Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 14

by Jeneveir Evans

Mad Dog

  My gaze traveled around the table to the ten men sitting with me. Possum - VP, Seer - Secretary, Tater – Treasurer, Slaughter – Enforcer, Blood – Sgt. At Arms and lead Enforcer, Karma – Road Captain, Trooper – Tail Gunner, Cueball – Founder, and Hoss and Maul. This was my core group of men who I brainstormed with. I trusted every single Brother sitting at the table with my life. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that not one man sitting at this table with me would ever betray this MC. Each one was either a Founder of this club or tied to a Founder. I valued their opinions, no matter what the situation.

  “What do you think?” I asked as I glanced around to each man sitting at the table with me.

  “Well after meeting him, I see where Rebel and Pred get their serious and responsible demeanors from.” Hoss stated.

  Nods came from the rest of the men.

  “Agreed, Brother,” I replied.

  I looked at Seer, he was one of the last four fully active Founders of the club. He had wisdom and a grasp of knowledge more so than most men. His whole life, he seemed to be able to predict things that would happen in the future and he had the ability to read men. It's like he could see scenarios play out in front of him long before they occurred. He'd had the nickname of Seer since he was a child. Most of the men sitting at the table received what would end up being their club handles as a child.

  “Seer, thoughts?”

  “Let you know in a minute, Prez. Want to hear what everyone else thinks about him.”

  I lifted my chin at him.

  “One thing he showed me last night is he sure isn't afraid of anyone thinking he might be less of a man.” Cueball stated.

  “How so, Cue?”

  “Well, how many of you fucker's would have had the balls to walk into an unknown MC, size up the people he was meeting for the first time, then be comfortable enough to dance with not one but two Old Ladies in front of the whole club?” Cueball responded.

  Everyone chuckled at this. But he was right, it took balls.

  “I agree with Cue's statement,” Possum said. “Shows to me he has a love for his women. That's a big thing if you ask me. That kind of love flows throughout a whole family and we've seen the evidence of it through Reb and Pred.”

  Everyone uttered their agreement.

  “It also showed us that he's a pretty good sport and damn smart. He figured out he had been set up as soon as that second song began to play.” Karma added.

  “Truth there,” came from Slaughter.

  “Agreed,” his brother in blood, Trooper said.

  I looked at Blood. He didn't speak a lot; he was like his dad that way. Instead, he would study every situation he was in, analyze things and never let his vigilance down. His old man, Undertaker, had been a Founder. It had hit us all hard when he and his Old Lady died in a motorcycle crash years ago.


  “I observed him for a while. The man could have told us where everyone was at any given time. He took in every single detail around him, don't think he missed much if anything. He's hyper vigilant. Man like that is good to have in your corner.” Blood responded.

  “Yeah and he's got a good poker face,” Slaughter added. “Was damn near impossible to figure out what he was thinking unless he wanted you to.”

  Heads lifted in accord. I glanced back at Seer. He'd taken everything in that everyone had said and added to what he knew. He saw me looking at him and nodded.

  “Ok Prez, here's my take. We were all leery when Beau asked if he could invite Rebel and Predator here to visit. Yeah, we all heard the story, but we were worried about what we might be bringing into the MC. We didn't have a clue if those boys were trustworthy or were looking for information on us to try to use somehow. We didn't know the caliber of men they were. Didn't take us long and we all liked those boys, that's why we invited them back. Over the last couple years, they have shown that while they know how to enjoy themselves, they are quiet, serious, respectful and helpful.

  “They haven't ever done one thing wrong as far as I can tell. And after hearing their story, I believe they have become damn fine men considering everything they've seen, heard and been through already in their young lives. Boys don't just turn into men like them. They are taught how to be that way and after meeting Viper, I see how they have come to be the respectful, thoughtful men that they are. I see good things of Rebel one day. He has a way about him, a good head on his shoulders.”

  Seer paused for a moment as he studied his hands, his way of collecting his thoughts.

