Gone Black

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Gone Black Page 6

by Linda Ladd

  Black watched, shocked, not having expected that kind of misinformation to be floated to the media, trying to figure out why they would disseminate news of his death. How would that help Soquet exact his revenge? When the answer finally hit him, Black went cold all over. They must be planning to keep him captive in this room. Forever. Never let him go. And if everyone thought he was already dead, nobody would even come looking. Life would go on for everyone in his life. Life would go on for Claire.

  Then, without warning, the wall of televisions went black again, and all was pitch dark for about a minute. After that, the lights flared on, and a door swung open over to his right. The padded panels had hidden it from him until that moment, and then he saw the girl with the red hair standing there in the threshold. Jaxy. The little boy was on the leash right behind her. Now Jaxy had on a white silk dress and white spike heels and a white mantilla, as if she were dressed to attend Mass. She looked bizarre. Her skin was almost as pale as the dress, making the mass of red freckles more noticeable. Her eyes were black as midnight and so cold that Black tried not to shiver. Her hair was loose and partially covering the dent in her forehead made by the shrapnel from her mother’s car.

  “Hello again, my dear doctor,” she taunted him, speaking in French this time.

  Black just stared at her. Said nothing. He had not seen her for a long time before last night, not since she was a child of about ten years old. She was innocent then. But now she was no longer innocent. She was very bad news, and she was ready to inflict her cruel arts on him. No doubt about it. He could already see the eagerness to maim inside her eyes.

  Black noticed that the camera had come back on, the red light blinking. Whatever she was going to do to him, they wanted it on film. For posterity, or for even worse reasons. He said nothing.

  The girl watched him briefly, and then she smiled. She was tall and lithe and attractive in a sort of evil way. She had what looked like his cell phone in her right hand. She walked forward and stood in front of his chair. “You see this?” She held up his phone. “We aren’t completely heartless, doctor. You need to let poor little Claire Morgan know that you are alive and well. It’s not her fault that you have done so much evil in your life. She needs to know that you are here being punished for all your many sins.”

  Black still said nothing. He was trying to guess her game. They were not giving him a phone call out of the goodness of their hearts. The phone probably didn’t work, and they were after the disappointment he would feel after having gotten his hopes up. There was no way in hell they would ever let him call Claire. Unless it was to their advantage, and what advantage would that be? Luring her to them? To use her against him?

  “Oh, my, you are giving me the silent treatment, I see. That won’t do you any good, dear doctor. But it is up to you. But look here, I have pulled up your poor bride’s number for you.” She patted his cheek with long black fingernails that had been filed into sharp points. “See? I am not so heartless. We are not uncivilized, but you cannot say that, can you? You will stoop to anything that will get you what you want. You have proved that many times, no?”

  Black only stared at her. Then she squatted down in front of him and got up close to his face, her dark eyes intense, almost glittering under the ceiling lights. She continued to chat, as if they were friends out having a drink in a neighborhood bar. “Oh, dear, your eye is all swollen up now, getting black and soon you won’t be able to see out of it. I suspect that you have one very terrible headache, too, no? Perhaps even a broken nose. And all that blood on your nice clean white shirt. Poor Nick. My sap is very heavy, is it not? You should not have fought us so hard, and we would not have hurt you at all. We didn’t want to hurt you, you see. Not really. Not then. Our orders were not to hurt you, not a hair on your handsome head. But alas, you left us no choice.”

  “Where’s your daddy, Jaxy? He sending a girl to do his dirty work?”

  “Oh, he’s watching, don’t you worry about that.”

  “Why am I here?”

  She stood up and smiled, her glossy red lips glistening under the blinding light. “Why, we want you to suffer, of course. We want you to suffer as no other human being on earth has ever suffered before. And forever, I might add. Until we watch you draw your very last breath on this earth. And that moment is many years away. Many long, torturous years ahead.”

