Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

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Complete Works of Lewis Carroll Page 109

by Lewis Carroll

  Univ. “my children”; a = fat; b = gluttons; c = healthy; d = sons; e = taking exercise.


  (1) Things sold in the street are of no great value;

  (2) Nothing but rubbish can be had for a song;

  (3) Eggs of the Great Auk are very valuable;

  (4) It is only what is sold in the street that is really rubbish.

  Univ. “things”; a = able to be had for a song; b = eggs of the Great Auk; c = rubbish; d = sold in the street; e = very valuable.


  (1) No books sold here have gilt edges, except what are in the front shop;

  (2) All the authorised editions have red labels;

  (3) All the books with red labels are priced at 5s. and upwards;

  (4) None but authorised editions are ever placed in the front shop.

  Univ. “books sold here”; a = authorised editions; b = gilt-edged; c = having red labels; d = in the front shop; e = priced at 5s. and upwards.


  (1) Remedies for bleeding, which fail to check it, are a mockery;

  (2) Tincture of Calendula is not to be despised;

  (3) Remedies, which will check the bleeding when you cut your finger, are useful;

  (4) All mock remedies for bleeding are despicable.

  Univ. “remedies for bleeding”; a = able to check bleeding; b = despicable; c = mockeries; d = Tincture of Calendula; e = useful when you cut your finger.


  (1) None of the unnoticed things, met with at sea, are mermaids;

  (2) Things entered in the log, as met with at sea, are sure to be worth remembering;

  (3) I have never met with anything worth remembering, when on a voyage;

  (4) Things met with at sea, that are noticed, are sure to be recorded in the log;

  Univ. “things met with at sea”; a = entered in log; b = mermaids; c = met with by me; d = noticed; e = worth remembering.


  (1) The only books in this library, that I do not recommend for reading, are unhealthy in tone;

  (2) The bound books are all well-written;

  (3) All the romances are healthy in tone;

  (4) I do not recommend you to read any of the unbound books.

  Univ. “books in this library”; a = bound; b = healthy in tone; c = recommended by me; d = romances; e = well-written.


  (1) No birds, except ostriches, are 9 feet high;

  (2) There are no birds in this aviary that belong to any one but me;

  (3) No ostrich lives on mince-pies;

  (4) I have no birds less than 9 feet high.

  Univ. “birds”; a = in this aviary; b = living on mince-pies; c = my; d = 9 feet high; e = ostriches.


  (1) A plum-pudding, that is not really solid, is mere porridge;

  (2) Every plum-pudding, served at my table, has been boiled in a cloth;

  (3) A plum-pudding that is mere porridge is indistinguishable from soup;

  (4) No plum-puddings are really solid, except what are served at my table.

  Univ. “plum-puddings”; a = boiled in a cloth; b = distinguishable from soup; c = mere porridge; d = really solid; e = served at my table.


  (1) No interesting poems are unpopular among people of real taste;

  (2) No modern poetry is free from affectation;

  (3) All your poems are on the subject of soap-bubbles;

  (4) No affected poetry is popular among people of real taste;

  (5) No ancient poem is on the subject of soap-bubbles.

  Univ. “poems”; a = affected; b = ancient; c = interesting; d = on the subject of soap-bubbles; e = popular among people of real taste; h = written by you.


  (1) All the fruit at this Show, that fails to get a prize, is the property of the Committee;

  (2) None of my peaches have got prizes;

  (3) None of the fruit, sold off in the evening, is unripe;

  (4) None of the ripe fruit has been grown in a hot-house;

  (5) All fruit, that belongs to the Committee, is sold off in the evening.

  Univ. “fruit at this Show”; a = belonging to the Committee; b = getting prizes; c = grown in a hot-house; d = my peaches; e = ripe; h = sold off in the evening.


  (1) Promise-breakers are untrustworthy;

  (2) Wine-drinkers are very communicative;

  (3) A man who keeps his promises is honest;

  (4) No teetotalers are pawnbrokers;

  (5) One can always trust a very communicative person.