  “People live what they learn and observe. I believe for their whole lives, those boys have watched a man be loyal, honest, respectful, humble, hardworking, loving his family and caring of others. They have absorbed his traits. I believe that Viper is a man we can trust and would be a good addition to this club. I'm curious to listen to him. To see if he lives up to those boy’s admiration and devotion to him.”

  Every head nodded, mine included. Rings of Hear! Hear! and Agree! rang out from around the table. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 9:59. Time to talk with Viper.



  I sat in the Great Room drinking a beer at the bar. If these men were the type I thought they were, some of them were in a meeting discussing me. It's what I would have done. I would have wanted the men I trusted the most to give me their thoughts and opinions on the matter. This was a big step for any club to take, and I was thankful this opportunity had presented itself. It was the only point of contention with my plan. Not having anywhere to take my family or Brothers when this was all over with.

  I had no clue how they would feel about adding more than just the boys and me, but if offered the chance to come here, I was going to find out. I wasn't sure if I could in good conscious leave Brothers hanging in the wind just to have a place for me and my family. I wanted the boys here. I believed this was the perfect fit for them. I just had to wait and see about the rest.

  I heard a noise coming from the hallway that led to the room where they held Church. I turned around on my stool and saw Mad Dog walking towards me.

  “Ready, Viper?” he asked.

  “Ready as I'll ever be,” I responded.

  Then, I followed him back down the hall to what might possibly be the answer to my prayers.


  “Take a seat, Brother.” Mad Dog said. “Then we'll go around the table and let the guys reintroduce themselves to you and give you their positions in the club. I know with all the chaos of yesterday, it had to be hard to keep everyone straight.”

  I nodded as I sat down. I looked at each man as they spoke, making sure my memory of who they were was correct. The added info on their club status hopefully would come in handy later on. After everyone was finished, I inclined my head at the group then looked at Mad Dog and waited for him to speak.

  “The men before you are all Brothers who I trust and value. Each man is in one way, shape, or form, either a Founder or connected to a Founder of this club. I trust them with anything that has to do with this club and with my life. This club, Viper, is my life, just as it is for each man sitting here. They are more than just club Brothers, they are family.”

  I lifted my chin at him.

  “We'd like to chat with you and ask some questions, and I'm sure you might have some as well. Sound good?” he asked.

  “Sounds good, Mad Dog.” I replied.

  “So, we all know you're the VP of Spawns of Satan, I'd like to know how long you've been a member?” Karma started the questions off.

  “Twenty-four years.”

  “Damn long time. How long have you been the VP?” came from Maul.

  “Seventeen years.”

  “Why did you join in the first place?” Slaughter asked.

  “My dad Serpent, along with Satan, were the founders. Dad was VP, then President, that had a little to do with it. Plus, I like the idea of a brotherhood, where you have someone you can trust and who will have your back. But ultimately, the reas
on I accepted my patch was because of Jennie.”

  “We've heard the story, but would you care to elaborate a little bit?” Cueball said.

  I sighed deeply; this was where most men would think I had been crazy for doing what I did. Time would tell what these men thought.

  “It's a long story, so bear with me.”

  Everyone nodded at me, so I continued, “I was a Prospect when I started dating Mia and usually her best friend, Jennie, came along for most of our dates. I was already having my doubts about accepting my patch into the club. There was some brotherhood in the club, but not what I had hoped for or expected, and I was seriously thinking about leaving, especially as Mia and I became serious pretty quick. I knew she was the one for me the moment I met her. Then, I made a mistake that has haunted me ever since then. But I don't regret the outcome of the mistake in the least little bit.”

  I looked down at the table a moment to get my thoughts in order.

  “There was a party one night that was mandatory for all Brothers and I had to be there to tend the bar. Mia had wanted to come, and I had told her no, she begged me to, thought it would be fun, I knew better but eventually gave in to her and told her she could come. I told her as soon as she got there to come inside directly to me at the bar.

