Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set

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Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set Page 53

by Robert Burton Robinson

Larry pulled out the remote and held it up. “I believe you are.” He dropped his flashlight and grabbed her.

  She pushed him away.

  “You’re ruining everything,” said Larry.

  He lunged at her.

  She swiped at the remote, and it flew into the air.

  “Oh, you’re gonna regret that.”

  Larry turned around, picked up the flashlight and began to search the grass for the remote. Then he thought he heard an animal and raised his flashlight. But it was no animal—it was a man—running straight at him.

  Before he could react, Greg tackled him.

  “Greg.” Cynthia could not believe her prayers had been answered. “Be careful—he’s dangerous.”

  Greg hopped on top of him. He knew nothing about fighting, but that didn’t stop him from delivering three quick punches. But then Larry popped him in the jaw, pushed him off, and jumped to his feet.

  Greg hopped up and ran at Larry again.

  Larry turned and ran away from him. But then he saw Sandy coming from the other direction. He considered running across the field, but then he saw Rebecca coming toward him. And she looked like she wanted to rip his head off. He was cornered.

  So, he ran to the stands, jumped up on the ledge, and climbed over the railing. Greg and Sandy were close behind. He started to go for the exit, but Sandy had it blocked. So, he ran up the stands.

  Rebecca stayed with Cynthia. They held the two flashlights, pointing them at Larry.

  “You might as well give up,” said Sandy. “There’s nowhere to go.”

  Larry ran to the very top and climbed up on the railing.

  “That’s gotta be at least a thirty foot drop,” said Sandy.

  “Yeah,” said Greg, “don’t be stupid.” Although, Greg kinda wished Larry would be stupid.

  Larry climbed over to the back side of the railing. “See you around, Chumps.” He jumped off.

  Greg and Sandy ran to the top and looked down.

  “Can you see anything?” said Greg.

  “Nope. But he’s got to be dead. Or at least have a lot of broken bones.”

  Greg yelled down to him. “Hey, are you alive?”

  No reply.

  They hurried down the stands.

  “Did he jump?” said Rebecca.

  “Yeah,” said Sandy. “Throw me your flashlight.”

  Greg and Sandy took the exit and went behind the stands to investigate the grisly scene.

  “No,” said Greg. “Don’t tell me.”

  There was a commercial garbage bin sitting directly under where Larry had jumped from. And the lid was open.

  “He couldn’t have known it was here,” said Greg. “We know he couldn’t see it from up there.”

  Cynthia and Rebecca ran around to meet them and found the two men standing in front of the garbage bin, shaking their heads.

  “Is he dead?” said Rebecca.

  “No,” said Sandy.

  They heard an engine start.

  “There he goes,” said Greg.

  “You’re kidding me,” said Rebecca.

  “He really is lucky,” said Cynthia.

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go after him,” said Rebecca.

  “You and Sandy can, if you want,” said Greg. He looked at Cynthia.

  They ran to each others’ arms.

  After a long kiss, Greg said, “Are you okay, Baby?”

  “I am now.”

  Sandy looked at Rebecca. “What do you think? You want to chase him?”

  “I guess not. He’s got too much lead time anyway. But, Cynthia, you need to go file a police report.”

  “We will,” said Greg. “And let’s go do it right now so we can get out of here—‘cause we’re late for our honeymoon. That is, if you’re still up for it.”

  Cynthia had been through quite an ordeal. And if it had been any other kind of trip, she would have cancelled it. But this was their honeymoon, and doggone it, she was not going to let Larry destroy it. “Sure. All I need is a good meal and a shower.” Then she remembered she was still wearing the ridiculous cheer leader outfit. “And a change of clothes.” And a little sleep would be nice, she thought. “Oh—and I need help with this.” She held up her wrist.

  Rebecca pointed the flashlight at it. “You need help with your watch?”

  “It’s got a bomb in it. At least that’s what Larry said. That thing I knocked out of his hand was the detonator. He told me if he pushed the red button on that remote, or if I tried to take off the watch, my hand would get blown off.”

  Rebecca looked more closely. “Probably a fake.”

  “I know—but I didn’t want to chance it.”


  As Larry drove out of town, he felt invigorated. Things had gone terribly wrong, yet his luck had saved him again. He had truly taken a leap of faith this time, and in doing so, through his belief in the God of Luck, he had become…invincible.

  Now, nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted.

  And what he still wanted more than anything…was Cynthia.


  It was 6:45 AM when Rebecca’s cell phone rang. She and Sandy were on their way back to Dallas in his car. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Rebecca, this is Cynthia.”

  “Hi. I’ll put you on speaker so Sandy can hear too. How did it go at the police station?”

  “Fine, I guess. The watch bomb was a fake.”

  “Yeah, but still, I know you were glad to get that thing off your wrist.”

  “Right. So, they took my statement. They didn’t look like they were going to do much about it, but I guess at least now the police will be on the lookout for him.”

  “Yeah. And if he gets pulled over for speeding or whatever, they’ll see that there’s a warrant for his arrest.”