  She stood up and poked the screen a couple of times on his cell phone. Then she smiled again and turned the screen toward him. He saw that it was on FaceTime, and she was calling Claire’s number. He would be able to see Claire when she answered, and she would be able to see him. The phone kept ringing without anyone answering. Were they really going to let him talk to Claire? Why would they do that? After going to all the trouble to put out the false news about his death? Or would they hang up before he could say anything? He wondered if the phone had been rigged with electricity to shock him when they put it up to his ear. Like that poor boy’s shock collar. That would not surprise him. They had torture down to an art. They were known for it. Psychopaths, one and all.

  He waited. Jaxy waited. She smiled down at him the entire time, while the phone continued to ring.

  Chapter Two

  Claire still huddled in the corner of her bedroom, her wedding gown bunched up all around her knees, the soft silk fabric cold from the air conditioning. Oh, God, the taped music was playing “Unchained Melody” again. Damn it! Why didn’t they just turn it off? She could hear it but it was very low. Black had said the words of that song to her on their last day in Tahiti, and she had promised him she wouldn’t back out of the wedding. And now he was gone and everything was over. Her life was over.

  She should’ve known this would happen. Everybody that she had ever loved had been taken away from her, all her life it had happened, one person after another, her loved ones had been killed or murdered or died horrible deaths and usually because of her. Dead and gone, here one minute, gone the next. And now Black was dead, too. She shouldn’t ever have let herself fall in love with him. She knew it when she first met him and he pursued her. She had fought very hard at first to keep him at bay. It had been a mistake from the very beginning. She’d told him that, told him that terrible things happened to people who loved her. He should have run in the opposite direction, but he wouldn’t listen. And now it had happened again. Anger began to rise up deep inside her breast, rising and rising, until it was hard and brutal and pure pain.

  Furious in her grief, she scrambled to her feet, kicking the stupid silk skirts and petticoats out of her way, ready to scream and rant, and make the music go away. She ripped off her wedding dress, struggling with all the tiny buttons and lace loops on the front, threw it down as hard as she could, and left it in a crumpled heap on the rug. She walked into the bathroom and scrubbed every trace of makeup off her face and jerked down her hair from its stupid pins and stiff hairspray. She hated the way she looked. She hated everything. She hated herself. She hated her life. And she hated Black for leaving her like this, without warning, just up and getting killed on their wedding day. She jerked on a black T-shirt and faded jeans, trying to clear all thoughts of him out of her mind, but that sure as hell didn’t work. Her hands still trembled and her stomach churned in anger and disbelief.

  Then, as she stood there alone, trembling, the realization that he really was dead hit her, that she would never see his face again, not ever in her life. That’s when the grief hit her full force, and she knew there wasn’t a single thing she could do about it. Her life with him was just over, just like that. In seconds. She frowned and tried to pull herself together again, because the music just kept on playing. Her fists clenched and so did her jaw, and she kept trying to shake away her devastated, destroyed emotions. Then, after a few moments, she finally came to herself enough to realize that Black’s song wasn’t coming from outside, wasn’t the sound track at all. It was coming from her iPhone, low and haunting, where the cellular lay vibrating around on the bedside table. Black had
put that song into her phone, to alert her when he was calling, he’d said, to make her remember how much he loved her. He had done that just the other night before he left for Italy. Oh, God, it was him calling! It had to be. It was his phone!

  Rushing across to the bed, Claire grabbed up the phone, and punched On with trembling fingers, her voice coming out shrill and anxious. “Black? Where are you? Are you okay?”

  Then she realized that the call had come in to her on FaceTime, and she could see him. Up close. She could see his face. That’s when her heart nearly stopped and then just plummeted down to the ground. She hardly recognized him. His face was black and blue and swollen from a terrible beating. His pure blue eyes were half closed, the right one almost swollen shut, and he looked dazed. But, oh, thank you, God, he was still alive. He was breathing and trying hard to focus his eyes on her.