  “I didn't know she planned on bringing Jennie with her, if I had known, I wouldn't have let that happen. It was going to be difficult enough with just Mia. I was only a Prospect, so technically I couldn't claim Mia yet in the eyes of the Brothers. The only thing that I was counting on was my old man backing me if any of the Brothers started messing with her.”

  I paused for a moment, reflecting back on that time, while I wished Devil had never gotten a hold of Jennie, if he hadn't I would have lost out on having her in my life and bearing my children. I wouldn't have been as good a man without Jennie in my life. It was a fucking catch-22.

  “There was another club there that night, so I was running around like mad getting drinks for the guys. I didn't even realize Mia and Jennie had come in and were at the bar before it was too late. They were attracting all kinds of attention. I got to Mia and staked my claim, some of the Brothers weren't having it, but thankfully Dad backed me up. But with Jennie I was screwed, thus allowing her fair game as far as the men were concerned.

  “And unfortunately, the person who made it clear she was his for the night and that he wasn't sharing was Devil, Satan's son. Everyone backed away and let it go. No one wanted to mess with both of them. Thus, started a sick and perverted relationship between Devil and Jennie. I'm pretty sure Devil raped her that night.”

  Low growls could be heard coming from some of the men.

  “Jennie had been raised in an abusive home; her parents were alcoholics who liked their drugs as well.” My thoughts went back to yesterday and all that she had said to me, it made my stomach clench. “The only person who had ever been there for Jennie was Mia, and despite how Devil treated her, she thought she had someone else that cared for her.

  “She was this starry-eyed girl with blinders on, at first she believed Devil could do no wrong. That soon changed. Mia and I talked about it and agreed that I would patch in and try to watch out for Jennie. Soon, Jennie became pregnant with Rebel. During this time frame, Mia and I got married and she was expecting too.

  “Devil would allow Jennie to visit with Mia and Mia learned of all the shit he was doing to Jennie. It turned my stomach, and I wanted to kill the fucker. If I could have figured out a way to do it without getting caught, I would have. Soon both gave birth and Devil actually quit beating her for a couple months. How the hell she didn't miscarry Rebel I'll never know. Then next thing we know, she's pregnant again. After she had the baby, Devil wouldn't let her go out of the trailer they lived in that sat behind the Clubhouse.”

  I paused again and forced myself to unfurl my fists that I had unconsciously been clenching hard.

  “No one saw Jennie for several months. It didn't matter what I tried; I couldn't get to her to check on her. About eight months had passed and the only way I knew she was alive was because someone was taking care of the boys. Devil would occasionally bring one or the other out to show off.

  “During this time Mia had made herself sick with worry. She begged me to do something, anything, and I fucking couldn't figure out a god damn thing to do. She came up with the idea of me making Jennie my Old Lady as well. I immediately said no, but she kept begging. And I'm not going to lie to you, after trying to watch out for Jennie for the past couple years, a part of me was slowly starting to think of her as mine. I hadn't ever known anyone having two Old Ladies but had heard about it happening. I finally told Mia I would think about it. I was scared as shit if I did it, that it would ruin my marriage with Mia, but by this point I was desperate to find a way to get Jennie out of there.”

  I paused when Mad Dog handed me a beer across the table. I took a long drink before I carried on with the story.

  “It all came to a head one night at a party. I wouldn't allow Mia to come to any more of the parties, but she wanted me to go just in case Devil brought Jennie. Well on this particular night, he fucking brought her to the party. I heard her screams long before he dragged her by her hair into the Clubhouse in nothing more than a t-shirt and panties. She had been beaten so bad her eyes were almost swollen shut. She had bruises all up and down her body and she looked fucking anorexic.”

  I had to stop and clear my throat. I took another long drink of beer; this was bringing back fucking memories that I hadn't ever wanted to relive again.

  In a voice raw with emotion, I continued, “He threw her on the floor, kicked her hard in her ribs and you could hear the crack they made all over the room. He then yelled out he was through with her; she was free meat for the boys to have. And into the silence before anyone could say anything, I stood up and yelled that I was claiming her as my Old Lady.