  Univ. “persons”; a = honest; b = pawnbrokers; c = promise-breakers; d = trustworthy; e = very communicative; h = wine-drinkers.


  (1) No kitten, that loves fish, is unteachable;

  (2) No kitten without a tail will play with a gorilla;

  (3) Kittens with whiskers always love fish;

  (4) No teachable kitten has green eyes;

  (5) No kittens have tails unless they have whiskers.

  Univ. “kittens”; a = green-eyed; b = loving fish; c = tailed; d = teachable; e = whiskered; h = willing to play with a gorilla.


  (1) All the Eton men in this College play cricket;

  (2) None but the Scholars dine at the higher table;

  (3) None of the cricketers row;

  (4) My friends in this College all come from Eton;

  (5) All the Scholars are rowing-men.

  Univ. “men in this College”; a = cricketers; b = dining at the higher table; c = Etonians; d = my friends; e = rowing-men; h = Scholars.


  (1) There is no box of mine here that I dare open;

  (2) My writing-desk is made of rose-wood;

  (3) All my boxes are painted, except what are here;

  (4) There is no box of mine that I dare not open, unless it is full of live scorpions;

  (5) All my rose-wood boxes are unpainted.

  Univ. “my boxes”; a = boxes that I dare open; b = full of live scorpions; c = here; d = made of rose-wood; e = painted; h = writing-desks.


  (1) Gentiles have no objection to pork;

  (2) Nobody who admires pigsties ever reads Hogg’s poems;

  (3) No Mandarin knows Hebrew;

  (4) Every one, who does not object to pork, admires pigsties;

  (5) No Jew is ignorant of Hebrew.

  Univ. “persons”; a = admiring pigsties; b = Jews; c = knowing Hebrew; d = Mandarins; e = objecting to pork; h = reading Hogg’s poems.


  (1) All writers, who understand human nature, are clever;

  (2) No one is a true poet unless he can stir the hearts of men;

  (3) Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”;

  (4) No writer, who does not understand human nature, can stir the hearts of men;

  (5) None but a true poet could have written “Hamlet.”;

  Univ. “writers”; a = able to stir the hearts of men; b = clever; c = Shakespeare; d = true poets; e = understanding human nature; h = writer of ‘Hamlet.’


  (1) I despise anything that cannot be used as a bridge;

  (2) Everything, that is worth writing an ode to, would be a welcome gift to me;

  (3) A rainbow will not bear the weight of a wheel-barrow;

  (4) Whatever can be used as a bridge will bear the weight of a wheel-barrow;

  (5) I would not take, as a gift, a thing that I despise.

  Univ. “things”; a = able to bear the weight of a wheel-barrow; b = acceptable to me; c = despised by me; d = rainbows; e = useful as a bridge; h = worth writing an ode to.


  (1) When I work a Logic-example without grumbling, you may be sure it is one that I can understand;

  (2) These Soriteses are not arranged in regular order, like the examples I am used to;

  (3) No easy example ever make my head ache;

  (4) I ca’n’t understand examples that are not arranged
in regular order, like those I am used to;

  (5) I never grumble at an example, unless it gives me a headache.

  Univ. “Logic-examples worked by me”; a = arranged in regular order, like the examples I am used to; b = easy; c = grumbled at by me; d = making my head ache; e = these Soriteses; h = understood by me.


  (1) Every idea of mine, that cannot be expressed as a Syllogism, is really ridiculous;

  (2) None of my ideas about Bath-buns are worth writing down;

  (3) No idea of mine, that fails to come true, can be expressed as a Syllogism;

  (4) I never have any really ridiculous idea, that I do not at once refer to my solicitor;

  (5) My dreams are all about Bath-buns;

  (6) I never refer any idea of mine to my solicitor, unless it is worth writing down.

  Univ. “my ideas”; a = able to be expressed as a Syllogism; b = about Bath-buns; c = coming true; d = dreams; e = really ridiculous h = referred to my solicitor; k = worth writing down.