  “Well, we’re just glad to be done with it. Right now we’re driving to Shreveport to catch a flight to Orlando. We’ll get there around 2:00. I doubt we’ll go into any of the parks today since we’re both dead tired, but it’s only Monday, and we’ll be there until Saturday. So we’ll still have plenty of time left.”

  “I just hope you’re not overdoing it—after all you’ve been through.”

  “Well, I guess the smart thing would for me to go home and collapse for a week. But I just don’t feel like doing the smart thing.”

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you. But at least once you get there you can spend the rest of the day in bed.”


  “Oh, yeah, for that too.”


  Rebecca could hear the tired smile in Cynthia’s voice. They make a great couple, she thought. She had already spent enough time with Greg to see how much he loved her. And after witnessing the joyful reunion that morning, she knew Cynthia loved him just as much. They were so lucky.

  “Well, y’all have a wonderful honeymoon,” said Sandy.

  “We will. And thanks again for everything y’all did to help rescue me.”

  “You’re welcome. Bye-bye.”

  As soon as they hung up, Sandy said, “They’ve never had sex.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. They wanted to wait until they got married.”

  “Oh, man. So, they wait all that time, and then just when they’re about to go crazy in bed, Larry shows up and steals her away.”

  “That’s right.”

  “What if Greg had never got her back? I’ll bet then he would have wished they had already done it—at least once.”

  “Well, I don’t think so. Once Greg makes a commitment, he sticks with it.”

  “What about you? What would you have done?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t have waited. But, if for some reason I had waited and then lost my bride on my wedding night, I’d be kicking my own butt from here to next Tuesday. To me, Greg has funny ideas about some things. But I respect him for it. He does what he thinks is right.”

  “So, you think they were foolish for waitin

  “No, I’m not saying they were foolish.”

  “You’re just saying that you wouldn’t have waited.”


  “Like you couldn’t wait to rub up against my butt and touch my boobs.”

  Sandy grinned sheepishly. “What?”

  “You thought I didn’t notice what you were doing when we were in bed together at the LaQuinta?”

  “On the bed together—not in bed together. There’s a big difference.”


  “And it was only one boob.”

  “So, you admit to taking advantage of me while I was sleeping?”

  “Well, apparently you weren’t sleeping. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have known what I did.”

  “Really? Well, just what would you have done if I hadn’t woke up?”

  “Well, I…”

  “Where else would you have touched me?”

  Sandy tried to think of a witty response.

  Rebecca didn’t wait for one. “If I had been a sound sleeper, you might have taken off my clothes.”

  Sandy smiled at the thought of feeling her naked body.

  She punched him hard in the arm.

  “Hey. Why’d you do that?”

  “Because I’m serious, but you think it’s a big joke. Have a good laugh on Rebecca, huh?”

  Sandy’s smile was gone. “I’m sorry.”

  “You ought to be.” Rebecca looked straight ahead. “Next time…wake me up first so I can enjoy the whole thing.”

  Sandy turned his head so fast, he nearly gave himself a whiplash. “Next time?”

  “Yeah—assuming you want to date me.”

  “Uh…yeah, I want to…date you.”

  “Hey—what did you almost say? You want to what me?”

  “I’d love to go out with.”

  “No, no. You’re not getting off that easy. What is it you want to do to me?”

  Sandy spit it out all at once. “I want to do everything to you and with you. Okay? I really like you a lot. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  Rebecca tried to hide her smile. “No…not unless you mean it.”

  “Well, of course I mean it.”

  “Great. Then how about picking me up Friday night at 7:00?”


  “Well, alright then. I’m glad that’s settled.”

  “Me too, ‘cause I’m sick of talking about it.”

  “Not as sick as I am.”

  They looked at each other with stern faces for one second, and then started laughing.


  Even though Crow and Chaucey had been up until 1:00 AM talking, he woke up at 7:00. The couch had not been nearly as comfortable as his bed. But he’d been happy to give it up for his sweet Chaucey.

  She had left the bedroom door open, so he peeked in to check on her, and saw that she was still sleeping. He tiptoed in to get a closer look.

  She is such a beautiful woman, he thought, as he stood next to the bed. He wanted to protect her, as though he was the father and she was the young daughter.

  He leaned over and studied her lovely face and her long, dark, silky hair. As he explored every smooth curve of her face, each eyelash, and her full lips, he was overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her. But he knew it would be improper, so he restrained himself.

  He quietly turned and walked out of the room.

  She heard him leave, but still didn’t open her eyes. She was in the middle of some serious soul searching.

  Chaucey had always been critical of beautiful women who would only date men of equal or greater attractiveness. In high school, all the best-looking guys asked her out. But she soon learned to turn them down. She didn’t appreciate them showing her off like a new car.

  Not that average-looking boys didn’t sometimes do the same thing. For the most part, though, those guys were afraid to even talk to her. The way they saw it, she was not just out of their league, she was a completely different species.

  So, she started being the initiator. The first time she tried was the most memorable. She walked up to a classmate who was getting books out of his locker. “Hey, Johnny.”