  “Claire, Claire, listen to me, gotta listen, gotta …” Black sounded breathless, his voice hoarse, as if it was difficult for him to speak. He was mumbling, his bottom lip split open and bleeding. Oh, damn, damn, somebody had punched him in the mouth, hit him repeatedly in the face. Who? Where was he? What was going on? He kept trying to focus on her but couldn’t quite seem to do it. He looked half drugged. And then, while Claire watched, something came into the picture and whacked up hard against his temple. Black’s eyes rolled back into his head, and his head fell forward. Then she could hear him groaning, and her fingers clenched so hard around the phone that she thought the screen would crack. She was so angry and horrified and shocked that someone was hurting him like that. She couldn’t stand it!

  Then the phone’s camera slowly moved away from Black and turned around until Claire was staring at a very young woman. One with pale white skin that was covered with red freckles, so many that it looked like sunburn. Her dark red hair was loose and flowing down over her shoulders like a silk waterfall, partially covering one eye. She was smiling into the camera, a pink weighted sap held up for Claire to see. “Oh, hello there, love. You must be Claire Morgan. You’re Dr. Black’s favorite fiancée, is that right? So sorry for keeping your groom from attending your wedding, and all that bother.” She spoke in English but with an accent. Claire was almost positive that it was colored by some French dialect.

  Claire began to feel the rage blasting up inside her again, harder and faster than before, so much that she could actually feel heat burning through her blood. “You bitch,” she gritted out, so breathless with hatred that she could barely speak. “You hit him again and I’ll kill you. I’ll find you and I’ll kill you. I swear I will.”

  The redhead laughed as if very pleased at Claire’s reaction, and then she wrinkled up her nose. “You mean like this, Claire?”

  She hit Black again. A glancing blow to the side of his head, and then Black was completely out, knocked unconscious, his head hanging down, his chin touching his chest.

  “Stop it,” Claire gritted out. “Stop it. I’ll do whatever you say. What do you want?”

  “I think maybe I’ll just hang up. You’re not being very nice to me. I heard you were headstrong. I don’t like headstrong women.”

  “No, wait,” Claire said quickly, realizing that she had to remain calm. For Black. Whoever this girl was, whatever she wanted, she got off on hurting him. That was plain to see.

  “You should think twice before calling me a bitch like that,” the girl said. “Because, you know what, Claire? I can just take Nick’s gun here …” She held up a black Colt .45 revolver. Black’s weapon, the one he always carried. “And just shoot this guy of yours between those very, very blue eyes of his. You can watch if you want to and see his brain splatter all over the place. You do realize that, don’t you? That I am in control here. Not you. Not Dr. Black. Me. And me alone. I can do anything I want to him, anything that I damn well please, and you cannot do a damn thing about it. I am holding all the cards, as they say in the old Western movies. So you better listen, and you better be a good little girl.”

  Claire held her breath, tried to control her fury, which was on the edge of exploding again. Because everything the woman said was true, every single word. She could kill Black at any moment. Then the camera turned back again to him. The picture focused on his battered face, and Claire watched as the girl grabbed a handful of his black hair and pulled his head back. Then she pressed the nose of the gun against Black’s forehead. “Or, maybe, I’ll just kill him now. Less bother for all of us.”

  When the girl pulled the trigger, Claire went absolutely stiff, every muscle in her body as rigid as steel. But it only clicked on an empty chamber. Claire wilted, but was so affected by the ruse that she almost fell to her knees. Oh, God, oh, God, she kept thinking. Then she struggled very hard to steady her voice but didn’t quite make it all the way. Her words trembled with residual reaction and the realization that the woman could put a real bullet in that gun at any moment.

  “Who are you?” she asked, her voice shaking. “What do you want? A ransom? Is that it? You want money? Well, you can have it. Name your price. Anything you want, any amount of money, and I’ll make sure you get it. Just don’t hurt him anymore.”