  (1) None of the pictures here, except the battle-pieces, are valuable;

  (2) None of the unframed ones are varnished;

  (3) All the battle-pieces are painted in oils;

  (4) All those that have been sold are valuable;

  (5) All the English ones are varnished;

  (6) All those in frames have been sold.

  Univ. “the pictures here”; a = battle-pieces; b = English; c = framed; d = oil-paintings; e = sold; h = valuable; k = varnished.


  (1) Animals, that do not kick, are always unexcitable;

  (2) Donkeys have no horns;

  (3) A buffalo can always toss one over a gate;

  (4) No animals that kick are easy to swallow;

  (5) No hornless animal can toss one over a gate;

  (6) All animals are excitable, except buffaloes.

  Univ. “animals”; a = able to toss one over a gate; b = buffaloes; c = donkeys; d = easy to swallow; e = excitable; h = horned; k = kicking.


  (1) No one, who is going to a party, ever fails to brush his hair;

  (2) No one looks fascinating, if he is untidy;

  (3) Opium-eaters have no self-command;

  (4) Every one, who has brushed his hair, looks fascinating;

  (5) No one wears white kid gloves, unless he is going to a party;

  (6) A man is always untidy, if he has no self-command.

  Univ. “persons”; a = going to a party; b = having brushed one’s hair; c = having self-command; d = looking fascinating; e = opium-eaters; h = tidy; k = wearing white kid gloves.


  (1) No husband, who is always giving his wife new dresses, can be a cross-grained man;

  (2) A methodical husband always comes home for his tea;

  (3) No one, who hangs up his hat on the gas-jet, can be a man that is kept in proper order by his wife;

  (4) A good husband is always giving his wife new dresses;

  (5) No husband can fail to be cross-grained, if his wife does not keep him in proper order;

  (6) An unmethodical husband always hangs up his hat on the gas-jet.

  Univ. “husbands”; a = always coming home for his tea; b = always giving his wife new dresses; c = cross-grained; d = good; e = hanging up his hat on the gas-jet; h = kept in proper order; k = methodical.


  (1) Everything, not absolutely ugly, may be kept in a drawing-room;

  (2) Nothing, that is encrusted with salt, is ever quite dry;

  (3) Nothing should be kept in a drawing-room, unless it is free from damp;

  (4) Bathing-machines are always kept near the sea;

  (5) Nothing, that is made of mother-of-pearl, can be absolutely ugly;

  (6) Whatever is kept near the sea gets encrusted with salt.

  Univ. “things”; a = absolutely ugly; b = bathing-machines; c = encrusted with salt; d = kept near the sea; e = made of mother-of-pearl; h = quite dry; k = things that may be kept in a drawing-room.


  (1) I call no day “unlucky,” when Robinson is civil to me;

  (2) Wednesdays are always cloudy;

  (3) When people take umbrellas, the day never turns out fine;

  (4) The only days when Robinson is uncivil to me are Wednesdays;

  (5) Everybody takes his umbrella with him when it is raining;

  (6) My “lucky” days always turn out fine.

  Univ. “days”; a = called by me ‘lucky’; b = cloudy; c = days when people take umbrellas; d = days when Robinson is civil to me; e = rainy; h = turning out fine; k = Wednesdays.


  (1) No shark ever doubts that it is well fitted out;

  (2) A fish, that cannot dance a minuet, is contemptible;

  (3) No fish is quite certain that it is well fitted out, unless it has three rows of teeth;

  (4) All fishes, except sharks, are kind to children;

  (5) No heavy fish can dance a minuet;

  (6) A fish with three rows of teeth is not to be despised.

  Univ. “fishes”; a = able to dance a minuet; b = certain that he is well fitted out; c = contemptible; d = having 3 rows of teeth; e = heavy; h = kind to children; k = sharks.


  (1) All the human race, except my footmen, have a certain amount of common-sense;

  (2) No one, who lives on barley-sugar, can be anything but a mere baby;

  (3) None but a hop-scotch player knows what real happiness is;

  (4) No mere baby has a grain of common sense;

  (5) No engine-driver ever plays hop-scotch;

  (6) No footman of mine is ignorant of what true happiness is.

