a good job of perking up the girls on its own. The dress is a little shorter than normal, but that is the whole point tonight. And since they will just be coming off later, I skip wearing panties. Even though I have over fifty pairs of shoes, I go barefoot to show off the pedicure I got this morning. My body has been waxed, buffed, spray tanned, and polished in places that are not meant to be. My hair is blow dried to look like I stepped off the beach, add a touch of mascara and lip-gloss, and I am done.
I hear the roar of his motorcycle when he pulls into the driveway. I text Bentley to tell him that dinner will be at my place, knowing he'll go home and shower first after working all day. My stomach flutters in anticipation of seeing him even though I see him every day.
He pops his head in the door. "Damn, it smells good in here. Let me grab a quick shower and I'll be right down.”
I know I have twenty minutes before he comes back down. I set the table, keeping the chicken on warm. I start the water, timing everything perfectly. Bentley walks through the door just as I am putting the food on the table. He kisses me full and hard on my mouth before sitting down.
"What's all this for?"
I head towards the fridge to grab him a beer and top up my second glass of wine. I’ve already had one to help me relax. I know when I bend to get his beer, Bentley is going to get a little prequel of what’s to come.
"Aly!" he growls, loudly.
He starts to stand.
"Sit, Bents. We are going to eat a nice dinner. I even made your favorite dessert."
"You expect me to eat, after that little show you just put on?"
"I have no idea what you are taking about. I was just getting you a drink. Now eat."
He grumbles again, until he takes a bite of dinner. "Damn, woman, you sure can cook.”
I clear the dishes and stand to get us a piece of cake; he attempts to get up again.
"Stay. Relax. You've been working all day.” I slice us a generous piece of cake to share.
"What's the special occasion? Don't think I didn't notice what you are and aren’t wearing tonight, Aly."
I know, and I can see the evidence in his pants.
I go for honesty. "You've been the perfect boyfriend, Bentley, patient and caring. I wanted to show you how much it means to me."
"Aly, you didn't have to go through all this to thank me.”
I put the piece of cake on the place setting in front of him. Climbing into his lap, I whisper softly in his ear. "Well, I plan on thanking you all night long.”
A deep growl rumbles from his chest, and Bentley picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder practically running to the bedroom. "What about dessert?"
"You are my dessert, Angel. We can eat the cake later or for breakfast."
"Oh, okay.” Thank God.
Bentley tosses me on the bed, and I hit it with a bounce. For a moment I feel nervous. He must see it in my eyes.
"Are you sure, Aly? You've been through a lot this month."
My nervousness ends as he cups my face in his hands. "I've been ready, Bents. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”
Quickly, he removes his clothing down to his boxer briefs.
The man is beautiful.
Climbing onto the bed, he stops in front of me. "Angel, I'm pretty sure I saw that you were naked under this dress.”
“Why put on panties, when all I want is for you to take them off?”
He moans as he pushes me lightly so I lie back on the bed. Spreading my legs slightly, he positions himself between the space he made. His hands run up my thighs, pushing my dress higher and higher until it's around my waist. Another animalistic sound comes from Bentley. When he cups between my thighs, my own moan escapes my lips. Gently, his fingers begin to tease my lips, gathering my wetness. When I open my eyes, Bentley brings his fingers to his mouth.
"Mmmm, tastes good."
In one swift motion, his hands are under my thighs lifting me. My legs are over his shoulder, and for a brief moment I'm thankful for all the yoga classes I've taken. That thought disappears the moment Bentley's tongue touches me.
"Holy shit, Bentley."
His arms snake around my thighs, as his fingers open me for better access. The moment his tongue touches my clit, I want to scream. His tongue concentrates on that one spot. Driving me insane. Switching between licking, nipping and sucking, he brings me quickly to the edge. The moment he groans against me, the last coherent thought I have leaves my brain before my orgasm rakes through my entire body.
"Best damn dessert I ever had," Bentley says, licking his lips clean. He places my legs back down on the bed. Immediately, I want him again.
I rise to my knees, coaxing him to lie back. He willingly lies down for me. I remove my dress that is already half off, tossing it off the bed.
"You're beautiful. My Angel."
"Yes, Bentley, I'm yours. And you're mine."
"Every inch of me is yours.”
I like the sound of that, and I plan on taking advantage of every inch of my man. My hands grasp the waistband of his boxer briefs, drawing them down his legs, tossing them on the floor along with my dress. I reach over to the nightstand, but Bentley stops me.
"No, Aly. We are forever, right?" He caresses my cheek.
“Yes, Bentley. Forever. It’s all I’ve wanted since the day we officially became a couple.
"From now on it’s you and me. Nothing between us anymore.”
I climb up the bed, sitting on his thighs, stroking his thickening erection in my hand. His eyes never leave mine.
"Only if that's what you want, though, Aly." He sits up, drawing my body close to his. His hand moves to the back of my neck, pulling my gaze to his. "I promise, nothing and no one will ever get between us again. You are my forever, Angel.”
My lips seek his like I haven't kissed him in months. I open to let him in. His tongue seeks mine, while his hands keep my head positioned how he wants. My hips move, desperately seeking for a release.
He leans back slightly, and I reach between us, gripping his cock in my hands. I stroke him slowly. His eyes roll back along with his head. Lifting up on my legs, I place him at my entrance. Bentley's head snaps up, locking his gaze with
mine as I lower myself until I can't go any further. His hands grip my hips tightly, holding me still.
"Bentley, I need to move." I’m desperate for him.
"Not yet, Angel. I just want to feel you like this for a minute. Commit this moment to my memory. This is a moment I fucking never will forget.”
Only when his grip finally loosens, I begin to move. And damn, he feels good as I easily slide up and down his length, his grip controlling me. The tingling starts shooting from head to toe as my body tightens around him. Bentley grips around my back.
"Hold on, Angel."
I grip around his neck, until my back makes contact with the bed. "I love you, Alyssa."
"I love you too, Bentley.”
He thoroughly kisses me after the words are said, sealing them. Even though we are still connected, I want more.
“I need you. I can’t wait anymore.”
He lifts his body from mine, placing my legs on his shoulders. At first he moves slowly, until I get used to this position. It’s deep, and feels wonderful.
"More, Bentley."
He practically folds me in half when he starts moving faster, deeper, harder.
"Fuck, Aly. You feel too good like this. I’m going to come."
My walls tighten around his cock.
"Angel, come with me."
My body tightens more, ready to boil over. "Now, Aly!" I let go as the strongest orgasm rips through me.
"Fuuuuuccck!" The word escapes from Bentley's mouth as he situates himself deep inside me and his own release breaks free.
He lowers my legs around his waist, kissing my lips once again. "Forever, Angel."
"Forever, Bentley."
I TOLD ALY THIS IS forever, and I meant it. While she is still sleeping, I call my buddy Rich to set up an appointment for my next tattoo. I’m surprised he can fit me in that morning. I know he is doing me a favor; he is usually booked months in advance. It might be crazy, but this tattoo has been in my thoughts for some time now.