Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set

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Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set Page 55

by Robert Burton Robinson

  It was 8:20 PM, and Greg and Cynthia were sitting in their robes, enjoying a room service meal.

  “I have never slept that sound before in my entire life,” said Greg.

  “Me either. It was fantastic. And I’m so hungry. I’m afraid I’m going to eat too much.”

  “It’s our honeymoon. Enjoy it. Quit worrying about your weight.”

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  He stopped eating and just watched her.

  “What?” She put down her fork. “Why aren’t you eating?”

  “I was just enjoying the view. Loving the view, actually. Loving you.”

  “You loved me very well this afternoon. I think I may have underestimated your level of endurance.”

  “That’s because I can’t stay up with you when it comes to jogging. But when it comes to sex—well, you just make me go crazy.”

  “Now that’s the kind of crazy I like.”

  “I just hope I can walk tomorrow.”

  She giggled. “What you mean? You seem to be getting around just fine.”

  “Yeah, but we’re not done…are we?”

  When she saw the look in his eyes, she forgot about the food. She stood up, seductively removed her robe and laid it across her chair. Then she rolled onto the bed and smiled at him.

  It was the first time he had seen her completely naked in the light. Amazing, he thought. But, his body was far from perfection, so he began to turn off all the lamps. He was about to click off the last one.

  “Leave that one on,” she said. “I want to see you.”

  “You sure about that? You know it’s too late to get out of this thing. We are married.”

  “Take off your robe and come here, Silly.”

  “Well, okay.” He pulled his robe off and threw it toward a chair. It landed on the floor instead.

  “Now, get over here and kiss me,” she said.

  Greg’s cell phone rang. He wanted to ignore it, but answered it anyway. “Hello?”

  There was no answer—just somebody breathing.


  Still just the sound of someone breathing.

  Greg hung up.

  “Wrong number?” said Cynthia.

  “I guess so. I don’t recognize the number or even the area code.”

  “Maybe you should turn it off. We don’t want any more interruptions.”

  “Good idea.” He turned it off. “In fact, I think we should leave both of our phones off the whole time we’re here.”

  “Fine with me. Of course, I don’t even have mine. Larry took it from me.”

  Great, thought Greg. Now she’s thinking about Larry. That can’t be good just before we make love.

  Cynthia quickly added, “Forget I brought him up.” She paused for a moment, and looked as though she was solving a math problem in her head. “There—forgotten. Now come here and make love to your wife.” She shot him a very sexy smile.

  He instantly forgot about Larry too. “Yes, ma’am, I’m coming—literally.”

  He got down on hands and knees and crawled across the bed to her. Then he bent down and kissed her passionately.

  She said, “You have wonderful lips, Honey.”

  “Well, I’m glad you said that.”


  “Because I’m about to use them on every inch of your glorious naked body.”

  “Ooh, that gave me tingles in all the right places,” she said.

  He started kissing her on the neck. “Good.”

  Next, he began to slowly walk his wet lips down the middle of her chest. “Now let’s see if we can work those tingles into tremors.”

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  “Then I’ll build the tremors into full-blown throbbing.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  He gently kissed along the underside of her right breast.

  She lay in a hypnotic state as she softly said, “I’m all yours, Baby. Do whatever you want with me.”


  It was nearly 9:00 PM, and Larry was dying for a big, juicy steak and fries. He exited Interstate 10 to find a restaurant in Pensacola. He would easily make it to Orlando in time for a nap before the Disney World parks opened.

  He had finally checked the results of the Texas Lottery drawing from Saturday night and found that he had lost! It had been quite a shock when he realized that his $45 million would be going to someone else.

  Perhaps he had somehow disappointed his God of Luck. Maybe he was being punished. Or, more likely, he was being protected. Because if he tried to collect the money, the police might be waiting there to arrest him for the murder of his girlfriend, Erin, or that lawyer, Melanie Maylin, or that old lady in the parking lot.

  And because the authorities were probably looking for him, he couldn’t take a chance on using one of his credit cards. Yet he now had less than $100 cash in his wallet. He needed money for gas, a motel room, park tickets, meals, etc. Where could he get some?

  He spotted a steakhouse across the street from a convenience store. The 24-hour store had two ATM machines—one inside, one outside.

  Larry had plan. A perfect plan.


  Larry parked the Jaguar around the corner from the steakhouse—just in case. But wasn’t that hedging his bets? Why was he afraid to park the car right out front? A true believer would not give it a second thought. A true believer would jump off into the darkness, trusting his luck to protect him. Just like he had done at the football stadium. But maybe that hadn’t really been faith at all. Maybe it was pure desperation.

  He hated to admit it, even to himself, but losing the lottery had put doubts in his mind. He had been so sure he would win. His faith had been completely blind. Oh, the sweet freedom of throwing caution to the wind, he thought. He would regain that kind of faith. But perhaps not tonight.

  He opened the glove box and took out his .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol and suppressor. A typical suppressor changes the sound of a shot, but does little to reduce the volume. But this one took advantage of phase shifting technology. It’s similar to how a person’s voice changes after breathing helium from a balloon. The sound of the shot gets phase shifted to a higher frequency than humans can hear.