  Univ. “human beings”; a = engine-drivers; b = having common sense; c = hop-scotch players; d = knowing what real happiness is; e = living on barley-sugar; h = mere babies; k = my footmen.


  (1) I trust every animal that belongs to me;

  (2) Dogs gnaw bones;

  (3) I admit no animals into my study, unless they will beg when told to do so;

  (4) All the animals in the yard are mine;

  (5) I admit every animal, that I trust, into my study;

  (6) The only animals, that are really willing to beg when told to do so, are dogs.

  Univ. “animals”; a = admitted to my study; b = animals that I trust; c = dogs; d = gnawing bones; e = in the yard; h = my; k = willing to beg when told.


  (1) Animals are always mortally offended if I fail to notice them;

  (2) The only animals that belong to me are in that field;

  (3) No animal can guess a conundrum, unless it has been properly trained in a Board-School;

  (4) None of the animals in that field are badgers;

  (5) When an animal is mortally offended, it always rushes about wildly and howls;

  (6) I never notice any animal, unless it belongs to me;

  (7) No animal, that has been properly trained in a Board-School, ever rushes about wildly and howls.

  Univ. “animals”; a = able to guess a conundrum; b = badgers; c = in that field; d = mortally offended; e = my; h = noticed by me; k = properly trained in a Board-School; l = rushing about wildly and howling.


  (1) I never put a cheque, received by me, on that file, unless I am anxious about it;

  (2) All the cheques received by me, that are not marked with a cross, are payable to bearer;

  (3) None of them are ever brought back to me, unless they have been dishonoured at the Bank;

  (4) All of them, that are marked with a cross, are for amounts of over £100;

  (5) All of them, that are not on that file, are marked “not negotiable”;

  (6) No cheque of yours, received by me, has ever been dishonoured;

  (7) I am never anxious about a cheque, received by me, unless it should happen to be brought back to me;

  (8) None of the cheques received by me, that are marked “not negotiable,” ar
e for amounts of over £100.

  Univ. “cheques received by me”; a = brought back to me; b = cheques that I am anxious about; c = honoured; d = marked with a cross; e = marked ‘not negotiable’; h = on that file; k = over £100; l = payable to bearer; m = your.


  (1) All the dated letters in this room are written on blue paper;

  (2) None of them are in black ink, except those that are written in the third person;

  (3) I have not filed any of them that I can read;

  (4) None of them, that are written on one sheet, are undated;

  (5) All of them, that are not crossed, are in black ink;

  (6) All of them, written by Brown, begin with “Dear Sir”;

  (7) All of them, written on blue paper, are filed;

  (8) None of them, written on more than one sheet, are crossed;

  (9) None of them, that begin with “Dear Sir,” are written in the third person.

  Univ. “letters in this room”; a = beginning with “Dear Sir”; b = crossed; c = dated; d = filed; e = in black ink; h = in third person; k = letters that I can read; l = on blue paper; m = on one sheet; n = written by Brown.


  (1) The only animals in this house are cats;

  (2) Every animal is suitable for a pet, that loves to gaze at the moon;

  (3) When I detest an animal, I avoid it;

  (4) No animals are carnivorous, unless they prowl at night;

  (5) No cats fails to kill mice;

  (6) No animals ever take to me, except what are in this house;

  (7) Kangaroos are not suitable for pets;

  (8) None but carnivora kill mice;

  (9) I detest animals that do not take to me;

  (10) Animals, that prowl at night, always love to gaze at the moon.

  Univ. “animals”; a = avoided by me; b = carnivora; c = cats; d = detested by me; e = in this house; h = kangaroos; k = killing mice; l = loving to gaze at the moon; m = prowling at night; n = suitable for pets; r = taking to me.



  AN1Answers to § 1.


  Sign of Quantity.

  “persons represented by the Name ‘I’” (or “I’s”)




  “persons who have been out for a walk”


  or, more briefly,

  “All | ‘I’s | are | persons who have been out for a walk”.


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