  The despicable woman found all that amusing, and let out another shrill of sadistic laughter. “We don’t want your stupid money. We have all the money we’ll ever need. We just called to let you know that the doctor here is alive and well. Well, he’s sort of well, at the moment, anyway. But you probably need to know that we are going to kill him soon in the worst way imaginable, if you don’t do exactly what we say, when we say it, and how we say it.”

  With that terrible threat, Claire instantly stilled and became deathly calm. Okay, now she had to get a grip on herself. She had to talk this crazy woman down, and right now. No telling what she was capable of. Claire had to reason with her in a coherent manner. Black’s life depended on it. “No, please don’t do that. Please. Tell me what you want. You have to want something or you wouldn’t have called me. Tell me, and I’ll do it. Anything, anything at all.”

  “Oh, my, but aren’t you an astute little lady. And you are exactly right, of course. We do have a demand, but not to worry. It’s just the one. But you know what, Claire? Now that I’ve met you and you’ve been so damn disrespectful, maybe I’ll forget all that and just shoot him in the head with a real bullet this time. Right now, and let you watch his brains and blood spatter all over that wall behind him. Or maybe I’ll just slash his jugular and let him bleed out, right in front of your eyes. How about that, sweetie?” The video swiveled back to Black. He looked as if he was trying to come to, his head lolling around, but he couldn’t quite lift it. Then the bitch grabbed a handful of his hair again. She placed the nose of the .45 tight against his forehead while she held the camera with her other hand. “You see, he is completely helpless. All I have to do is insert one little bullet and pull this trigger here, just give it a tiny little tug, and you will become his widow, even before you became his bride.”

  Right then, when Claire saw the gun digging cruelly into Black’s face, she felt the anger rising up, hard and fast and powerful, but she forced herself to remain calm, not let her fury get him killed. She had to do anything this woman wanted. She could not make a mistake. She could not say the wrong words. She could not annoy her or make her angry, not in any way. This woman was insane, or on drugs, maybe, or both. It showed clearly in her unnaturally bright black eyes and self-satisfied look when she struck him. She was a sadist, no question about it. She got off on hurting people. She loved it. “No, no, please don’t kill him. I’ll do anything you want. Just tell me what to do.”

  The camera returned to the woman’s face. She had a big smile on her face now, enjoying tormenting Claire with her threats. She was sick all right. “I just knew you’d be a reasonable woman, Claire. We know all about you, you know. All that stuff about your being such an ace detective, getting all those bad guys and locking them up.” She swiveled the camera back to Black again. His eyes were still closed. She grabbed his hair again and push
ed his head up until it leaned back against the chair. Then she slapped him hard across the cheek with an open palm. The loud crack it made and the pain it inflicted brought him around a little more. Then she put her mouth on his and kissed him long and very hard.

  Claire’s teeth clamped together. She was so enraged for that first instant that she could not even breathe. But she couldn’t let that show, could not show anything but meek cooperation. Right now, Black’s life depended on her self-control. She would not do anything to get him hurt more or killed. She took a few seconds to tamp it down, and then she said as calmly as she could, “Okay, tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. I swear I will. Anything you say.”

  Then the woman’s face came back on-screen. This time her hair was pulled back off her face and tucked behind one ear, and Claire could see Black’s blood on her lips. She could also see the satisfaction, the extreme pleasure the redhead was taking in all of it. She could also see the big indentation on one side of her forehead. It looked bizarre, like some kind of deformity. Or like some kind of horrible head wound.

  “Well, goody for you,” she said to Claire, her smile fading. “Listen carefully, because I will not repeat myself. We want one thing from you, and one thing only.”

  Then she said nothing, just grinned some more.

  Claire frowned, trying to make sense of what she meant. “What then? Tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll do it.”

  “We want you to come here and get him.”

  Confused, Claire tried to figure out the ramifications of a rescue. But she could hear Black in the background, moaning, in pain. Oh, God, how did they get him? He was always so careful. He was big and strong and well trained, always armed, more than capable of taking care of himself, of defending himself against attack. How on earth did they get to him? “What do you mean, come and get him?”


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