  He got out of the car, took off his jacket and threw it on the front seat. Then he opened the trunk and pulled a windbreaker out of his bag. It was a fairly chilly night, and the windbreaker didn’t provide much warmth, but it was part of his plan. He put it on and pulled the hood over his head.

  The 40-something year old woman standing outside the store at the ATM didn’t seem to notice him approaching.

  “Don’t move—I’ve got a gun.” His voice was soft, but intense.

  “Please don’t hurt me.”

  He put his left arm around her, pretending to be the husband. “I want you to withdraw $1,000.”

  “I don’t know if I can—there’s a daily limit. I think it’s $500.”

  “Okay, fine. But hurry up.”

  Her hand was shaking so much she had to punch the buttons very deliberately to be sure she didn’t make an error.

  That’s good, he thought. She knows she’ll probably die if she makes a mistake or takes too long.

  He looked around. Amazingly, there was nobody in sight, except in the store. But those people were too busy purchasing overpriced beer and junk food to notice what was happening outside.

  “Okay. Here it is.” She started to hand it to him.

  “No. Hold on to it. Now do exactly as I say and you won’t get hurt.”

  “I will.”

  “We’re going to walk around to the side of the building.”


  Larry kept his arm around her as they walked around the corner, and then to the back. He released her and pulled out the pistol.

  She held out the cash. “Here’s your money. Now please let me go.”

  He took the cash and aimed the gun at her.

  “Please. I’ve got a husband and three kids. I pr
omise I won’t tell anybody.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you won’t.” He squeezed the trigger.

  The bullet ripped through her chest like a hatchet through crepe paper. He watched her lifeless body fall to the ground. It was the first time he had killed with a gun. He was surprised how good it made him feel.

  He pulled the hood back and walked around the other side of the store and walked inside. Going so long without food was starting to bring on a dull headache. A couple of Excedrin would fix him up.

  “Beautiful evening,” said the middle-aged female clerk.

  “Brisk,” he said. “I love it.” He pointed to the steakhouse across the street. “Do you know how late they’re open?”

  “Usually ‘til about eleven.”


  “Yeah. But they quit taking orders at 10:00.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s 9:50, so you’ll be fine if you get on over there.”

  “Great—I’m starved.”

  Larry stepped out of the store and took a deep breath. Wonderful evening, he thought. He walked across the street to the steakhouse. When he saw the police cruiser pulling into the one available spot in the front, he figured the food must be good.

  Then it occurred to him that cops could be trouble. Why hadn’t that been his first impulse? Because his luck was back—big time. He could feel it running through his veins. Let them serve and protect all they want, he thought. Nobody can touch me.

  The place was packed and it smelled fantastic. A young lady showed him to a table in the back near the kitchen. He realized right away it would be a noisy place to sit. Why should he have to put up with the sound of pots and pans clanging, and cooks yelling? The cops got a great seat in the front. Maybe he’d call the manager over and complain.

  Nah. He didn’t mind pushing his luck, but no sense wasting it on something trivial.


  Larry had been very impressed with his steak and the generous serving of fries. Even their home-style apple pie was excellent.

  And the cops seemed to be enjoying their meal as well—until a man came running in and went straight to their table. Almost immediately, they jumped up, put on their hats, and ran out.

  It seemed like Larry might have stayed a little too long. How could he exit unnoticed?

  His waiter brought the check and poured him another cup of coffee.

  “What was that all about with the police officers?” said Larry.

  “Something happened at the mini-mart across the street. I don’t know if they got robbed or what.”

  “I see. Well, I just hope nobody got hurt.”

  The waitress shook her head. “Yeah. I always thought of this as a safe area.”

  “Well, you just never know, I guess.”

  As soon as she walked away, Larry pulled two twenties out of the ATM envelope and threw them on the table. He had not intended to be a big tipper tonight, but he didn’t have time to wait for change.

  He ducked into the kitchen and hurried toward the back, looking for the exit.

  “Hey, what are you doing back here? It’s employees only.”

  What I’m doing back here is putting a bullet right between your eyes, thought Larry. Be careful what you say, Dude, or you’ll be as dead as the beef hanging in the freezer.

  But Larry didn’t have time for any more trouble right now. “I’m sorry, but I was sitting next to the kitchen and I started feeling really sick.” He acted like he was about to barf. “I need to throw up, Man. Where’s the back door?”

  “Oh, don’t throw up in here. There—go through there. And hurry. And don’t puke on the sidewalk either. Go way out there in the grass.”

  Larry ran out holding his hand over his mouth. Once he was outside, he casually made his way to the sidewalk, and down to the Jaguar.

  He drove out of town at the speed limit, and knew he was safe. Nobody had seen his car and nobody had seen him kill her. The ATM camera probably got a good shot of him, but with the hood pulled down over his face, all they got was a mouth surrounded by beard. They had nothing.

  Larry had executed his plan flawlessly. Murder by gun suited him well. He decided to make it his new weapon of choice.


  After a second round of lovemaking, Greg was tired, sore and very happy. And although he was sleepy, he needed to make a quick trip to the bathroom.