  “Devil flew into a rage and said that no I wasn't, I had an Old Lady. Then Satan stepped in and asked Devil if he was claiming her then, to which Devil responded hell no, he didn't want any bitch as an Old Lady. Satan looked at me and said, you have an Old Lady, and I responded there wasn't anything written in the bylaws that said I couldn't have two Old Ladies. Satan agreed that there wasn't and then asked if anyone else wanted to claim Jennie as well. Not one word was spoken. He then said so be it, she's Viper's Old Lady as well.”

  I took a drink and cleared my throat.

  “That was one of the only two good things that motherfucker ever did in his sorry life. Devil was beyond furious. I picked up Jennie, she was crying and begging me to get the boys. I looked at Satan and he ordered a couple club girls to go get them and bring them there. I was sweating bullets, I'm not gonna shit ya.

  “Meanwhile, Devil snorted some coke, so he was higher than a damn kite, making him unstable as hell. I knew Jennie wasn't leaving without her sons, but I didn't know what Devil was gonna do. The girls got there with the boys and took them to Satan, they were both screaming like banshees. As soon as they saw Jennie, they started screaming for her and Satan told the girls to give them to her.

  “I’d been watching Devil the whole time to see what he was going to do, and the motherfucker acted like he could care less about what was going on. Satan told me to take them, but that I needed to remember that those were his grandsons and not think about doing anything stupid because he would be watching. I left that fucking Clubhouse like it was on fire.”

  I reached out and downed the rest of my beer. The retelling of this had my nerves stretched tight. There was dead silence in the room for about a minute then I heard from the end of the table someone clearing their throat.

  “Mother. Fucker. That man needs killing in a bad way.” Tater said.

  I didn't disagree with the statement at all.

  “Well that answered a lot of questions in more ways than one.” Mad Dog commented.

  I quirked an eyebrow at him and he shook his head at me.

  “So, we understand why you cou
ldn't leave, hell it would have been suicide to attempt to take that girl before that. Then once you had her, with Satan's threat, you were screwed. There was no leaving then.” Mad Dog said.

  I dipped my head at him.

  “But once Satan was dead, why didn't you leave?” Hoss asked.

  “Two days after I claimed Jennie there was a club ride. I decided not to go. I didn't trust that Devil might not come by the house and try something. I knew Satan didn't go because his ankle was in a cast. So, I decided to go talk with him and ask if he would keep an eye on Devil as well. I knew he didn't want Devil having an Old Lady. He hated any of the Brothers having Old Ladies.

  “I just didn't give a shit that he didn't like it. He wasn't telling me how to live my life. It wasn't written in the bylaws so he couldn't enforce it. At the time, I lived close enough to walk to the Clubhouse and so I did. Not sure what compelled me to do so truthfully, just felt like what I needed to do. I only saw Satan's bike when I got there and figured he was in his office, so I went in. As soon as I entered, I could hear Devil screaming at Satan. He was fucking pissed off about Satan letting me leave with the boys and letting me have Jennie as an Old Lady.”

  I paused, looked over at Mad Dog and said, “Would like another beer, Brother, if you don't mind.”

  He reached behind him to a small cooler, grabbed a beer and slid it across the table to me. I twisted the top off and took a long drink.

  “I'd left an old recorder behind the bar that I used to listen to music on when I was a Prospect, so I crept down behind the bar and got it. There was an old tape inside it with recorded shit on it. It was almost fully rewound, so I just hit record and as loud as Devil was being, I got every word he said. Then I heard a gun go off, three shots totaled were fired. Devil came running down the hall like the hounds of hell were after him. I waited for about ten minutes after he left to make sure he wasn't coming back before going to check on Satan. He was dead.

  “My dad kept an old Polaroid in his office, so I ran to see if it had film in it. Luckily, it did. I went back and took every available picture in it of Satan lying there in a pool of blood. I took the pictures and the taped recording with me and got the hell out of there.”


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