  When he turned around and saw who was talking to him, he dropped three of his books. One of them landed on his big toe, causing him to hop for a couple of seconds. “Oh…hi.”

  “I’m Chaucey Reed and I sit across from you in Algebra class.”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Well, I was just wondering if you’d like to take me to the movies on Friday night.”

  Judging by his reaction, she was pretty sure he had just squirted a little pee in his briefs.


  “Great. Pick me up at 6:00.” As she walked away, she spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, “Can’t wait ‘til Friday night, Johnny.”

  The date had been okay, but nothing special. Nevertheless, by Monday Johnny was bragging like crazy, even though there was nothing to brag about.

  At one point, she decided to try some brainiacs. Again, the results were not at all satisfying.

  She knew the other girls looked at her with envy. ‘She can have any boy she wants,’ they probably said. And that might have been true. The problem was she couldn’t find a boy she wanted.

  Maybe if she had been less attractive the boys wouldn’t have freaked out and acted so weird. Then she might have actually liked them. It was a cruel irony that her teenage dating life had been ruin by her beauty.

  Now she realized her recent actions had been even more ridiculous than that of those high school boys—all because she thought a certain man’s brain was beautiful. Her risky behavior had nearly gotten her raped or killed. And for what? Sure, the guy was smart, and his writing was eloquent. But his heart was as black as tar.

  She had known for a long time that Crow was in love with her. Yet she had not allowed herself to consider whether she had feelings for him. Why? Was it because his IQ was lower than hers? Or because he was a grocer? Or maybe it was the fact that he lived across the hall. That was just too convenient.

  Perhaps it was time for her to quit limiting her feelings. She had never pictured herself settling down with somebody like Crow. But he was the best friend she’d ever had. And he was very much in love with her. Why did she keep fighting it? She should just let the feelings flow, for a change, and see what happens. Maybe she didn’t love him anyway.

  But maybe she did.


  Sandy waited in his car while Rebecca went in to pay for the repairs on her Lincoln. When she walked out, he rolled down his window.

  “Okay. I’m good to go.” She turned and started to walk away, but then turned back to him. “Now remember: Friday night, seven sharp. Don’t be late.”

  “I’ll make it a point to be early,” said Sandy.

  “Oh, I get it. You’ll come early hoping to catch me before I’m dressed.”

  “No, no. I didn’t mean—“

  “—well, if you get there too early, Buddy, you’ll just have to wait in the car for a while.”

  “Okay. I will ring your doorbell at exactly seven o’clock.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  She leaned in close and said, “Seriously, thanks. It’s been an adventure.” She surprised him with a kiss on the lips, and walked away before he could think clearly enough to say anything.

  Wow, he thought. Thanks, Greg and Cynthia.

  Rebecca had missed talking to her dad for the past couple of days. Then she realized it had only been one day. But when you’re awake almost around the clock it seems like more.

  Soon after his death, she developed a habit of talking to her dad while she drove. His old car had been the place they had spent much of their time together—especially when she worked with him.

  “I wish you could meet him, Dad. He’s really a nice guy—but not too nice. He’s kinda rough around the edges. Sort of like you. And I really believe I can trust him. I know—I’ve said that before and been wr
ong. But I’m smarter now. I know what to look for. But I’ll be careful, so don’t worry.”

  She picked up her cell phone and called her office.


  “Hey, Wendy. Good morning.”

  “Morning, Rebecca.”

  “Listen, I’ve had a crazy weekend. And I’m way behind on sleep. So, I need you to reschedule all my appointments for today.”

  “Okay. No problem. But we got a scary voice mail this morning.”

  “Some husband who’s mad because I shot pictures of him doing his girlfriend, huh?”

  “I guess so. But this one’s weird. It rhymes.”

  Rebecca was afraid she knew what that meant. But how and why?

  “I wrote it down. I’ll read it to you.”

  You spoiled my plans for her, you know;

  You had to save the day.

  So, now my body is sinking low,

  Halfway down to the grave.

  But be assured I’ll find my rest

  In peaceful revenge sublime

  Just to know in my heart, your body

  Will be buried under mine.

  If there had been any doubt as to the author, that last line clinched it for Rebecca:

  Your body will be buried under mine.

  Barry Undermine.

  Rebecca felt a cold chill creeping up her spine, but couldn’t stop it. The shivers spread across her shoulders and up the back of her neck.

  She wondered how he even knew her name. Then it hit her: he had Melanie’s business card. And the card had Rebecca’s name on it too. He might have heard Greg or Sandy call her by name. He probably figured that was how Greg tracked him down—with the help of Melanie’s partner.

  “Don’t erase that message, Wendy. I might want to let the police hear it.”


  Rebecca could not think straight. She was upset by the message, but too tired to deal with it. If she slept until the next morning, that was fine with her. She wouldn’t even bother to set the alarm clock.

  She didn’t really think Larry wouldn’t try to slip in during the night and stab her to death. But, at the very least, he’d give her nightmares.


  Sandy made it to the campus just in time for his 9:00 AM music theory class.


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