  He had washed his hands and he was about to turn off the light and go back to bed when he glanced at himself in the mirror.

  “Do you have any idea how lucky you are?” his reflection said.

  “Of course I do.”

  “No, really. I don’t think you do. I mean, you’re a nice guy, and not bad looking. And you’ve got a pretty good sense of humor, but come on. Are you kidding me? The girl is fabulous, Man. She’s a supermodel. Can’t you see that?”

  “Sure. But she says it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

  “Well, then you’d better keep your insides in tip top shape, Buddy. ‘Cause you don’t want to ever lose that lady.”

  “I know, I know. Now be quiet while I say a prayer. Lord, I thank you again for Cynthia. I’ll never feel like I deserve her, but I promise to care for her and love her with all my heart every day for the rest of my life. Amen.”

  “That prayer sounded a lot like your wedding vows,” said his reflection.

  “And I’m serious about those vows.”

  Then he heard Cynthia calling to him from the bed. “Greg? Who are you talking to?”

  He opened the door. “Nobody. Well…actually, I was talking to myself.”

  “I see. And just what was yourself telling you?”

  “He was telling me how lucky I am to have you.”

  She smiled. “Well then, you can tell yourself he’s a pretty smart guy.”

  “I think he already knows that. He’s kind of a smart aleck, really.”

  “Well, bring him over here anyway, because I want to kiss both of you.”

  “Whoa. This is getting kinda kinky.”

  “That’s right. Think you can handle it?”

  Suddenly, he wasn’t tired at all.


  Rebecca tried to ignore the phone, but it just kept ringing. She recognized the ring tone—it was Wendy calling from the office, even though she had been instructed not to.

  As soon as she yanked the covers off her head, the sunlight beaming through the slim opening between the curtains hit her in the eye like a laser. “Hello?”

  “Just wanted to find out what time you were coming in. Mrs. Smithers has already called to confirm her appointment.”

  “But, Wendy—“

  “—oh, and that police detective called yesterday. He’s got some more questions for you.”

  Yesterday? Yesterday was Sunday. Wasn’t it? “Wendy, what is today?”

  “The 27th.”

  “No. What day of the week is it?”

  Wendy hesitated, and then said, “It’s Tuesday.”

  Rebecca had already glanced at her clock radio, but thought it was broken. “It’s 8:25 on Tuesday morning.”

  “Yes… What’s the matter, Rebecca?”

  “I was asleep for 24 hours. I knew I was tired, but—okay, I’ll be in soon. Thanks, Wendy. Bye.”

  Rebecca sat on the side of the bed and checked her cell phone for missed calls and messages. It would have been nice to have one from Sandy. Their upcoming Friday night date seemed a year away.

  By now, Greg and Cynthia should be enjoying one heck of an afterglow, she thought. After waiting all that time, their first night must have set the sheets on fire. She imagined what it would be like to get naked with Sandy.

  Surely Greg wouldn’t mind a quick call. It would be nice to know for sure that the honeymoon was finally on track—with no more interference from Larry the Loser.

  Rebecca located what she thought was Greg’s number in her ‘Dialed Calls’ list and pressed the Send button.


; She must have woken Greg up, she thought. He didn’t sound like himself. “Hey, Greg, this is Rebecca Ranghorn.”

  “Oh, yes, Rebecca. Thanks for calling. But, this is not Greg’s number—it’s Cynthia’s.”

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s me—Barry Undermine. And I will be seeing my darling Cynthia very soon. In fact, I plan to impregnate her this very evening.”


  “You heard me. I’m going to plant my seeds in his garden.” He began to laugh.

  “Larry Luzor.” She spit the name into her phone.

  He stopped laughing. “How did you know my real name?”

  “Oh, I know everything about you. Number one: you’re a coward. Number two: you’re a woman killing, slimy, sorry excuse for a human being. And…that’s it. You’re just a Number One and a Number Two. You’re something people flush down the toilet, Larry. I guess that makes you a potty person. Minus the person, of course.”

  “That’s brave talk, coming from a mere woman.”

  “You haven’t dealt with this woman. And when you do—you’re gonna be sorry you ever laid a hand on my partner.”


  “Her name was Melanie.”

  “Oh, I think Candy is more fitting, since Candy let me lick her all over, and I’m telling right now: she was delicious.”

  “You pig!”

  “What about you? Did you ever get a lick of Miss Candy?”

  “You make me want to barf!”

  “I can’t tell you how much fun it was to hump her fine body over and over, and then pop her cute little neck like a chicken bone.”

  “Just name the place and I’ll be there. But you won’t, will you? You ain’t got the balls to try that with me.”

  “Honey, I will be more than happy to take you on. But first, I’ll have my date with Cynthia. I’m gonna introduce that redhead to the business end of a fourteen year-old hard-on. But, don’t worry—I’ll get back to you.”

  “You just leave her alone, or I’ll—“

  “—you’ll what? There’s nothing you can do to stop me, so don’t waste your time. And speaking of time—thanks for the wakeup call. Although, it was a little late. It’s already 9:30, and I’ve got a woman to stalk. So, have a nice day, Honey. See you soon.” He kissed into the phone and hung up.


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